LG Approved Workplan Vote:511 Jinja District FY 2019/20 Foreword The Budget manifests compliance to the Legal requirement by the Council as provided for in the Local Government Act, Cap 243 section 35(3). Regulation 17 and 18 of the Local Government Finance and Accounting Regulation (LGFAR) and Section 9 of the Public Finance Management Act 2015, further mandates the Council and the vote accounting officer to prepare the budgets and plans for the . Jinja District Local Government thus recognizes the great importance attached to the production of the Budget which guides implementation of key priorities of the 5-Year Development Plan and the second National Development Plan (NDP II). The Budget for FY 2019/20 is the last one in the Medium term 2015/16 -2019/20. It seeks to address priorities of the NDP and therefore contribute to the National Vision 2040 that aspires to Transform Ugandan society from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country. The execution of the budget is expected to greatly improve service delivery and thus livelihood of the populace. The budget was prepared based on the guidelines of the 2nd budget call circular issued by the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development. The laid its budget on 28 February 2019 before Council which was referred to committees for further discussion and later to be passed as working document for Financial 2019/20.The District shall comply with the reforms such as Fiscal Transfers by MoFPED that is geared towards improved Public Financial Management and service delivery. This is hoped to translate into improved quality of life for the people of Jinja. Jinja anticipates receiving a total of UGX 47,527,591,000 out of which wages is Ugx.27,264,105,000 Local revenue will be 4,995,369,000 (10.6%) in FY 2019/20. I would like to acknowledge the contribution of Donors towards service delivery. I would like to recognize the invaluable contribution of all the Technical staff towards preparation of the Draft Budget Estimates. I look forward towards executing the Budget in order to improve service delivery and thus livelihood of the population we are mandated to serve as a local government KANYESIGYE WILLIAM Generated on 04/07/2019 12:39 1 LG Approved Workplan Vote:511 Jinja District FY 2019/20 SECTION A: Workplans for HLG Workplan 1a Administration Quarterly Workplan Outputs for FY 2019/20 Ushs Thousands Approved Budget Expenditure and Annual Planned Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 and Outputs for Outputs by end Spending and Planned Spending Planned Planned Spending Planned Spending FY 2018/19 March for FY Outputs FY and Outputs Spending and and Outputs and Outputs 2018/19 2019/20 Outputs Programme: 13 81 District and Urban Administration Class Of OutPut: Higher LG Services Output: 13 81 01Operation of the Administration Department Non Standard Outputs: 78 employees paid 78 employees paid 72 staff salaries 72 staff salaries 72 staff salaries 72 staff salaries 72 staff salaries by 28th of every for 3 months, 115 paid by the 28th paid by the 28th paid by the 28th paid by the 28th paid by the 28th month for 12 retired staff paid day of each month day of each month day of each month day of each month day of each month months. LLG 115 pension and for 12 months; for 12 months; for 12 months; for 12 months; for 12 months; staff; paid Pension gratuity, 3 DTPC Pension and and gratuity for 12 meetings held, Gratuity paid by Pension and Pension and Pension and Pension and months by the 28th National the 28th day of Gratuity paid by Gratuity paid by Gratuity paid by Gratuity paid by of the month. 12 celebrations held, each month for 12 the 28th day of the 28th day of the 28th day of the 28th day of technical Planning one monitoring months; 12 District each month for 12 each month for 12 each month for 12 each month for 12 committees held. 4 report prepared, Technical months months months months National day Annual Planning celebrations subscription to committee meetings 1st quarter 2nd quarter 2nd quarter 2nd quarter organized on 9th ULGA and CAO,s held and minutes monitoring visit monitoring visit monitoring visit monitoring visit October, 26th association made. compiled and on held and held and held and held and January , 8th March Accountability file; 4 National and monitoring reports monitoring reports monitoring reports monitoring reports and 1st May at the report submitted 78 District compiled, reviewed compiled, compiled, reviewed compiled, reviewed District employees paid for celebrations and action points reviewed and and action points and action points headquarters,, 3 months, 115 organised of the developed for action points developed for developed for Busoga Square retired staff paid following dates; further developed for further further grounds. 4 pension and 26th January, 8th management. further management. management. quarterly gratuity, 3 DTPC March, 1st May management. monitoring and meetings held, and 9th October at mentoring Reports National the various made and submitted celebrations held, grounds as may be to CAO and one monitoring determined by the District report prepared, organisers. 4 Chairperson Annual quarterly Annual subscription to monitoring visits subscription to ULGA and CAO,s held and ULGA and CAO,s association made. monitoring reports Generated on 04/07/2019 12:39 2 LG Approved Workplan Vote:511 Jinja District FY 2019/20 association made. Accountability compiled, reviewed 1Departmental report submitted and action points Procurement plan developed for prepared. further 4quarterly management. 4 departmental quarterly accountability accountability reports prepared reports prepared and submitted to and submitted to CAO. 1 Annual the relevant Disaster authorities. management report Payment of legal prepared and fees, payment of submitted to CAO, office overheads Council and Line for 12 months at ministry. 12 legal the District cases handled; Headquarters. electricity,water Departmental and vehicles repaired, telecommunications serviced and monthly bills paid maintained and for 12 months at the good working district condition. National headquarters. One and District departmental workshops/ vehicle seminars attended procuredverificatio and various policy n of payrolls, recommendations uploading the implemented.Prepa payroll on IPPS, ration of office and verification of field programs and pensioners lists, schedules for the making various activities submissions of made, Action plans pensioners to the prepared prepared ministry of public and followups service for made; Official approval, instructions and invitation of heads instruments of department, received and facilitation of heads responded to. of department mobilization of funds, invitation of participants, preparation of venue, provision of refreshment to the Generated on 04/07/2019 12:39 3 LG Approved Workplan Vote:511 Jinja District FY 2019/20 participants preparation of accountability reports, submission of reports to CAO mobilization and sensitization of stakeholders on disaster management issues in the district, identification of disaster issues in the district, preparation and submission of the disaster work plan and report preparation of defense for different cases, DWWHQGDQFHRIFRXUW sessions verification, compilation and payment of bills initiation of the procurement process and payment for the vechicle Wage Rec't: 935,315 701,484 507,062 126,765 126,765 126,765 126,765 Non Wage Rec't: 4,643,432 3,695,457 4,386,718 1,096,680 1,096,680 1,096,680 1,096,680 Domestic Dev't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 External Financing: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total For KeyOutput 5,578,748 4,396,941 4,893,780 1,223,445 1,223,445 1,223,445 1,223,445 Output: 13 81 02Human Resource Management Services Generated on 04/07/2019 12:39 4 LG Approved Workplan Vote:511 Jinja District FY 2019/20 %age of LG establish posts filled 95Carry out staff 95Needs 95Needs 95Needs 95Needs Audit and findings assessment made to assessment made assessment made to assessment made to shared with key identify vacant to identify vacant identify vacant identify vacant stakeholders; posts, posts, posts, posts, Verification and Preparation of the Preparation of the Preparation of the Preparation of the management of Recruitment plan Recruitment plan Recruitment plan Recruitment plan payroll made to and submission to and submission to and submission to and submission to ensure right staff MOPS, MoFPED MOPS, MoFPED MOPS, MoFPED MOPS, MoFPED appear on the Kampala for Kampala for Kampala for Kampala for payroll. clearance. clearance. clearance. clearance. Needs assessment made to identify Regularisation of Regularisation of Regularisation of Regularisation of vacant posts, Appointments Appointments Appointments Appointments made, made, made, made, Preparation of the Recruitment plan Personal files Personal files Personal files Personal files and submission to prepared and prepared and prepared and prepared and MOPS, MoFPED submitted to the submitted to the submitted to the submitted to the Kampala for District Service District Service District Service District Service clearance. commission for commission for commission for commission for confirmation made, confirmation confirmation made, confirmation made, Regularisation of made, Appointments made, Personal files prepared and submitted to the District Service commission for confirmation made, Generated on 04/07/2019 12:39 5 LG Approved Workplan Vote:511 Jinja District FY 2019/20 %age of staff appraised 100Induction 25Induction of new 25Induction of 25Induction of new 25Induction of new workshops employees at the new employees
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