Take time to love somebody today! GUANTANAMO SAY, CUBA Time s who I. Con Man 1f th e1II I VALENTINE'S DAY, 1972 NEW YORK (AP)--Time Magazine printed published parts of Clifford Irving's "autobiography sages from a manuscript by writer James of Howard Hughes" yesterday and said they Phelan, who once collaborated on a bio- proved the book is a hoax, much of it pi- graphy of Hughes with long-time Hughes rated from another writer's unpublished aide Noah Dietrich, 83. manuscript. Dietrich later completed the book Time Magazine also said Irving and with another freelance writer, Bob his research assistant, Richard Suskind, Thomas of the Associated Press, andi / had admitted that the *autobiography" is to be published this month. Time jwas a hoax. The Irving excerpts were (Please see HOAX, page 4) ~.Britain'sPower Crisis Worsens/ LONDON (AP)--Thousands of families ate cold Sunday dinner in un-A m heated homes as power cuts multiplied into Britain's worst indus-abo trial crisis in 46 years and stirred opposition to Prime Min- ister Edward Heath's Conservative govwtnment. The administration warned that Britain faces a total shutdown of industry by the end of the month if a five- week-old strike by coal miners continues to hamper eb at coal-fired electricityrations plants. Leaders of the National union of Minewor- kers went before a government-named court of inquiry to state their case for a shudon bigo idusrbypay boost. the nd of the mnhi ie L- High Court Judge Lord Wilber- d force, who is heading the in- quiry, said he hoped its . Valentine' bi aywork boost.t would be completed fes saf Happy week, And minersinu from th ej ofle tquiryDtoGstaeatiase st f Page 2-- LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantaniamo Gazette Monday, February 14, 1972 GAZETTEER POWER- from page one leader Lawrence Daly said satisfactory recommendations .a digest of late news could be put to miners' union branches in two or three days. But he warned the union might opt for a national bal- lot which would delay a decision on a return to work for up to three weeks. British industry began a three-day week today and the A man and a youth die under tons of falling government warned of a total shutdown in two weeks if earth yesterday as they tunneled into separate coal the coal strike doesn't end. seams to dig for fuel for their fireless homes in Barn- Up to a third of the nation's 24 million workers were sley, England. The first to die was 15-year-old Michael threatened with losing their jobs, at least temporarily. Phillips, who was buried when a tunnel collapsed. Henry For all it was a day of dark, cold homes, cold meals Ellis, a 53-year-old painter, was killed by an earth and delays or cancellatiors of electric commuter trains slide at another of the open seams near Barnsley. as the power was cut off for varying periods around the nation. The Soviet Luna 20 an unmanned spaceship was The miners are determined to continue their strike launched toward the moon today, the Soviet news agency action until the government and the coal board see rea- Tass announced. The initial announcement said the sta- son. tion's equipment was functioning normally and the tra- Already supporters as well as opponemts of the conser- jectory was close to the estimated one. vative administration were asking why the crisis had been permitted to arise and why it was not foreseen. Civilization may he doomed unless mankind Walter Terry, editor of the staunchly pro-conserva- launches a vigorous policy of birth control within 10 tive Daily Mail, commented: "the mishandling by minis- years Dr. Ian MacQueen told a Royal Society of Health ters of the miners' pay issue. .now turning into an un- yesterday. The world is becoming so crowded, he says, controllable monster, has been mighty, the miscalcula- that couples who produce more than two children may even- tions grotesque." tually be charged with treason. Other commentors taxed Heath with attempting to im- pose a blanket 8 per cent ceiling on pay increases for Antipollution limits on heavy-duty vehicles all unions. They said the coal miners, the most tightly are being softened and delayed until 1974 the Environ- knit and determined group in industry, were the tough- mental Protection Agency said Friday in Washington. The est opponent the prime minister could have selected. agency also said it was developing more advanced stand- The coal strike and subsequent power cuts apparently ards to be applied in 1976. contributed strongly to a skid in the popularity of 0 both Heath and his conservative party in the latest op- Venice's St. Mark's Square was under three inion poll published Friday. It showed 48 per cent of feet of water yesterday. Shops in the tourist center the sampling believed Heath was doing a bad job. Only were flooded and motorboats could not pass under bridges 34 per cent approved his work. on the Grand Canal. The flooding came as strong east But it was the Picketing more than the actual coal winds backed up the high morning tide over the canal strike that brought the government order limiting 20, city's waterfront for a second day in succession. 000 British industrial firms to three days' operation a week. Juliet ProWSe disclosed Friday she is expecting The miners launched a campaign of picketing power sta- her first baby in August, but declined to name the tions. Truck drivers in solidaruty refused to cross the father. Miss Prowse, 35, divorced in November 1970 from lines. choreographer Eddie James after a year's marriage, said This soon starved the power stations, not only of she has no marriage plans. "The actress stated that she coal but also of vital chemicals used in the production does not feel marriage is a practical estate for her of electricity. These include hydrogen, caustic soda, because of her nomadic show business life," a spokesman and sulfuric acid. for the South African-born star said. Guantanamo N Stateside Temperatures Gazette / C0. 2.m 0 aley Boston cloudy 39 Naval, Station Co ua~oog Officer New York cloudy 49 Forecast Local . 0. Ba .hic Affair. Officer Norfolk partly cloudy 50 03 M1 Smith .Editor 03 Jeff ih.Me1tatt Editor Atlanta clear 43 E F-h700 Kioth . rt 010,000 5,0, .k . ,r--oti-o -. hici- Miami partly cloudy 81 Partly cloudy with scattered showers PU Ton dmaki.1Be1e Edito J Brad fee Jacksonville clear 61 during the late afternoon. Surface Editorial 08vi.0 Detroit cloudy 44 winds northerly 3-6 knots, becoming ant.-ao-e Ga-et. i. polished acwdiog to tha rul,, and regulations for .hip ad statim neap.rs St. Louis clear 38 south westerly 10-14 knots, with a, 0u11ned i 0 0 35 .-d -dor th direction of . 0,vl Base Plic Mnh.a officer. It is p0t- Dallas clear 70 gusts to 22 knots. Visibility is un- .d for day. a ak at gowa ent a0nee 00 0 - aot eqptnt. Oh, ophoians or statement 10a Denver partly cloudy 56 restricted. Today's high 83, tonight's it-e hat appo herek or not ho _ - con,0d.as official or aefletuig .0v,.s 0f0C a0a. or Los Angeles cloudy 78 low 74. Bay conditions 1-3 feet. t, 0000CS.o rf 11. aaor San Francisco clear 53 Philadelphia cloudy 53 Seattle snow 35 Monday, February 14, 1972 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL NEWS--Page 3 Two Enlisted Men Important Change Your for all Donate Employees Withholding Their Time, to fit the Receive Letters New Law Two VC-10 enlisted men have received letters of apprecia- All employees should take a new look at their law If you are single and earning less than income tax withholding. If they don't, many of $25,000 or married and earning less than tion from the Philadelphia them will have too much tax withheld and they $31,000 (and your spouse does not work). Naval Station for volunteer wil get less take-home pay. There is a new law, the Revenue Act of 1971, If you look up your new withholding tax in one work they did in the station's that corrects much of the underwithholding expe. of the new tables, be sure to look in the column rienced by many employees last year. To do this, for your new number of exemptions (your em. self-help program. it makes important changes in the withholding ployer has a copy of the tables). If you are a AN Denny Ray Cutshall and SA system. That is why you may need to change your one-job single person or family, you probably will withholding-by giving your employer a new With- find your withholding tax has been reduced- Daniel J. Erickson received holding Exemption Certificate (Form WA), Some because the law increased the value of each of the new law's provisions are: withholding exemption to $750 and increased the the letters for donating many standard deduction to 15 percent. hours of free time to help re- Extra Exemption for One-Job Families Although the withholding system has been greatly improved, it has not been found practical novate the Philadelphia sta- One job families (including single people) get to adjust it to cover the full tax for single people an extra exemption, called the "special withhold- who earn more than $25,000 a year or married tion's transient barracks. Ing allowance '. This is not allowed if you moon- people who earn more than $31,000 (if the light on a second job or if both husband and wife spouse does not work).
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