FROM HOUSING TO HUMAN SETTLEMENTS EVOLVING PERSPECTIVES ii FROM HOUSING TO HUMAN SETTLEMENTS: A CITY PERSPECTIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Contributors: Sarah Charlton, Catherine Cross, Janet Cherry, Stuart Denoon-Stevens, Ronald Eglin, David Gardner, Nick Graham, Meagan Jooste, Stacey-Leigh Joseph, Geci Karuri-Sebina, Pierre-Louis Lemercier, Monty Narsoo, Ian Palmer, Edgar Pieterse, Margot Rubin, Alison Tshangana, Mirjam van Donk, Ahmed Vawda, Vuyo Zitumane. Project Manager: Stacey-Leigh Joseph (SACN), supported by Thoko Vukea (SACN) and Geci Karuri-Sebina (SACN). Content Editing and Proofreading: Kristina Davidson (Write to the Point). Design and Layout: InkDesign. A special thank you for the contribution of the sector specialists who reviewed the chapters in this publication: Anton Arendse, Michael Kihato, Monty Narsoo, Ulrike Rwida, Alison Tshangana, Ahmed Vawda. Thank you also to the human settlements officials from the SACN member cities who provided valuable reflection on an earlier draft of this publication. Date: August 2014. ISBN: 978-0-620-62039-0 iii CONTENTS Acknowledgements . ii List of Figures . v List of Tables . vi List of Acronyms . vii Author Profiles . x Preface . xiii Ahmed Vawda Introduction . 1 Stacey-Leigh Joseph and Geci Karuri-Sebina Intergovernmental Funding Framework . 13 Alison Tshangana Municipal Planning Framework . 29 Nick Graham, Meagan Jooste and Ian Palmer iv FROM HOUSING TO HUMAN SETTLEMENTS: A CITY PERSPECTIVE The Human Settlements Mandate: A Tale of Two Cities . 55 Vuyo Zitumane Post-intervention Analysis: The Evolution of Housing Projects into Sustainable Human Settlements . 75 Sarah Charlton, David Gardner and Margot Rubin Youth, Housing and Urban Location: Economic Entry for the Excluded Poor . 95 Catherine Cross The Role of Land Management in Shaping (or Preventing) the Creation of Sustainable Human Settlements . 123 Stuart Paul Denoon-Stevens Citizenship, Design Activism and Institutionalising Informal Settlement Upgrading . 149 Edgar Pieterse and Mirjam van Donk Research Studies . 173 Piloting sustainable human settlements in a localised economy . 174 Pierre-Louis Lemercier and Janet Cherry Managed land settlement: an incremental approach to human settlements . 185 Ronald Eglin Moving from Housing to Human Settlements: Opportunities for Cities . 193 Monty Narsoo v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Evolution of infrastructure grants for local government . 17 Figure 2: Overview of the municipal planning framework . 32 Figure 3: Hierarchy of policy, strategies and plans ............................................................................................. 44 Figure 4: Criteria used in the Capital Investment Management System (CIMS) . 45 Figure 5: Capital projects in relation to CIPAs .................................................................................................... 46 Figure 6: Organogram Housing and Land Directorate ........................................................................................ 61 Figure 7: South Africa’s national gradient ......................................................................................................... 113 Figure 8: Ekurhuleni spatial gradient ............................................................................................................... 113 Figure 9: Tshwane spatial gradient .................................................................................................................. 113 Figure 10: eThekwini spatial gradients ............................................................................................................. 113 Figure 11: Cape Town spatial gradient .............................................................................................................. 114 Figure 12: Nelson Mandela Bay spatial gradient . 114 Figure 13: Buffalo City spatial gradient. 114 Figure 14: Johannesburg spatial gradient ........................................................................................................ 114 Figure 15: Drivers of social transformation at local level .................................................................................. 164 Figure 16: Ideal spatial proximity of elements in a liveable neighbourhood ........................................................ 165 Figure 17: Schematic cluster proposal made to DEDEAT .................................................................................... 177 vi FROM HOUSING TO HUMAN SETTLEMENTS: A CITY PERSPECTIVE LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Levels of accreditation ......................................................................................................................... 59 Table 2: Where are the unemployed youth? Urban-rural unemployment distribution by settlement hierarchy ..... 100 Table 3: Structure of the urban space economy: demographic distance zones by settlement type (%) ................... 102 Table 4: Settlement functionality: first reason to move, leaving previous place of residence (%) ......................... 105 Table 5: Determinants of wellbeing at neighbourhood level .............................................................................. 162 Table 6: Informal settlement upgrading steps and design skills ......................................................................... 167 vii LIST OF ACRONYMS ABT Alternative Building Technologies CRT Community Research Team AL&HDC Affordable Land & Housing Data Centre CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research AMLSP Accelerated Managed Land Settlement CSVR Centre for Study of Violence and Reconciliation Programme DAG Development Action Group ASWSD Accelerating Sustainable Water Service Delivery DEDEAT Department of Economic Development, BCM Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Affairs and Tourism BEPP Built Environment Performance Plan DHS Department of Housing Settlements BNG Breaking New Ground DCoG Department of Cooperative Governance BRT Bus Rapid Transit DoH Department of Housing BTO Budget and Treasury Office DoRA Division of Revenue Act CA Citizenship/Civic Academy DPME Department of Programme Monitoring and Evaluation CDS City Development Strategy DRDLR Department of Rural Development and Land CFO Chief Financial Officer Reform CIF Capital Investment Framework DST Department of Science and Technology CIMS Capital Investment Management System FFC Financial and Fiscal Commission CIP Consolidated Infrastructure Plan FPA Fire Protection Association CIPA Capital Investment Priority Areas GDS Growth and Development Strategy CMIP Consolidated Municipal Infrastructure Programme GEAR Growth, Employment and Redistribution viii FROM HOUSING TO HUMAN SETTLEMENTS: A CITY PERSPECTIVE GGLN Good Governance Learning Network MLS Managed Land Settlement GIS Geographic Information System MPAC Municipal Public Accounts Committees GMS Growth Management Strategy MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework HDA Housing Development Agency MWIG Municipal Water infrastructure Grant HDMS Housing Delivery Management System NDP National Development Plan HSDG Human Settlements Development Grant NDPG Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant HSRC Human Sciences Research Council NEP National Electrification Programme HSS Housing Subsidy System NLTA National Land Transport Act ICDG Integrated City Development Grant NMBM Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality IDP Integrated Development Plan NMMU Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University IDT Independent Development Trust NPC National Planning Commission IHSP Integrated Human Settlements Plan NUSP National Upgrading Support Programme ILIS Integrated Land Information System PDG Palmer Development Group IPDM Integrated Planning, Development and Modelling PPMU Programme and Project Management Unit ISHSP Integrated Sustainable Human Settlement Plan PPP Public-Private Partnership ITP Integrated Transport Plan PSC Public Services Commission IWMP Integrated Waste Management Plan PTIG Public Transport Infrastructure Grant KZN KwaZulu-Natal PTISG Public Transport Infrastructure and Systems Grant LTDF Long-Term Development Framework PTNOG Public Transport Network Operations Grant MFMA Municipal Finance Management Act RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme MIG Municipal Infrastructure Grant RHIG Rural Households Infrastructure Grant ix SACN South African Cities Network SALGA South African Local Government Association SDBIP Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan SDF Spatial Development Framework SHP Social Housing Programme SHS Sustainable Human Settlements SHSUP Sustainable Human Settlements Urbanisation Plan SPLUMA Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act SSPP Sustainable Settlement Pilot Project StatsSA Statistics South Africa StepSA Spatial Temporal Evidence for Planning TOD Transit-Oriented Development UDL Urban Development Line UISP Upgrading Informal Settlements Programme ULM Urban LandMark USDG Urban Settlements Development Grant WHO World Health Organisation WSDP Water Services Development Plan x FROM HOUSING TO HUMAN SETTLEMENTS: A CITY PERSPECTIVE AUTHOR PROFILES Sarah Charlton lectures in the School of Architecture Stuart Paul Denoon-Stevens is a researcher and and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand and town planner working at Terraplan Town and Regional directs its Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Planners, Cape Town. His research interests are in the Studies (CUBES). Previously she worked in local area of land assembly and land-use management, government and in the non-profit sector, focusing on principally within the context of local government.
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