DOCUMENT RESUME ED 114 873 \ . CS 501 159 ,' lUTHOR Shearer, Ned W., Ed. TITLE Bibliographic Annual in Speech Communication, 1971. --- INSTITUTION -Speech Communication Association,-NexYork, N.Y.. f. ' . # PUB DATE, ,72 ) . NOTE 4 '374p.; Some pages may have poor reproducibility due . to small type AVAILABLE FROM Speech Communication Association, Suite 1001, 5205 w ti, Leesburg Pike, Falls. Church; Virginia 22041 '($5.00) EDR6 PRICE MF-$0.76 HC?$18.40 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS Abstracts; Annotated Bibliographies; *Bibliographies; 'r *Communication (Thbuiht TranSfer); Credibility; Doctoral Theses; Masters Theses; Public Speaking; Rhetoric; *Speech ' IDENTIFIERS. *Speech Communication ABSTRACT Material in,this volume has been organized in five sections:(1),a bibliography of studies related to variables of source credibility (110 empirical studies--listed, classified, and annotated7-from 1930 through 1969) ;(2) abstracts of doctoral, dissertations in speech communication, 1970 (in the fields of forensics, instrpctional development, interpersonal and small group interaction, interpretation, mass communication, public address, rhetorical and,commutication theory, speech sciences, and theatre); 3) titles of graduate theses and dissertations in speech w communication,. 1970; (4) a bibliography on comniunication,'rhetorio,, And public address for 1970'; and (5)an index to titles -of graduate theses and dissertations, and to abstracts of doctoral dissertations, 1JM) S 4/3 ************ ********************************************************* * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from' other sources. ERIC, makes every effort * * to obtainthebestcopy available.Nevertheless, ,itemsofmarginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * of the microfiche and hardcdpy reirOuctaohsEnd makes available * via.the ERIC Document Repeoduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is poi+. * responsible for the quality of the original.document. Reproductions * * s'upRlied by EDRS,7(Are the best that can;be made. from the' original. *****************************************4**************************** . 7 BIBLIOGRAPHIC ANNUAL IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION 1971 AN ANNUAL VOLUME DEVOT D TO MAINTAINING A RECORD RADUATE WORK IN SPEECH COMMUNICATI N, PROVIDING ABSTRACTS OF DOCTORAL DISSERT TIONS, AND MAKING AVAILABLE SPECIALIZE BIBLIOGRAPHIES NED A. SHEARER, Editor A Publication of the SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION BIBLIOGRAPHIC ,ANNUAL IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION 7- PUBLISHED BY THE SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION ----4.:.iiiiivarWSitcExecutive Secretary Statler Hilton Hotel, New York City 10001 N EDITOR \ NED A. SHEARER \ Department of Speech Upiversity of California: Los Angeles 405 Hilgard Avenue LosiAngeles, California 90024 mrroRiAL ASSOCIATES: RICHARD H. Mu= University of California, Los Angeles Rotrzr. P. WALTuza University of California, Lo's Angeles ti 4, .Bibliographic Annual is published yearly, by the SpeechCommunication Association,, Statler Hilton Hotel, New York 'City 10001. Correspondence concerning issues should be addressed to the New York office. Correspondence 'Concerning manuscripts should be addressed tothe Editor. Copyright 1972, by the Speech Communication Association. Annual subscription $5.00. Speech Communication Association / .., EDITOR'S PREFACE This volume of theBibliographic Annualreflects a fifty per cent increase in the number of titles of graduate theses anddissertations reported as well as in the number of abstracts submitted for printing. The increase can be traced to an improved system of soliciting institutions for reports and the subseiluent punctual response by a majority of these institutions. As a result, the key word title index format employed last year has been modified in order to meet space limitations. ,- In addition, the annual bibliography of communication, rhetoric, and public address has expanded by sixty per cent over last year's compilation. In just two . years, the number of citations now included has tripled. To aid the reader, a., r reNised and expanded table of contents to this particular bibliography has been constructed and should be consulted prior to use of the bibliography (see pp. 210-211). With the expanded demand upOn space, several specialized bibliographies have been delayed for publication'until Volume III, thereby filling all available , . space. Consequently, prospective contributors should send manuscripts for con- sideration to the next editor: Patrick C. Kennicott Speech Communitation Association Statler Hilton Hotel New' York, N. Y. 10001 ., A., 4. t ).. 4 BIBLIOGRAPHICANNUAL IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION Published by THE SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION VOLUME II 1971 ANNUAL Table of Contents A Bibliography of Studies Related to, Variables of Source Credibility STEPHEN W. LITTLEJOHN Abstracts of DoctOral Dissertations in the Field of Speech Commaiiication, 1970 041 Forensics.. 41 Instructional Development 42 Interpersonal and Small Group Interaction 46 Interpretation 55 Mass Communication 59 Public Address 71 r . Rhetorical and 'Communication Theory 85 Speech Sciences 105 Theaire . 181 Titles of Graduate Theses and Dissertations, 'An Index of Graduate Research in Speech Communications 1970 . .. 144 Section I.... 144 Table I. Institutional Sources of Degrees Granted and Accumulated Totals.. 1451449 Section II. Titles.... 149 section Iii. Indexto Titles and Abstracts 322 c v A Bibliography of Communication, Rhetoric, ,. and Public Address for the Year 1970 210 ' . -)N ED A. SHEARER Index to Titles of Graduate Theses and Dissertations, J. and Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations _ 322 -. r .a / v r. 1.- 1' N r ( G . r Y. G rt BIBLI6GRAPHIC ANNUAL IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION, VOLUME II 1971 ANNUAL A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF STUDIES RELATED TO VARIABLES OF SOURCE.CREDIBILITY STEPHEN W. LITTLEJOHN Humboldt State College ONE of the major advantages of thelisted, classified, and annotated. There tremendous growth in disciplinesate three parts to the bibliography. Part concerned with communication isthe Iis an alphabetical listing of various ever/increasing body of data rel1ted toworks related to source credibility. Part communication problems. However,Ills a cumulative table listing each em- along with That benefit comes a difficulty pirical study in terms of criteria and con- the problem of. synthesizing there- comitant variables. Finally, Part IIIis search studies done in a particular area.a summary of variable relationships in- This is especially true in such areas ascluding a statement of the propositions source credibility,for the number ofwhich have been tested along withan empirical studies in that area is almostindicationofthe number of studies too large fora single person to digest.Which have supported each tested rela- For this reason I have attempted to,col-tionship: late the major studies related to com- munication source. This bibliography should serve the student who needs a survey of lithature, the researcher who BIBLIOGRAPHY wishes to discover quickly what othersAdams, John B. "An Experiment on the Influ- have done in the field, and the teacher ence of prestige and Nationality on Opigion Change." Unpubl. doctoraldiss.,Upt,q,of who wants a ref*encie of studies which Wisconsin, 1957. _ ..._.,he canuseinthe classroom.Addi- Alexander, Dennis. The Effect of Perceived it tionally,,the last section should be help- Source Credibility, Ego-involvement, and Ini- ful to those persons desiring a brief sum- tialAttitude onStudents'Images ofthe mary of the various relationships which Black Student Union." Unpubl. doctOral diss., have been studied. ." Ohio StateUniv.,1969. Atulersen, Kenneth E. "An Experimental Study The bibliography includes approxi- of the Interaction of ArtistiC and Non-artistic mately )10 empirical studies from, 1930 Ethosin Persuasion." Unpubl. doctoral diss., through 1969. The -studies have_been Univ. of Wisconsin, 1961. , and Theodore Clevenger, Jr. "A Sum- mary of Experimental Researchin Ethos," Mr. LittlejohnisanAssistantProfessorof Speech at Humboldt State College. Speech Monograph330(1963), 59-78. "I -7 -2 BIBLIOGRAPHIC ANNUAL IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION Arnett, C. E., H. H. Davidson, and H N. Lewis.'Betsinghaus, Erwin P. ''The Operation of Con- "Prestige as a Factor in Attitude Change,' gruity in an Oral Communication Situation,' Sociology and SocialResearch, 16 (1931), Speech Monographs, 28 (1961), 131.42. 49.55. Biddle, Phillips R. "An Experimental Study of- Arnold, William E. "An Experimental Study of Ethos and Appeal for Overt Behavior in Per- the Effects of Communicator Credibility and suasion." Unpubl. doctoral diss., Univ. of Ills- Attitude Change on Subsequent Overt Be- nois, 1966. havior." Unpubl. doctoral diss., The Pennsyl- Birch, Herbert. ''The Effect of Socially Disap- vania State Univ., 1966. proved Labeling upon a Well-Structured At- and James C. McCroskey. "The Credi titude," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy- bility of Reluctant Testimony," Central States chology, 40 (1945), 301-10. Speech Journal, 18(1967), 97-103. Bowden, A. O.; F. F. Caldwell; and G. A. West. Aronson,Elliot"Avoidance .ofInter-Subject "A Study. in Prestige," American Journal of Communication," PsychologicalReports, 19 Sociology, 40 (1934), 193.204. (1966), 238. Bowers, John W. "T1I,Congruity Principle and and Burton W. Golden. "The Effect of Oral Communication," Central States Speech Relevant andIrrelevantAspects of 'Com- Journal, 14 (1963), 88-91. municator Credibility on Opinion Change," and William A. Phillips. "A Note on Journal
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