Natural protected areas in Friuli Venezia Giulia 3eGresINent area Toilets bar or restaurant Bicycle hire Guide 1oXer supply Gor caNper vans Bird XatchinH $aNper van parLinH area )orsebacL ridinH P 3eGreshNent area 4ports Gootball tennis benches picnic $aNpsite Ůre area $aNpsite barbecue Disabled services $hildren playHround Central directorate for infrastructure, mobility, regional planning, public works, construction Landscape protection and biodiversity service )ead oGŮce Via 4abbadini 6dine 5el FaY $ertiŮed eNail address territorio!certreHioneGvHit Natural protected areas in Friuli Venezia Giulia A heritage of biodiversity to be discovered, protected and lived TXo natural parLs ŮGteen reserves Nore than thirty biotopes and siYtythree Natura The systeN oG reHional protected areas is divided into tXo Nain GaNilies that oG sites these are the ŮHures Xith Xhich the 3eHion protects and proNotes its 1arLs Nature reserves and Biotopes provided Gor by 3eHional LaX No oG natural heritaHe Xhich eYtends GroN the top oG .ount $oHlians to the seabed and that oG the Natura sites consistinH oG 4ites oG $oNNunity *Nportance around .iraNare castle 1reservinH these eYtraordinary places Neans studyinH 4*$ and 4pecial "reas oG $onservation ;4$ provided Gor by the &uropean theN NanaHinH theN proNotinH their beauty and oG course alloXinH theN to be Directive &&$ ũ)abitatũ and oG 4pecial 1rotection "reas ;14 provided Gor visited as a NoNent oG reHeneration yet also as a learninH tool Gor a Xorld Xe still by the &uropean Directive &$ ũBirdsũ LnoX very little about and that has Nuch to teach us The systeN oG parLs and natural reserves pursues a double obKective protection 1laces characterised by Hreat tourist potential precisely because they are capable oG nature and biodiversity and the proNotion oG the reHion throuHh innovative and oG coNbininH direct contact Xith nature Xith the discovery oG our traditions and oG sustainable practices *n this respect the 1arLs and 3eserves have over the years our Hreat aHricultural and Good heritaHe rich in eYcellence and uniRueness becoNe reGerence points Gor initiatives and activities Gocused on the conservation and enhanceNent oG the local heritaHe in a Nuch broader conteYt oG the established The Huide alloXs you to easily discover these natural areas providinH basic protected area *t is also Xorth NentioninH the Nany natural biotopes sNall treasure inGorNation " ticLet Gor a Kourney to places that everyone can eYperience and chests oG biodiversity NanaHed priNarily by the 3eHion Xhich constitute a siNple eYplore in their oXn Xay GroN the visitor centres that provide all the necessary and eGGective tool Gor preservinH eleNents oG Hreat natural value even in drastically inGorNation concerninH nature yet also details on the history oG the territory to transGorNed conteYts the Nost challenHinH and particularly ruHHed Nountain routes and the respectGul approach oG soNe oG the rarest and Nost Nysterious XildliGe species The Natura netXorL consists oG sites in the &uropean 6nion oG Xhich are located in the Friuli Venezia Giulia reHion areas that are protected in This Huide also represents a Xay to discover the incredible diversity oG the Friuli order to ensure biodiversity conservation on a continental scale The 4pecial "reas Venezia Giulia reHion acLnoXledHinH those Xho XorL hard to ensure a developNent oG $onservation 4"$;4$ in *talian are sites established in order to Naintain or perspective in soNetiNes challenHinH areas yet Xhich contain soNe oG the Nost restore natural and seNinatural habitats as Xell as particularly siHniŮcant rare uniRue characteristics oG our reHion unspoilt nature a Xealth oG landscapes and and vulnerable ůora and Gauna species DurinH a Ůrst phase areas are identiŮed as uniRue cultures a still direct relationship betXeen people and places 4ites oG $oNNunity *Nportance 4$*4*$ in *talian and once provided Xith speciŮc conservation Neasures the sites are recoHnised as 4pecial "reas oG $onservation 4pecial 1rotection 41";14 in *talian are areas established speciŮcally Gor the Mariagrazia Santoro Sergio Bolzonello protection oG Xild birds 4taHinH XinterinH and breedinH areas toHether Xith crossinH $ouncillor Gor inGrastructure $ouncillor Gor productive activities points alonH NiHration route are particularly siHniŮcant in this reHard Nobility reHional planninH cooperation and tourisN public XorLs construction These natural areas coverinH oG the reHional territory are places to visit and to discover in order to appreciate the diversity oG liGe and landscapes oGGered 8e Nust not GorHet that these are aNonH the GeX areas in Xhich very rare species live and that correspondinHly our behaviour Nust be appropriate ensurinH that Xe do not disturb or in any Xay daNaHe this delicate natural balance Based on the belieG that LnoXledHe is at the basis oG the protection the Friuli Venezia Giulia 3eHion has Koined the initiative led by the .inistry oG the &nvironNent and 1rotection oG Land and 4ea to use Gunds Gor the proNotion oG sustainable tourisN in the conteYt oG the National strateHy Gor biodiversity Gor disseNinatinH this Huide to the systeN oG protected natural areas in order to raise aXareness oG the Xealth oG biodiversity contained Xithin the Friuli Venezia Giulia reHion Landscape protection and biodiversity service 1arLs and Nature 3eserves The natural parks and the nature reserves are areas Xhere it is possible to Ůnd environNents and ecosysteNs intact or barely aGGected by Nanğs presence characterised by physical bioloHical and even historical and cultural aspects They are protected Xith the obKective oG conserve the Xild ůora and Gauna and in order to Naintain the natural environNent What is the difference between a National Park and a Nature Reserve? The parks are larHer have a Nore autonoNous NanaHeNent Huaranteed by the 1arL "uthority and are Nore GreRuented by GarNinH activities tourisN and local developNent 0ne oG the Hoals oG the natural parLs is precisely that oG proNotinH nature conservation and oG ensurinH sustainable developNent Xithin the parL and in the surroundinH areas 8ithin the scope oG natural reserves the Nain obKective is to preserve and protect nature Xhile also taLinH part in the sustainable developNent oG the territories actinH Gor eYaNple as Hreat attractors oG visitors The biotopes are sNall areas that host rare habitats and species oGten at risL oG destruction and disappearance and Xhich thereGore reRuire careGul protection and a direct NanaHeNent Huaranteed by the 3eHion or by the local .unicipalities *n the FriuliVenezia Giulia reHion such biotopes have been established REGIONAL NATURAL BIOTOPES (red numbers on the map) .aHredi oG 4 2uirino 1raNollo BoH $iNa $orso .arsh 4cichizza BoH $uriedi BoH Lazzacco BoH $asasola BoH Sites listed below correspond to black numbers on the map Fontana "bisso .arsh REGIONAL NATURAL PARKS $ol 4 Floreano .eadoXs Friuli DoloNites 4eRuals BoH +ulian 1re"lps ;arnicco 4prinHs FraHhis .arsh REGIONAL NATURE RESERVE $orno .arshes $ellina GorHe FlaNbro 4prinHs "lba Valley Virco 4prinHs $ornino LaLe 3iver $avana .arsh $anal Novo Valley 2uadris 8et NeadoXs 4tella 3iver .outh Groi BoH $avanata Valley BorHo 1eHoraro BoH *sonzo 3iver .outh Bertrand 1lains .eadoXs Doberd¯ and 1ietrarossa LaLes NoHhere LaLes Duino $liGGs 4chiavetti 4prinHs .ount Lanaro 4elvote BoH .ount 0rsario $ichinot BoH 3osandra Valley Lavia .eadoXs "cRua $aduta STATE NATURE RESERVES 4elvuccis and 1rat dal Top $ucco $odroipo 4prinHs 3io Bianco 3oHHia 3ibosa oG Bertiolo and Lonca .aHredi oG 4an $anciano PROTECTED MARINE AREA .iraNare Natura 2000 Network ;4$ TaHliaNento 3iver Bed ;4$ .arzinis 8oods ;4$ Torrate 8oods 0 a ;4$ .ount $oHlians Group 0 b ;4$ .ount DiNon and .ount 1aularo 0 c ;4$ $reta di "ip and 4ella di Lanza 0d ;14 $arnic "lps ;4$ .ount "uerniH and .ount $orona 2 ;4$ 3io Bianco and .alborHhetto Valleys ;4$ Fusine Valley ;4$ .ount Bivera and .ount $lapsavon ;4$ $ol Gentile ;4$ ;uc dal Bor a ;4$ +oG oG .ontasio and +oG Fuart b ;4$ Northern +ulian 1re"lps c ;14 +ulian "lps ;4$ .ount VerzeHnis and .ount Valcalda ;4$ Lake .inisini and the Bianchi 3ivulet 20 ;4$ Lerada 4treaN 2 ;4$ .edio TaHliaNento Valley 22 ;4$ $ornappo GorHe 2 ;4$ 3io Bianco oG Taipana and Gran .onte 2 ;4$ 1radolino GorHe and .ount .ia 2 ;4$ .ount .ataiur 2 ;4$ 3aHoHna Lake 2 ;4$ $asasola and "ndreuzza BoHs 2 ;4$ 2uadri oG FaHaHna 2 ;4$ .aHredi oG $aNpoGorNido 0 ;4$ .aHredi oG $oz ;4$ .aHredi oG FirNano 2 ;4$ 4tella 4prinHs SIC/SCI sites oG coNNunity iNportance Gor the protection oG habitats and aniNal ;4$ .oretto .arsh and plant species siHniŮcant at the &uropean level 4*$ is a teNporary ;4$ 4elvote .arsh desiHnation pendinH approval oG the conservation Neasures ;4$ $onůuence oG the Torre and Natisone 3ivers ;4$ Torreano "lluvial Forest ZSC/SAC special areas oG conservation Gor the protection oG habitats and aniNal ;4$ Gonars .arshes and plant species siHniŮcant at the &uropean level desiHnated by the ;4$ 1orpetto .arshes .inistry oG the &nvironNent GollowinH the approval oG the conservation ;4$ Boscat 8oods Neasures 0 ;4$ .uzzana 8oods ;4$ 4acile 8oods ZPS/SPA special protection area devoted to the protection oG birds and their 2 ;4$ Bend oG the 3iver 4tella habitats ;4$ and ;14 .arano and Grado LaHoon ;4$ LiHnano 1inewood Sites list ;4$ 1reval .arsh ;4$ and ;14 Friuli DoloNites ;4$ .edea )ills 2 ;4$ Val $olvera oG +oG ;4$ and ;14 *sonzo 3iver .outh $ona *sland ;4$ .ount $hiaurlec and the $osa 4treaN
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