Bob Toski, guest at a seminar for National Golf Foundation consultants at Hueston Woods, demonstrates "form vs. style" in a session moderated by Jim Flick. teach the teacher A select group of golf instructors is The medium for this "teach the sharing teaching expertise with teacher" program is a workshop— school and college teachers around where 25 or more teachers meet from the country. They are consultants one to five days to improve their in- with the National Golf Foundation, structional technique and personal and in five years, they plan to have skill (most academic year sessions conducted clinics with 30,000 are one and two days in length). A teachers, coaches and future teachers sponsoring group gets teachers and of golf. future teachers of golf together, The goal: To increase quantity picks a date and files a request with and quality of golf teaching at the the National Golf Foundation three school level and to increase the flow to six months in advance. Then, after of young golfers to the nation's scheduling arrangements, a consult- courses. conlinued on next page ant from the Foundation will be on hand to conduct the workshop. The Foundation and the sponsor- Ellen Griffin ing group share expenses and honor- LPGA Professional arium for the consultant. The Foun- The Farm National Golf Foundation dation provides teaching materials Greensboro, EDUCATIONAL and format, and the sponsor pro- North Carolina vides facilities and golf equipment. CONSULTANTS In Ohio last month, the Founda- tion's plan began flight as a "gradu- John Henrich ate school" of golf teaching pumped PGA Professional Jack Adler Elma Meadows G.C. up consultants for their season Elma, New York Ed.D., Golf Coach ahead. A week at Hueston Woods University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon Lodge, College Corner, Ohio; and Miami University in nearby Oxford, exposed consultants to top names Max Hines and top teaching methods. Golf Professional Jim Bailey Ames C.C. Ohioan Lorraine Abbott is direc- Ames, Iowa PGA Professional tor of educational services of the Hyland Hills C.C. Denver, Colorado National Golf Foundation and the key mover in the consultant pro- gram. Through her offices the re- Carol Johnson quests, scheduling, planning and ar- Eastern NGF Staff Goldie Bateson ranging to link consultants with LPGA Professional Cincinnati, Ohio LPGA Professional teachers goes on day after day. One W. A. Roberts G.C. moment she is checking plans for New Berlin, Wisconsin another national seminar, as new publication or audio-visual material William Johnson must be handled. In another she ex- PGA Professional plains the consultant attitude with a Golf Coach Marge Bums favorite quotation: "those who dare Dartmouth College LPGA Professional teach must never cease to learn." Hanover, New Hampshire Golf Acres Range Myrtle Beach, Another quotation earlier seemed to South Carolina form a basis for the entire work of Lorraine's division: "Golfs Future Ann Casey Johnstone LPGA Professional Rests Not In Its Players . But In Golf Coach Mary Dagraedt Its Number of Educated Players." Stephens College LPGA Professional Lorraine, a golf instructor her- Columbia, Missouri Golf Coach self, explains that the consultant staff Miami Dade Jr. College Florida Int'l. University "is the life-blood of the educational Miami, Florida arm of the Foundation." At this H Laurene Mabry time, 29 consultants are on the active Ph.D., Golf Coach LPGA Professional Jim Flick list and more are to be added in the Illinois State University PGA Professional near future. These people, Lorraine Normal, Illinois Losantiville C.C. says, represent outstanding PGA and Cincinnati, Ohio LPGA teaching professionals, many of whom have been voted "Teacher Roderick Myers of the Year" by their respective PGA Professional organizations. Noted instructors of Golf Coach Bruce Fossum Duke University golf at colleges and universities Golf Coach Durham, North Carolina Michigan State throughout the country complement University the consultant staff. Each, Lorraine Lansing, Michigan explains, was selected for his or her Mary Beth Nienhaus teaching ability, experience and de- LPGA Professional sire to serve the program needs of Appleton West H.S. Richard Gordin others. Winagamie G.C. Ph.D., Golf Coach Appleton, Wisconsin Ohio Wesleyan University Education, seminars and consult- Delaware, Ohio ants, of course, are not a new thing for the National Golf Foundation. Caryl Newhof But there is a great new emphasis on Smith College the present program — a five-year \ Northampton, Kenneth Green plan starting in fiscal 1973-74. Massachusetts Ed.D., Golf Coach Planners hope to establish the Foun- University of Northern Iowa dation as a strong source of junior Cedar Falls, Iowa golf information, to survey status of golf instruction in schools and design more photos on page 44 continued on page 44 TEACHER from page 10 Golf Instructor's Guide - Methods utilized by NGF CONSULTANTS programs to serve this growth area. foremost teachers. A goal calls for as many as 100 Golf Lessons — Illustrated essentials for learn- consultants eventually, able to serve ing basic skills, rules, etiquette. Joey Rey every state in the country with on- Easy Way to Learn Golf Rules - Simplified PGA Professional illustrated explanations. Salinas C.C. site clinics and workshops; and to es- Salinas, California tablish state-wide seminars to teach Planning and Conducting Competitive Golf Events - Comprehensive procedures for all teachers of beginning golf, available levels of tournament play. to any state on request. The Founda- How to Improve Your Golf - Pictorial tion also is stepping up its produc- analysis of skill execution. Carrie Russell tion of publications, instruction Golf Teaching Kit - Five foregoing publica- Delaware State College material and audiovisual materials tions compiled in a convenient notebook with Dover, Delaware which fit into the Educational Ser- hard vinyl cover. vices plan. Golf Rules Wall Chart - Reproduction of Three extensive lists of informa- rules illustrations on a 23" x 25" wall chart. Visual Aids for Golf Instruction — Packet of 40 tion are found on the request forms posters illustrating basic skills, rules, eti- Barbara Smith for consultant services: A list of quette. Ed.D., Golf Coach audio-visual materials for use in Planning and Conducting Junior Golf LPGA Professional workshops, an example of the types Programs - A guide to answer, "How can we Longwood College start a junior program at our school, at our Farmville, Virginia of topics which could be selected for club, or in our community?" - Development a teaching format and a sample of area junior golf associations. workshop day. Following are these ES Information Sheets - Series covering Shirley Spork items: specific topics in golf instruction, coaching and program organization. LPGA Professional Indian Wells C.C. Films and Publications Topics for Selection Palm Desert, California 16mm Motion Pictures - Unit I "Welcome — Methods of teaching the grip, stance and to Golf' (13 min.) - Unit II "Building Your address routine Swing" (27 min.) - Unit III "Pitching, Pitch — Methods of teaching the full swing and Run. Sand Shots" (12 min.) - Unit IV — Methods of teaching putting and the short William Strausbaugh, Jr. "Putting" (10 min.) -Unit V "Courtesy on the approach PGA Professional Course" (18 min.). — Analysis of errors and error correction Columbia C.C. — Use of instructional aids in teaching 8mm Loop Films (Six super-8 cartridges for Chevy Chase, Maryland — Measurement and evaluation techniques use in Technicolor or Kodak 120 Projector) — Methods of coaching golf teams — Grip-Address Routine — Full Swing-woods — Advanced shotmaking — weather, re- and irons — Short Approach-Pitch, Pitch and covery, topography shots Run Shot — Putting — Sand Shot — Uneven — Methods of teaching rules and etiquette Lies. — Equipment purchase, storage, repair, club George Valentine fitting Golf Coach — Demonstration lessons using general stu- Ashland College dents Ashland, Ohio — Lessons with specific clubs — Formal question-answer session — staff panel — Informal question-answer period — re- freshments Pat Weis — Meetings with special groups — faculty, University of Texas at student, administrative Austin — Personal consultation with sponsor or in- Austin, Texas dividual participants — Others as desired Sample Workshop Day: Lorraine Abbott, above, educational services director for the National Golf 8:30- 9:00 Registration — view NGF Betty Jane Wills Foundation, presides over an indoor ses- display Ph.D. sion at Hues ton Woods. The Phase I 9:00- 9:15 Introductory Methods for North Seattle College staff <focusing on the advanced teaching Teaching the Modern Golf Sw- Seattle, Washington knowledge theme) are (left to right) Bill ing Strausbaugh, Jr., PGA; Marilynn Smith, 9:15-10:30 Fundamentals of Grip, Stance, Address Routine, Full Swing LPGA; Jim Flick, PGA, and Gary Progression Wiren, PGA director of education. 10:30-10:45 Break Joanne Winter 10:45-11:45 Error Analysis and Correction Use of Instructional Aids — LPGA Professional sight, sound, feel Golf Coach 11:45-12:00 Questions-Answers-Discussion Arizona State University 12:00- 1:15 Lunch (at workshop site) Tempe, Arizona 1:15- 2:30 Short Game Progression Pitch, Pitch and Run, Putting 2:30- 3:00 Use of Audiovisual Aids NGF 16mm Films, 8mm Loops, Jan Wood Video-tape, Sequence Camera Valley Junior College 3:00- 3:45 Methods of Teaching Rules and Van Nuys, California Etiquette NGF Film: "Courtesy on the Course" 3:45- 4:00 Summary Discussion — NGF Services and Materials .
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