Medical School of Maine Student Theses Thesis Title Author Graduation Year Water Randall, Wheeler 1821 Ergot Austin, Samuel 1822 Cathartics Baker, George Griswold 1822 Strammonium Bowles, Green Berry 1822 The Heart and Organization Coffin, James 1822 Pulmonary Consumption Duncan, John 1822 Bloodletting Frost, George 1822 Wounds of the Abdomen Hall, James 1822 Group Pulsifer, Moses Rust 1822 Blood Root Quimby, Asa 1822 Group Rea, Albus 1822 Phthisis Pulmonalis Reed, Ariel 1822 Disease of Digestive Organs Richer, John 1822 Foreign Bodies in L'Esophagus Simpson, Ahimaaz Blanchard 1822 Strychnas Vox Vomica Tinker, George Washington 1822 Acute Rheumatism Atkinson, John 1823 Percussion and Mediate Ayscultation in Diseases of the Chest Bell, John 1823 Insanity Bourne, Thomas Perkins 1823 Use of the Oxy-Muriate of Mercury in the Cure of Syphilis Bradbury, Samuel Crockett 1823 Ulcers Bridgham, Roland Hammond 1823 Conversion of Diseases Cobb, Jedidiah 1823 Diseases of Brain Injury Cummings, Sumner 1823 Menstruation Flagg, Melzer 1823 Typhus Fever Fogg, James 1823 Puerperal Fever Garcelon, Daniel 1823 Hemorrhage Hamlin, Castillo 1823 On the Efficacy of the Sulphurous Fumigation in the Treatment of Culaneous & Other Haynes, John P. 1823 Diseases Eupatorium Perfoliatum Heald, Asa 1823 Haemorrhois Lufkin, Aaron 1823 Circulation of Blood Martin, Anselm 1823 The Nature of Dropsy, Particularly those Species of Its Denominated Hydrothorax and Morril, Samuel 1823 Ascites Cholera Infection Pierce, Seth 1823 Medical Police Pratt, Titus Collins 1823 Physiology of the Nervous System Vose, Samuel 1823 11 Medical School of Maine Student Theses Ferebinthinate Medicines Ward, Malthus Agustus 1823 Delirium Tre(?)eus Wells, Ebeneezer 1823 Colic West, Eber 1823 Epilepsy Baker, Symonds William 1824 Hemorrhages Barrett, John 1824 Theory and Practice of Emetics Bodwell, John Adams 1824 The effect of Cold on the Human System Brewster, Stephen Coffin 1824 Hemoptysis Carter, Ezra 1824 Dysentery Cary, Tolman 1824 Typhus Fever Clark, Eliphalet 1824 Cyuanche Traechealis Cochran, James 1824 Delirium Tre(?)eus Cushing, Rufus King 1824 Evpatoreum Perfoliatum Fernald, John Shapleigh 1824 Emetics Fuller, Simeon 1824 Dysentery Gordon, Timothy 1824 Contagiousness of Typhus fever Hatch, William 1824 Antiemetic Qualities of the Chenopodium Album Holmes, Ezekiel 1824 Typhus Fever Johnson, Benjamin 1824 Thesis Pulmonalis King, Asa Howe 1824 Chronic Hepatitis Lillybridge, C 1824 Indigestion Merrill, John Gale 1824 Pnemonia Typhoides Pratt, Samuel Whittlesey 1824 Pnepic Acid Snow, Charles 1824 Dyspepsia Folsom, David 1825 Dysentery and its Combinations Ford, Samuel 1825 Fever Godding, Alva 1825 Structure and Function of the Skin Greely, Samuel 1825 Emetics Hills, Ebenezer Parsons 1825 Typhus Mitiors Hitchcock, Gad 1825 Influence of the Mind on Functions of the Body Knapp, Cyrus 1825 Cholera Infantum Loring, Richmond 1825 Foetal Circulation Ludwig, William 1825 Inflamation Markoe, Martin Meyer Heyleger 1825 Tic Douloureux McLellan, Charles Hugh Patterson 1825 Puerperal Fever Packard, George 1825 Dyspepsia Parsons, Eben 1825 Inflamation of the Brain Peirce, Augustus 1825 22 Medical School of Maine Student Theses Dyspepsia or Indigestion Peirce, James Hamilton 1825 Inflamation Sanger, Increase Sumner 1825 Dysentery Stevens, John 1825 Pneumonia Whitney, Cephas 1825 Change of Climate Willis, Levi 1825 Empredma Bronchitis or Croup Adams, John 1826 Acute Inflammation Ayer, Benjamin 1826 Medical Electricity Brown, John Goodeve 1826 Uterine Haemorrhage Cooper, William Freeman 1826 Scrofula Durkee, Silas 1826 Acute Rheumatism Fowler, Benjamin 1826 Ulcers Heath, Asa 1826 Influence of Physical Causes on the Mental Powers Hobbs, Daniel Sanborn 1826 Epidemic Purulent Ophthalmia Kennedy, Daniel Knight 1826 Necrosia MacDougall, William 1826 Dysentery Sanborn, David Marston 1826 Insanity Shurtleff, Francis 1826 Medical Chemistry Southwick, Edward 1826 Cholera Infantum Stickney, George Washington 1826 Hydrocephalus Thompson, Greenfield Pote 1826 Paramenia Whitcomb, James Bigelow 1826 Animal Heat Bates, Niran 1827 Uterine Haemorrhage Brown, Silvanus 1827 Some of the Relations Between the Fosil and the Living Forms of Organisms Choate, Charles 1827 Observations on Jaundice Cooper, Alanson Lawrence 1827 Anthroria Hydeuthias Emerson, William Samuel 1827 Gout Forbes, Daniel 1827 Scarlet Fever Fuller, Archelaus Putnam 1827 Muscular Contraction and Elongation Gould, Moses 1827 Syphilis Kittredge, Benjamin 1827 Dysentery Lane, Josiah 1827 Sea Sickness Lincoln, Benjamin 1827 Puerperal Fever Megquier, Thomas Lewis 1827 Experiments made with the Cidar Apple Merrill, John 1827 Phthisis Pulmonalis Myrick, David Henry 1827 Phthisis Perham, Joseph 1827 Exangia Cyania Porter, Byron 1827 33 Medical School of Maine Student Theses Epilepsy Prescott, Epaphras Kibby 1827 Phthisis Pulmonalis Prescott, William Henry 1827 Remarks on Pathological Anatomy Ray, Isaac 1827 Bloodletting Spaulding, Zachariah 1827 Surgical Treatment of Wounds Brainerd, David Edmund 1828 Necrosis Cary, Nelson Howard 1828 Dysentery Dakin, Moses 1828 Necessity and Propriety of Human Dissection Delaney, Michael Granville 1828 Iodine Dummer, Jeremiah 1828 Sympathy Eells, Seth Williams 1828 Puerperal Convulsions Gage, Thomas Emery 1828 Masturbation Hamlin, Cyrus 1828 Apoplexy Flanders, David 1828 Hygiene, Preservation of Health Holman, Sullivan 1828 Epilepsia Howe, Oliver Beal 1828 Charator Termination and Treatment of Phlegmonous Inflamation Kelly, Nathaniel Knight 1828 Typhus Fever Leonard, Alfred Marcey 1828 Asthma McLellan, William 1828 Indigestion Moody, Richard 1828 Hemorrhage Robinson, Charles Glidden 1828 Typhus Fever Sherman, Thomas 1828 Arthrosia Acuta Snell, Charles 1828 Phlegmasia Dolens Stockbridge, Tristram Gilman 1828 Inflamation Swasey, William 1828 Epilepsy Thornton, William 1828 Inflamation Wyman, Robert 1828 Catamenia Adams, Stephen 1829 Burns Anderson, Abraham Wendall 1829 Aneurism Beckwith, Addison Kennedy 1829 Puerperal Fever Blaisdel, James Crockett Bradbury 1829 Paramenia Obstructionis Bodwell, Mortimer 1829 The Constitutional Treatment of Local Diseases Boyd, Isaac 1829 A dynamic of Typhus Fever Bradbury, James Crockett 1829 Cynanche Trachealis Bradford, Richmond 1829 Cynanche Trachealis or Prou[p] Brown, Chauncey 1829 Phthisis Pulmonalis Carter, Thomas Jefferson 1829 Dysentery Cochran, Jeremiah Sullivan 1829 44 Medical School of Maine Student Theses Jaundice Colburn, Zaccheus 1829 Cholera Infantum Ellis, Calvin Dorr 1829 Neuralgia Farnum, John Sayward 1829 Pertussis Fogg, Jonathan 1829 Fractures of the Crainium Gale, Stephen 1829 Influence of Sedentary and Studius Habits upon Health Gilman, John Taylor 1829 Haemoptysis Gore, Thomas 1829 Typhus Fever Grant, Nathaniel 1829 Dyspepsia Grover, William 1829 Chlorine Hannaford, William George 1829 Influence of Climate and Situation in Phthisis Pulmonalis Harper, William 1829 Odentia Den[lit]ionis Kennedy, Abiel Wood 1829 Character and Proximate Cause of Insanity Kingsbury, Nathaniel 1829 Intermittent Fever Knight, Addison 1829 Chlorosis Leighton, Jonathan 1829 Variola Vaccina Magoun, Calvin Barstow 1829 Dro[p]sy Martin, Stephen 1829 An enquiry into the Proximate Cause of Inflamation Mayo, James Laha 1829 Tetanus Merrill, Joseph 1829 Modus Operandi of Medicine Millet, Charles 1829 Climate and the matter it [?] feets the human system Moseley, Daniel Flavel 1829 Geneseology Partridge, Orlando Holbrook 1829 Infantile Remittent Fever Peck, Kelly 1829 Peritonitis Perley, John Langdon 1829 Animal Heat Pike, William Brasbee 1829 Paramenia Obstrictionis Plant, John 1829 Acetate of Lead Skinner, Ezekiel Erasmus Darwin 1829 Dysentery Smith, Johathan Ambrose 1829 Arthrosia Acuta Smith, Joseph Haven 1829 Dyspepsia Stanley, Albert Fisk 1829 Odynia Tobie, Christopher Columbus 1829 Digestion Warren, John 1829 Secale Cornutum Weever, Constantine Preston 1829 The Importance of a Knowledge of Anatomy as Applied in the Proper Treatment of Wendell, Abraham 1829 Diseases Delirium Tremens Woodward, Ashbel 1829 Tetanus Atkinson, Benjamin 1830 55 Medical School of Maine Student Theses Animal Electricity Babcock, Aaron Gardner 1830 Epidermis Bacon, Liberty Warrener 1830 Jaundice Ballou, Ariel 1830 Diuretis Properties of the Carduus Canadensis Bartlett, Ezekiel Merrill 1830 Influence of Nervous Irritation on the Mind Bourne, Hermon 1830 Fete des Foctidus Buxton, Benjamin Flint 1830 Caesauan Operation Cleaveland, Moses Parker 1830 Nerves Cross, Luther 1830 Contagious of Yellow Fever Day, Alexander Hamilton 1830 Retention of Urine Dorr, Joseph Priestley 1830 Menstruation Fletcher, Franklin Parker 1830 De La Pthoni Tuberculari Fortier, Octave Cyrelle 1830 Typhus Frost, Moses 1830 Fungus Haematodes Gage, Franklin 1830 Apoplexia Garcelon, Seward 1830 Bloodletting Goodwin, George Washington 1830 The Properties and Uses of the Secale Cornutum Harris, Jerome 1830 Haemoptysis Jordan, Nahum 1830 Phthisis Pulmonalis Marrett, William 1830 Necrosis McLean, Sherman 1830 Dyspepsia McQuensten, Calvin 1830 Mediate Auscultation Mitchell, Jacob 1830 Osteitis Morrill, Robert Smith 1830 Diabetes Mellitus Newell, Selim 1830 Intestinal Worms Parcher, George 1830 Hepatitis Pilsbury, John Dole 1830 Chorea Powers, Horsea 1830 Conception Putnam, Israel 1830 Enteritis Roberts, Thomas 1830 Veratum Viride Stanton, Luke Winchell 1830 Cholera Thompson, E 1830 Scrofula: Its Causes. Hereditary Disposition, Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment Thompson, Isaac 1830 Hepatitis Torrey, Erastus Chase 1830 Indiginous Res Medica Towle, Nathaniel
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