Stop Trafficking ! Anti-Human Trafficking Newsletter Awareness January 2012 Vol. 10 No. 1 This issue highlights how current events are often Advocacy intertwined in human trafficking. Sponsored by the: Sisters of the Divine Savior Action Co-Sponsors The War in Iraq: •Adorers of the Blood of Christ •Sisters of the Holy Names •Benedictine Sisters of Chicago of Jesus and Mary Women Are the Biggest Losers •Benedictine Sisters of Mount •Sisters of the Humility of Mary St. Scholastica •Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Iraqi Women American women •Cenacle Sisters, N. Amer. Prov. •Sisters of Notre Dame, CA Prov. •Congregation of Notre Dame •Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Iraqi women “are the biggest American women soldiers in Iraq •Congregation of Sisters of USA losers” in this war, asserted the were also losers. Nearly 200,000 St. Agnes •Sisters of the Presentation of •Congregation of St. Joseph the Blessed Virgin Mary, SD founding director of the Orga- served there, in as dangerous situ- •Daughters of Charity, Prov. of •Sisters of Providence, nization of Women’s Freedom ations as men. Though barred from St. Louise Mother Joseph Prov. in Iraq (OWFI). They end up combat, they patrolled streets with •Daughters of Charity of •Sisters of Providence of with extreme lack of freedom, machine guns, served as gunners on St. Vincent de Paul, Prov. of West St. Vincent de Paul, Canada •Dominican Sisters of Adrian, MI •Sisters of St. Anne, U.S., lack of social security, lack of vehicles, dismantled explosives, drove •Dominican Sisters of Mission Canada & Chile opportunity, and increased trucks down bomb-ridden streets, San Jose •Sisters of St. Francis of sexual terror. The OWFI and rescued the dead and injured in •Dominican Sisters of Peace Colorado Springs conducted extensive high- battle zones. These same women were •Dominican Sisters of San Rafael •Sisters of St. Francis of the •Felician Sisters Providence of God risk investigations into the concurrently, caught in a second, more •Franciscan Sisters of the •Sisters of St. Francis of prevalence and plight of Iraqi damaging war — a private, preemptive Sacred Heart Redwood City widows, women kidnapped and one in the barracks. One female soldier •Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters •Sisters of St. Francis of killed, and women trafficked said, “They basically assume because •Holy Union Sisters Rochester, MN •Marianites of Holy Cross •Sisters of St. Joseph of into prostitution. you are a girl in the Army, you’re •Missionary Sisters of the Carondelet, Los Angeles Fifteen percent of Iraq’s 1 obligated to have sex with them.” Society of Mary •Sisters of St. Joseph of to 2 million widows are seek- Resisting sexual assault in the bar- •Religious of the Sacred Heart Chestnut Hill, PA ing temporary marriages out racks spills over to the battlefield, of Mary •Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, •Salvatorian Priests and Brothers Prov. of USA & Canada of economic desperation and according to many women veterans, •San Jose CA Police Dept. Vice •Sisters of St. Joseph of extreme insecurity as single in the form of relentless verbal sexual Unit, HT Task Force Orange, CA women. By 2006, OWFI had harassment, punitive high-risk as- •School Sisters of Notre Dame, •Sisters of St. Mary of Namur, observed an “epidemic rise” in signments, and the morbid sense that Shalom North America N. / S. Amer. Prov.s •School Sisters of St. Francis, PA •Ursuline Sisters of the the number of women prosti- one’s back is not being watched. •School Sisters of St. Francis of Roman Union USA tuted in brothels, workplaces, One-third of active duty woman are Christ the King and hideouts in Baghdad. sexually assaulted; nearly all report •Servants of the Holy Heart of Through covert investigation, constant sexual harassment. Patricia Mary, USA Province •Servants of Mary, Ladysmith, WI they learned of the trafficking Resick, a psychiatrist researching post- •Sisters of Bon Secours USA of women within all regions traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in •Sisters of Charity of Halifax of Iraq women at the Boston Veterans Admin- •Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate for Iraqi istration, stated, “sexual trauma is a Word, Houston •Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, KY men and more significant risk factor for PTSD •Sisters of Christian Charity, for US than combat or the types of trauma Mendham NJ & Wilmette, IL military, that men generally experience. Sexual •Sisters Faithful Companions as well as trauma, unlike combat trauma, is of Jesus •Sisters of the Good Shepherd to nearby caused by people who are supposed to •Sisters of the Holy Cross countries. bond with you and protect you. That •Sisters of the Holy Family, betrayal, by those you need to trust Fremont, CA with your life, deepens the harm.” •Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth American Women cont. pg. 2 Anti-Human Trafficking Newsletter 10/1 Awareness Wyndham now is a partner with ECPAT-USA to protect children, as are other major companies (Carlson Com- managers in person prior to Super panies, owners of Radisson and other Bowl week. hotel brands; Delta Air Lines; Global Between Jan. 9-17 there will be a Exchange, a responsible tour operator; follow-up phone call from a CCRIM and Hilton Worldwide-owned brands member to record the hotels’ re- in Washington, DC & Seattle, WA.). 2 sponses to the questions. These will When companies sign the Code they be shared with their corporate offices, agree to have a policy against sexual Action to Prevent with ICCR members who are leading exploitation, to train their staff mem- Trafficking During dialogues on human trafficking is- bers to know what to look for and what sues/the Code (www.thecode.org) with to do if they suspect a problem, to tell the Super Bowl these hotel chains, and with the local their customers about the policy, to INATP group. include a clause in contracts with sup- Members of the Coalition for Cor- There will be follow-up information, pliers, and to inform others about their porate Responsibility in Indiana urging those who have not signed the child protection policy. ECPAT-USA and Michigan (CCRIM) are working Code to consider doing that. Many assists in carrying out these steps. together on an anti-human trafficking hotels are franchises and could make (http://www.wyndhamworldwide. initiative with 220 hotels within a 50- the decision to sign the Code without com/media/press-releases/press- mile radius of Indianapolis, site of the approval from corporate management. release?wwprdid=1120) 2012 Super Bowl. The eleven religious orders will send For further ‘Hotel Actions’, CCRIM is a member of the Interfaith out a press release on January 11th to go to pg. 8 Center for Corporate Responsibility all local media in their respective cities (ICCR), whose mission is, through the and all Catholic papers, Catholic News lens of faith, to build a more just and Service, etc. in coordination with the American Women sustainable world by integrating social congregational leaders through the cont. from pg. 1 values into investor actions. As local Leadership Conference for Women In late December 2011, the U.S. investors, the eleven CCRIM women’s Religious (LCWR) Region VII. State Department released the Na- religious congregations faxed the ho- In addition there will be education tional Action Plan (NAO) on Women, tels on Jan. 5th to ask four questions: and prayer efforts between Jan. 12th Peace and Security, championed by 1. Have they done any training with and Super Bowl Sunday on Feb. 5th. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. The their employees to help them rec- This is a worldwide effort. Women NAO brings the U.S. into compliance ognize possible incidents of human religious from Europe plan to adapt with the U.N. resolutions that call for trafficking on their properties? CCRIM materials in preparation for integrating women as full partners in 2. Did they have plans/protocols in influencing the 2012 Summer Olym- conflict resolution and peace building. place for employees to follow, should pics in London and the 2012 Euro Its purpose is to assure that U.S. they suspect incidents of trafficking Football Championship in Ukraine diplomatic, defense, and development are occurring at their hotels? If so, and Poland. (See pg. 3) policies are gauged in part by their im- what were these plans/protocols? (Source: Ann Oestreich IHM, Justice Co- pact on women in countries where we 3. Were they familiar with local groups ordinator for the Sisters of the Holy Cross, engage diplomatically, militarily and that address trafficking issues in and co-chair of CCRIM) economically. According to Patricia Indianapolis? If not, could CCRIM Wyndham Worldwide Hynes, one example of implementing provide them with a list of these the National Action Plan would be to contacts? (CCRIM includes the mem- Signs ‘the Code’ “strengthen protection for women and bers of the Indianapolis Network to girls in conflict situations, with great- Wyndham Worldwide, one of the Assist Trafficked Persons (INATP), a very er focus on greater legal accountabil- world’s largest hospitality companies, well organized group that includes the ity for rape and sexual violence.” became the latest major company to Attorney General’s office; Indianapolis (Author: H. Patricia Hynes, retired Boston Metropolitan Police Dept.; refugee as- take a stand against the commercial University Professor who now writes and sistance groups; safe houses; etc.) sexual exploitation of children by speaks on issues of war and militarism 4. Were they willing to provide basic signing the Tourism Child Protection with an emphasis on women, environment, information on human trafficking Code of Conduct (The Code) in No- and public health. http://www.common- to their guests in their lobby and/or vember 2011. Wyndham encompasses dreams.org/view/2011/12/27-8) in guest rooms? If so, CCRIM would well known hotel brands including deliver these materials to the hotel Ramada and Days Inn.
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