REPORT ON GENERAL EXPLORATION FOR GOLD, SILVER & BASEMETAL IN IMALIYA BLOCK, SLEEMANABAD AREA, KATNI DISTRICT, MADHYA PRADESH Item Code No. 055/ME/CR/MP/2016/045 (F.S. 2016-17) By Amit Kumar, Sr. Geologist Manish Kumar Gupta, Sr. Geologist CHAPTER – I: •••••• !"#$ %&'($ ($ )'*+"•,•-$ .(/$ 0$ 12'($ 3969 -73$ ($ -4••"$ 5••8#:$ 5<=>:?"; $ •< @.A$ BCD-($ E•$ 50• • , 397FG$ ($ HI••$ 1•$ ,(•+(!J•$ ($ K'L$ M0&•$N:•$O• , &2••$'N5N$FPQ$+#!•$ R$"?8'S,$ ($K'L$8••,• , •#••$E•$&)8•$ ($L $TJ1$5•U••$ •$T" V+•"$O•W$QXY$Z•+$•($'( •$QX[$&#1#!*$8 $C••-*$E•$ P$&#1#!*$•($F[P$&#1#!*$8 $ •$•0"•$5#$HI••$I•8 V$ ($••O$\" ($]<•••$^•10!_$ ` :•$N:•W •('•1 •$V .(/$ +a$ ,b($ 1=+•"($ 1•$ •0"($ R$ 1=?"•N$ N?8c<dI$ R$ ^•10!_$ E•$ 1994-95 ($eRJU$•#f"$+a$g/5 V&$+•"dC/A$ ($-4••"$L /$` L$NL$"+ ;"h$ R$ ^•10!_$ ($,•- , )<A_$ ($K'L$i•••K5 $&••C$ •$+•+'•$•('••1 V•, j+K':•$E•$ !"#$ ($ ,••M(b•$ j'• h$ +a$ K':•$ N:•W$ %&'($ ($ .(/$ ($ +4•+$ 1995-96 ($ 828$ +-$ ••k:•$ 012/L+Hl1#m•#H•mL+1#m$ 1995/004. j•$ T<dI$ ($ -4••" , n:<%)O8$ ,(U$ •o $E•$K+p#$ ($"+ ;"h$ 0$\X\X1 ;X--X-X1 ;X$i< %r8$N0•("•jsU$&0"$•($Lq /$` :•$ N:• , &0$ ` $ j+K':•$ ($ -t.A$ E•$ -t.A$ 1 <_$; +a$ 2=W$ •0"•$ B3XF$ &#1#!*$ •($ [$ &#1#!*$8 $T'N -T'NG , C••-*$BFQ$&#1#!*$•($u6$&#1#!*G$8••,($ ($••O$B3v$•($ +$[v$8 G , '(U$BQXP[v$8 $K+'8•$2=G$E•$%&• $Bwxy$1#1#L+$8 $K+'8•$ 2=) ($i0r••2"$ R$ R+8$g,)8•$•o $"+ ;"h$•($i•z8$` L$NL$O($E•$j•#$.(/$•($ K+p#$ ($"+ ;"h$•($•+•"$+ J:h$"($7QQ; m x [QQ m ($L $.(/$•($T••+•D:$+ ;J:h$ •$T" V+•"$'N•:•$O• , &0$••5•<"•$ ($1 V"{$+ ;J:•• "$ ($K'L$%fS+(-••$O•W$j•$ i ••$+- |X$Q7FmL+Hllm•#H•mL+1#m3997mQ3Q$ ($828$T}! ;,•$3997$•($• ~$V 20"($ <•'($ )'*+"•,•-$ .(/$ ($ j+K':•$ €'o $ +a$ •0"(, C••-*$ E•$ ,(•+(!'$ ($ TD<(‚A$ ($K'L$+-$\ƒ•L$N:•$O•W$j• ($,•- , •:_$•/$399u -99$ ($K'L$&••*$ •M•$ N:•$ O•W$ 3999$ -FQQQ$ ($ •:_$ •/$ ($ -4••" , 1^•:0&"•$ 0$ „e•)!$ …= $ i0&(}!„$ ($~1$+a$12C•"•$N:•$E•$ •+$1 ••$; •"($ ($K'L$-0$••'$ •$c<)8••$ 5#$†-:•$N:•W$j+K':•$€'o $+a$6Q$,0•20J•$` :($&•"($ ($,•-$:2$ •+$1 ••$20$; N:•$E•$1 •($1^•C•'"$; •:_$ •$†-"•• $YQX3QXFQQ3$ 0$1 ;••$` :•$N:•W j+K':•$€'o $+a$M?"&$)8•$ 0$i•z8$ •"($ ($K'L$ •:_$•/$FQ36 -37$ ($-4••"$1 <_<8‡$; •:_$ 0$HN($&#$F$C•A$ •:_$:0&"•$&••*$•M"($ ($K'L$ •:_$ 1 •/$ ($-4••"$ V '$ 6 R$••k:•$+a$,0•20'$c<K5D"$)8•$1•$<(I"$"2*•$` :•$N:•$ 2=W$ ,0•20'$ &#Hl&# -F$ ($ 1#ˆ($ 6Q$ +#!•$ ‰Š<•_I•$ N2••l$ 1•$ 12'•$ ,0•20'$ L+1#Hl&# -3$ ]c<8#:$ ,0•20'$ L+1#Hl&#Hl -F$ 0$ ,0•20'$ &#Hl&#$ -Y$ E•$ &#Hl&#$ -F3$ ($1#ˆ($3FQ$+#!•$‰Š<•_I•$N2••l$1•$•M•$N:•$2=W$8#••($,0•20'$ L+1#Hl&#Hl -Y$ 0$,0•20'$&#Hl&# -[$ ($1#ˆ($6Q$+#!•$‰Š<•_I•$N2••l$1•$ •M•$ N:•$ O•W$ C4O•$ ,0•20'$ L+1#Hl&#Hl -P$ "($ ,0•20'$ &#Hl&# -F$ E•$ L+1#Hl&#Hl -F$ ($1#ˆ($3FQ$+#!•$‰Š<•_I•$N2••l$1•$:0&"•$ ,"•lW$1••C<#•$ ,0•20'$ L+1#Hl&#Hl -[, ,0•20'$ &#Hl&# -3$ E•$ L+1#Hl&#Hl -FY$ E•$ ˆƒ($ ,0•20'$ L+1#Hl&#Hl -6$ ($ 1#ˆ($ 3FQ$ +#!•$ ‰Š<•_I•$ N2••l$ 1•$ ,0•20'$ &#Hl&# -P$ ($ 1#ˆ($ 9Q$ +#!•$ ‰Š<•_I•$ N2••l$ 1•$ :0&"•$ ,"•l$ NlW$ j+K':•$ €'o $ •$.(/ , )'*+"•,•-$]<•••$+2• 0•'$•+ ;2$ •$Nƒ"$` :•$&•8•$2=, %&• •$ i?8?"dIr<$ •e(-$ •($ N '•,#$V ••N$ •$ U0'0+•j!$ 208•$2=, 18'*$ M• R$ •($ C+ R'•$ ••N$ •$e•j'* , •'($5 ;•($••N$ ($ •'($5 ;•($••N$ ($C!_$E•$&=)1•$,‹U$ ($••O$T•8•$ 208•$2=W$ j"$Cp•"h$ 0$1 ;X\X1 ;X-1X-X1X$ 70 °$ -80 °$-t.A$ R$8•e$"?8$2=$Cp•"h$ 0$ \X\X1X --X-X1 ;X$i< r8$}<•Œ_&$10Ž:_•*$U•jq $E•$\X1 ;X--X1X$E•$\X1X --X1 ;X$i< %r8$q }<•Œ_&$K•••$E•$TJ1K•K' $U•l}•$]<•••$T8_< @Š"$ •$†-:•$N:•$2=W )<A_$ M?"&$ T?"<•:_$ ~1$ •($ •Je•jU$ M?"&$ ($ K'L$ •#K+8$ 2=$ TO•_8$ ‘}•# •A$m$No•"$.(/$E•$c<5•N$5••<$ ($••O , &0$1’C&•8$'.A$-••_8•$2=W$ •82$ •($ \1$ •82$ 8 $ ••)8•$ R$ +0!•l$ +a$ ,-'•<$ 208•$ 2=W •0"•$ R$ +•/•$ \1$ •82$ R$ “•$ +$ 208•$ 2=, •0"•$ M?"&$ R$ +(&,•"#$ U0'0+•j!$ ]<•••$ }<•Œ_&$ K•••mK•^• •$ ($••O$208#$2=$%&•+a$•Je•jU$M?"&$208($2‹W M?"&$1-•O”$ ($~1$ +a$M?"&$ ($'.A , 1:••j! , C=J 01:••j!$ , 1•:•0!•j! , N='("•$ E•$ 0<('•j!$ ($ A , €'(€•$E•$K•^• •$ ($~1$+a$H}•# q 8$}<•Œ_&$K•••$+a$+4& ;-$208($2‹$E•$ j• ($C••h$“•$U0'0+•j!$+4& ;-$208($2‹W j•$LeL•1#$ ($-4••"$[Q$,#H•L•$ ($"+ ;"h$ R$••k:• , 3Q$••X$1#•#L• , 3Q$••X$1#L• , [$••X$l1#L+L , [$L•lL+$m$lU#L}•$L /$` L$NL$2‹$E•$[$••X$ 1•"#$ •$"+ ;"•$L /$` :•$N:•$2=W$ V '$FQQ$••X 0•$"+ ;"($8=:•• ` :(W$ j+K':•$ €'• $ +a$ V '$ w••–——$ !"$ B)<A_$ —Xx˜$ Z•Xm!"G$ )<A_$ ••••I"$ T" Vi)O$ •!$ ?":+$ ]<•••$ E•$ ™˜˜w•$ !"$ B)<A_$ —Xx$ Z•Xm!"G$ L'X$ <#X$ •!$ ?":+$]<•••$ •:_$•/$—šš˜ -x––—$+a$H '"$` :•$N:•›$$ 2 <8_+•"$ •:_$ •/$ x–—• -—˜$ ($ -0••"$ •)<A_$ •$ + ;J:•• "$ )8•$ ,œ$ N:•$ “•$)<A_$••••I"$ •$T" Vi)O$ •8$?":+$]<••$YP66P[$Œ"$B$)<A_$3X3YZ+$ i?8$Œ"G$K+'•$“•$L'$<#$ •!$?":+$]<••$Y[67u9$Œ"$B)<A_$3X3YZ+$i?8$ Œ"G$1•:•$N:•W$ $l•$i ••$••••I"$ ($H• '"$ ($K':($1 ;<_$ •:_$•/$ •$••••:?" $H• U•$$ <-8_+•"•/$ ($••••:?" $H U0$ ($••O$••%SS'8$` :•$N:•$W$ 3 SUMMARY Sleemanabad area of Katni district was earlier explored for basemetals during 1969–71 by Geological survey of India (Chande & Bhoskar, 1972) where meager reserves of copper, lead and zinc were estimated for a strike length of about 240m. Gold ranging from 0.3gpt to 0.5gpt and silver from 4gpt to 254gpt were also reported by them along with the base metals. Consequent upon the report of large scale gold panning activity in Selarpur area and the samples collected during the course of transect mapping in field season 1994-95, an item of preliminary investigation for gold was taken up in the Selarpur, Imaliya and Barkhera areas of Katni district during field season 1995-96 under item No. 012/MIP/CR/MP/1995/004. During this period, systematic bed rock and soil samples were collected from the NNW-SSE trending gossanised zones occurring to the south and south east of Imaliya. Encouraging values for gold (varying from 1.2gpt to 5gpt), silver (20gpt to 86gpt) along with copper (from less than 1% to as much as 5%), Pb (up to 0.45%) and zinc (up to 425ppm) were obtained from the bed rock samples and similar values from the soil samples from the same area indicated anomalous values from an area of 700m x 500m which warranted a re-evaluation of the prospect. Thus the item for exploration for gold, silver and basemetal was taken up in Imaliya block of Sleemanabad area commencing from October 1997, under item code No. 072/MIE/CR/MP/1997/010. Subsequently, the item was continued for field season1998-99. During the field season 1999-2000, the project was identified as a “Fast Track Project” and also two years extension was given to complete the work. The work was concluded after completion of 60 boreholes drilled in Imaliya block and entire operational work was completed by date 30.10.2001. In continuation of earlier work further G2 stage work was planned during FSP 2016-17 to know mineralisation at Imaliya block at deferent level. During the FSP total 6 nos borehole were drilled at deferent level. First borehole MPIGI-1 planned to intersect ore body at 60m vertical depth behind previous borehole GIG-2. Second borehole MPIGI-2 planned to intersect ore body at 120m vertical depth behind previous borehole GIG-3 and GIG-21.Third borehole MPIGI-3 planned to intersect ore body at 60m vertical depth behind previous borehole GIG-5. Fourth borehole MPIGI-4 planned to intersect ore body 120m vertical depth behind previous borehole GIG-2 and resent borehole MPIGI-2. Fifth borehole MPIGI-5 planned to intersect ore 4 body 120m vertical depth behind previous borehole GIG-1 and resent borehole MPIGI-23 and Sixth borehole MPIGI-6 planned to intersect ore body at 90m vertical depth behind previous borehole GIG-4. The area of Imaliya block is underlain by Sleemanabad Formation of Mahakoshal Group represented by off white to pink dolomite intercalated with thin khaki to buff colored phyllite, grayish white to dark grey color chert and jasper bands. These rocks trend ENE-WSW dipping 70°-80° southerly. The rocks have been intruded by NNW-SSE trending quartz porphyry dykes and NE-SW and NW-SE trending quartz veins and basic dykes. Gold mineralization is essentially confined to the sulphide mineralisation i.e. with oxidation/ gossan zones and fracture filled. There is a change in the thickness of the zones from surface to sub surface. As per the old workers gold values decrease with depth. Gold mineralization is hosted by dolomite with quartz veins/veinlets containing sulphide minerals. Surface indications of mineralisation in the form of specks, blebs & stringers of pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrohtite, galena and covellite are present in the oxidized quartz vein and the dolomite around it. During the FSP 50 nos of BRS samples, 10 nos PCS, 10 nos PS, 5nos EPMA, 5no SEM/EDX has been collected and 5 no water sample collected. Total 200 nos of core samples were prepared. Prepared samples are submitted to concerned laboratories.
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