![Congressional Record—House H5244](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
H5244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 28, 2017 We think the GO Act will be a very larger bill, the Michael Davis, Jr. and unspeakable losses while the lawless- important, helpful tool, especially dur- Danny Oliver in Honor of State and ness continues. ing the summertime, when people like Local Law Enforcement Act. That leg- It is past time for us to take action to get outdoors and enjoy their public islation was marked up and ordered re- to combat dangerous sanctuary poli- lands. ported by the Judiciary Committee on cies. We are a nation of laws and we f May 24. need to act like it. As a cosponsor and strong advocate While there is no uniform definition PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION of the Davis-Oliver Act, I supported the of sanctuary cities, and no comprehen- OF H.R. 3003, NO SANCTUARY FOR passage of legislation before the full sive or official list of these jurisdic- CRIMINALS ACT House. Today we have the opportunity tions, we have, regrettably, become all Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- to move an important piece of that bill too familiar with them. So-called sanc- er, by direction of the Committee on forward and to strengthen our policies tuary cities are those jurisdictions Rules, I call up House Resolution 414 against jurisdictions that flout Amer- that obstruct immigration enforce- and ask for its immediate consider- ica’s laws. ment through noncompliance with de- ation. Mr. Speaker, the No Sanctuary for tainers. They construct unreasonable The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Criminals Act is just simply common hurdles to compliance and create bar- lows: sense. John Adams said that we are a riers to communication between Immi- gration and Customs Enforcement and government of laws, not of men. As we H. RES. 414 local personnel. Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- approach the Fourth of July week, we We understand that ICE has a job to lution it shall be in order to consider in the recognize that America’s foundation is do and that its officers took oaths to House the bill (H.R. 3003) to amend the Im- that of the rule of law. Yet too often uphold those duties. Opponents will migration and Nationality Act to modify we have seen local jurisdictions ignore provisions relating to assistance by States, claim that this bill is unnecessary be- Federal immigration law and declare cause ICE has the jurisdiction it needs. and political subdivision of States, in the en- themselves sanctuary cities, as though forcement of Federal immigration laws, and The truth is, sanctuary policies make for other purposes. All points of order their actions have no consequences for the ICE agents’ jobs more difficult, against consideration of the bill are waived. their law-abiding neighbors. more dangerous, and endanger commu- The bill shall be considered as read. All The reality, however, is that the lo- nities. points of order against provisions in the bill calities that refuse to enforce Federal While the previous administration are waived. The previous question shall be immigration law undermine public frequently flouted immigration laws considered as ordered on the bill and on any safety and break the democratic con- and, for far too long, took a rain check amendment thereto to final passage without tract. Mr. Speaker, the sanctuary cit- on holding sanctuary cities account- intervening motion except: (1) one hour of ies do not act in a vacuum. They en- able, even former Department of Home- debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the danger lives and set dangerous prece- land Security Secretary Jeh Johnson Committee on the Judiciary; and (2) one mo- dent. agreed that sanctuary cities shouldn’t tion to recommit. b 1230 simply be allowed to decline to cooper- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- ate with Federal Government authori- To many people, it would seem obvi- ties. In fact, he said in 2015 that it is tleman from Georgia is recognized for 1 ous that local and State law enforce- hour. ‘‘not acceptable to have no policy of ment should comply with Federal im- cooperation with immigration enforce- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- migration laws and cooperate with its ment.’’ er, for the purpose of debate only, I fair enforcement by communicating Mr. Speaker, faithfulness to the law yield the customary 30 minutes to the openly with Federal officials. It would isn’t like being offered a cup of coffee. gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. also seem clear that jurisdictions that You can’t look at the Federal statutes MCGOVERN), pending which I yield my- ignore these laws should forfeit the and say: You know, no thanks, but I self such time as I may consume. Dur- Federal funds set aside to support com- appreciate you offering. ing consideration of this resolution, all pliance with those same laws. H.R. 3003 confirms that this option is time yielded is for the purpose of de- Despite this, sanctuary cities oppose not on the table. bate only. Federal immigration officials rou- While I agree with former Secretary GENERAL LEAVE tinely. These men and women find Johnson that we must have a policy of Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- themselves handicapped by local offi- cooperation, the policies of the former er, I ask unanimous consent that all cials implementing obstructionist poli- administration too frequently didn’t Members may have 5 legislative days cies. indicate a commitment to that goal. In in which to revise and extend their re- In light of this, Mr. Speaker, I be- fact, State and local jurisdictions ig- marks and to include extraneous mate- lieve we need to better protect our nored more than 12,000 Federal de- rial on House Resolution 414, currently communities by ensuring our laws are tainer requests in 2014. under consideration. followed. H.R. 3003 takes steps do that. Now is the time for action. Thankfully, President Trump issued The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there I thank Chairman GOODLATTE, Con- an executive order directing the De- objection to the request of the gen- gressman KING, and Congressman partment of Justice, the Department of tleman from Georgia? BIGGS for their work on the No Sanc- Homeland Security, and ICE to ensure There was no objection. tuary for Criminals Act. These Mem- that sanctuary jurisdictions are ineli- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- bers are colleagues of mine on the Ju- gible for Federal grants and are subject er, I am pleased today to bring this diciary Committee, and they recognize to enforcement actions. The President rule forward on behalf of the Rules the need to respond to the continuing also charged these agencies with re- Committee. problem of sanctuary cities with re- porting on jurisdictions that have re- The rule provides for consideration of solve, with confidence that Federal im- fused to comply with detainers to hold H.R. 3003, the No Sanctuary for Crimi- migration laws safeguard every Amer- criminal aliens. nals Act. The rule provides for 1 hour ican community and apply equally to The first week this report was issued, of debate, equally divided between the every American community. it showed 206 known instances in which chairman and ranking member of the The underlying bill provided for by local personnel declined ICE detainers Judiciary Committee. The rule also this rule also includes legislation of- and released criminal aliens. These provides for a motion to recommit. fered by Mr. KING—Sarah’s and Grant’s aliens reentered the communities after Yesterday, the Rules Committee had Law. Sarah’s and Grant’s Law is named they had committed crimes such as as- the opportunity to hear from my fellow after two individuals, Sarah Root and sault, aggravated assault or battery, Judiciary Committee members Mr. Grant Ronnebeck, who were tragically driving under the influence, or domes- JOHNSON of Louisiana and Ms. LOFGREN killed by unlawful immigrants. The un- tic violence abuses. of California. lawful immigrants were released and The reports indicate that we have H.R. 3003 received consideration by remain at large, and the Root and work to do, but it helps us by identi- the Judiciary Committee as part of a Ronnebeck families were left to grieve fying jurisdictions where personnel are VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jun 29, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K28JN7.020 H28JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with HOUSE June 28, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5245 thwarting Federal law. It throws into diligent work, meaningful steps have closed rule, and in strong opposition to relief the glaring problem of sanctuary been taken to restore accountability. the underlying bill, H.R. 3003. cities and provides information that The No Sanctuary for Criminals Act Mr. Speaker, today the House will law enforcement and lawmakers can builds on these efforts and ensures that consider its 37th closed rule for the use as we assess the problem and de- jurisdictions comply with the detainers year, and tomorrow it will take up velop meaningful solutions. while strengthening our law to ensure number 38. My Republican friends are Mr. Speaker, I was in the Georgia that aliens who have been committing breaking all kinds of records here. State House when we took action there crimes such as drunk driving are de- While I often wonder just why the to address the issue of sanctuary cities. tained pending their removal. Republican leadership is so afraid of In 2009, we in Georgia outlawed sanc- H.R. 3003 permits the Secretary of open debate in the United States House tuary cities in our State. Last year, DHS to issue a detainer for any indi- of Representatives, I do recognize that the legislature went further by requir- vidual arrested for violation of a crimi- it goes right along with the Republican ing local governments to certify their nal or motor vehicle law upon probable majority’s complete rejection of reg- cooperation with immigration officials cause that an individual is an inadmis- ular order.
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