Journal of The Organ Historical Society. Inc. Volume 21, Number 2 Winter 1977 Two Cabinet Organs Built c. 1740 by Jacob Teschen1acher The Teschemacher organ now restored at Bethel College, North A sister organ In Phllllpus Kapel, a small modern church In Wup­ Newton, Kansas, pertal-Elberfeld, Germany. The Bethel College organ (left) traveled from the Jacob Teschemacher home and factory in E�berfeld, Germany, down the Wupper River to the Rhine, down the Rhine to Utrecht, The Netherlands, and was transloaded and went down the Vegt River to Amsterdam. This was about 17 40. In 1796, it was shipped through the Zuider Zee and North Sea to Hamburg. In the 1830s it was sent again by water to Friederich­ stadt in Schleswig Holstein, and in 1868 it was shipped to Cleveland, Ohio-thence to Kansas about 1900. E. Power Biggs 1906 - 1977 THE TRACKER THE ORGAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Inc. P. 0. Box 209, Wilmington, Ohio 45177 CONTENTS with archives at Ohio Weslevan University Volume 21, Number 2 Winter 1977 Delaware, Ollio ARTICLES Alan Laufman ------------·------············-·--·-·-··--··--·--······----President A. I. 0. at Houston 22 P.O. Box 104. Harrisville. N.H. 03450 by Randall E. W ag·ner Thomas L. Finch ·--• ....... _ ............... ----·-·--·--·--·-Vice P1·esident A California Tracker Organ 16 Physics Dept., St. Lawrence Univ., Cante.,, N.Y. 13617 by Jim Lewis Donald C. Rockwood ............................---·· .. ······ ..... --Treasurer 50 Rockwood Road. Norfolk, Mass. 02056 Casavant at Oakland University 13 James McFarland -----····················-·----······--·--···--···--Sec1·eta1·y Cincinnati Organ Builders of the Nineteenth Century 114 N. George St., Millersville. Pa. 17551 (Part 4) 7 Homer D. Blanchard ................................................Archi vist by Kenneth Wayne Hart 103 Griswold Street. Delaw1tre, Ohio 43015 The Double Organ Situation at Trinity Church, Councillors New York 17 by the Rev. Robert C. Hunsicker :F. Robert Roche ······-······ .. ·············-·--·-.............. __ .......... _... 1977 60 Park Street. Taunton. Mass. 02780 An 18th Century German Org·an in Kansas 1, 3 La\vrence Trupiano ................ _·-······-.. --··········-·--············1977 by Esko Loewen 317 Avenue F, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218 The Hawke Papers VI 20 Lois Regestein ····-·------················---------·--···-············----····---·1978 by H. William Hawke 6 Worthington St., Boston. Mass. 02120 A Hinners in Michigan 21 Samuel Walter ·····-··---··················---··-··----------·····----····-···--··1978 by J. Paul Schneider 83 School House Lane, East Brunswick. N.J. 08816 Kney at St. Aloysius Church 12 George Bozeman, Jr. ........................ -.....................- ......... 1979 RFD No. 1, Deerfield, NH 03037 1977 Convention Meets in Detroit 12 Thomas W. Cunningham ................................................ 1979 by William M. Worden 421 s. South St .• Wilmington, Ohio 45177 Organ Cases of Other Times 23 THE TRACKER staff St. P'aul's Chapel, New York: Its Organs from 1802 to 1904 18 Albert F. Robinson ................····················-·--··············-_Edito1· by C. A. Radzinsky First Presbyterian Church. 20 King's Highway East Haddonfield, N.J. 08033 Schoenstein Firm Under New Management 23 Norma C. Cunningham ........................................... -Publisher Schuelke Organs in Colorado 14 421 S. South Street, Wllmlngton, Ohio 45177 by Elizabeth Towne Schmitt Chairmen of Standing Committees A Votteler of the Mid-1870s 10 ··················-····---·---·-····-···---Advertisinu by William M. Worden F. Robert Roche ·----·-.. Norman M. Walter ............................................Audio-Visual 25 Watervlew Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380 DEPARTMENTS Robert C. Newton ............................Convention Coordinatoi· 27 Book Review 201 Tyler St., Methuen. Mass. 01844 Editorial 28 Alan M. Laufman ........................................Extant Organs Letters to the Editor 25 Finance New Tracker Organs 26 Thomas W. Cunningham ........... -....................- ........... The Rev. Culver L. Mowers ····---· ·-·-----Headquarters and Foundation G'i'ants OHS BUSINESS 7 Main St., Candor. N.Y. 13743 Minutes of the OHS Council Meeting, George Bozeman, Jr. ....................................Historic Organs November 27, 1976 24 Charles Ferguson ·-----·---··············---·---_/nternatiffnal Interests Box 44, E. Vassalboro. Maine 04935 Randall McCarty ... -.. -.........................·--·-·-·--······Recital SeFies THE TRACI(ER is published foul' times a year by the 1622 Bellevue Ave .. Seattle, Wash. 98122 Organ Historical Society, Inc., a non-profit, educational E. A. Boadway ----············.. ······Research and Publications 01·ganization. Annual membership dues (including THE P.O. Box 779. Claremont, N.H. 03743 'l'RACKER): Regular members $10.00, Contributing members $15.00, Sustaining members $25.00, Patrons Chairmen of Temporary Committees $100.00. Institutions and businesses may be non-voting Harold Knight ....................................................... .Nominating subscribers at the same rates. Back issues of THE 715 First Ave., Iowa City. Iowa 52240 TRACKER are obtainable at $2.50 each. Send member­ William M. Worden .................................. __ 1977 Conventioii ship dues, inquiries, and address changes to: The Organ 1427 Burns. Detroit, Mich, 48214 Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 209, Wilmington, OH John K. Ogasapian ··-·-·················--·····----------·1978 Conveutiuii 45177. Advertisers may address inquiries to the Adver­ 14 Park St .• Pepperell, Mass. 01465 tising Cl1airma11. Closing dates for advertising matt r: Correspondents of the Chapters Fall, No. 1-July 12; Wh1ter, No. 2-September 12; Spring, o. il-Janua1·y 12 i Summer No. 4-May 12. Abrn Laufman -----·--··-·························-·---·Boston Organ Club Make all checks payable to t,he Organ Historical Society, P.O. Box 104. Harrisville, N.H. 03450 Inc. Editorial correspondence and articles to be considered Mary Ann Dodd ............................... ---······Central New Yodc for publication may be addressed to the Editor. Editorial 23 Broad St., Hamilton, N.Y. 13346 closing dates: Fall, No. 1-July 1; Winter, No. 2-Sep­ Matthew Bellocchio ·--············· .. ·····-Greater New YOJ'k City tember 1; Spring, No. 3-January 1; Summer, No. 4- P.O. Box 106. Taunton. Mass. 02780 May 1. Responsibility for facts and opinions expressed in William R. Memmott ...................... ·-·-----··Greater St. Louis articles rests upon the authors and not upon the Organ 4376 Westminster Pl., St. Louis, Mo. 63108 Historical Society, Inc. All material accepted for publica­ Peter N. Ziegler ................ Hilbus (Washington-Baltimore) tion in THE TRACKER becomes the property of the Or­ 14300 Medwick Ct .• Upper Marlboro, Md. 20870 gan Historical Society, Inc., and cannot be returned. Ma­ Randall McCarty ........................... _.. ____ .. Northwestern U.S. terial published in THE TRACKER may not be repro­ 1622 Bellevue Ave., Seattle, Wash. 98122 duced without permission of the Editor. Copyright 1977 Permelia Sears ··--·--·Tannenberg (Central Pennsylvania) The Organ Historical Society, Inc. P.O. Box 61, Dunstable. Mass. 01827 2 An 18th Century German Organ • Ill Kansas by Esko Loewen To find a 17 40 cabinet organ in the plains of married. In 1796 at the age of 46, she married Jacob Kansas is, to say the least, unusual. But to be able Guysbert van der Smissen of Hamburg, Germany, a to trace its story from its origin through 236 years prominent merchant and civic leader. She removed is gratifying. And to once more have it restored so her property, including the organ, to Hamburg. She that it can sound forth is a thrill! was, according to Deknatal family members, a woman A small 5½ rank cabinet organ is the property of of means-about a half-million guilders. the Kauffman Museum at Bethel College in North The Napoleonic period ruined the van der Smissen Newton, Kansas. It was given to the college in 1910 by fortune a few years later. Van der Smissen ships, Mrs. Wilhelmina Schwake. It was a family heirloom which plied the India trade route, were lost along coming to America with the van der Smissen family with losses sustained in Germany due to the war. The in 1868. Some of its story was known because latter years of van der Smissen's life, until his death descendants of the family live in the area, but that in 1826, were dependent upon the Deknatel fortunes. story was only in bits and pieces. As the story un­ A son, Jacob II, became a minister and inherited folded, the charm and romance of the account became the organ. He moved to Friederichstadt, a village in ever more exciting. Let us share how that story un­ Schleswig Holstein, just below the Danish border. folded for us. The organ went there. In 1850 a war between the In 1961, a regional AGO convention was held in Danes and the Duchy of Schleswig Holstein resulted Wichita. Joseph Blanton was one of the speakers. in Danish occupation of Friederichstadt. The family Somehow he knew of the old organ in the museum at then fled to Hamburg and soldiers ransacked their Bethel College. He inspected it. About half the pipes homes. While looking for treasure, they kicked in the were extant, the action was in disrepair, the oak lower panels of the organ and took some silver bells cabinet retained its beauty. We met Mr. Blanton at (symbelstern). The damage is still very evident. the convention. When he learned we were on the In 1868, Carl Justus van der Smissen, a son of Bethel College faculty, he mentioned
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