1 Appendix 2. Plant Material Collected by David Fairchild in the Bahamas

1 Appendix 2. Plant Material Collected by David Fairchild in the Bahamas

1 Appendix 2. Plant material collected by David Fairchild in the Bahamas during the first USDA expedition to the Caribbean Islands on board Utowana. Taxonomy follows Acevedo-Rodriguez & Strong (2012) and Acevedo-Rodríguez (2019). Scientific namea/Common Locality/date Status USDA accession Post- Reference for Page name number/David expedition USDA accession in number Fairchild’s collection cultivation USDA germplasm in number/US barcode status introduction Dorsett number journal (1936)b Acacia choriophylla Benth. Mayaguana [as Native 98977/3905/00930181 Chapman Ryerson, 1934: 31 714 [= Vachellia choriophylla Mariguana]/29-Mar-32 Field, Miami (Benth.) Seigler & Ebinger] (Fabaceae)/Cinnecord Achras zapota L. [= Arthur Town, Cat Cultivated 95688/2565/- Ryerson, 1933: 9 98, 99, Manilkara zapota (L.) P. Island/Unreported 714 Royen] (Sapotaceae)/Sapodilla Annona squamosa L. Eleuthera/Unreported Cultivated 98797/-/- Ryerson, 1934: 23 148 (Annonaceae)/Sugar- apple Arecaceae sp. [Hyophorbe Nassau, New Cultivated 99643/2555ac/- Ryerson, 1934: 57 lagenicaulis (L.H.Bailey) Providence/1-Jan-32 H.E.Moore] (Arecaceae)/Bottle palm Arecaceae sp Nassau, New Cultivated -/2525d/- 830 Providence/1-Jan-32 Artocarpus incisa [= A. In the garden of Mrs. Cultivated 99516/2576/- Det. House, Ryerson, 1934: 50 86, 128, altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg] Edward George, Nassau, Washington 129, 720 (Moraceae)/Breadfruit New Providence/9-Jan- DC 32 2 Asparagus sp. [= A. In the garden of Mrs. Cultivated 96501/2574/00959216 Ryerson, 1933: 28 119, 124, aethiopicus (Kunth) Edward George, Nassau, 125, 722 Jessop] New Providence/9-Jan- (Asparagaceae)/Asparagus 32 fern Bourreria ovata Miers [= Rum Cay/6-Jan-32 Native 95695/2571/01128572 Ryerson, 1933: 9, 828 B. succulenta Jacq.] 10 (Boraginaceae)/Strong- back Bradburya virginiana (L.) Spanish Wells, Native 97306/2594/00996186 Ryerson, 1933: 48 830 Kuntze [= Centrosema Eleuthera/10-Jan-32 virginianum (L.) Benth.] (Fabaceae)/Butterfly-pea Bucida buceras L. [= Mathew Town, Great Native 96502/2601/01099239 Ryerson, 1933: 28 728 Terminalia buceras (L.) C. Inagua/15-Jan-32 Wright] (Combretaceae)/Black olive Bucida spinosa (Northop) Great Inagua/15-Jan-32 Native -/27/01099241 Jennings [= Terminalia molinetii M. Gómez] (Combretaceae)/Spiny black olive Calotropis procera (Aiton) Rum Cay/6-Jan-32 Introduced -/18/01112925 W.T. Aiton (Apocynaceae)/Giant milkweed Capparis cynophallophora Salt Pond Hill, Great Native 97759/2596/01085332 Ryerson, 1933: 66 167, 168, L. [= Quadrella Inagua/15-Jan-32 734 cynophallophora (L.) Hutch.] (Capparaceae)/Black willow 3 Capparis flexuosa [= Unreported/Unreported Native -/2607e/- Cynophalla flexuosa (L.) J. Presl] (Capparaceae)/Caper-tree Capsicum frutescens L. Nassau, New Native & 96503/2584/- Ryerson, 1933: 28, (Solanaceae)/Chilli pepper Providence/10-Jan-32 cultivated 29 Carica papaya L. Nassau, New Cultivated 96504/2582/- Ryerson, 1933: 29 734 (Caricaceae)/Papaya Providence/12-Jan-32 Cissus intermedia A. Rich. Grant Town and Nassau, Caribbean 95689/2558/01058258 Ryerson, 1933: 9 740 [= C. obovata Vahl] New Providence/3-Jan- Island (Vitaceae)/Bull-vine 32 endemic Cissus sicyoides L. [= C. Grant Town, Nassau, Native -/1/01092123 verticillata (L.) Nicolson & New Providence/3-Jan- Jarvis] 32 (Vitaceae)/Common cissus Coccoloba sp. Great Inagua/14-Jan-32 Unknown 98831/3874/- Ryerson, 1934: 25 744 (Polygonaceae) Coccothrinax sp. [= C. Great Inagua/15-Jan-32 Bahama 97283/2597/- Chapman Ryerson, 1933: 47 164, 165, inaguensis Read] endemic Field, Miami 170, 744 (Arecaceae)/Silver thatch Coccothrinax sp. [= C. Great Inagua/1-Jan-32f Bahama 96482/2597/- Chapman Ryerson, 1933: 27 744 inaguensis Read] endemic Field, Miami (Arecaceae)/Silver thatch Colubrina ferruginosa Rum Cay/7-Jan-32 Native 97307/20/01091930 Ryerson, 1933: 48 Brongn. [= C. arborescens (Mill.) Sarg.] (Rhamnaceae)/Bitters Conocarpus erectus L. Arthur Town, Cat Native 95690/2568/01099470 Ryerson, 1933: 9 748 (Combretaceae)/Buttonw Island/4-Jan-32 ood Corchorus hirsutus L. Arthur Town, Cat Native -/9/00508230 (Malvaceae)/Jack switch Island/4-Jan-32 Corchorus hirsutus L. Conception/5-Jan-32 Native -/10/00508231 (Malvaceae)/Jack switch 4 Crotalaria pumila Ortega Gun Point, Native 97308/2588g/0098946 Ryerson, 1933: 48 750 (Fabaceae)/Low rattlebox Eleuthera/11-Jan-32 4 Croton eluteria (L.) Sw. Arthur Town, Cat Caribbean -/12/00969375 95, 96 (Euphorbiaceae)/Cascarill Island/4-Jan-32 Island a bark endemic & cultivated Croton eluteria (L.) Sw. Cat Island/5-Jan-32 Caribbean 99557/3872/- Det. House, Ryerson, 1934: 52 752 (Euphorbiaceae)/Cascarill Island Washington a bark endemic & DC cultivated Datura chlorantha Hook. Spanish Wells, Introduced 97309/2587/- Chapman Ryerson, 1933: 48 756 [= D. metel L.] Eleuthera/11-Jan-32 Field, Miami (Solanaceae)/Prickly-bur Datura metel L. var. Nassau, New Introduced 97766/2590/- Chapman Ryerson, 1933: 66 756 fastuosa (L.) Saff. [= D. Providence/12-Jan-32 Field, Miami metel L.] (Solanaceae)/Prickly-bur Dioscorea alata L. Gun Point, Native 95665/2581/- Det. House, Ryerson, 1933: 8 758 (Dioscoreaceae)/Greater Eleuthera/11-Jan-32 Washington yam DC Dolicholus minimus (L.) Cat Island/4-Jan-32 Native 97311/11/00995634 Ryerson, 1933: 48 Medik. [= Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC.] (Fabaceae)/Jumby bean Echites umbellatus Jacq. Eleuthera Bluff, Native -/-/01060027 (Apocynaceae)/Danish Eleuthera/10-Jan-32 Elaeis guineensis Jacq. In the garden of Mrs. Cultivated 96485/2575/- Ryerson, 1933: 28 130, 760 (Arecaceae)/African oil Edward George, Nassau, palm New Providence/9-Jan- 32 Eragrostis ciliaris var. laxa Unreported/3-Jan-32 Native -/2/01006304 Kuntze (Poaceae) Erithalis fruticosa L. Conception/5-Jan-32 Native -/81/01012522 (Rubiaceae)/Black torch 5 Euphorbia gymnonota Rum Cay/6-Jan-32 Bahama -/22/00984282 Urb. endemic (Euphorbiaceae)/Bahamia n tree spurge Euphorbia lecheoides Conception/5-Jan-32 Bahama -/16/00984569 Millsp. endemic (Euphorbiaceae)/Pinweed spurge Pteridophyta sp. Nassau, New Unknown -/2551/- Providence/31-Dec-31 Ficus jacquiniifolia A. Rich. Nassau, New Native 95691/2553/01068358 Chapman Ryerson, 1933: 9 78, 79, [= F. americana Aubl. ssp. Providence/1-Jan-32 Field, Miami 764 americana] (Moraceae)/Jamaica cherry-fig Galactia sp. (Fabaceae) Salt Pond Hill, Great Unknown 97313/25/- Ryerson, 1933: 48 Inagua/15-Jan-32 Galactia spiciformis Torr. Gun Point, Native 97312/2593/00995851 Ryerson, 1933: 48 758 & A. Gray Eleuthera/11-Jan-32 (Fabaceae)/Spiciform milk-pea Galactia striata (Jacq.) Conception/5-Jan-32 Native 95692/5,6/00995852, Ryerson, 1933: 9 101 Urb. [= Galactia 00995853 spiciformis Torr. & A. Gray] (Fabaceae)/Unknown Gossypium sp. Unreported/Unreported Cultivated 98758/5/- Ryerson, 1934: 22 (Malvaceae)/Cotton Gossypium sp. Unreported/Unreported Cultivated 98759/6/- Ryerson, 1934: 22 (Malvaceae)/Cotton Gossypium sp. Unreported/Unreported Cultivated 98760/9/- Ryerson, 1934: 22 (Malvaceae)/Cotton Gossypium sp. Unreported/Unreported Cultivated 98761/11/- Ryerson, 1934: 22 (Malvaceae)/Cotton 6 Gossypium sp. Unreported/Unreported Cultivated 98775/8/- Ryerson, 1934: 22 (Malvaceae)/Cotton Gossypium sp. Cat Island/Unreported Cultivated 98776/3/- Ryerson, 1934: 22 (Malvaceae)/Cotton Gossypium sp. Conception/Unreported Cultivated 98757/4/- Ryerson, 1934: 22 101 (Malvaceae)/Cotton Gossypium sp. Great Cultivated 98762/14/- Ryerson, 1934: 22 (Malvaceae)/Cotton Inagua/Unreported Gossypium sp. Nassau, New Cultivated 98756/1/- Ryerson, 1934: 22 (Malvaceae)/Cotton Providence/Unreported Gouania lupuloides (L.) Grant Town, Nassau, Native 95704/2559/01112288 Ryerson, 1933: 10 828 Urb. (Rhamnaceae)/Chew- New Providence/3-Jan- stick 32 Helicteres jamaicensis Salt Pond Hill, Great Caribbean 96507/2600/01110654 Ryerson, 1933: 29 770 Jacq. (Malvaceae)/Blind- Inagua/15-Jan-32 Island eye bush endemic Hymenocallis arenicola Conception/5-Jan-32 Caribbean 99578/3894/- Det. House, Ryerson, 1934: 53 772 Northr. Island Washington (Amaryllidaceae)/Spider endemic DC lily Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Nassau, New Cultivated -/2555h/- Seedlings 76, 77, (L.H.Bailey) H.E.Moore Providence/1-Jan-32 grown in 772 (Arecaceae)/Bottle palm unreported site Indigofera suffruticosa Gun Point, Native -/23/01002803 Mill. (Fabaceae)/Wild Eleuthera/11-Jan-32 indigo Ipomoea tuba (Schltdl.) Conception/5-Jan-32 Native 95693/6/- Ryerson, 1933: 9 101 Don [= I. violacea L.] (Convolvulaceae)/Moon- vine Iresine flavescens Willd. Conception/5-Jan-32 Native -/14/01089725 (Amaranthaceae)/Coastal irisine 7 Jacaranda caerulea (L.) Nassau, New Caribbean 96509/2561/- Det. House, Ryerson, 1933: 29 778 Griseb. [= J. caerulea (L.) Providence/Unreported Island Washington Juss.] endemic DC (Bignoniaceae)/Boxwood Jacaranda caerulea (L.) Nassau, New Caribbean 99583/2561/- Ryerson, 1934: 53 778 Griseb. [= J. caerulea (L.) Providence/Unreported Island Juss.] (Bignoniaceae) endemic /Boxwood Jacquemontia jamaicensis Nassau, New Native 95694i/2554/01113409 Ryerson, 1933: 9 828 (Jacq.) Hall. f. ex Soler [= J. Providence/1-Jan-32 havanensis (Jacq.) Urb.] (Convolvulaceae)/Havann a clustervine Jasminum azoricum L. [= J. Nassau, New Introduced 97888/2592/- Chapman Ryerson, 1933: 73 778 fluminense Vell.] Providence/10-Jan-32 Field, Miami (Oleaceae)/Azores jasmine Leucaena glauca [= L. Nassau, New Introduced -/2552/- 73, 74, leucocephala (Lam.) de Providence/31-Dec-31 782 Wit] (Fabaceae)/Jimbay Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) Nassau, New Cultivated 96486/2555j/- Ryerson, 1933: 28 772† Mart. Providence/1-Jan-32 (Arecaceae)/Chinese fan palm Lycopersicon esculentum Gun Point, Cultivated 96510/2591/- Ryerson,

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