www.ukrweekly.com РЖ LXVI. 4: 45 IN TWO SECTIONS SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY. SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1959 IN TWO SECTIONS No. 45 VOL. LXVI. Yqungstown, Ohio Observance of TARAS SHEVCHENKO Gural Gets N. J. Deputy Attorney Halychyn Elected Head of CAEED Ukrainian Independence Day (March 9, 1814 — March 10. 1861) General Post Executive Board On January 24, 1959 the ry Yarosh who is a violin William Gural, younger gen­ Mr. Dmytro Halychyn, Pre­ The CACCED is composed of Mahoning County Chapter of scholarship student at the eration Ukrainian American, sident of the Ukrainian Con­ representatives of Albanian, Ukrainian Congress Commit­ Dana School of Music at the of 170 Liberty Ave., Hillside, gress Committee of America, Bulgarian. Estonian, Lithuan­ tee of Youngstown, Ohio cele­ Youngstown University also N. J. was sworn in last Tues­ and President of the Ukrain­ ian, Latvian, Polish, Hungar­ brated the 41st Anniversary added to the color of the pro­ day, March 3rd as Deputy At­ ian National Association, was ian, Rumanian, Czech and Uk­ of the Proclamation of Uk­ gram when she played several torney General of New Jersey, elected chairman of the execu­ rainian Americans of that de­ rainian Independence, at the Ukrainian selections on her it Trenton, N. J. capital, the tive board of the Conference of scent. beautiful Mural Ballroom in violin accompanied by Mrs. Elizabeth Daily Journal re­ Americans'of Central and East­ In attendance at the meet­ Youngstown, Ohio. Attending Freda (Muehinsky) Rumble. ports. ern European Descent, at the ing were also the recently were many local American and who spends several weeks 'in Mr. Gural completed six organization's meeting, held elected Treasurer and Secreta­ Ukrainian dignitaries. Among New York each summer to years on the Hillside Town- last Saturday. February 28, in ry of the Ukrainian Congress the. American-Ukrainian digni­ study piano under the guid­ ihip last December. Elected New York City. Committee of America, namely taries we were very happy to ance of Nicholas Polewsky, in 1952. he was seated in 1953 Elected as head of the Messrs Joseph Leeawyer and have the Very Right Reverend father of the noted Zoia Po- and served as Mayor in 1956. CACEED publicity and publica­ Hnat Bilinaky. Monaignor Leo Adamiak of lewska cellist, mastered the He also served as president tion committee was Mr. Walt­ Resolutions adopted at the Youngstown who gave the in­ piano very commendably. >f the Hilleide Board of Health er Dushnyck, editor of the meeting called for more re­ n 1954, police commissioner Ukrainian Quarterly and the vocation and Rev. William Attendance was great and solute American action per­ Diakiw of Sharon, Pa. who n 1957 and 1958, chairman of Ukrainian Bulletin, both pub­ taining to the Berlin crisis, the program very unique. v.he Fire Department in 1955. lications of the Ukrainian Con­ gave the benediction. Among our local American- American opposition to sum­ Mr. Stephen Jarema of New •hairman of the Civil Defense gress Committee of America. born Ukrainian dignitaries we Eleanor Wiener Gural. He is mit meetings of U.S. and U.S. York City, executive director Council in 1957 and 1958. Re-elected as president of were pleased and honored to the son of Mrs. Michael Gural S.R. representatives summit of the UCCA, Inc. was the Mr. Gural has been active the organization was Msgr. have in attendance Dr. Myron of 516 Locust St., and the late meetings and tho;-^ ..i other principal speaker. Judge John n many community organiza­ Balkunas. of Lithuanian de­ Hanysh, Att'y Michael Kosach, Mr. Gural, and has one sister. S. Gonas pf the Indiana tions and during his regime as scent, who has been its presi­ powers, against the current Att'y Arseny Melnick, Frank Miss Ann Gural. State Supreme Court also mayor was active in organizing dent since its founding three American and Soviet cultural Harbal, head coach of the the United Nations Day cele­ His law offices are at his years ago. added to the color of a very Austin town Fitch High School, I fine program. , bration and the Hungarian Re,- home address. In the light of his current relations, and finally against Mr. Francis O'Mellan one-time lief Committee in Hillside Mr. Gural is a member of health condition, Msgr. Balku­ Mr. Felix Mika, law Director Soviet Russian discriminations principal of Memorial High He is a graduate of Hillside the Ukrainian National Asso­ nas has assigned most of bis of the city of Youngstown act­ School and at present Head of against non-Russian nationals ing on behalf of Mayor Frank High School, Rutgers Univer­ ciation. duties to Mr. Halychyn. the Campbell, Ohio Board of sity, Rutgers University Law Instrumental in the appoint­ within the Soviet Union. X. Kryzan, presented to Mi­ Education. Dr. Vitale Holon- chael Yarosh, President of the School and attended Columbia ment of Mr. Gural as Deputy ko, Dr. Roman Stahura, Mr. "Learn What Others Have To Offer, University where he studied Attorney of New Jersey was UNA Br. 153 in Philadelphia Holds Mahoning County Chapter of Myron Zmurkiewicz and Mr. But Do Not Forsake Your Own." UCCA a signed Proclamation, Russian. He served six years Mr. Marcel Wagner, of Jersey Terry Szmagala of Cleveland. (SHEVCHENKO) in the United States Navy. City, N. J., who is the Hudson Its Fifth Anniversary Celebration January 22, 1959 as Ukrain­ Ohio present President of the Inscription on the pUite of the Shevchenko bust, He is married to Mrs. County Tax Commissioner. ian Independence Day. UYL-NA added to the success ( nrcd above, nt the Ukrainian National Associtition'a The 5th anniversary of the Among those addressing it Mayor Earl M. Roudcbush of the program. pict "8oyuzivk4t" CatakiU Mountain resort.) founding of Philadelphia's and taking part in its delibera­ of Canficld. Ohio representing Dinner music for the occa­ Young Ukrainian Singer Wins Branch 153, the Dr. Luke tions were Dr. Walter Gallan, all seven mayors of Mahoning sion was furnished by a Myshuha Society, of the Uk­ chairman of the Philadelphia County, presented the presi­ string-quartette under the di­ MY TESTAMENT Grinnel $2,500 Scholarship rainian National Association Regional Council of Branches dent with a proclamation sign­ rection of Mr. Myron Zmur­ was observed with a rally oi. of the Ukrainian National As­ ed by all'- seven may ore of kiewicz The event was one Iris Bala, young Ukrainian- By TARAS SHEVCHENKO UNA members held last Sun­ sociation, who conyi atulated Mahoning County. that will long be remembered. Canadian mezzo-soprano and day, March 1st, held at the Branch 153 for its victory in The program included songs When I die, remember, lay me daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ukrainian Citizens Club in the recent UNA nr^mbership by the S.U.M.A. male chorus Mr. Stephen Jarema really added the spark to. the pro­ Lowly in the silent tomb, Nicholas Bala, of 1474 Pierre New York City. drive. "Trenjoita"' under the direc­ gram With his fine speech which Where the prairie stretches free, Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Can­ The rally chairman was Mr. tion of Mr. Myron Zmurkie- Principal speaker was Dr. carried a true message to all Sweet 'Ukraine, my cherished home. ada, won Friday, February L. Chorpita. and secretary Jaroslaw Padoch. Supreme Sec­ wicz, solo by Okaana Burbello, concerned. The American-born 6th last, the coveted Grinnel was B. Odezhynsky. who aang* opera in Lviv and retary of the Ukrainian Na­ Ukrainian Professionals along There 'mid meadows' grassy sward, Foundation $2,500 scholarship It was opened by J. Skira. tional Association. is a graduate of. £be Lviv Con­ with all other participants Dnieper's water pouring at the final auditions held in Reports were then given by servatory of Music accompani­ were Very impressed with Mr. 31 ay be seen and may be heard, Detroit's Masonic Temple. Messrs Darmopray, John Ode­ Mr. Padoch, in his talk, in­ ed *on the piano by Mrs. Freda Jarema and his talk. Mighty in their roaring. The judges were Kurt Adler, zhynsky, M. Krasicky, and by tertwined the history of the (Muehinsky) Rumble, per­ of the Metropolitan Opera; Dr. J. Bcley, the latter from Ukrainian National Associa­ formed very beautifully. Ger­ Michael Yarosh. When from Ukraine waters bear Howard Harrington, manager the Branch's auditing commit­ tion with the story of the Dr. Luke Myshuha Society in Phil­ • Rolling to the sea so far of the Detroit Symphony Or­ tee. Focman's blood no longer there chestra, and Joseph Blatt, of Following the reports of the adelphia, drawing a parallel Youngstown, Ohio Police Honor Stay I where my ashes arc. Ann Arbor. retiring officers, the following between the parent organiza­ Miss Bala was one of the new officers were elected:—J. tion and this, on^< of its fast Judge John S. Gonas Grass and leaves I'll leave and fly, seven competing artists. Skira, president, Thomas Dar­ growing branches. He also con­ Unto throne of God I'll go, She sang several operatic mopray, vice-president; J. Ode­ gratulated Mr. Odezhynsky for While in Youngstown. Ohio, rainian members of theYAings- There in heaven to pray on high, arias for the judges, accom­ zhynsky. secretary, M. Kra­ for his winning top honors in for the Ukrainian Independence town Police Department. The But, till then, no God I know. panied by Lorraine Farina, sicky, treasurer, and Zabrot- the UNA membership drive. Day celebration, a luncheon boys were very impressed by Windsor pianist. sky, George Ргокорувіїуп, and Another speaker was Mr. was given by the Ukrainian the Ukrainian Judge. The Standing then about my grave, Her Grinnel' scholarship is M. Heloy, executive board Stephen Slobodian, who ap­ members of the Youngstown Judge answered many ques­ Make ye haste, your fetters tear! to finance the continuance of famed Julliard School of Mu­ members.
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