RESEARCH JOURNAL OF EARLY ViTESTERN MAILS VOLUME XIX NO. II Western Cover Society APRIL 1969 Express Territorial Ocean Mail Statehood Overland Postal Rates Post Offices Postal History CONTENTS Editor's Comer ...•.....•.......•.....•..•.......... 1 Membership Changes ............................... 2 Treasurer's Report .•.....................•.......... 3 Was There A Post Office Known As Lake Bigler 1 Cal? •... 4-7 By W. Scott Polland The Hidden Number - ByGaspare Signorelli 8- 9 Contents Of A Letter From Kansas Territory 10-13 By James W. Milgram, M.D. Notes On The Post Offices Of Lawrence County ..•..•.. 14-19 South Dakota 1 Part 2 - By William F. Rapp 1 Jr. Territorial Times - Colorado Territory Postmaster' 20-29 Compensation (Cont'd) - By David L. Jarrett Contents Of A Letter From Burns Creek 1 California 30-31 By Fred E . Starr A Group Of British Columbia Expresses 32-36 By A. Jay Hertz Auction Action - By N. Leonard Persson ........•...•. 37-41 Advertisements ..•...••..•...••..•.•.••..•....•••.. 42- 44 PLEASE ADDRESS all communications intended ·tor WESTERN EXPRESS to the Editor, M. C. Nathan, 94 Biscayne Drive, San Rafael, California 94901. Advertising copy and payment therefore should also be sent to the editor, but inquiries regarding membership should be sent to M. C. Nathan, Jr., Room 1010, 9 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California 94104. WESTERN EXPRE SS -APRIL 1969 Page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDITOR'S CORNER We are receiving some fine "Contents of the Letter" material, for which we are grateful. Our members are c onstantly asking for more , so please continue to send them in to us . I t is with much regret that we are losing the regular services of Dave Jarrett as associate editor. His articles and pict ures in "Territorial Times" have been one of the high lights of e very i ssue of Western Express. He stat es that he has run out of material but wi ll continue to give us an article o nce a year for the January issue . Will some one I well versed in the collec ting of territorial covers, volun­ teer to come forth as the next a ssociate editor for "Territoria l Times." The editor will be ever grateful. In the meantim0 , thanks again a re due to Dave for the high s t andard that he set. We dislike having to be constantly reminding our members about changes of ad­ dress . We send Western Express by fourth class mail to keep e xpenses down. When an issue is returned we gua rantPe the returned postage (which i s the same as that sent out) and then send it again if the new address is shown on the re­ turned copy. Fourth class mail cannot be forwarded, even next door, so it costs us triple postage a nd often mon" posta ge to verify the new address , besides de lay getting the issue to yo u. PLEASE notify the editor promptly of a change of address . Another important reminde r is the necP.ssity of getting new me mbers. Some of us older birds cannot go on forever - re place me nts are important for continued exist­ e nce of our Society. Then too, we need ne w ideas - new blood can often furnish it. We understand a group of our members have been holding informal sessions in the Los Angeles area for quite some time . If a nyone is interested in meeting with th e group we suggest they contact our Vice -President, Robert Myerson 1 928 Towne Avenue, Los Ange les , Ca. 90021. Th e y say he sells ca ndy as a side line or will trade it for covers. The re cent Siegel sale of the Clifford collection of principa lly e xpress covers brought over $80,000 gross . Rare and very fine material brought new highs. This certainly forebodes what can be expecte d in the future. If demand for these covers continues to grow in the future as it has in the past, todays prices will seem cheap. This is so because the supply is limited and getting more so while the . number of collectors are constantly increasing . New finds of old material are few a nd far between and are gobbled up quickly. Very fine and rare western cove rs ar~ truly gems of philately. WESTERN EXPRESS -APRIL 1969 Page 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERSHIP CHANGES NEW MEMBERS #=524 Henry E. Kuehl, Box 187, Fulton, Ill. 612 52 Collects western h i storical ite ms, M i ssissi ppi river boats and railroad express covers. #=525 Gordon A. Fisk, 1000 Ho'.Tlestea d Ave . , Walnut Creek, Ca. 94598 Collects Mother Lode town covers. #= 526 Len J . Mason, 1833 Dona ld Circle, Boise, Idaho 83 706 Collects Expre ss, towns, territorials, railroads, e tc . RE-INSTATED TO MEMBERSHIP #=483 John J. Fendrick, 4 5 Collier Circle, Ridley Park, Pa. 19078 RESIGNATIONS #257 W . H . Edwa rds #=465 Vernon L. Ardiff CHANGES OF ADDRESS #=138 John L. Norbeck, 5828 Halifax Ave., So. Minneapolis, Mi nn. 55424 #=148 Lee Gilbert , 150 Nassau St., New York, N . Y. 10038 #=243 Bennett Levinson, 6333 E. Liberty, Fresno, Ca. 93727 #=391 Milton A. Roloff, 2722 Kinney Drive, Walnut Creek, Ca, 94595 #=406 E . Murray Todd, 41 East 42nd St . , Ne w York, N . Y. 10 017 #458 Richard C . Wilkerson, 1308 - 5th Ave . , San Francisco, Ca. 94122 #= 463 David R. Silberman, 3174 Montpelier Court , Pleasanton, Ca . 94566 #480 Maj. Neil C. Schroeder, 6262 E. Calle Silvora, Tucson, Ariz. 857ll #481 Lt. Col. Wm. T . Haye s, Jr. Det. 10, Pac ARRC, APO San Francisco, 96324 #506 Ed Evans, 3421 Geary St., San Francisco, Ca 94118 NECROLOGY Our since re sympathy to the families of: #105 Ma uri c e C . Blake and #412 Ce cil L. Herzberger WESTERN EXPRESS -APRIL 1969 Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT Cash on Hand, January 1, 1969 ........... ... ··. · ···· · ·· · ·· ·· · · · · $1,313.42 Receipts January 1 - December 31, 1968: Dues {current).. $2,52 0. 00 Dues {1969). .. 726.00 S3,246.00 Advertising (current) .. $ 117. 50 Advertising (1969) . 160. 00 2 77. 50 Donations . 544. 50 Sales of Western Express ... ...... 45.00 Interest on savings account . .... 32.00 4,145.00 Total Funds Available $5,458.42 Expenditures Western Express, publishing & mailing $3,258.87 WESTPEX '68- 3rd General Assembly. 130.50 Secretary's expenses - Postage ....• 60.00 Treasurer's expenses ............. 48.34 Miscellaneous ................... 40.75 $3,538.46 Cash on Hand December 31, 1968 $1,919.96 Everett C. Erle, Treasurer * * * * * * * * * * * * * Following is the list of Patron 1 Sustaining and Donating Members reported by the Treasurer as of March 15, 1969: PATRON MEMBERS J. David Baker Gerard P. Koch W. Scott Polland 1 M.D. Henry H. Clifford John Leutzinger David Silberman Mrs. Robert H. Geer, Jr . Mel C. Nathan, Jr . Frank A. Zid Harry Gray Basil C. Pearce SUSTAINING MEMBERS S. M. Arnold Robson Lowe Oscar Salzar David T. Beals, III Howard A. Mader William H. Semsrott Dr. W. Bilyew G. Wm . Magladry I M.D. Gerald B. Smith, M.D. Frank Burns Philip T. Manly Jack E. Stucky, M.D. Robert A. Hanson Percy Murray E. Murray Todd S. L. Herbruck Robert Myerson Elmer T. Tvedt I Herman Herst Jr . Frank Q. Newton 1 Jr. John G. Tyler John C. Juhring N. Leonard Persson Irwin R. Vogel A. Murl Kimmel H. M. Pierce C. A. Whittlesey Everett Lampson George N. Ponnay Al Zimmerman Robert Lewenthal Marden Ross HONORARY MEMBERS Roy S. Bloss Sheldon H. Goodman Dr. W. Terrentine Jackson Mel C . Nathan Note: In addition to dues a substantial contribution was again given by Gerard P. Koch. Thank you Sir, it is greatly appreciated by all. WESTERN EXPRESS -APRIL 1969 Page 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAS THERE A POST OFFICE KNOWN AS LAKE BIGLER, CAL? By W. Scott Polland, M.D. Illustrations #I -IV show manuscript post office markings of Lake Bigler, Cal dur­ ing the period 1862 - 1864 . These were apparently accepted as genuine by receiv­ ing post offices of this period . I have seen about ten such covers with this mark. However, as far as I know, there is no official record of such a post office either in Fricks tad's "A Century of California Post Offices" or in Fricks tad and Thrall's "A Century of Nevada Post Offices . " Apparently this post office was never listed in the official records at Washington, D.C. , nor can I find it in the unofficial Business Directorys of this period. ILLUSTRATION #I - COLLECTION OF ROBERT A HANSON . ,r:;.. t~ff .!l, f' ILLUSTRATION #II - COLlECTION OF BASIL C. PEARCE ' .• WESTERN EXPRESS -APRIL 1969 Page 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAKE BIGLER, CAL (Cont'd) ILLUSTRATION #III - COLLECTION OF BASIL C. PEARCE ILLUSTRATION #IV - COLLECTION OF ROBERT A HANSON The official map maker of California gave to what is now known as Lake Tahoe, the name Lake Bigler in honor of the third governor of California. In 18611 in an attempt to give this beautiful and charming lake a more appropriate name I William Henry Knight compiled a map of the Pacific States which was published by the Bancroft Publishing House in San Francisco, and in which Lake Bigler had been changed to Lake Tahoe. Knight obtained the approval of the Land Office at Wash­ ington 1 and the new name appeared on their subsequent maps for the Department of Interior. However, the California legislature oblivious to the popular acceptance of the name "Tahoe" legalized "Bigler" in 1870, and the act oddly enough was not repealed until 1943. Hence the confusion of the proper name for this lake in the 1860-1880 period. In order to try and locate the most likely area in which a "Lake Bigler" post office could exist, I have tried to go over the various areas around the lake, historically and geographically.
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