Selected Bibliography General Works The Cambridge Ancient History, Vols. X-XII and Vol. V of Plates. Cambridge, I934-39 The Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. I, Cambridge, I924 JONES, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire, 284-602, 3 vols. Norman, I964 JONES, H. s. The Roman Empire, 29 B.C.-A.D. 476, 3d impres­ sion. London, I 9 I 6 LOT, F. The End of the Ancient World and the Beginnings of the Middle Ages. New York, I93 I NILSSON, M.P. Imperial Rome. London, I926 PARKER, H. M.D. A History of the Roman World from A.D. 138 to 337, 2d ed. London, I958 ROSTOVTZEFF, M., and BICKERMAN, E. A History of the Ancient World. New York, I96I ROSTOVTZEFF, M. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, 2d ed. by P.M. Fraser, 2 vols. Oxford, I956 SALMON, E. T. A History of the Roman World from 30 B.C. to A.D. 138, 3d ed. London, I957 Special Periods and Reigns JONES, A. H. M. Constantine and the Conversion of Europe, rev. ed. New York, I962 HAMMOND, M. The Antonine Monarchy. Rome, I959 HENDERSON, B. w. Civil War and Rebellion in the Roman Empire, A.D. 69-70. London, I9o8 ---Five Roman Emperors; V espasian, Titus, Domitian, N erva, Trajan, A.D. 69-117. Cambridge, I927 -- The Life and Principate of the Emperor Hadrian, A.D. 76-138.London, I923 HOLMES, T. R. The Architect of the Roman Empire, 2 vols. Ox­ ford, I928-3I SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 347 MARSH, F. B. The Founding of the Roman Empire, 2d ed. London, I927 ---The Reign of Tiberius. London, I93 I SYME, R. The Roman Revolution. Oxford, I939 Constitutional CROOK, J. A. Consilium Principis. Imperial Councils and Counsellors from Augustus to Diocletian. Cambridge, I954 HAMMOND, M. The Augustan Principate in Theory and Practice during' the fulio-Claudian Period. Cambridge, Mass., I933 JOLOWicz, H. F. Historical Introduction to the Study of Roman Law, 2d ed. Cambridge, I96I JONEs, A. H. M. Studies in Roman Government and Law. Oxford, 1960 MCFAYDEN, D. The History of the Title lmperator under the Roman Empire. Chicago, 1920 SHERWIN-WHITE, A. N. The Roman Citizenship. Oxford, 1939 The Armed Forces CHEESMAN, G. L. The Auxilia of the Roman Imperial Army. Ox- ford, 1914 PARKER, H. M.D. The Roman Legions, rev. ed. Cambridge, 1958 REYNOLDs, P. K. B. The Vigiles of hnperial Rome. London, 1926 STARR, c. G., JR. The Roman Imperial Navy, 31 B.C.-A.D. 324, 2d ed. Cambridge, r 960 The Provinces BOUCHIER, E. s. Spain under the Roman Empire. Oxford, 1914 ---Syria as a Roman Province. Oxford, 19I6 BROGAN, o. Roman Gaul. London, 1953 BROUGHTON, T. R. s. The Romanization of Africa Proconsularis. Baltimore, 1929 CHILVER, G. E. F. Cisalpine Gaul; Social and Economic History from 49 B.C. to the Death of Trajan. Oxford, 1941 JONES, A. H. M. The Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces. Ox­ ford, 1937 ---The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian. Oxford, 1940 MAGIE, D. Roman Rule in Asia Minor, 2 vols. Princeton, I95o SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY sTEVENSoN, G. H. Roman Provincial Administration till the Age of the Antonines, 2d ed. Oxford, I949 WARMINGTON, B. H. The North African Provinces from Diocletian to the Vandal Conquest. Cambridge, I954 Social and Economic BARRow, R. H. Slavery in the Roman Empire. London, I928 cARCOPINo, J. Daily Life in Ancient Rome; the People and the City at the Height of the Empire. New Haven, I940 CHARLESWORTH, M.P. Trade-Routes and Commerce of the Roman Empire, 2d ed., rev. Cambridge, I926 CLAusiNG, R. The Roman Co lonate. New York, I 92 5 DAVIES, o. Roman Mines in Europe. Oxford, I935 DILL, s. Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius, 2d ed. London, I905 --- Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Em­ pire. London, I9IO DUFF, A. M. Freedmen in the Early Roman Empire. Oxford, I928 FRANK, T., ed. An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, Vols. II-V. Baltimore, I936-4o HEITLAND, w. E. Agricola. A Study of Agriculture and Rustic Life in the Greco-Roman World from the Point of View of Labour. Cambridge, I 92 I WARMINGTON, E. H. The Commerce between the Roman Empire and India. Cambridge, I928 WHEELER, M. Rome beyond the Imperial Frontiers. London, I954 Religion GLOVER, T. R. The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Em­ pire, wth ed. London, I 92 3 MOMIGLIANO, A., ed. The Conflict between Paganism and Chris­ tianity in the Fourth Century. Oxford, I 96 3 Index Ablabius, 250 Antonius Pius, 4, 73, 8o, 98, I6o; Abuse of power, trial for, I92-I95i letters to Ephesus, 229-230 of requisition, I97-I98 Apion, I5I Achaia, 2I, 116 Apodemius, 102, I04 Achilles, 230 Apollinaris, Sidonius, 6 Actium, 43; battle of, 108, I48, 3I8 Apollinarius, Julius, I 5 I, I 52 Acts of the Apostles, 288-289 Appeal to Caesar, 289 Adiutor, Aurelius, 305 Appianus, I 36, I 37 Adrianople, I 74; battle of ( 378), 6 Apronianus, 2 IO Aedesius, 100, IOI, I03 Apuleius, Sextus, I6, 7I Aela, I98 Aqueducts, I9, 207-209; curators of, Aelafius, Constantine's letter to, J40- 44 34I Aquitania, I23, 126 Africa, 2I, 25, 95, 99, 120, I24, I48, Arabia, 2 I; road building in, I98 I85, 200, 203, 296; benefactions to Arabian expedition, I 3, 2 I the church of, Constantine's, 339- Aratus, 92 340; Christian persecution in, un­ Arbetio, 95, 100, IOI, 102 der Diocletian, 332-335; under Arcadius, I46 Valerian, 33o-33 I Aridelus, I42 Agricola, Gnaeus Julius, 4, I2D-I24, Ariminum, I9 I25; in Britain, I83-I85 Arinthaeus, 94 Agrippa, Marcus, I6, 20, 75, 207 Ariobaranes, King, 2 I Agrippina, 104, 106 Aristomenes, 204, 205 Alamanni, 85, 87, g6, 97 Aries, 34o-34I Alaric, I74 Armaturae, 100, I 07 Alavivus, I75• I77 Armenia, 3, I3, 2I Albani, 22 Armorers, state, p6-3 I 7 Albania, I49 Arms factories, state, 3 I 6 Albanum, 36 Army, Roman, 50, 8o, I48-I77; allot­ Albinus, Luccius, I90 ments for veterans, I7J-I74i col­ Albinus of Etruria, IOI ony of veterans at Cyrene, I62; at Alexander the Great, 92 Deultum, I6I; distribution of Alexandria, I86, 223-226, 230, 232, forces, I48-I5o; draft in the fourth century, I68-I7o; draft un­ 257·32I Alimenta, the, 293-294 der the principate, I 5o; Egyptian Allegiance, oath of, 43-44, 72 recruit, letter from, I 5 I; Egyptian soldier, letter from, I 5 I-I 52; fed­ Allobrogicus, I I 3 erates, I74-I77; foreign cavalry­ Allotments for veterans, I7J-I74 man, discharge certificate of, I6o­ Alps, 3, 2I, 93, 107, IIO I6I; hereditary military service, Ammianus Marcellinus, 6, 85-89, I 70; legionary veterans, discharge 89-94, 95-IOO, IOD-I07, I27, I28- of, I58; marriage of soldiers, I55- I33, I74-I77, 209-2I2, 268-269 I57i mobile army of Constantine, Antioch, 257, 306 I67; mutiny in, I62-I66; Numid­ Antiochus, King, I 29 ian troops reviewed by Hadrian, Antistius, Gaius, I 8 I5J-I55i pay sheet of two legion- 350 INDEX aries in Egypt, I52-I53; prae­ Caelianus, Sempronius, I 50 torian, discharge certificate of, Caepio, Fannius, 35, 37, 39 I sS-I 59; rations, I 70-I 7 I; recruits, Caesar, 2, 2S commutation of, I7I-I72; sailor, Caesar, Gaius, I7 discharge certificate of, I 59-I 6o; Caesar, Julius, 3, So, I09, I I4, I45, tax privileges of soldiers and vet­ 256 erans, I72-I73; troops as police, Caesar, Lucius, I 7 use of, I 57 Caesarea, 257, 2S9 Arruntius, Lucius, I5, 37, 72, 75 Caligula, 4I, 43, 77, 7S, 224 Asia, 2 I, 120, 124, IS5; divine honors Callistratus, 2 35-2 36 for Augustus in, 3 IS-3 I9; new im­ Calpurnius, SeXtus, I 3 7 perial temple in, 32I-323 Calvisius, Gaius, IS Asia Minor, 3 I 3 Campania, I33 Asinius, Gaius, I6 Caracalla, 3, 29I Asinius, Gallus, 72, 75 Carthage, 203, 330 Asinius, Lucius, I 53 Cassius, Gaius, 73, uS-120 Assyria, 9I Catholics, 339, 340 Athanaric, I75 Catius, Fronto, I92 Athens, 126, IS7 Cato the Censor, 129 Attaleia, I62 Catullinus, I 55 Atticus, Gaius Baebius, I 3S-I 39 Catulus, I 33 Augustine, 6 Celer, Ulpius, I43 Augustus, 2, 3, 25, 26, 27, 2S, 33, 36, Celsus, Constantine's letter to, 34I- 37-3S, 39, 40, 4I, 43, 49, 50, 70, 342 7I-72, 74, 76, 77, 7S, So, 10S, I I I, Censorious, Gaius, I6 113, 115, I35• I3S, I4S, I5I, I6I, Census, in Egypt, 256-257; in Syria, I62, 207, 2oS, 256, 273; acts of, 256; of Galerius, 266-267 I3-23; divine honors in Asia for, Census return, 257-259; Egyptian, 31S-319; Egypt under, I79; oath of 251)-260 allegiance to, 43-44; reforms of, Cerialis, Petilius, I 2 3 44-49; Spain under, I7S-I79 Cerealis, Tullius, I93 Aurelian, 3, I67 Certificate of sacrifice under Decius, Aurelius, Marcus, 3, 4, 50, So; im­ 327 perial high court under, 277-279 Charisius, Arcadius, 235, 236-23S Austurians, 2oo, 202 Charter of Malaca, 212-2I9; of Sal­ pensa, 2 I9-2 2 3 Bacchylides, 90 Christians and Christianity, 5 I, S2, Balbus, Cornelius, I 3 5 S9, 205, 211, 250, 27I; bishops, Bassus, Julius, ISS-I92 judicial powers of, 343-344; Benefactor, civic, 24S-250 Catholics, 339, 340; certificate of Bishops, judicial powers of, 343-344 sacrifice under Decius, 327; Con­ Bithynia, 93, 125, 126, q6, IS6, ISS, stantine's benefactions to the 240, 244 African church, 339-340; grant of Bolanus, V ettius, 12 3 immunity to the clergy, 340; Bonitus, 107 Donatists, 339, 340, 34I; edict of Britain and the Britons, 3, S4, S5, 95, Galerius and, 335-336; Edict of 97.
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