,j ,.11.,, , , 609. Board of Education ·. r , Nutley, New, J er s.ey September. 29, 1971 ·- -'~E-~Regular M eeting of the Bo.a.rd of Education of th e .Town of Nutley, New Jersey, was held in the .Boar.cl Room, 149 Chestnut Street , on W.ednesday , . September 29, . 197.1, at 8:00 p . m., with Mr. Edward J. Lenihan , President, presiding. ROLL CALL: l ~ Other members pr .e_s~nt a,t .roll .ca ll weye; : Mrs; John Pedd ieson, Mr. Carl A . Ohlson , Mr. John E. Clayton, Mrs . Thomas E. Jaworek, Mrs .. ·.Edward M .. Popadick .and Mr . Walter :Linds .trom. Citizen .s' as follows : Absent & excused : Franl< Cocchiola . & Frank Tangorra. Gerard Curran Student . 69 ..Woodland .Avenue Manhattan CQJ.lege, . Bronx Maywood, New Jersey . George Fisher Student 246 Tirnperpoint Road · Manhattan College , Bronx Islip, New York Miss Mary Davies St~nt . 2 1 Laurel Place . Pat ·er son . State : r . Miss Barbara Ahmuthy . .Student 5 15 Sixth Street Pater son State Lyndhur ·st, New Jersey r M.r-s. J.ohn Saars Student 60 Hillside Avenue Jersey City State .. , Mr-. John Saars. Citizen -- 60 Hillside Avenue Mrs . Kathl:.een Semple Citizen : . 155 Lakesid e Drive Thomas .Plinio . Jaycees 11 Montclair A venue John Kirick Jaycees 43 Stanley Avenue M INUTES: Copies of t he Minutes of the Regular Meeting he ld on June 30, 1971, at 8 :00 p. m., .·b eing . in th e hands .. of each qiembe ·r, reading of same was dispensed. Mrs. P.eddieson moved tp.at the minutes of the Regular Meeting be accepted, seconded as amend ed by Mrs. Popadick, and unanimously approved by the Board. COMMUN ICATIONS: Mr. Zabriskie .read th .e following communication ·s: 1. · A letter from C . Russell Kramer, Smith , Kramer & Morrison: r. · - "I ericlo 'se-transcript of the proceedings authoriz ing the $195, 000 \ ~bond issue, which .contain the approval of the Attorney General on ~June 28, 1971. 11 .... ._ ., . - ------ - - - - -- -····--.. ------ -- - ·- --·~- - ·--- --·- ···'"'-·-·---·---..,- .. --- ------ - 610. 2. Notice of approval for replacement of boiler at Yantacaw School from H9ward W. Holcombe, Facility Planning Services, Department of Education. 3. Notice of final approval for final plans and specification for replacement of boiler at Yantacaw School fro:rp. Howard W. , Holcombe, FacUity .Planning ~ervic~s, Department ,of Education. 4. A letter from Arthur Bierman, Executive Director, Training and Work Center for the Handicapped: "As per our telephone conversation of August 31, 1971, the Center will not :reopen the Nutley.Satellite. "The reasons for not continuing this project are the lack of federal and private support funds, insufficient number of referrals coupled with the enormous deficit accrued from its inception to the Center. "I am sorry that you were not told of the decision several months ago and soon after my letter to Dr. Fleischerl<l;;i.ted February 8, 1971. II 5. A letter from Paul Barbarula, Retail Chairman, Nutley Chamber of Commerce: 1 , r .· "The Retail Division of the Nutley Chamber of Commerce is planning to repeat our Chi-istmas program of last year with town-wide participating of Nutley merchants ,and businessmen, We hope to have Santa arrive in town via helicoptelt' and wish to ask your permission to have this helicopter set down in the Park Oval. "The preferred time for this event would be Friday, November 26, at 2:00 p. m.. In case of inclement weather the date would be set for Saturday, November 27. If this is impossible we would appreciate your advice as to a suitable time. "We thank you for your consideration and would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience in order to make the necessary arrangements and :secure town c 1earance. II Mrs. Peddieson moved aqJ,pruhr.aleotfiftat.e:: above, gj~Ond@d by, M:r§, Popadick, and unanimously approved by the Board. I I 6. A letter from Milton Hamnett, Micklewright, Hamnett, Bouman and Blanche: - .l. "Thank you for the invitation to present the keys to the new addition at the dedication ceremonies to be held on Sunday, L'. October 17, 1971, at 2:30p.m. .r "Since I will be on vacation, either my partner, Herman.Bo~an, or Jamil Faridy, an associate, will represent our firm at that time." .:r -~ r r 7. A letter from Dr. Carl L. Marburger, Commissioner of Education, State of New Jersey, Department of Education: l I I "Thank you for your kind invitation to attend the dedication of the new addition to Nutley High School. : l'As you-may know, I ha:v.e an-extremely busy ,schedule during September and October, and unfortunately, I find it impossible to spare the time to attend the_ dedication. I de.eply regret being unable-to attend, but I hope .you will accept my best wi~hes for the success of your building program, and, my hopes_ that you will continue to progress in the development of your excellent educational program. 11 ,J. .. 611. Mr~ Zabri~½ie _stated that he ha~ requested Dr. Marburger to give the Dedicatory A d dress at the Dedication of the new Nutley High .. • •• # • • • " .. • ~ School Additio~. Since J?r . Marburger cou l d not do . this , Mr . Z~_briskie asked Mr . Simeon F . Moss, Essex County Superintendent cff Schools . Mr. Moss has accepted. .. ~ ·..: ' . 8. ":'A ietter frorri E . R. Reynolds, Claim Sup.ervisor, Royal ~Globe Insurance Companies: . "We wish to acknowled e receipt of Summo n s arid Complaint in ....'. - " - -th~ -suit _of as individual, and . ~s guardian ad lit em of • Superior Court of New Jersey Law Division Essex County . P l ease be advised that we haye referred same to our attorneys Braff, Li t11:ak, Ertag & Wgrtrp.ann , #85 South Barris on St. , East Orange, . N. J . without . - ·:prej~dice, ·and have ·asked thit they enter an appeara ·nce in your b~haif in order that the rights of all parties be preserved and a default a voided. "Y{e ~r~ . putting you on notice at this time however, that the Newark In .suran~e· Company is reserving · its rights fully in this matter pending deve l opment of the facts involv .ed. We are · doing t hi s I>ecause, while th e accident out of which this litigation arises is a!leged to have occ u rred 03:March 18 , 1971, receipt of suit · papers was our first notice of it. This means that the assumption ·· of th~ defenShe by our att~rneys is in no way to be construed as an :a,~)s~i~n · tha~ I?6licy _NYN ~56490 issued the Newark Insurance _ Company _ has any _application to the claim of the plantiff against .. ··-- Y9\1-, o; t}_lat the Newa r k Insur 33-nce _Company wi ll be responsib l e t9 yo~ in the ev.ent of a judgment against you , " · . ~ .. - " 9. A Notice of the County Legislative Conference to be held on Thursday evening, October 14, 1971 , at Barringer High School , 90 Parker Street in Newark, commencing ~t 6:30 p. m. Guests are to be invited to attend the opening meeting . of t he Es sex Coun t y Sch _ool Boards Associ?-tio:i , . - . 1 O; Confirmation for twenty rooms at Howard Johnsons Motor Lodge, Cli fton, New Jersey, starting Sunday, March 12, 1972 and ending ..March 15, 1972 fo r the Middle States Evaluation of t~e Nt~.tley Hig h School. ·SECRETARY'S REPORT : • I Mr. Zabriskie presented and read the following: fry/ork has started on the chimney at the Lincoln School. There were severa l cracks which had to be fixed before the winter months . , Hurricane Doria 'caused some ·nood damage ·at the ' Lincoln and Radcliffe Schools. At · the Linco}i1 Sch .col ~ leak in the ·roof caused some water damage to tw·o ceilingi;; ,~n ~h.~ _thi _rci . floor. There was also some water damage fro~ water coming up through the floor in the trainable · classroom · area ·. .. One floor was da~ag~d pr~tty bad ly; and it will necessary to replace both the floor and the tile . The second classroom seems to be all right . The damage at the Radcliffe School was a washout along the fence on . the uppe r playground area , I met with two representatives of the U. ·s. Department of Health, Educ _a t ion, and .:Welfare thi .s past week and after completing many forms there will be reimbursement for flood damage after all work is completed and bills subm.itted . "The- new boiler has been received and is now being insta ll ed at Yantacaw School. The contractor has stated that the work would be completed prior to the beginning of cold weather. --------- --· ·-· ·· ·----- -----·---·--·--·-- - - -- - ------- ----· - 612. "The hi.gh school, except for some punch list iterils, is now complete. The libra·ry wa·s ope·ned yesterday for the firt time. ·· Included 'in·the renovation of the Hbrary is·a new ceiiing, new lightiD:g, additional shelving, the ins'tallation of carrolls for individual' study purpos·es·, and additional seating. - ~' ,- ~ • .:. {~· 1_:· "The art room was renovated by taking the former art room ~nd the classroom adjacent to it and combining it into one large classroom. New cabinets made by our maintenance crew we:re installed as well as four new sink cabinets. The maintenance crew also finished installing three practice • . I areas in the new music room. This m.akes it possible for students to individually practice in these :i;-ooms while the class is participating in the main room itself .. ' - . , .· . ,· . ,· · 11 The' maintenanc.e c~ew als·o installed seven wall screens in classrooms. In·o_rder fo compiete th~":~ntire building,' twerity~three additional s_cree1;s were"ordered ·and will be installed U:pdn their arrival.
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