FOR THE PEOPLE B.M (N H.) Cat. Un«. Mamm. V. : CATALOGUE OP THE UNGULATE MAMMALS ' IN THK BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Vol. V. PEEISSODACTYLA (HOESES, TAPIRS, RHINOCEROSES), HYEACOIDEA (HYRAXES), PEOBOSCIDEA (ELEPHANTS). WITH ADDENDA TO THE EARLIER VOLUMES. By the late RICHARD LYDEKKER, F.R.S. LONDON PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. SOLD BY Longmans, Green & Co., 39, Paternoster Row, London, E.G. B. QuARiTCH, 11, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, London, W. DuLAu & Co., Ltd., 37, Soho Square, London, W. and at the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W. 1916. {All rights reserved.) : LONDON PIllNTKD IIV Wil.l.IAM Cl.OWtS ANll SONS, I.IMITKI), DIKE STREKT, STAMFOIID STilKET, S.K., AXO GIltAT WIXDMILI, STRLET. W. L/'jTf^ PEEFACE The hope was expressed, in the Preface to the previous Volume, that it mighc be possible to issue a fifth, or concluding Volume, without undue delay. That hope has been realised, as tlie result of finding the materials for the completion of the work among the papers of the late Mr. Eichard Lydekker. The volume now published is practically as the author left it, and the only alterations that have been made are verbal ones. Even the illustrations are those which he had himself selected. It will 1)6 obvious, however, that this volume sliould not be regarded as a finished production. The earlier part is drawn up on the general lines of the preceding volumes, and contains lists of the specimens in the collection. These do not appear in the second half of the volume, which consists mainly of a list of species and subspecies, with synonymy and indications of the typical localities. The manuscript was, indeed, in the condition of a preliminary draft, and readers should bear in mind that it has not had the advantage of being amplified and revised by the author. On the other hand, it has not been thought advisable to make any attempt to complete the volume on the full original plan, partly on account of the difficulty of finding anyone competent to do so, and partly because the mixed I'esponsibility for the woi'k which would be thereby intro- duced would not be for the benefit of science. The thanks of the Trustees are due to Messrs. George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., for permission to use certain copyright figures published in Mr. Lydekker's work, Tlie Horse and its Relatives; to Lord Kothschild, F.E.S., for the use of figures from the Notitatcs Zoolor/icce ; and to tlie Zoological Society iv PREFACE of London, the United States National Museum, and Major Stanley S. Flower for other figures, as indicated in the respective legends. Their thanks are also due to Dr. J. Biittikofer and to Mr. F. A. 0. Pym for photographs which have served as the originals of other figures, and to the Duchess of Bedford and to Mr. E. I. Pocock, F.E.S., for information about certain specimens. SIDNEY F. HAPtMEE, Kee'per of Zoology. British Museum (Natural History), London, S.W. January 26th, 1916. — CONTENTS PAGE Preface . ill Systematic Index to Yol. V. V List of Illustrations . xiii Systematic Index to Vols. I.-V. XV Order UNGULATA. Suborder II. Perissodactyla —— VI CONTENTS PAGE G, —Equus qnagga trausvaalensis 25 H. —Eqiius quagga selousi . 25 I, —Equus quagga boehmi 26 J. —Equus quagga zambesiensis 26 K. —Equus quagga crawsbayi 27 L. —Eqiuis quagga cuuinghaniei 28 M.—Equus quagga granti . 30 VI r. Equus (Hippotigris) foai 32 YIII. Equus (Hippotigris) zebra 34 ~^ A.—Equus zebra zebra 35 B.—Equus zebra hartmanua? 36 4. Subgenus Asinus .... 36 IX. Equus (x\sinus) asinus 36 A. —Equus asinus asinus 37 B. —Equus asinus africanus 37 C. —Equus asinus taeniopus 38 D. —Equus asinus somaliensis 38 Family II. .... 39 Genus Tapirus ..... 39 1. Subgenus Acrocodia 39 I. Tapirus (Acrocodia) ixdicus 39 2. Subgenus Tapirus .... 41 II. Tapirus terrestris . 41 A. —Tapirus terrestris terrestris . 42 B. —Tapirus terrestris laurillardi 43 C. —Tapirus terrestris niexianae . 43 D.—Tapirus terrestris spegazzinii 43 III. Tapirus roulini 44 3. Subgenus Tapirella 44 IV. Tapirus (Tapirella) baikdi 45 V. Tapirus (Tapirella) dowi . 46 Family III. Ehinocerotid.e Genus Rhinoceros. .... 46 1. Subgenus Rhinoceros 46 I. Rhinoceros unicornis . 47 II. Rhinoceros sondaicus 48 2. Subgenus Dicerorhinus ... 49 III. Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus) sum.\trensi 49 A. —Rhinoceros sumatrensis suniatrensis 50 B. —Rhiiioceros sumatrensis blythi 50 C. —Rhinoceros sumatrensis lasiotis 51 — CONTENTS VII PACK 3. Subgenus Diceros .... 51 lY. Uhinoceros (Diceros) bicoenis . 52 A. —Rhinoceros bicornis bicornis 54 B.—Rhinoceros bicornis hohiiwoodi 54 C. —Rhinoceros bicornis somaliensis 55 D.—Rhinoceros bicornis cucullatus 55 Y. Rhinoceros (Diceros) simus 55 A. —Rhinoceros sinius simus 56 B. —Rhinoceros simus cottoni 56 Suborder III. Hyracoidea . 58 Family Procaviid.?^ . 58 Genus Procavia 58 1. Subgenus Procavia 58 I. Procavia capensis 58 A.—I'rocavia capensis capensis . 60 B.—Procavia capensis windhuki . 60 C. —Procavia capensis reuningi . 60 D.—Procavia capensis marlothi . 60 E. —Procavia capensis schultzei . 61 F. — Procavia capensis waterbergensis 61 II. Procavia nigricans 61 III. Procavia johnstoni . 61 lY. Procavia scioana 62 Y. Procavia erlangeri . 62 YI. Procavia alpini 62 YII. Procavia kerstingi , , 62 YIII. Procavia goslingi . 62 IX. Procavia syriaca Cu\ A. —Procavia syriaca syriaca 64 B. —Procavia syriaca jayakari 64 X. Procavia ruficeps 64 XI. Procavia burtoni 64 XII. Procavia sharica 65 Xlir. Procavia habessinica 65 A. —Procavia habessinica habessinica 66 B. —Procavia habessinica minor . 66 XIY. Procavia ferrugixea 66 XY. Procavia pallida 66 XYI. Procavia ruwenzorii 66 CONTENTS PAGE XYII, Procavia mackinderi 67 A. —Procavia mackinderi mackinderi 67 B. —Procavia mackinderi zelotes 67 XVIII. Procavia lopesi . 67 XIX. Procavia oweni 67 XX. Procavia jacksoni . 68 XXI. Procavia d.emon 68 XXII. Procavia matschiei 68 XXIII. Procavia welwitschi . 68 XXIV. Procavia volkmanni 69 XXV. Procavia latastei . 69 XXVI. Procavia brucei . 69 A. —Procavia brucei brucei 69 B. —Pi'ocavia brucei somalica 70 C. —Procavia brucei hindei 70 D. —Procavia brucei borana 70 E. —Procavia brucei ruddi . 71 F. —Procavia brucei maculata 71 G. — Procavia brucei granti . 71 H. — Procavia brucei manning! 72 I. — Procavia brucei thomasi 72 J. — Procavia brucei kempi 72 K.—Procavia brucei princeps 73 XXVII. Procavia pumiLa 73 A. —Procavia pumila pumila 73 B.—Procavia pumila rudolfi 73 XXVIII. Procavia slatini 74 XXIX. Procavia muenzeri 74 XXX. Procavia frommi . 74 XXXI. Procavia schubotzi 74 XXXII. Procavia bounhioli 74 XXXIII. Procavia butleri 74 XXXI"\\ Procavia bamexd.e 75 XXXV. Procavia kamerunensis 75 2. Subgenus Dendrohyrax . 75 XXXVI. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) scheelei 75 XXXVII. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) valida 75 XXXVIII. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) emini 76 A. —Procavia emini emini . 76 B. —Procavia emini latrator 76 — . CONTENTS IX PAGE XXXIX. Procavia (Dendkohyrax) arborea 76 XL. Procavia (Dendkohyrax) stuhlmanni 77 XLI. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) neumanni . 77 XLII. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) dorsalis 77 XLI II. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) marmota 78 XLIV. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) bettoni . 78 XLV. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) aschantiensis 78 XLVI. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) terricola 78 XLVII. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) adametzi 78 A. —Procavia adametzi adametzi . 78 B. —Procavia adametzi zenkeri 79 XLVIII. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) tessmanni 79 XLIX. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) crawshayi 79 A. —Procavia crawshayi crawshayi 79 B.—Procavia crawshayi laikipia 79 L. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) adolfi-friederici 79 LI. Procavia (Dendrohyrax) scheffleri 80 Suborder IV. Proboscidea 80 Family Elephantid.e 80 Genus Elephas 80 1. Subgenus Elephas . 81 I. Elephas maximus 81 A. —Elephas maximus maximus 82 B.—Elephas maximus zeylanicus 83 C. —Elephas maximus sumatranus 83 D.—Elephas maximus hirsutus . 84 2. Subgenus Loxodonta 85 II. Elephas (Loxodonta) africanus 85 A. —Elephas africanus capensis . 86 B. —Elephas africanus selousi 87 C. —Elephas africanus cyclotis . 87 D. —Elephas africanus cottoni 87 E. —Elephas africanus knochenhaueri F. —Elephas africanus peeli G. —Elephas africanus cavendishi 89 H.—Elephas africanus oxyotis 89 I. —Elephas africanus orleansi . 90 J. —Elephas africanus rothschildi 91 K. —Elephas africanus albertensis 91 CONTENTS ADDENDA TO VOL. T. CONTENTS — . LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS PAGE Fig. 1. —Bones of the Left Fore-foot of a Horse (A) and of a Eliinoceros (B) ....... 2 2. —Skull of Female Tarpan, or Mongolian Wild Horse (Equus caballus przewalshii) .... 4 ,, 3. —The Eight Upper Cheek-teeth of the Tarpan, or Mongolian Wild Horse {Equus caballus przeioal- sTiii). (From Lydekker, The Horse and its Rela- tives, 1912) 5 4.—-Female Tarpan, or Mongolian Wild Horse {Equus caballus przeiualsliii) ...... 8 5. —Female Kiang {Equus kiaiig). (From Lydekker, Proc, Zool. Soc. 1904) . \ . .10 6. —Female Kobdo Onager {Equus onager castaneus). (From Lydekker, Novitates Zoological, 1904) . 1.3 7.—Head of Grevy's Zebra {Equus \I)oliclio1iippus'\ grevyi). (From Lydekker, The Horse and its Rela- .^ tives, 1912) . 15 8. —Head of Grevy's Zebra {Eqiius [Dolichohippus] grevyi) ........ 16 9. —Grevy's Zebra {Equus [Dolichohipjpus] grevyi) . 17 10. The True, or Cape Quagga {Equus quagga quagga) . 20 11. —Cuninghame's Zebra {Equus quagga cuninghamei) (From a photograph by Mr. F. A. 0. Pym) . 28 12.—Cuninghame's Zebra {Equus quagga cuninghamei). (From a photograph by Mr. F. A. O. Pym) . 29 13.—Male Masai Zebra {Eqtcus quagga granti). (From Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1901) .... 31 14. — Skin of Foa's Zebra {Equiis [Hippotigris]
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