COMIC COMIC 5ECTIOM SECTION Woodbridge. New Jersey, Friday, December 12, 1930 ' - •.-•"••'%< • •; ?• it-v- i- •- • • He F«£QO€.MtLV SP T A»MT ASoAT,iTi TIMID? €LF, ; •-* .' is so«r< " is ' TINUt>! I*J // to* k MUTT AND JEFF Strategy Gets A Tough Break By BUD FISHER . IHO—by IL C Fiibtr. Tt.Jt Mltk Cnl Britain Ri|kt« Rori»».l DO6R AMb THAT'S X CALLS you CAUL AND A THAT IMC. GOT A Nice STAfeT oM ALSO A NMJTT 1 M*w TO rtU^liV TO A BRA»NLE:S£ FOOL: A (*\LUO<V> He HAD THE NEBBS Rudy's Top-Spinning Days Are Over By SOL HESS VUMATS TMAT KJO15G ^TMAT WHAT INJ -rv^e MOST 6& PLAVIM& "CMOPTME TV4AT CW»LQ WRECK TMtS H0U5& SO oo We'LL ALL HAVE TO <S»O SLEEP IM THE. uoose. i^> MO PLACE 7^1 USED *T6 Be SOME TOP-5PIMME.R I'LL PICK IT UP TO SPMSJ A TOP^VJMCCTS V VWME.M I WAS A KID _ I COULD DO AMD LET IT SPlM OKI ( M^TTEQ WiTM OUT-DOORS IMORG TRICKS- LET'S SE.6 >F I VTOO MUCH F«ESM \CAM DO AKJV OF TME.M ANJD THEKJ LET TOP AMD OOPS: TWE ^ 5TR1M& BACK: TV4E \r HOP5 SAC^ I'LL NOUR. DAD \5 OMLV STARTIM& SPI MM IMG ..SOME TRICK-6.V4,SOW £ \K1 TME WORLD VOU WAVE TO CON1B OUT VWWATS TMAT? S'MATTER POP? A Mixed-up Tale By C. M. PAYNE I TA»f£ A U»< ITTuffw£T) OUT CANV See tT XF YOU COULD BE AROUND WITH HIM THE WAV WE ARE,*fOU WOODEN ASK WHY WE CAUu 'HIM * STINKY*?'* TOONERVILLE FOLKS BV FONTAINE FOX TOONERVILLE FOLKS Stinky'Get* A Drenching Fontaine Fox NOBODY BUT *STINKY* VOU KIDS AINT GONNA WOULD DO A THING LIKE DO NOTHING TO, HIM THAT ! WE GOTTA AS LONG AS HE'S A GET HIM f •» PASSENGER ON MY CAR GOTTA GET UPON TOP **.•.. IF YOU LET US WE CAN I WOODEN LET'EM DO THIS •PD FIX THAT TROLUEY DO IT EA6X COS THEY'S TO ANYBODY BUT STINKY SPRING i YOU KEEP A LOT OF HOLES IN DAVIS. I SURE HATE BOTH DOORS LOCKED THE BOTTOM OF THAT KID } " SO THEY CAN'T CAR ? GET AT YOU f HE'S UNDER THE CAR I BETTER OPEN THIS NOW^TURN THE ( TRAP DOOR AND WWTER ON : WOT HE'S HOU-ER1N' YOU WON'T HAFTA WASH THE CAR INSIDE THIS WEEK, MOTHER', IT'S BIN PONE* WOT IN THE NAME ' PETE ICOOWBOARDS UP I .. N WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP 26 Pages Today NEEDS A DAILY PAPER THE INDEPENDENT Four Sections WILL PUBLISH DAILY PRICE THREE CENTS 'XM\ VOL. XII, No. 10 \v N. -I • FRIDAY. DKCKMUKH BENfflT SHOW fOR JOBLESS NETS $600 Tributes Showered On GUESTS OF HONOR AT BANQUET State Theatre Crowded With High School Players "Standing Room Only" As (;uPst» At Football Banquet Last Night High In Praise Of Championship Team — Need Of Better Athletic Facil 14 Act Show Gains Applause Ities Stressed By Rutgers Coach — Gold Footballs Awarded—More Than One Hundred Present. Comedy Sketches By American Legion, and Song and Dance Acts By Knight Of Columbus Troupe Feature Bill — Tw«* i ,.ngratulations and glowing trih- QUIZ FOR CAR OWNERS nf every description were show- Act Movie and Also Full Size Feature Picture Given, With BIG GROCERY STORE Applicants for license -plates .1 upon the mem-born of tho Wood- must be ready to answer se\- Complete Show Lasting Over Four Hours. Mjje high school, football team and Suppose you had a grocery eriil new quostiivns this year, ,.ir coach last night at the football •store bringing in nearly KO mil- wys Motor Vehicle Agent Ar- About $600 wan raised for the township unemployment lion dollars a month. That U ,ii'|iict in the high school. Despite thur II. Dunham, whose office fund for'helping the jobless, through the benefit show given by '.,• fact that rumors were being cir- the monthly sales of the Atlan- at l!H-l Amboy avenue grows |;,ii. l to the effect that the N. J. tic & Pacific Tea Company, as busier every 'lay. local entertainers in the State Theatre Monday midil. "Stand- i; ( announced yesterday for the I A. A. had decreed a tie between "Applicants should be able ing Room Only" was the word after 8 p. m., as long before that month of November. to tell the kind of wheels on , in and Red Bank for the Central The exact figures are $7'.), time the big theatre was filled. Returns from the ticket sale i ,y chnmpionship, the plnyers their car, and whether they 820,41082120,4'UJ0 . When you gegvlt uup* inii ever had an accident, also the have been coming in through the week, and a complete finan- ,.,,. in the best of spirits. It was the the millions a few dollars one name of the company insuring riiciiil opinion of everyone .present way or the other don't matter their car." cial report will be available soon, a; they were champions, regardless much. HENRY M. BENKERT Age of applicants is also ex- .'•' ;iny of the many decisions being But the A. & P, is grieved. CAPT. CACCIOLA The show took approximately pected to be at the tongue's three hours to present, and offered .•idc'by the State Board of Athlet- Last year in November they end, with information if there sold about $4,000,000 more. a varied bill, including a first rate LIGHT LOCATIONS hns been personaV injury, loss two-reel comedy. The curtain rose invocation was said by Prof. John These hard times are tough • - - of life, or property damage in II [,ove, after which, Roy E. Ander- Detective Uncovers Firebug promptly at 8 o'clock, a tribute to past accidents. , n, noting aa toastmaster, greeted the stage management of William The office is open until 9 p. CAUSE DISPUTE AT r,,.'guests. Melvin H. Clum, presi- Holohan, head of the Fraternal Or- m. on Saturdays, and until 6 1 „', „', of the Woodbridge Board of|. , n, . r Plot In Hopelawn Mystery p. m. weekdays. ders Citizens* Committee, which ran llucation and the first speaker loflfCAn PPAfK VOf the show as part of their work in TOWNSHIP MEETING • ruck one of the keynotes of the eve JflLR5Uil 1 lCflUa 1 UI A mystery drama is being en^e7("Jut llopelawn firemen didn't like the tuwnship relief campaign for the i.imr, when in his ahort address, he unemployed. Nathan Duff and Mrs. Committee Gets Plea For New •!-ked the players if they were sad all the elements of melodrama. i «....•...!» •••-.r..J — — Alfred Coley were his aids. uul unhappy because of the moves Help In Placing Men In it some person or persons un- police department that people were Bus Line — Sewer ajp.d ( known are playing stage director,'looking at them qucstioningly. The "Everything went off fine," said l,,.ing made by the State Athletic i FORDS CONTRACTOR Mr. Holohan, after the show. He Water Petitions. cHiunittee. The answer, "No", which | and jetting the stage with all the'thief put Keating on the job. Keat- usuar elements of death, atark trug- Ing found plenty. "Looks mighty wus much pleased with the large came back in a rumbling roar asnur-1 Registered For Work amount rained for tho towitship TWP. ATTORNEY REPORTS ,.,! everyone that Coach Bcnkert's edy, robbery and to complete the queer, Chief," he said after his re- IS LOW BIDDER ON picture, arson. .turn. And after Chief Murphy heard fund. charges were not the least bit wor- Employmenmployment Head SaySayss 525 wha The State Theatre waa crowded to In what lighting district are Har- ,i,d as to their standing. ' • - • - - ' Like all good plots, it is involved.' t Detective Keating told him he Are Ready To Do Anything Innocent persons appear with the agreed. It was queer! SCH00LADDIT10N capacity, wHth the many jokes of rison avenue, Grant avenue aad Rutfferi Coach Speaks local color being loudly applauded "Take the lessons you learned on And Asks For Odd Jobs finger of suspicion pointing at them, First Keating found the dedeaad man Pleasant avenue, Iselin. Salaki Get* Construction Job' AmericaAmericann LegioLegionn membermembers s "iinn un unii • footbal,„„,..,«..l . field..^ into life with yo. u . .and then the hero, in this case im- alive. This is rather an unusual feat This question occupied much of for any detective, but Keating did it. form acted as ushers, and handled' •>--- -,.._ ._ .operate with your fellowmen, , "There are too many for us to pul.sonated by a Woodbridge police He found Barrow, who ia a push ctert With Low Bid Of $97,678— the big house most creditably. I the time of the township committee Starring on the big vaudeville bill at their meeting-llonday afternoon, tired, and the township is doing all plot. Other Contracts Let were the acts of the American U- t0Kether wjth & number Q( abm ••. "• fl.. •• * . WM it can, but we can't begin to place Surely Philo Vance, the PLUMBING matters. delving into the conflict which take* ,; modern detective stones, never lac-1""""" " ^'T"'I'™ Vaccounted for DUNIGAN gjjj- l t ft Michael Lewis, former lighting sssr Tz ^fi-xsS.""f... .„.— .* «-:: ssrtiffitfs AsasSs The contract for the general commissioner of District No. 5, of llst r r K force when he ne found evidence whch lh-', listenersTw. i- i. - H, tcrda^7y b%y Harry Jackson,, DeDirectoc r Woo(|hl i(]lre nolice force when he he found evidence whichjhowedjhe structiot n work on the addition to Mn.
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