Fr. Julio Maria Missionary of Our Lady of SS. sacrament The Christ, the Pope and the Church or Intimate Secrets of the Papacy THIRD EDITION Reviewed by the author 194 PU !ISHER O LUT#DOR !he Christ# the Pope and the Church – Fr. Ju'io Maria – www.va'de.com.br(en Manhumirim NIHI! O "T#T$ P. )nge'o "ontessotto S& )d hoc manager IMPRIMATUR "aratingen ## 1+ )pri'is 19,+ - &osephus Maria .pisc .. /icacesanus REIMPRIMATUR "oratingen., 0 )ugusti 19,9 &oannes .piscopus /ioc. - Appro%al of His .2ce''ency Rvma. /. &os3 Maria Parreira Lara // Bishop of "aratinga Rev. %r. &u'io Maria# I send you my sincere congratu'ations on your new book6 7!he "hrist# the Pope and the "hurch8 and a'so congratu'ations on ma5in* the most of the ta'ents that 9od has entrusted to you. %ol'ow my Imprimatur# with great p'easure# and send you the opinion of the ad hoc "ensor. !he censor wrote to the Hon. Mr. Bishop6 7I read the 4+ :page book that you demanded. sent me# and I bui't myse'f up with such a convincin* and solid reading. 2 !he Christ# the Pope and the Church – Fr. Ju'io Maria – www.va'de.com.br(en I thin5 that 7!he "hrist# the Pope and the "hurch or the intimate Secrets of the Papacy8 is a wor5 destined to produce a great good amon* the wea5 in the faith# who easi'y 'et themse'ves be impressed by these Protestant discussions that# despite a thousand refuted theses# they return to the dance again in this continuous 7sport of heretics8# as this campaign of discussions c'assi;ed our %r Leone' %ranca. <ith my 7=ihi' obstat8# as an ad hoc "ensor# nominated by >our .2ce''ency# a'so my sincere congratu'ations# for a wor5 of such erudition and usefu'ness# at the moment. 8 P. ANGE!O CONTE""OTTO "J 3 !he Christ# the Pope and the Church – Fr. Ju'io Maria – www.va'de.com.br(en APPRECI#TION OF THE EPI"COP#TE AND THE PRE"" ON THI" OO' !he i''ustrious .piscopate is unanimous in proc'aimin* the extraordinary qua'ities of the present wor5. His .minence "ardina' /. Sebasti@o Leme ca''s it 7a luminous book that victoriously refutes all objections against the Church.” /. &os3 "ar'os de )guirre# Bishop of Sorocaba# writes 7I have been spending days on end reading his controversial religious books. They are admirable! Our Lord granted him priceless gifts of clarity vigor of argument, and above all, delicacy in dealing with opponents making them read with interest with them. ” /. Severino Aieira de Me'o, Bishop of PiauB# writes. 7I read your book carefully" Christ, the #ope and the Church$ I enjoyed it immensely" I am sure it will do great good. ” /. Rodolfo de O'iveira Pena# Bishop of Barra do Rio 9rande# writes6 "I cannot fail to a&rm my admiration for the talent that 'od Our Lord has given him which is so brilliant in his admirable book" O Cristo o #ope and the Church. (ow well is this book going to do) ” /. &os3 Maria Parreira Lara# Bishop of "aratinga# congratu'ated the author on the book and on ta5in* advantage of the ta'ents 9od has entrusted to him. !he .cc'esiastica' "ensor# %r. )nge'o "ontessotto S& says in =IHIL OBS!)!# that he bui't himse'f up with this readin* so convincin* and solid, that he ;nds wor5 destined to produce a great good amon* the wea5 in the faith# with his sincere words for a wor5 of so much scholarship and usefu'ness at the moment. 7) "ruC8# from Rio de &aneiro, says# in turn# amon* other praisesD 7Christ, the #ope and the Church is a magnificent book a breathtaking work destined for the most frank success. +ather ,ulio -aria speaks the faith proficiently. In each of the subjects it focuses on, one sees a speaking authority a convincing believer an fascinating artist. It is a book that instructs leaving no doubt in the 4 !he Christ# the Pope and the Church – Fr. Ju'io Maria – www.va'de.com.br(en shado! of the points of our religion contested. It is a book that imposes itself without the need for advertising. % !he E/iFrio" de Minas# writes6 7+r. ,ulio -aria's books travel the world and are read everywhere, with the interest that corresponds to the throbbing subjects he deals with. It can be said that in our day +r. ,ulio -aria is one of the most widely read authors both because of his lively clear and penetrating !ay of exposing truths and because of the throbbing subjects he deals with. In his books and especially in this book %The Christ, the #ope and the Church% there are no banalities common places$ everything there is ne! full of life, enthusiasm and what is even better full of a solid profound doctrine that allows the reader to get to the heart of the most abstract 0uestions. This book according to the experts is one of the most beautiful that produced the luminous spirit of the great polemicist. ” !he 7)ve Maria8# by S# Pau'o, recommendin* the book# writes6 %1e received with great joy another book by the brilliant thinker #. ,2lio -aria. In fact, the most frank and enthusiastic congratulations deserve the cultured spirit of the known and appreciated. a writer for his ne! valuable literary production, where his exquisite talent shines more than ever arguably one of the most beautiful of which our glorious Catholic hosts can be proud. +or this reason, we immediately recommend the recent publication by +r. ,ulio -aria a well-known religious scholar. ” !he 7Lar "atG'ico8# from &uiC de %ora# a'so writes6 7(ere is a great job by the tireless missionary of 4. 5ra. 6o 5smo. 5acramento which is the 7everend +r. ,ulio -aria. 7eally" Christ, the #ope and the Church is one of the best publications of the 7everend. +r. ,ulio -aria and should be read and studied by all Catholics who due to circumstances are obliged to always be in contact with #rotestants or bad Catholics. ” 7Let us end these assessments by analy8ing the great publicist, literary 5oares de 98evedo in" :o8es de #etr;polis %" 7Combative spirit, ardent writer and well versed in all the issues that most closely concern the Catholic Church +r. ,2lio -aria is already the 5 !he Christ# the Pope and the Church – Fr. Ju'io Maria – www.va'de.com.br(en author of some <= books all of them of considerable acceptance in our culture. The book of today more than controversial, nevertheless exposes a very solid doctrine and by mild processes often playful. This is ho! we see +ather ,ulio -aria dealing with the thousand and one accusations that #rotestants formulate against the #ope's wealth religious tra&cking, the riches of priests the diatribes against certain ponti>s that #rotestants consider to be less austere in their lives. +rom there it passes to the constitution of the Church to the *rst popes to divine inspiration, to tradition and 5cripture, to infallibility etc. Although always in the form of controversy often vigorous +ather ,2lio -aria o>ers us a work of great relevance given the manifestations of the past fe! years games of unrepentant sectarian, against the life of the Church of 'od and his work in serious problems of our times. %9 work of erudition and topicality% 3 says the censor and we will not need to say more, needlessly. % 6 !he Christ# the Pope and the Church – Fr. Ju'io Maria – www.va'de.com.br(en Introduction !he modern wor'd wants to 5now secrets. .verythin* that has the appearance of secrecy has an irresistib'e appea'. ) science# or a doctrine# is on'y appreciated for its revea'in* side of S."RETS. Secrets of the past or the future ... secrets of fami'y or conscience ... secrets of nature or the transcendent ... secrets of this 'ife or of beyond the grave ... there are secrets# and there wi'' be readers ... it is before such an a'most morbid disposition that# without bein* a prophet# I myse'f foresee a *'orious future for the humb'e 'itt'e book# which today I re'ease to the pub'ic. !he book wi'' succeed, because it has secrets ... M)=> S."RETS H throbbin* secrets ... that a'most everyone ignores and that everyone shou'd 5now. !his book fu''y corresponds to the *enera' an2iety about 5nowin* secrets. <e have to unrave' a big secret ... a mysterious secret. ) deep secretI One of those secrets that surrounds us# penetrates us# e2cites our admiration# without the sharpest ones gettin* to the heart of the matter and unrave'ing the enigmatic 5not of it. !he wor'd wou'd want to 5now you ... and it seems to be afraid to 5now the truth. <hy this fearJ %or the reason that the disc'osure of this S."RET imposes a norm on our 'ives and an orientation on our ideas. =ow# such a norm and orientation requires reform. .very reform requires sacri;ce ... and the addicted nature hates sacri;ce. 7 !he Christ# the Pope and the Church – Fr. Ju'io Maria – www.va'de.com.br(en !his secret is the ")!HOLI" "hurch# it is !1. P)P)!E. Here is a mu'ti:century institution# a'ways attac5ed and a'ways triumphant ... e2citin* the enthusiasm of some and the hatred of others. It is not a mysterious secret that is continuous'y an obKect of 'ove and hate6 "urious institution H <here does it come fromJ <hat do you wantJ How is it doneJ <hat are your means of actionJ <hat is your baseJ <hat is your strengthJ <hat is the secret of your surviva'J Here are a few questions that revea' tangib'e and inexp'icab'e facts for many# showing a mystery ..
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