THE SPELLING OF EARLY MODERN ENGLISH AS SEEN IN THE KING JAMES VERSION 1611 HOLY BIBLE COMPARED TO NEW KING JAMES VERSION HOLY BIBLE AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Prestented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By LUCIA KURNIADI Student Number: 044214151 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2009 THE SPELLING OF EARLY MODERN ENGLISH AS SEEN IN THE KING JAMES VERSION 1611 HOLY BIBLE COMPARED TO NEW KING JAMES VERSION HOLY BIBLE AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Prestented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By LUCIA KURNIADI Student Number: 044214151 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2009 i ii iii “Those who don’t give up will win in the end” Surely goodnes and mercie shall followe me all the daies of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for euer (KJV 1611, Psalm 23: 6) YÉÜ Ytà{xÜ? ]xáâá V{Ü|áà tÇw [ÉÄÄç fÑ|Ü|à `Éà{xÜ `tÜç `ç Wtwwç UxÇÇç ^âÜÇ|tw| 9 Åç `ÉÅ fÜ| fâátÇà| `ç UxÄÉäxw f|áàxÜ TÄÉçá|t ^âÜÇ|tw| `ç UxÄÉäxw UÜÉà{xÜ fxutáà|tÇ U|ÄÄç ^âÜÇ|tw| TÄÄ YtÅ|Äç tÇw yÜ|xÇwá iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertanda tangan dii bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Lucia Kurniadi Nomor Mahasiswa : 044214151 Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul: The Spelling of Early Modern English as Seen in the King James Version 1611 Holy Bible Compared to New King James Version Holy Bible beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal : 24 Maret 2009 Yang menyatakan (Lucia Kurniadi) v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Jesus Christ for His kindness, so that I finally completed the thesis writing. There are a lot of people who have guided, supported and helped me in completing this thesis writing. Therefore, I would like to thank: 1. Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A as the advisor for guiding and giving a lot of advises so that I finally complete this research. 2. J. Harris Hermansyah S., S.S., M.Hum as the reader for giving suggestions and advises. 3. All lecturers of English Letters study Programme of Sanata Dharma University, and Mbak Ninik. 4. My parents Benny Kurniadi and Sri Susanti, my beloved sister Aloysia Kurniadi, my beloved brother Sebastian Billy Kurniadi, uncles and aunties, and all of my cousins. 5. My friends Kiki, Dinda, Vonny, Theo, Hartati, Steven, Frans, Shendy. 6. My best friends Karisma Kurniawan, Yohanes Krisostomos, Ardi Nugroho, Reena Rai, Wahyu Puspita Sari, Scholastika Ardianita, Hilda Dina Santoja, Nur Indah, Vina Christiana, Prawira Atmaja. I realize that this thesis has not been perfect yet. Therefore, the criticisms and suggestions from whoever read this thesis are welcome. May God bless all of those who have helped me throughout my study. Lucia Kurniadi vi TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE .................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGE .......................................................................... ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ..................................................................... iii MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................. iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN ................................. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................. vii ABSTRACT ....................................................................................... ix ABSTRAK ......................................................................................... x CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study ......................................................... 1 B. Problem Formulation .............................................................. 2 C. Objectives of the Study ........................................................... 3 D. Benefit of the Study ................................................................ 3 E. Definition of Terms ................................................................. 3 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ................................... 5 A. Review of Related Theories .................................................... 5 1. English Modern English Problem ..................................... 5 2. Spelling of Early Modern English ..................................... 7 3. The English Alphabets ...................................................... 10 4. Classical Latin Spelling .................................................... 11 5. History of the Holy Bible in English .............................. 12 6. The Sound System of English............................................ 14 B. Theoretical Framework ........................................................... 17 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ................................................ 18 A. Object of the Study ................................................................. 18 B. Method of the Study ................................................................ 18 C. Research Procedure ................................................................. 19 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ............................................................. 21 A. The Letter Addition ................................................................. 22 B. The Aposthrophe ‘s Addition ................................................. 29 C. Change of Consonant Order .................................................... 29 D. Letter Deletion ....................................................................... 30 vii E. The Doubled Letter ................................................................. 43 F. Grammar Shift ......................................................................... 46 G. The Compound Differences .................................................... 47 H. Negative Morpheme Shift........................................................ 49 I. The Singled Letter.................................................................... 49 J. Word Adaptation...................................................................... 52 K. Letter Shift ............................................................................... 52 L. Misspelling............................................................................... 76 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ....................................................... 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................. 79 APPENDICCES ................................................................................. 80 viii ABSTRACT LUCIA KURNIADI. The Spelling of Early Modern English as Seen in the King James Version 1611 Holy Bible Compared to New King James Version Holy Bible. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2009. Before the Renaissance, England used French as its national language and English became the language of low-class people. However, after the Renaissance era, English became popular because the nobles tried using it to communicate with their people. Different from the Old English and Middle English, the early version of Modern English looks much simpler for us. The inflection system is reduced, as well as the gender. However, there is no particular rule about how to spell the words. Every author had his own spelling. Therefore, we can know who the author of a book is just from the spelling. The purposes of this study are first to identify the spelling of the King James Version 1611 Holy Bible and second to understand the extent of its difference from Modern English. Therefore, there are one problem that is discussed namely how the spelling of Early Modern English is different from Modern English. In this study I conducted a desk research which means that this study is done based on the theories from many sources and also the data from the King James Version 1611 Holy Bible especially the Gospel of Luke. Then, I compared it with the New King James Version Holy Bible to know the differences Based on the research result, there are many differences between the King James Version 1611 and the New King James Version. The differences are the letter addition 2.4%, the apostrophe ‘s addition 1%, the change of consonant orders 0.02%, letter deletion 40.8%, doubled letters 2.7%, grammar shifts 0.06%, compound differences 1.7%, negative morpheme shifts 0.04%, singled letters 8.6%, word adaptation 0.06%, the letter shifts 42.48%, and misspellings 0.1%. ix ABSTRAK LUCIA KURNIADI. The Spelling of Early Modern English as Seen in the King James Version 1611 Holy Bible Compared to New King James Version Holy Bible. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2009. Sebelum Renaisans,
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