Juny 2015 · Segona època Cultura Popular i Tradicional NÚM.40 etnologiaREVISTA D’ETNOLOGIA DE CATALUNYA Anthropology and ethnological heritage: a current look from Catalonia REVISTA D’ETNOLOGIA DE CATALUNYA Número 40. Juny de 2015 Edició / Publisher Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya Direcció General de Cultura Popular, Associacionisme i Acció Culturals Ministry of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia (Catalan government), Directorate General of Popular Culture, Associations and Cultural Action Editor / Editor Lluís Puig i Gordi Consell de redacció / Editorial Board Roger Costa Solé Rafel Folch Monclús Coordinació editorial / Publisher Coordination Cristina Farran Morenilla Verònica Guarch Llop Realització editorial i disseny gràfic / Publisher execution and Graphic design Entitat Autònoma del Diari Oficial i de Publicacions de la Generalitat de Catalunya Contacte / Contact Direcció General de Cultura Popular, Associacionisme i Acció Culturals Plaça Salvador Seguí, 1-9 08001, Barcelona Telèfon 93 316 27 20 Fax 93 567 10 02 [email protected] http://gencat.cat/cultura/cpt Les opinions expressades en els diferents treballs que es publiquen són exclusives dels seus autors. En cap cas no implica necessàriament que la revista o el mateix Departament de Cultura les comparteixin. The opinions expressed in the works published are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views, either of the Magazine or of the Ministry of Culture. Dipòsit legal / Legal deposit: B-46.605-2010 ISSN: 2014-6310 COMPILATION 3 Lluís Puig i Gordi Director General de Cultura Popular, Associacionisme i Acció Culturals. Departament de Cultura. Generalitat de Catalunya Director General of Popular Culture, Associations and Cultural Action Ministry of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia (Catalan government) he Revista d’Etnologia including song, dance, law, material culture, and so on. de Catalunya (Catalo- Folklore, or to be more precise, folklore studies, is a field nian Journal of Eth- literally thousands of people in the Catalan Countries nology) was founded are dedicated to, in many cases as amateurs, in the study in 1992 as a scientific of a great variety of expression of popular culture. The publication of the Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya (The Popular Ministry of Culture Catalan Songbook), from the years 1922-1936, exempli- of the Generalitat of fies this period perfectly. This task, which was sponsored Catalonia (Catalan by a private patron, began its archive of Catalan popular government), with the song by going back to compilations done at the end of goal of becoming an open forum in Catalan ethnology. the 19th century and in the early 20th century by various The term “ethnology” at that time included a diversity well-known folklore experts, though soon after it would of perspectives in the discipline in relation to Catalan involve hundreds of anonymous collaborators who went Tculture, each with a longstanding presence in Catalo- out into the streets and squares of the Catalan linguistic nia. On the one hand there was the most recent, that of area to personally document the songs sung by people modern academic anthropology, which had entered Spain everywhere. The result was a total of 25,000 cards cor- through Catalonia by means of Claudi Esteva Fabregat at responding to an equivalent number of popular songs. the end of the 1960s, and was institutionalized in 1972 The massive work done by folklore researchers also gave us with the creation of the Full Professorship of Cultural many testimonies in the form of compilations and essays, Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters creating a school that has come down to our day. In the of the University of Barcelona. There also was, at the meantime, there was the creation of the Ethnography and same time, the field generically understood by the term Folklore Archive at the University of Barcelona in 1915, “Popular Culture”, intimately tied to folklore studies. with particular mention to the journal Estudis i Materials This discipline has a long and important tradition since (Studies and Materials), the first such publication of an the second half of the 19th century in Catalonia and academic character to spread word of research in Catalan throughout its linguistic and cultural area of influence. culture. Unfortunately, only two issues ended up being At first it focussed on questions related to language, and published, from 1916 and 1918; however, its presence then set about including other cultural manifestations, confirms the vigour and quality of the open, modernizing 4 COMPILATION Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya Juny 2015 Núm. 40 character that ethnographic research has historically had issue can be found in Catalan, the language of the coun- in Catalonia. try and the journal itself, as well as in English, while the articles in the specialized dossiers feature abstracts in Catalan and English. Technological changes and glo- Since 1992, then, the Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya has balization, however, have altered the conception of the been an invaluable voice for Catalan ethnological research. journal. From its original publication on paper it has gone Yet it does not only deal with Catalonia. The journal has to being a digital publication openly available online, from the start been open to a great diversity of subjects which has exponentially increased its public potential. from around the world. This is clearly seen in a diversity For this reason we have chosen to release this issue entirely of thematic dossiers, as well as in miscellaneous articles in English, with 15 previously-published articles along published by researchers from Catalonia, Spain and the with an original text on the Institute Ramon Muntaner, world over. Together with the thematic dossiers, research a private foundation patronized by the Generalitat of funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia, whose objective is the spread and support of Catalonia and that done in the context of the research research projects and the cultural promotion of Catalan- program of the Inventory of Ethnographic Heritage of language study centres, dedicated to the study of local Catalonia has always had space in the journal, with its ethnology, amongst other questions. The selection of presence growing in size and importance in parallel to the the articles has been made on the basis of criteria of Inventory’s consolidation as the leading research program representation, diversity and quality, as well as current in Catalan ethnology. interest, given that the oldest was published in 2006, when the journal had already been active for 14 years. Furthermore, from the very start the Revista d’Etnologia It is our hope that this issue might be useful for readers de Catalunya has sought to look at the world from the both in allowing for greater understanding of certain perspective of Catalan ethnology, with the world simul- aspects of Catalan society and in increasing knowledge taneously able to see what is happening in this field in of subject areas that world academic anthropology has Catalonia. For this reason the table of contents of each been particularly interested in. n a Revista d’Etnologia de logia acadèmica, que havia entrat a l’Estat espanyol per Catalunya naixia el 1992 Catalunya de la mà de Claudi Esteva Fabregat a finals de com una publicació de la dècada de 1960 i que es va institucionalitzar el 1972 caràcter científic del Depar- amb la creació de la Càtedra d’Antropologia Cultural tament de Cultura de la de la Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres de la Universitat de Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona. Hi havia també, però, tot aquell món que amb l’objectiu d’esdevenir genèricament coneixem com el de la “Cultura Popular”, una tribuna oberta a l’etno- íntimament lligat amb els estudis de folklore. Es tracta logia catalana. La paraula aquesta d’una disciplina amb molta tradició des de la “etnologia” incloïa llavors segona meitat del segle xix a Catalunya i a tota la seva diverses mirades disciplinàries sobre la cultura catalana àrea lingüística i cultural, que primer va centrar la seva que comptaven amb una llarga trajectòria a Catalunya. atenció en la llengua per després anar encabint en el seu LD’una banda, la més recent, la de la moderna antropo- focus altres manifestacions de la cultura: la cançó, el ball, COMPILATION 5 el dret, la cultura material... El folklore o, més ben dit, els Generalitat de Catalunya i les realitzades en el marc del estudis sobre el folklore, han ocupat milers de persones a programa de recerca de l’Inventari del Patrimoni Etno- tots els Països Catalans, molts d’ells de manera amateur, lògic de Catalunya han tingut sempre un espai reservat, en la recerca de les manifestacions més diverses de la un espai i un protagonisme que han experimentat un cultura popular pròpia. L’Obra del Cançoner Popular de creixement paral·lel al de la seva consolidació com –aquest Catalunya (1922-1936) exemplifica a la perfecció aquesta darrer– el programa de recerca de referència sobre l’et- etapa. Aquesta empresa patrocinada per un mecenes pri- nologia catalana. vat va començar l’arxiu de cançó popular catalana amb reculls aplegats a finals del segle xix i principis del xx per També des del principi la Revista d’Etnologia de Cata- diversos folkloristes reconeguts, per tot seguit donar pas lunya ha tingut una clara voluntat de mirar el món des a centenars de col·laboradors anònims que es van llançar de l’etnologia catalana i, a la vegada, que el món pogués a carrers i places d’arreu de l’àrea lingüística catalana per ullar què s’estava fent en aquest camp a Catalunya. Per recollir de viva veu les cançons que cantava llavors la gent. això la taula de continguts de cada número estan en la Resultat: 25.000 cèdules sobre un nombre equivalent de llengua pròpia del país i de la revista, el català, i també cançons populars.
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