June 22, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16201 for the commercialized production of syn­ H.R. 13: Mr. BOWEN, Mr. BROYHILL, Mr. AMENDMENTS thetic fossil fuels; jointly, to the Commit­ CAMPBELL, Mr. CHAPPELL, :Mr. RoBERT W. tees on Banking, Finance and Urban Af­ DANIEL, JR., Mr. DASCHLE, Mr. DoUGHERTY, Under clause 6 of the rule XXIII, pro­ fairs and Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Mrs. FENWICK, Mr. FITHIAN, Mr. GUYER, Mr. posed amendments were submitted as By Mr. PEPPER: HINSON, Mr. JEFFORDS, Mr. LEE, Mr. MYERS Of follows: H.R. 4589. A bill to authorize reduced fa.ires Indiana, Mr. NICHOLS, Mr. RINALDO, Mr. H.R. 3930 for the elderly and handicapped on the THOMAS, Mr. TRIBLE, and Mr. WAMPLER. By Mr. HEFTEL: Nation's railroads; to the Committee on In­ H.R 154: M!l'. BIAGGI. -Page 4, beginning on line 25, strike out terstate and Foreign Commerce. H.R.1979: Mr. ERDAHL, and Mr. RINALDO. "500,000 barrels per day crude oil equivalent H.R. 4590. A bill to remove the coinsur­ H.R. 3539: Mr. BARNARD. of synthetic fuels and synthetic chemical ance amount which a patient has to pay H.R. 3721: Mr. HYDE, Mr. MITCHELL of New feedstocks not later than five years after under part A of the medic9.l'e program for the effective date of this section." and in­ inpatient hospital services after such serv­ York, Mr. RoBINSON, Mr. DouGHERTY, and Mr. DORNAN. sert in lieu thereof "5,000,000 barrels per ices have been furnished to such patient for day crude oil equivalent of synthetic fuels 60 days during a spell of illness; to the H.R. 4142: Mr. DANIEL B. CRANE, and Mr. GIBBONS. and synthetic chemical feedstocks not later Committee on Ways and Means. than fifteen years after the effective date By Mr. PERKINS (for himself and H.R. 4179: Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. MITCHELL of of this section.''. Mr. GOODLING) : Maryland, Mr. SANTINI, Mr. STEWART, Mr. -Page 10, line 23, strike out "$2,000,000,000" H.R. 4591. A bill to make technical cor­ SCHEUER, Mr. WALGREN, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. and insert in lieu thereof "$5,000,000,000". rections and miscellaneous amendments in GREEN, Mr. CARR, Mr. HUGHES, Mr. GRAY, Mr. certain education laws contained in the FLOOD, Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. DoUGHERTY, Mr. Education Amendments of 1978; to the Com­ SIMON, Mr. DOWNEY, Mr. NEAL, Mr. FORD of H.R. 4389 mittee on Education and Labor. Michigan, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. WOLPE, Mr. BEDELL, By Mr. CAVANAUGH: By Mr. ROUSSELOT: and Mr. LOWRY. -Page 12, line 24, strike out "prisoners" and H.R. 4592. A bill to amend the Internal H.R. 4443: Mr. RoYBAL, Mr. WOLPE, Mr. all that follows through line 25 and insert Revenue Code of 1954 and for other pur­ BEDELL, and Mr. WEISS. in lieu thereof the following: "any prisoner poses; to the Committee on Ways and H.J. Res. 265: Mr. COUGHLIN. for work performed prior to 180 days before Means. H.J. Res. 276: Mr. BARNARD, Mr. COLEMAN, the presumptive release date of such By Mr. UDALL: Mr. LEE, Mr. MITCHELL of New York, Mr. prisoner.". H.R. 4593. A bill to amend the act of NEAL, and Mr. CHARLES WILSON of Texas. By Mr. CORRADA: December 22, 1974 (88 Stat. 1712), and H.J. Res. 306: Mr. ADDABBO, Mr. BEARD of -Page 19, line 9, increase the amount ap­ for other purposes; the Committee on to Tennessee, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. BUCHAN­ .propriated for carrying out titles III and VII Interior and Insula.r A1fairs. AN, Mr. CHENEY, Mr. COLLINS of Texas, Mr. of the Public Health Service Act and section By Mr. WALKER: DAN DANIEL, Mr. DICKINSON, Mr. FAZIO, Mr. 1122 of the Social Security Act by $320,000. H.R. 4594. A bill to require oil refineries FOUNTAIN, Mr. GUARINI, Mr. HANCE, Mr. -Page 46, line 12, increase the amount for to sell minimum percentage of synthetic a. HUTTO, Mr. HYDE, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. expenses for the Community Services Ad­ fuels, to provide certain tax incentives for LEATH of Texas, Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. MAZZOLI, ministration by $4,500,000. the production of synthetic fuels, and for Mr. McDONALD, Mr. MITCHELL of New York, other purposes; jointly, to the Committees By Mr. MOTTL: Mr. MOLLOHAN, Mr. MONTGOMERY, Mr. PAUL, --On page 25, line 8 after "title VII" insert: on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and Mr. PEPPER, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. ROBINSON, Mr. Ways and Means. "section 921 ($10,000,000) and section 922 ROE, Mr. SATTERFIELD, Mr. STAGGERS, Mr. ($10,000,000) ". STANGELAND, Mr. SYMMS, Mr. WAMPLER, Mr. On page 25, line 18, strike the figure WHITl'EN, Mr. BOB WILSON, Mr. WINN, Mr. "$3,936,982,000" and insert in lieu thereof PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS WYATT, Mr. WYLIE, and Mr. YOUNG of Florida. "$3,956,982,000". Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H.J. Res. 338: Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland, Mr. SANTINI, Mr. STEWART, Mr. bills and resolutions were introduced and H.R. 4394 severally referred as follows: SCHEUER, Mr. WALGREN, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. GREEN, Mr. CARR, Mr. HUGHES, Mr. GRAY, Mr. By Mr. MILLER of Ohio: By Mr. RAHALL: FLOOD, Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. DOUGHERTY, Mr. --On page 38, after line. 16, insert the fol­ H.R. 4595. A bill for the !relief of Sheng SIMON' Mr. DOWNEY' Mr. NEAL, Mr. FORD of lowing section: Tchou and Ming Tuhou Watt; to the Com­ Michigan, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. WOLPE, Mr. BEDELL, SEc. 409. Of the total budget authority mittee on the Judiciary. Mr. LOWRY, Mr. FRENZEL, and Mr. WINN. provided in this Act, for payments not re­ By Mr. ULLMAN: quired by law, two per centum shall be H.R. 4596. A bill for the relief of Lynn withheld from obligation and expenditure: Rufus Pereira; to the Committee on the Provided, That of the amount provided in Judiciary. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM this Act for each appropriation account, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS activity, and project, for payments not re­ quired by law, the amount withheld shall ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Under clause 4 of rule XXII, SPonsors not exceed five per centum. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors were deleted from public bills and res­ By Mr. NELSON: were added to public bills and resolutions olutions as fallows: --On page 24, line 23, strike "$6,854,924,000", as follows: H.R. 4514: Mr. KRAMER. and insert in lieu thereof, "$6,169,924,000". EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LABELING OF WATER BUFFALO Cosmetic Act and establish requirements In addition to providing needed pro­ MEAT for the proper use of the terms "buffalo" tection for consumers, the legislation I and "water buffalo" in the marketing and am introducing today recognizes the labeling of food. My amendment reserves serious economic threat to the fledgling HON. THOMAS A. DASCHLE the use of the term "buffalo" for the market for buffalo that results ·from the OF SOUTH DAKOTA marketing and labeling of products made labeling and marketing of products other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from the American bison. than American bison as buffalo. Buffalo The American people have long re­ producers have made a substantial in­ Thursday, June 21, 1979 ferred to the American bison as buffalo. vestment in the development of a market e Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. Speaker, on William Cody, for example, was called, for buffalo and consumers who have pur­ March 3, 1979, in Twin Falls, Idaho, the "Buffalo Bill Cody," not "American Bison chased buffalo have recognized the high National Buffalo Assocation adopted a Bill Cody." Similarly, the lyric in "Home quality of this product. The marketing resolution calling for the proper label­ on the Range" is "give me a home where and labeling of an inferior product as ing of water buffalo meat. I am today the buffalo roam" not "give me a home buffalo could seriously damage the well introducing legislation to accomplish the where the American bison roam." Allow­ deserved reputation for quality earned labeling improvement sought by the Na­ ing the term buffala to be used in the by buffalo producers and result in a loss tional Buffalo Association. labeling and marketing of any product of consumer confidence and destroy the The legislation I am introducing will other than American bison amounts to developing buffalo market. amend the Federal Food, Drug, and consumer deception. Buffalo producers do not fear com- •This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 16202 EXTENSIONS OF .REMARKS June 22, 1979 petition from products such as imported Through my involvement with the fort. Their unselfish devotion to the victims water buffalo. Buffalo producers only American Brittle Bone Society, I have and families of O.I. and the leadership po­ seek to have consumer acceptance of met many individuals, both adults and sitions they have taken to meet the chal­ these other products determined on their lenges ahead generate enthusiasm and re­ children, who are atllicted with brittle flect a positive approach that hopefully will own merits and not by riding on the bone disease. And while these people are bring about continued progress in the years coattail of a reputation for high quality fragile physically, I have seen a dedica­ to come. established by buffalo producers. tion and special care which is so hearten­ Looking over your conference program, I It has been my privilege and pleasure ing to me as a Member of Congress. note that experts in brittle bone disorders to work with the National Buffalo As­ Due to the testimony and good work have spoken on virtually every facet of such sociation which is headquartered in of the members of the society, my Labor­ diseases-from the technical point of view­ Custer, S.
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