4150 CO.NGKbSMONAL RECORD - HOUSE February 25, 1975 would be even during a period of unemploy­ THE DRAMATIC DECLINE IN U.S. "peace," the Soviet Union pursues only a ment. NAVAL STRENGTH rhetorical "detente" while pushing ahead in It is not the market economy (or "the (By Allan C. Brownfeld) all major weapons systems and armaments. capitalist system") which is responsible for WASHINGTON.-Wbile liberals in Washing­ Our deteriorating defense position is the this calamity but our own mistaken mone­ ton tell us that we are spending too much responsibility of both parties--of the Demo­ tary and financial policy. What we have done money for national defense, and conserva­ crats who say that, despite Soviet superiority, is to represent on a colossal scale what in tives assure us that under the current Re­ we spend "too much" on defense-and Re­ the past produced the recurring cycles of publican administration we have maintained publicans who assure us that, despite dra­ booms and depressions; to allow a long in• our national strength, the facts tell a far matic Soviet advances we are still "number fl-ationary boom to bring about a misdirec­ different--and far more depressing story. one." tion of labor and other resources into em­ Part of this story is described in some de­ The U.S. Navy has been cut almost in ployments in which they can be maintained tail in the 1974-75 edition of Jane's Fight­ half within the past six years. In addition, only so long as inflation exceeds expectations. ing Ships, the Brttish annual which has long states Captain Moore, the U.S. Navy is afillct­ But while in the past the mechanism of the been regarded as "the bible of the world's ed with a "serious gap" in surface-to-surface international monetary system brought such navies." missile armament and an "inferior balance" an inflation to a stop after a few years, we Looking at the Soviet Navy, "Jane's" editor in nuclear submarines. Another gap, perhaps have managed to design a new system which Captain John E. Moore of the British Royal equally serious, was "left by the disposal of aUowed i~ to run on for two decades. Navy finds a number of "great strengths" as the specialized anti-submarine carriers," il­ As long as we try to maintain this situa­ well as a few-very few-"possible weak­ lustrating the dimensions of the problem tion we are only making things worse in the nesses." ~hat exists when the other side gets the jump long run. We can prevent a greater reaction The current list of Soviet naval "weak­ in an important area of technology is the than is necessary only by giving up the illu­ nesses" is very short: "manpower and, con­ fact that U.S. nuclear attack submarines do sion that the boom can be prolonged in­ sequently, technical maintenance submarine not e?en now possess the anti-ship missile definitely and by facing now the task of silencing, anti-submarine operations, ship­ capability "such as the USSR bas had since mitigating the suffering and preventing the borne aircraft and custom-built fleet supply the first 'Whisky' class modification some reaction from degenerating into a deflation­ ships, although this last 1s now being 15 years ago." ary spiral. It will chiefly be a task not of remedied." MORE THAN QUANTITY preserving existing jobs but of facilitating The Soviet Navy's "great strengths" are Captain Moore declares that, "Of those the opening of (temporary and permanent) much more numerous. A few examples of countries to whom a navy is today essential, new jobs for those who will inevitably lose the many cited include: the United States of America is one of the their present ones. "The Soviet Navy leads the world in sea­ foremost, and the U.S. Navy is probably also We can no longer hope to avoid this neces­ borne missile armament, both 1ttrategic and in the vain of those subjected to misin­ sity, and closing our eyes to the problem tactical, both ship and submarine-launched. formed, 111oglcal and irrational attacks by will not make it go away. It may well be true Their shore based air-force is second to none, some of those who depend most upon it." that, because people have been taught that they have large mine-warfare forces and a Commenting upon the latest findings in government can always prevent unemploy­ considerable amphibious capability." "Jane's" concerning our deteriorating naval ment, its failure to do so will cause grave The USSR's submarine force, already the position, Sea Power, the journal of the Navy social disturbances. But if this is so, we world's largest--and probably the most pow­ League of America, declares that, "The big probably have it no longer in our power to erful as well-<:ontinues to grow in quality problem for the U.S. Navy is much more than prevent this. and numbers. The new "Delta" class ballistic numbers, and much more than technology. missile submarine is now operational, and It is a matter of national will, which in our the "Delta-11 "-a giant amongst big subma­ opinion translates into a matter of national rines"-and two additional new classes are education-about the need for Navy and the on the way. needs of the Navy. In a democracy it is not THE DRAMATIC DECLINE IN U.S. The Soviet surface Navy, which for the first possible to develop and maintain the strong NAVAL STRENGTH time ever now outnumbers the U.S. surface oceanic forces necessary for national survival Navy, is also coming into its own. Among the without the confidence and backing of the Soviet superstars: (1) The KRIVAK-class general public, and the public's elected rep­ destroyer, which "is more than a match for resentatives in Congress. But achieving that HON. LARRY McDONALD any Western destroyer and, in any event, confidence •.. is no easy matter. It is, in­ OF GEORGIA could outrun anything opposed to her"; (2) deed, a desperately heavy burden." The KARA-class cruiser, possessed of "for­ The burden becomes even heavier in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES midable power with her own helicopter and face of repeated statements from public offi• Monday, February 24, 1975 double the strength of missile-power pos­ cials that somehow the Cold War is over and sessed by the KRIVAKs-a single vessel of somehow, world Communism no longer is an Mr. McDONALD of Georgia. Mr. the KARA class could well engage a squadron aggressive and disruptive force. The Nixon­ Speaker, how ever one totals it up, our of attacking aricraft"; and (3) the KURIL­ Kissinger-Ford foreign policy, it seems, is Navy is sliding to a No. 2 position in the class aircraft carrier which, carrying both based on the proposition that an enemy no world. True, we are building new ships, V-STOL (vertical-short take-off and land­ longer exists. If Communism was an enemy, but not in enough quantity, but more im­ ing) aircraft and helicopters, "will provide Americans seem to believe, we would not sell portant the Soviet Union is achieving its a much-needed strengthening of the 'bal­ it wheat at a subsidized price, would not aim of disarming us psychologically via ance' in the Soviet fleet." contemplate providing it with our advanced DESPITE DETENTE computer technology, and would not refuse its policy of detente. Even the best we~p­ to condemn its barbaric practices toward ons in the world, and there is serious More ominous than present Soviet naval capabilities is the probability of even more dissidents and religious minorities. And-if no enemy exists-there is no need for a question as to whether our naval vessels powerful capabilities in the future. The So­ are, will not be enough in a future con­ strong military force. viet research and development program, Cap­ One of the first victims of "detente" has flict if the national will to fight is lack­ tain Moore observes, has increased "by well ing. I commend this column by Alan been our own ability to defend ourselves­ over half in the last five years." and this is dramatically shown with regard Brownfeld, as it appeared in the Chris­ Thus, while political leaders in our own to our naval forces. It is essential that Ameri­ tian Observer on February 5, 1975, to the country and elsewhere in the West discuss cans wake up to this unfortunate reality attention of my colleagues: "detente" and a forthcoming gen erat ion of before it becomes too late to correct it. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, February 25, 1975 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. May we never forget that all the gold, togetherness we can, as always before, Pastor Clyde B. Wasdin, North High­ silver, even oil, belongs to You. Your triumph over sin and evil. land Assembly of God, Columbus, Ga., faithfulness to deliver will never be for­ For Your glory and our preservation, I offered the following prayer; gotten. The depression of the thirties, pray. Amen. Heavenly Father, this is Your Nation. the nightmare of December 7, 1941, by You were reconciled. We have survived many crises by Your THE JOURNAL grace. Now bring us to one mind with 0, God, we need You now. Hear us and stouthearted patriotism. respond as we humble ourselves in Your The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ Bless our President and all our Con­ presence. ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ gressmen, grant them love, cooperation, Help us proudly wave our flag and love ceedings and announces to the House his and unanimity.
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