Table of Artificial Satellites Launched in 1978

Table of Artificial Satellites Launched in 1978

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(ITU) ﻟﻼﺗﺼﺎﻻﺕ ﺍﻟﺪﻭﻟﻲ ﺍﻻﺗﺤﺎﺩ ﻓﻲ ﻭﺍﻟﻤﺤﻔﻮﻇﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ ﺃﺟﺮﺍﻩ ﺍﻟﻀﻮﺋﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻤﺴﺢ ﺗﺼﻮﻳﺮ ﻧﺘﺎﺝ (PDF) ﺍﻹﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻨﺴﺨﺔ ﻫﺬﻩ .ﻭﺍﻟﻤﺤﻔﻮﻇﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﻮﻓﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻮﺛﺎﺋﻖ ﺿﻤﻦ ﺃﺻﻠﻴﺔ ﻭﺭﻗﻴﺔ ﻭﺛﻴﻘﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻧﻘﻼ ً◌ 此电子版(PDF版本)由国际电信联盟(ITU)图书馆和档案室利用存于该处的纸质文件扫描提供。 Настоящий электронный вариант (PDF) был подготовлен в библиотечно-архивной службе Международного союза электросвязи путем сканирования исходного документа в бумажной форме из библиотечно-архивной службы МСЭ. © International Telecommunication Union Table of artificial satellites launched in 1978 COSMOS-1 012 1978 54A C0SM0S-1064 1978 119A MOLNYA-1 (40 ) 1978 55A A C0SM0S-1013 1978 56A C0SM0S-1065 1978 120A MOLNYA-1 (41) 1978 72 A COSMOS-1066 1 21A MOLNYA-1 (42) 1978 80A AMSAT-OSCAR-8 1978 26B C0SM0S-1014 1978 56B 1978 MOLNYA-3 (9) 1 978 9A ANIK-B1 1978 116A C0SM0S-1015 1978 56 C COSMOS-1067 1978 122A C0SM0S-1016 1978 56D COSMOS-1 068 1978 1 23 A MOLNYA-3 (10) 1978 95A n COSMOS-1017 1978 56E COSMOS-1069 1978 1 24A D COSMOS-1018 1978 56 F N BSE 1978 39 A COSMOS-1 019 1978 56G D NATO-3 C 1978 106 A COSMOS-1 020 1978 56H DMSP-F3 1978 42A NAVST AR-1 1978 20 A C0SM0S-1D21 1 978 5 7A DSCS-II 9 1978 113A NAVSTAR-2 1978 47A C COSMOS-1022 1978 59A DSCS-II 10 1978 113B NAVSTAR-4 1978 112A CAMEO 1978 98B COSMOS-102 3 1978 63A NIMBUS-7 1978 98A CHINA-8 1978 11A COSMOS-1024 1978 66A t COMSTAR -3 1978 68 A COSMOS-1025 1978 67A ESA-GEOS-2 1978 71A O COSMOS- 974 1978 1 A COSMOS—1026 1978 69A 1978 14A EXOS-1 OTS-2 1978 44A COSMOS- 97 5 1978 4A C0SM0S-1027 1978 74A EXOS-2 1978 87A COSMOS- 976 1978 5A C0SM0S-1028 1 978 76A D COSMOS- 977 1978 5B COSMOS—1029 1978 82A c P COSMOS- 978 1978 5C COSMOS-1030 1978 83A r PIONEER-VENUS ORB. 1978 5 1A FLTSATCOM-1 1978 16A COSFIOS- 979 1978 5D C0SM0S-1031 1978 85A PIONEER-VENUS -2 1978 78A COSMOS- 980 1978 5E C0SM0S-1032 1978 88A PRO GNO Z-7 1978 101A COSMOS- 981 1978 5 F C0SM0S-1033 1978 89A G PROGRESS-1 1978 8A COSMOS- 982 1978 5G COSMOS-1034 1978 91A GOES-3 1978 62A PROGRESS-2 1978 70A COSMOS- 983 1978 5H COSMOS-1035 1 978 91B GORIZONT 1978 118A PROGRESS-3 1978 77 A COSMOS- 984 1978 6A COSMOS-1036 1978 91C PROGRESS-4 1978 90 A COSMOS- 985 1978 7A COSM0S-1037 1978 91 D n 1 OA COSMOS-1038 1978 91 E H COSMOS- 986 1978 HCMM 1978 41A K COSMOS- 987 1978 13A C0SM0S-1039 1978 91 F H E AO— 2 1978 103A RADIO-1 1978 100B COSMOS- 988 1978 15A COSMOS-1 040 1978 91 G RADIO-2 1978 100C COSMOS- 989 1978 17A COSMOS-1 041 1978 91H 1 RADUGA-4 1978 73A COSMOS- 990 1978 19 A C0SM0S-1042 1978 92A I RS-1 1978 1 OOB 1978 2A COSMOS- 991 1978 22A C0SM0S-1043 1978 94 A INTELSAT-IV A F3 RS-2 1978 100C COSMOS- 992 1978 2 5A C0SM0S-1044 1978 97 A INTE LSAT-IV A F6 1978 35A COSMOS- 993 1978 27A C0SM0S-1045 1978 100A INTERCOSMOS—18 1978 99A c COSMOS- 994 1978 28A COSMOS-1046 1978 1 02A IS EE-3 1978 79 A SEAS AT—1 1978 64A COSMOS- 995 1978 30A COS MOS-1047 1978 104A ISS-2 1978 18A SOYUZ-27 1978 3A COSMOS- 996 1978 31A COSMOS-1048 1978 1 05 A IUE-1 1978 12 A SOYUZ-28 1978 23A COSMOS- 997 1978 32A COSMOS-1049 1978 107A 1 SO YUZ-29 1978 61A COSMOS- 998 1978 32B COSMOS-1050 1978 1 08 A SOYUZ-30 1978 65A COSMOS- 999 1978 33A C0SM0S-1051 1978 109A J JIKI-KEN 1978 87A SOYUZ-31 1978 81A COSMOS- 1000 1978 34A COSMOS-1052 1978 1 09 B STATSIONAR-2 1978 73 A COSMOS- 1001 1 978 36 A C0SM0S-1D53 19 78 109C COSMOS- 1002 1978 37A COSMOS-1 054 1978 109D K T COSMOS- 1003 1978 40 A C0SM0S-1055 1978 1 09E KYOKKO 1978 14A I 1978 96A COSMOS- 1004 1978 43A COSMOS-1056 1978 1 09 F TIROS-N COSMOS- 1005 1978 4 5 A COSMOS—105 7 1978 109G 1 COSMOS- 1006 1978 4 6A C0SM0S-105 8 1978 109H L u LAN D SAT-3 1978 26A 1978 18A COSMOS- 1007 1978 48A CDSMOS-1059 1978 1 1 0 A UME-2 COSMOS- 1008 1978 49A C0SM0S-10 60 1978 111 A COSMOS- 1009 1978 5 0 A COSMOS-1 061 1978 114 A M V 8 4A COSMOS- 1010 1978 52 A COSMOS-1062 19 78 1 15A MAG ION 1978 99C VENERA-11 1978 COSMOS- 1011 1978 5 3A COSMOS-1 063 1978 11 7 A MOLNYA-1 (39) 1978 24 A VENERA-12 1978 86A Country Code nam e International Organization Perigee Period Frequencies Date Observations Spacecraft description num ber Site o f Apogee Inclination Transmitter power launching Cosmos-974 1978-1-A USSR 6 Jan. 188 km 89.6 min High-resoiution reconnaissance satellite (PLE) 356 km 62.8° Intelsat-IV A F3 1978-2-A International 7 Jan. in geostati onary orbit 3947.5; 3952.5 MHz INTELSAT commercial telecommunication satellite; 6250 INTELSAT at 3° E (telemetry) two-way telephone circuits and two television channels cylindrical spin-stabilized satellite; (ETR) diameter: 2.38 m; height: 6.98 m; 3700-4200 MHz mass at launch: 1515 kg; mass in 20 W orbit: 825 kg; solar cells (communications) Soyuz-27 1978-3-A USSR 10 Jan. 257 km 89.9 min Two-man spacecraft: V. Zhanibekov, flight commander; (BAI) 302 km 51.6° O. Makarov, flight engineer. Docked with Salyut-6 on 3-part spacecraft: 2 spherical 11 January. Crew transferrred for a 5-day stay aboard habitable modules (orbital Salyut with the crew of Soyuz-26 before returning to compartment and command Earth in Soyuz-26 which landed 310 km west of Tselino- module) connected in tandem to a grad (Kazakhstan). cylindrical service module; diameter: 2.70 m; height: 7.10 m; Soyuz-27 returned to Earth on 16 March 1978 mass: 6680 kg; 2 solar arrays Cosmos-975 1978-4-A USSR 10 Jan. 637 km 97.6 min Electronic monitoring satellite (PLE) 680 km 81.2° Cosmos-976 1978-5-A USSR 10 Jan. 1452 km 115.3 min Government communications satellites (PLE) 1520 km 74.0° to to Cosmos-983 1978-5-H mass:40 kg each Cosmos-984 1978-6-A USSR 13 Jan. 215 km 89.5 min 19.995 MHz Reconnaissance satellite (PLE) 313 km 62.8° Cosmos-985 1978-7-A USSR 17 Jan. 960 km 105.0 min Navigation satellite (PLE) 1032 km 83.0° Progress-1 1978-8-A USSR 20 Jan. 184 km 88.8 min Expendable supply craft capable of transporting 2.3 262 km 51.6° tonnes—1 tonne of propergols and 1.3 tonnes of “ dry ” modification of Soyuz spacecraft freight. Docked with Salyut-6 on 22 January to transfer without descent and landing fresh supplies of fuel and equipment. The two spacecraft system; mass at launch: 7 tonnes separated again on 6 February 1 TELEC O M M U N IC ATIO N JO U R N A L - VOL. 46 - VI1979 C ountry Code name International Organization Perigee Period Frequencies Date Observations Spacecraft description num ber Site o f Apogee Inclination Transmitter power launching 9th Molnya-3 1978-9-A USSR 24 Jan. 661 km 736 min 1 cm band Carries apparatus for transmitting television programs (PLE) 40 631 km 62.8° and multichannel radiocommunications mass: 1500 kg Cosmos-986 1978-10-A USSR 24 Jan. 179 km 89.4 min Reconnaissance satellite (BAI) 341 km 65.0° China-8 1978-11-A China 26 Jan. 162 km 90.5 min Reconnaissance satellite. 437 km 57.2° Recovered on 7 February 1978 IU E-1 1978-12-A International 26 Jan. in geosynch •onous o rb it 136.860 MHz International Ultraviolet Explorer NASA/ESA/ at 71° W 6 W octagonal structure with tele­ SRC (tracking and telem etry) scope protruding from to p; (ERT) diameter; 1.30 m; height: 4.30 m; 2249.800 MHz mass at launch: 671 kg; 6 W 2 solar arrays (telemetry only) Cosmos-987 1978-13-A USSR 31 Jan. 183 km 89.6 min Photographic reconnaissance satellite 359 km 62.8° EXOS-1 (Kyokko) 1978-14-A Japan 4 Feb. 642 km 134 min 136.725; 400.45 MHz ObJectives: to study auroras by means of an ultraviolet ISAS 3977 km 65.4° 0.1 W television camera. The satellite is part of the Japanese cylindrical satellite; diameter: (KSC) contribution to the International Magnetospheric Study 0.946 m; height: 0.80 m; gross mass: 130 kg Cosmos-988 1978-15-A USSR 8 Feb.

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