STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWSPAPER SECTION 81fc STATE STRLfcT MADISON 6 9 « I S . Three Candidates Battle for Top SEC Post Tomorrow Davidson, Ford and Lubenow Petition lor Presidency 7 By AL SALTZSTE1N ^ Lawrentian Lawrence students will go to the polls tomorrow to Vol. 81—No. 15 Lawrence College, Appleton, Wisconsin Thursday, February 15, 1962 select the new president of the Student Executive Coun­ cil, and to vote on a proposed amendment to the gov­ erning body’s constitution increasing the Council’s leg­ islative power somewhat. Divergence in Styles Seen SPECIAL ISSUE The election is the first in He is the author of the refer­ SATURDAY three years to offer the voter endum on tomorrow’s ballot, A special issue of the a choice of candidates. Jun­ Sandy is active in the drama In Modern Jazz Quartet Lawrentian on Saturday ior John Davidson and soph­ department, and participated By FRITZ HOLM QUIST will carry the results of omores Sandy Ford and Joe in the last two theater pro­ tomorrow’s election. ductions. The Lawrence campus will soon be privileged to Lubenow have been placed on the ballot after submitting a He views the job of presi­ hear one of the most stimulating instrumental groups petition cotnaining fifty dent as one centralization of in all of American music and most certainly in the names each to the Council power within existing frame­ w'orld of jazz. On Friday, Feb. 23, the Modern Jazz Monday night. Elizabeth work of the body. He hopes Quartet will give a concert at 8:30 p.m. in the chapel. Cole, a previously announced to revise the present repre­ sentation system to include Since its inception in 1952, candidate, withdrew from the classical forms of composi­ faculty members and class the group has sustained only rare Tuesday night. tion. Although this movement representatives in an effort to one change in personnel, that is actually only in the embryo “ give the SEC more power in of the substitution of drum­ stage, it has achieved many POLLING HOURS student affairs. Specifically mer Connie Kay for Kenny successes. Thus, Lewis com­ he feels that “ an honors sys­ Clarke. This period of "to­ Conservatory — positions combine the stand­ tem, and some student ac­ getherness” is quite a phe­ 8 a.m. to 12 noon ard “ story-telling” technique cess to the J-Board proceed­ nomenon among jazz com­ Main Hall— inherent in disciplined classi­ ings are essential to good stu­ binations. It would logically 8 a.m. to 12 noon cal forms with the more emo­ dent government.” seem that the musicians in­ Union— tionally elemental “message” Joe Lubenow volved had similar back­ 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. inherent in jazz improvisa­ Lubenow is a voting repre­ grounds and musical ideas If no candidate secures tion. sentative of Phi Delta Theta. that would result in such a a majority on Friday, a Completing the quartet is Last spring he was elected by long period of continuous run off election will be the outstanding bassist Percy an all-school vote as the Law­ playing. A look at the indivi­ held Saturday at the same Heath. He is perhaps one of rence delegate to the Nation­ dual musicians shows this is locations and times. the most recorded bassists al Student Association confer­ not true. in jazz, being in constant de­ ence in Madison. He also has Milt Jackson mand for recording dates JOHN DAVIDSON The new constitution re­ been a member of LUC for when the quartet is not on quires a majority of those vo­ two years. He is a varsity Milt Jackson, the vibra­ ting for election. If no such phone player, has consistent­ tour. His playing is charact­ wrestler, and has achieved majority is reached in the ly won many awards and erized by an amazing tech­ high honors. nique and a full, round tone. Friday election, a run-off be­ Joe feels that "The direct­ plaudits and is considered the tween the two with the high­ best vibes player in jazz. His ion the SEC is headed at this Connie Kay on the drums, est candidates will be held on background and musical heri­ although initially a letdown time is crucial because of the Saturday. recent discussions of the re­ tage is perhaps best summed from the offerings of his pre- The amendment proposes up by the great trumpeter lation of the student to the dessor Kenny Clarke, has to change Article III section 3 Dizzy Gillespie when he said, administration and the total evolved into an ideal drum­ of the Constitution to read, “ Milt is sanctified. That’s school community. One func­ mer for the group. He is able “The duties of the Represent­ why he plays so soulful. His tion of student government to provide the propulsive ative Council shall be to leg­ whole family is sanctified.” that has not been emphasized drive and is also able to islate on matters pertaining transform the drums into a enough is that of communica­ Jackson was raised in the to the interests of the student tion with the faculty control Church of God in .Christ melodic instrument able to body” This section n o w perform the intricate Lewis groups. I feel that the SEC These churches arc character­ reads: “ The duties of the leg­ should strive for more re­ ized by the emphasis on m u­ compositions without being a islative council shall be to hindrance. sponsibility in these areas.” sic as a method of “ release.” legislate on matters pertain­ he stated. Collectively and individually Adequate Freedom ing to the interests of the Stu­ The polls will be open Fri­ the congregation releases the dent Body where they do not In view of the divergent day in Main Hall lobby on innermost spirit only to re­ interfere with the national the first floor and at the con­ ceive strength in the over­ styles of backgrounds of the obligations of the groups so two most important men, servatory entrance from 8 a. whelming joy of each other. obligated.” The referendum m. to 12 noon. In the after­ From these churches also Jackson and Lewis, how is it must be accepted by a two- that the group has stayed to­ noon, polling will take place emanate some of the most thirds vote of those voting to in the Union entrance from swinging and frenzied gospel gether and played with such be passed. success? The question is per­ 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. In the event singing. All three candidates are of a Saturday run-off, the haps best answered by Jack­ delegates to the council at With this sociological back­ son, who is often asked if the polls will be placed in the SANDY FORD present and have been active ground and its stimulus to musical format of the group same locations at the same in the legislative body this times. self-expression, the soulful holds him down. playing of Milt Jackson has semester. All have campaign­ The results of tomorrow's evolved. Other characteris­ “ No, not actually. It may ed vigorously including parti­ voting will be announced in a tics of his playing are his not sound or look like it cipation in this morning’s special issue of the Lawren­ amazing sense of pitch and when you’re listening out SEC convocation. tian Saturday afternoon. The his more than adequate tech­ front because it’s all so well John Davidson inauguration of the new pres­ nique. His style has evolved planned, but I still get to play Davidson is a member of ident will take place Monday into more melodic and har­ more or less what I want to Beta Theta Pi, and has rep­ at 8:30 in the Terrace Room monic approach as compared play. I ’m related. I ’ve always resented that group in SEC of the Union. to the more percussive sound been able to adjust myself to for the past semester. He is of Lionel Hampton. a situation. When I first join­ also a member of the En­ ed the MJQ, there were times campment steering board, Dean Tells SEC John Lewis when I looked at the planning the New Student Week com­ The pianist and musical di­ as a handicap, but now I ’ve mittee, and is a perspective rector of the group is John come to look on it as an asset. student guide. He is also a Only 100 on Pro In terms of business, and m u­ Lewis. Although he is a high­ member of the swimming Dean Venderbush declared sically too, discipline can be ly respected pianist, he is team. , at Monday night’s SEC meet­ a good thing, and having been perhaps most outstanding as Davidson calls his platform ing that the number of stu­ under discipline can help you one of the most brilliant and progressive rather than lib­ dents on academic probation when you do let loose.” original composers in jazz. eral or conservative. He feels “ barely approaches 100.” He is one of the innovators of Apparently the jazz public that “by proper set up of pol­ Offering more figures, the what has been coined “ Third agrees with Jackson that icy, the attitudes within and dean stated that six students Stream Music.” This type of there is adequate freedom for toward the SEC can be im ­ were dropped, 21 advised to music designates an attempt self-expression. The group's proved and, as a result of withdraw, and four given to fuse the essential spirit JOE LUBENOW popularity is not limited to this, the SEC can be the prop­ warning.
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