FAMILY PTEROCLIDIDAE 217 Notes.--Also known as Common Puffin and, in Old World literature, as the Puffin. Fra- tercula arctica and F. corniculata constitutea superspecies(Mayr and Short 1970). Fratercula corniculata (Naumann). Horned Puffin. Mormon corniculata Naumann, 1821, Isis von Oken, col. 782. (Kamchatka.) Habitat.--Mostly pelagic;nests on rocky islandsin cliff crevicesand amongboulders, rarely in groundburrows. Distribution.--Breedson islandsand alongcoasts of the Chukchiand Bering seasfrom the DiomedeIslands and Cape Lisburnesouth to the AleutianIslands, and alongthe Pacific coast of western North America from the Alaska Peninsula and south-coastal Alaska south to British Columbia (QueenCharlotte Islands, and probablyelsewhere along the coast);and in Asia from northeasternSiberia (Kolyuchin Bay) southto the CommanderIslands, Kam- chatka,Sakhalin, and the northernKuril Islands.Nonbreeding birds occurin late springand summer south along the Pacific coast of North America to southernCalifornia, and north in Siberia to Wrangel and Herald islands. Winters from the Bering Sea and Aleutians south, at least casually,to the northwestern Hawaiian Islands (from Kure east to Laysan), and off North America (rarely) to southern California;and in Asia from northeasternSiberia southto Japan. Accidentalin Mackenzie (Basil Bay); a sight report for Baja California. Notes.--See comments under F. arctica. Fratercula cirrhata (Pallas). Tufted Puffin. Alca cirrhata Pallas, 1769, Spic. Zool. 1(5): 7, pl. i; pl. v, figs. 1-3. (in Mari inter Kamtschatcamet Americam ArchipelagumqueKurilum = Bering Sea.) Habitat.--Primarily pelagic;nests on islandsand coastal slopes in groundburrows, some- timesunder boulders and piles of rocks,occasionally under densevegetation. Distribution.--Breeds alongthe Pacificcoast of North Americafrom the DiomedeIslands and Cape Thompsonsouth through islands of the Bering Sea (including the Pribilofs) to the Aleutians, east to the Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, and southeasternAlaska, and south to southernCalifornia (to SantaBarbara County, off San Miguel Island); and in easternAsia from the KolyuchinIslands and East Cape southto Kamchatka,the Commanderand Kuril islands,Sea of Okhotsk,Sakhalin, and northernJapan. Wintersoffshore from southernAlaska and Kamchatkasouth through the breedingrange to central (rarely southern)California and southernJapan. Accidentalin the Hawaiian Islands(Laysan) and Maine. Notes.mFormerlyplaced in the monotypicgenus Lunda. Family Incertae Sedis Family PTEROCLIDIDAE: Sandgrouse Notes.--The relationshipsof the Pteroclididae are so controversialthat we leave them incertaesedis. Maclean (1967, 1969) andFjelds•t (1976) placedthem in the Charadriiformes, a positionsupported by recentmolecular analyses (Sibley andAhlquist 1990). Others(Olson 1970, Strauch1978) retain them in their traditionalposition in the Columbiformes. Genus PTEROCLES Temminck PteroclesTemminck, 1815, Pig. Gall. 3: 238, 712. Type, by subsequentdesignation (G. R. Gray, 1840), Tetrao alchata Linnaeus. Pteroclesexustus Temminck. Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse. Pteroclesexustus Temminck, 1825, PlanchesColor., livr. 60, pls. 354, 360. (westcoast of Africa, Egypt and Nubia = Senegal.) Habitat.--Dry keawe scrubforest, rocky grasslands,and pasturesat low and moderate elevations;in native range, desertsand arid scrub. 218 FAMILY COLUMBIDAE Distribution.--Resident acrossnorthern Africa (south of the Sahara) from Senegal east to Somalia and Kenya, and from Arabia and Syria east to Baluchistanand India. Introduced and establishedin the Hawaiian Islands (North Kona district of Hawaii, since 1961). Order COLUMBIFORMES: Pigeonsand Doves Family COLUMBIDAE: Pigeonsand Doves Genus COLUMBA Linnaeus ColumbaLinnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 1: 162. Type, by subsequentdesignation (Vigors, 1825), Colurnbaoenas Linnaeus. PatagioenasReichenbach, 1853, Handb. Spec. Ornithol., Die V6gel, pt. 3 (1852), p. xxv. Type, by monotypy,Columba leucocephala Linnaeus. LithoenasReichenbach, 1853, Handb.Spec. Ornithol., Die V6gel, pt. 3 (1852), p. xxv. Type, by monotypy,Columba livia "Linnaeus" = Gmelin. ChloroenasReichenbach, 1853, Handb. Spec. Ornithol., Die V6gel, pt. 3 (1852), p. xxv. Type, by monotypy,Columba monilis Vigors = Columbafasciata Say. LepidoenasReichenbach, 1853, Handb. Spec. Ornithol., Die V6gel, pt. 3 (1852), p. xxv. Type, by monotypy,Columba speciosa Gmelin. /Enoenas[subgenus] Salvadori, 1893, Cat. BirdsBrit. Mus. 21: 248. Type,by subsequent designation(Ridgway, 1916), Colurnbanigrirostris Sclater. Notes.--For modernusage of Patagioenasand Oenoenasas generadistinct from Columba, see Johnston(1962); for contraryopinion, see Corbin (1968). Columba livia Gmelin. Rock Dove. Columba domesticaB livia Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat. 1(2): 769. (No locality given = southernEurope.) Habitat.--In the wild statealong rocky seacoastsor inland in gorges,fiver valleys,caves, and desertoases, nesting on cliff ledgesor in holes and fissures;fetal birds in the Western Hemisphereoccasionally in naturalhabitats, more abundantlynear humansettlement, es- pecially in cities. Distribution.--Resident in Eurasia from the Faeroe Islands, southernScandinavia, Russia, western Siberia, Manchuria, and northernChina south through the British Isles, western Europe,and the Mediterraneanregion to the easternAtlantic islands,northern Africa, Arabia, Iran, India, Sfi Lanka, and Burma. Introducedand establishedwidely throughoutthe world, includingthe HawaiianIslands, most of North America (from the central parts of the Canadianprovinces south), in the RevillagigedoIslands (SocorroIsland), and the West Indies. Notes.--Also known as Rock Pigeonor DomesticPigeon; established, fetal populations are sometimescalled Fetal Pigeon or Common Pigeon. Oberholser(1974) used the name Lithoenas domestica;see Banks and Browning (1995). Columba cayennensisBonnaterre. Pale-vented Pigeon. Columba cayennensisBonnaterre, 1792, Tabl. Encycl. M6th., Ornithol. 1(51): 234. Based on "Le Pigeon Ramjet de Cayenne" Holandre, Abrege Hist. Nat. 2: 214. (Cayenne.) Habitat.--Gallery Forest,River-edge Forest, Edge of TropicalLowland Forest, and Sec- ondaryForest, lowland pine savanna(0-800 m; TropicalZone, in SouthAmerica to Tem- perate Zone). Distribution.--Resident from extreme southeasternVeracruz, Tabasco, the Yucatan Pen- insula,and northern Chiapas south on the Gulf-Cafibbeanslope to Nicaragua,on bothslopes of Costa Rica and Panama, and in South America from Colombia, Venezuela, Tobago, FAMILY COLUMBIDAE 219 Trinidad, and the Guianas south, west of the Andes to western Ecuador and east of the Andes to northernArgentina and southeasternBrazil. Notes.--Also known as Rufous Pigeon. Columba speciosaGmelin. ScaledPigeon. Colurnbaspeciosa Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat. 1(2): 783. Based primarily on "Pigeon ramier,de Cayenne"Daubenton, Planches Enlum., pl. 213. (in Cayenna= Cayenne.) Habitat.--Tropical LowlandEvergreen Forest, Montane Evergreen Forest, Gallery Forest, lowland pine savanna(0-1400 m; Tropicaland lower Subtropicalzones). Distribution.--Resident from southern Veracruz and northern Oaxaca south on the Gulf- Caribbeanslope of Middle America to Nicaragua,on both slopesof CostaRica (absentfrom dry northwest) and Panama, and in South America from Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, and the Guianas south, west of the Andes to northwestern Peru, and east of the Andes (excludingmost of Amazonia) to northernArgentina and southeasternBrazil. Columba squamosaBonnaterre. Scaly-naped Pigeon. Colurnbasquarnosa Bonnaterre, 1792, Tabl. Encycl. M6th., Ornithol. 1, 1(51): 234. Based on "Le Pigeon Ramjet de la Guadeloupe" Holandre, Abrege Hist. Nat. 2: 214. (Guadeloupe.) Habitat.--Montane EvergreenForest, Tropical Lowland EvergreenForest (0-2500 m). Distribution.---Resident in the Greater Antilles (rare on Jamaica), LesserAntilles (not recordedAnguilla, St. Barth61emyor D6sirade),and islandsoff the north coastof Venezuela (Curacao,Bonaire, Los Testigos,and Los Frailes, formerly also Aruba). Casualin southernFlorida (Key West). Notes.--Also known as Red-neckedPigeon. Columba leucocephalaLinnaeus. White-crowned Pigeon. Colurnbaleucocephala Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 1: 164. Basedmainly on "The White-crown'd Pigeon" Catesby,Nat. Hist. Carolina 1: 25, pl. 25. (in America septentrionali-- BahamaIslands.) Habitat.--Mangrove Forest,Tropical Deciduous Forest, Tropical Lowland Evergreen For- est (0-2000 m). Distribution.--Breeds in southernFlorida (mangroveislets in the Florida Keys from Elliot to Marquesaskeys, and throughout Florida Bay), Bahamas,Antilles (southto Barbuda and Antigua),Cayman Islands, islands of the westernCaribbean Sea (Cozumeloff Quintana Roo, caysoff Belize, the Bay and Hog islandsoff Honduras,Providencia and Corn islands), and CaribbeanPanama (Swan Cay, Escudode Veraguas,and coastof Bocasdel Toro, also SanBlas Islands).Individuals from FloridaBay commonlyforage on the mainland(southern Dade and Monroe counties). Wintersthroughout most of the breedingrange, regularly in southernpeninsular Florida, the Florida Keys, and northern Bahamas,ranging in Middle America to coastal areas (re- corded Quintana Roo, Belize, Honduras, and western Panama), and in the Lesser Antilles south to St. Lucia. Casual on the mainlandof southernFlorida (north to Fort Pierce region); a sight report for southernTexas. A report from Oaxaca (Salina Cruz) is questionable(Binford 1989). Columbafiavirostris Waglet.Red-billed Pigeon. ColumbafiavirostrisWaglet, 1831, Isis von Oken, col. 519. (Mexico = Veracruz.) Habitat.--Tropical DeciduousForest,
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