Planning History Bulletin 1983 Volume 5 Number 1 Planning History Group PLANNING HISTORY BULLETIN 1983 Vo1.5 No.1 CONTENTS CHAIRMAN ' S NOTE TREASURER ' S NOTE MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES Planning 1930-1960 Planning History Group Meeting , Oxford, September 1983 Geddes at Dundee Planning f o r Health, 1850-1950 BOOK REVIEWS John Hall, The Geography of pLanning decisions (Derek Gunby) 4 Derek Fraser (ed) , Municipal. reform and the industria~ city 5 (Richard Dennis) F .M.L. Thompson (ed) , The rise of suburbia (James H. Johnson ) 6 THESES 8 PUBLICATIONS 10 NOTES AND NEWS 1 3 NEW MEMBERS 14 WORK IN PROGRESS 16 ARTICLES John Sulman and ' the laying out of towns'. 18 Robert Freestone. Site- planning and the contro l of social behaviour: the 24 'ideology' of residential areas. Gilles Barbey. Factory housing in early Victorian Lancashire. S.M. Gaskell. 29 Ostend and Antwer in the 33 e. A hundred years behind? Thomas Hall.· 38 Chairman's Note The term of office for the following members of the Executive will come to an end in August 1983: U.K. non-U.K. Or M. Cuthbert, Department of Town and Country Or M.J. Bannon, Department of Regional and Urban Planning, Heriot-Watt University Planning, University College Dublin Or S.M. Gaskell, Assistant Principal, City of Ms Eugenie Birch, Graduate Programme in Urban Liverpool College of Higher Education Planning, Hunter College New York Or M. Hebbert, London School of Economics Professor B.A. Brownell , Department of Urban Studies, University of Alabama Or R.J.P. Kain, Department of Geography, Uni­ versity of Exeter Mrs Christiane Col1ins, Adam L. Gimbel Library, Parsons School of Design New York Ms Joan E. Draper, History of Architecture and Art Department, University of Illinois Professor D. Hu1chanski, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto The Group's Constitution provides for an annual opportunity for new blood on the Executive. There is, therefore, an annual election system based on a postal ballot. The names of those PHG members wishing to offer themselves for election o r re-election should be submitted to me in writing not later than 30 June 1983. There are no requirements for proposers or seconders. If there are more than the required number of names submitted (four for UK; six for non-UK) there will be an election by postal ballot, and voting slips will be enclosed in the August number of the BuUetin. The December issue will announce the result, but the Executive will be in post before then. Exhortations to membe rs to pay their annual subscription early in the year seem to have been well received, particularly in the UK where 73% of the 139 members have already paid. For non-UK countries the figure is 54% of 138 members, so there is still some way to go. If you have not yet cleared your 1983 membership subscription please do so quickly. The Editor has been able to assemble a number of papers of international interest for this issue. The broad breadth of appeal is certainly something we wish to main­ tain and indeed develop: over to you, please bombard him with your offerings! Gordon E. Cherry TREASURER'S NOTE PLANNING HISTORY GROUP: BALANCE SHEET FOR 1982 E Income E Expenditure Balance from 1981 1192.17 Bulletin printing costs (4 issue s) 4 81 . 98 subscriptions for 1982 1113 . 35 550 . 10 Subs for other years 103.80 Membership Mailing 1217.13 Administration & Charges 7 6. 72 1 42. 30 Publications leaflets 225.00 Tax Interest on deposit accounts 110. 52 11 5 1.10 surplus on Dublin seminar 156 . 36 Carry forward to 1983 1750. 08 E2901.18 E2 90 1.1 8 Bank Accounts at 31.12.82 General Fund Current 298.42 Deposit 11)67.73 Giro a /c 88 .15 Helf for General Fund in seminar a/c 179.93 2 in Dublin 115.85 E1 750 . 08 Notes 1. Income tax paid on deposit account interest for the year 1981- 2 2. Held in local currenc y converted at Invoice Rate at 31.12.82 of El.OO El. 165 lRL I confirm that I have audited this set of accounts as at 31.12.82 a nd they appear to be in order. (signed) J . L. Batty Assistant Manager, Williams & Glyns Bank PLC 2 . 2.83 1982 was yet another successful year financially for the Gr oup which lea ves u s w1 th a healthy balance f or the coming year. Though expenditure was at the level predic t ed , income far exceeded my perhaps rather cautious estimate . Some sources of income arc unpredictable, however; partic ularly the surpluses on seminars and the payments for t he distribution of publishers ' leaflets. You should n ote t hat the first c all o n the surplus from the Dublin seminar will be for the eventual public atio n o f the Dubl1n papers, which leaves a true balance for general purposes of just under E1,600 . Costs are continuing to rise, inevitably. A.bigger BuLLe ti ncosts more t o print and mo r e to send by post. Two factors look likely to increase expenditure rather faster 1n 198 4 than even the enlarged BuLLetin and general price increases would suggest. The f i rst l S that for the first time we are having to use outside printers for the production o f the BuLLetin rather than the cheaper Un iversity of Birmingham Print Unit. The seco nd is that o ur fixed costs for administration are also likely to rise from t h eir currently very low level. Wh ereas for the first, an increase in membership only increases costs pro rata, for the second, an increase in membership will help to reduce average c osts, so there is an added incentive· for us to find new members. Philip Booth two events, both of which included con­ Meetings and Conferences tributions from Helen Meller whose book­ length re-appraisal of the Scottish sage PLANNING 1930-1960: A PERSONIFIED is near completion. In Marcn a one day DEBATE symposium was organised by the Department The Centrum voor Stedebouwkundige Ges­ of Town and Regional Planning o f the chiedschrijving (Centre for Urban His­ Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and toriography) is organising a Planning University of Dundee to mark the Geddes History Seminar on this theme at Leuven anniversary. In the centenary year of University on 28- 29 April, 1983. The the University, it also marked his con­ provisional programme includes contri­ nection with the then University College, butions on Doxiadis and Serge Chermayeff, Dundee, where he was part-time professor and on the course of French and German of botany from 1888-1919. The symposium reconstruction after 1945. An English programme began with a short introduction text of most lectures will be available to Geddes in Dundee, by Or Donald South­ in mimeo- form, and the proceedings and gate, the author of the o ffical Univer­ papers will be published in a special sity history. A public lecture was given issue of the Dutch architectural maga­ by Dr Helen Meller on the Indian town zine, Wonen - TA/BK. Admission to the planning reports of Geddes, based upon Seminar is free, and hotel accommodation her SSRC sponsored researches in India. and meals can be arranged. For further The two papers in the afternoon session details, contact Lucia Adams, c/o were : ' What is living and what is dead Centrum voor Stedebouwkundige Geschied­ in the work of Patrick Geddes?' by John schrijving, I . I.S.R.O. , Celestijnenlaan Hasse1gren, and 'Retrospect on the Out­ 131, Belgium 3030 Leuven (Heverlee) look Tower' by Dr Mi chael Hebbert (a (tel. 016/22.09.31, extension 1695). lively attack on the Geddes ' legend'). The proceedings of the symposium are available in a special occasional paper PLANNING HISTORY GROUP MEETING : (No.8) priced £2.00, available from Dr SEPTEMBER 16-17, 1983 John Moir, Department of Town and Region­ Oxford Polytechnic al Planning, Duncan of Jordanstone Col­ Details are currently being finalised lege of Art, Perth Road, Dundee DOl 4HT. for a two-day Planning History Group Meeting. The first day will focus on In November Helen Meller returned to con­ planning and economic change. The sec­ tribute to a symposium organised by the ond day will include a half-day trip to Historians' Committee of the Duncan of sites of planning history interest in Jordanstone College of Art, entitled Oxfordshire, and a half-day on the sec­ 'Art, Design and the Quality of Life in ond theme of 'Images of the Future City turn of the century Scotland 1890-1910'. in Film'. Dr Meller spoke about ~atrick Geddes and "City Development" in Scotland'. There Fuller details and booking slip are en­ are plans to publish the talks given in closed with this issue of the BuZ.Z.etin. this two-day event in the near future. Enquiries should be addressed to Stephen JOHN HASSELGREN Ward, Department of Town Planning, Department of Town & Regional Planning Oxford Polytechnic, Gypsy Lane, Oxford. PLANNING FOR HEALTH 1850-1950 GEODES AT DUNDEE A joint conference of the Planning History The 50th anniversary of Patrick Geddes' Group and the Society for the Social His­ death has bee n celebrated in Dundee by tory of Medicine was held in early Dec- 2 3 f ound e rs , d id no t g i ve enough respo nsi­ When the NHS wanted to expand the hospi­ ember 1982 at t he Pauling Human Sc i e nc es the 1~ th c e n tury.
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