Job description Objective: By the end of the session, the trainees will be able to describe their job and role. 1)-Health sanitation: smiti (Anna/Tyler),kan xdm m3a lfrmlia f şbiţar walakin ana maši frmlia ula ţbiba,u makan3ţiš dwa u makan dirš jlba l n-nas.kangul l n-nas šnu xşşhum idiru baš maymr uš huma ula lwlad dyalhum.kantkllm lihum 3la dwa dyal lbir,u dyal lkrš u dyal bit lma u kifaš iġslu yddihum. 2)-Maternal child health: smiti (Anna/Tyler),kan xdm m3a lfrmlia f şbiţar walakin ana maši frmlia ula ţbiba,u makan3ţiš dwa u makan jlbš n-nas.kangul l l3yalat lli kaywldu baš ijiw l şbiţar išufhum ţbib.kan gul lihum ijibu lwlad dyalhum l şbiţar baš ijlbu.kan gul lihum šnu ydiru baš maywlduš bzzef. *************************** The Human Body Objective: The list of the body parts included herein is exhaustively long .The objective is not to memorize the whole list but rather use the essential vocabulary within a context in order to serve a health purpose. The teacher is free to choose the teaching methods he/she thinks are appropriate. Cultural Points: Some of the sexual body parts are taboo. It is therefore preferable to use the euphemistic expressions between brackets for health purposes. It is also not desirable to use them at the presence of opposite sexes. People may get into seriously embarrassing situations. However, the taboo words are sometimes used in the Berber culture for joking ; this may happen when people are very close to each other. Berber does not have all the names for the anatomy of the human body. 1 Vocabulary: head: r-ras fangs: lanyab face: lwjh molar: druş hair: š3r gums:llatha forehead: jbha ear: ludn eyebrows: lHjban neck:l3nq one eye: l3in adam's apple: lblHuHa eyes: l3inin eyelid: fuq mn l3inin buttocks : lkkr/zkk eyelashes: rmuš chest :sdr white of eye: jjfn breast : bzzula pupil: mumu d l3in breasts : bzazl mouth:lfm ribs 3 nose: nif belly: lkrš lip: šnafa stomache: lmaâda lips: šnayf pubic hair: š3r l3ana beard:lHya penis : zbb/dker (lqlem dyal rrajl : man's pencil) chin: lgaduma vulva : ţbbun/(lferj: from classical Arabic, cheek: lHnk opening) cheeks: lHnak anus : (as there is no specific word for that tongue:lsan we refer to it as ‘lkrr’) teeth: snan shoulder : lktf 2 shoulders :lktaf finger : şb3 armpit : lbaţ fingers : şb3an armpits: lbiţan elbow : lmrfq finger nails : hand : lyid palm of hand : lkef hands : liddin thigh :lfukk kidneys : lklawi knee : rkba skin : jld knees : rkabi ankle : šuvya/lk3ba ankles : šuvyat/lk3bat heel : lgdm fat: šHma heels : lgdam appendicitis: lmeşrana zayda foot,leg : rjl blood : demm feet : rjleen sweat : l3rg throat : lqrjuţa saliva : dfal lungs : riyya mucus : lkhnuna heart :lqlb urine : lbul hearts : lqlub feces : lxra liver : lkbda sperm: lmani intestine : lmşarn gall blader : lHrqa belly button/ navel : srra kidney : lklwa 3 Verbs related to the body: Masculine Sing Feminine Sing Plural Stand up wqf wqfi wqfu Sit down gls glsi glsu Squat qrrd qrrdi qrrdu Sleep n3s n3si n3su Get up fiq fiqi fiqu Ben down tHna tHnay tHnaw Move tHrrk tHrrki tHrrku Go sir siri siru Go forward zid lgddam zidi lgddam zidu lgddam Hurry srbi srbi srbiw Run jri jriy jriw Jump nqqz nqqzi nqqzu Step on zţm/wţa zţmi/wţay zţmu/wţaw Touch mss mssi mssu Scratch Hkk Hkki Hkku Tickle hrr hrri hrru Breath tneffs tneffsi tneffsu Strangle šnq/xnq šnqi/xnqi šnqu/xnqu Pant tmrrġ tmrrġi tmrrġu Sigh tnhd/nhj tnhdi/nhji tnhdu/nhju Whisper gul f lwdn guli f lwdn gulu f lwdn 4 Speak tkllm tkllmi tkllmu Yell,shout ġwwt ġwwti ġwwtu Whistle şffr şffri şffru Be silent skt skti sktu Spit tfl tfli tflu Snore šxr šxri šxru Yawn tfweh tfwehi tfwehu Laugh Kiss bus busi busu Suck mşş mşşi mşşu Lick lHs lHsi lHsu Taste duq duqi duqu Bite(with teeth) Sting qrş qrşi qrşu Chew Swallow şrţ/bl3 şrţi/bl3i şrţu/bl3u Puff out/fart Hzq Hzqi Hzqu Listen sm3 sm3i sm3u Smell šmm šmmi šmmu Hiccup dir lfuwaqa diri lfuwaqa diru lfuwaqa Look at/see šuf šufi šufu Wink ġmz ġmzi ġmzu Cry bki bki bkiw 5 Rest rtaH rtaHi rtaHu Be sick i u Breathless qţ3 nfs qţ3i nfs qţ3u nfs Close eyes sdd l3in sddi l3in sddu l3in Swell tnfx tnfxi tnfxu Sexual Hwi/n3s m3a lmra n3si m3a rajl n3su m3a Intercourse (rajl / lmra) Vomit /tqya /tqyay /tqyaw 6 Diseases and Sicknesses Objective: Like with body parts, the objective is not to memorize the whole list but to talk about certain common diseases by using appropriate verbs and structures. Vocabulary: Health : şHHa wart : tulala Sickness: lmr measles : buHmrun Patient : lmri scabies : lHkka Pain: luja3/şda3 ringworm : ddud Disabled : mu3wwaq cholic : luja3 Lame : 3rej jaundice : buşfir Hunchbacked: bu Hdibba cough/cold: lkHba/lkHa Mute : zizun nausea : dduxa stammerer: kay twtaw splint: lfdi3 deaf: şmek vomit : r an blind: 3war/3ma fracture: thras cross-eyed : Hwal medicine : dwa crazy : Hmaq cauterization: lkiy leprosy : lbrş devil : jjn/šiţan fever : sxana devils: jnun/šayaţin abcess : lHbub shiver : r3da wound : jrH haunting : lmss/tšyar pus : LgiH 7 Verbs: To be sick: kaymr To have fever: fih/fiha sxana To be haunted: kaytšyyr To shiver: kaytr33d To ache: kay rr To fumigate: kaybxxar To be cured: kaybra To be pale: kayşfar To moan: kaynin To swell: kaytnfx To be dizzy: kaydux To vomit: kayr /kaytqya To faint: kaysxf To have indigestion: kaytgrr3 To be crippled: katšllel Part of the boby asleep: n3sat/tnmlat…. To be deaf: kaytznzn Nose bleed: kayr3f To limp: kay3rj To put cast: kayjbr To fracture: kaythrs To cauterize: kaykyy To sprain: kaytfd3 To bewitch: tsHr To massage: kaydllk To be epileptic: drbu/drbha jnn To cough: kaykHb/kaykH To 8 Family Planning Objective: By the end of the session, the trainees will be able to talk about family planning and fill in the cards Vocabulary: Pregnant: Hamla Tubaligation: lwalda/lgrun dyal lwalda Health center: şbiţar Depoprovera/norastat: libra dyal lwlada Egzamination: la visit/tdwaz Menstruation: Hq šhr Blood pressure: ţensio vaginal infection: ltihabat (or point to the vaginal area) Lud: slk/lewleb Feet swelling: tnfax dyal rjlin Condom: lkapot/lprotex Urine test for protein: tHlilat dyal lbul Birth control pills: lfanid/lkinat dyal lwlada Spermicide: dwa lli kayqtl lmani Dialogue: A :sbaH lxir B: sbaH lxir,šnu bġiti? A: bġit waHd lkina d lwlada B: weš 3mmrk šrbti lkina d lwlada? A: lla B: (nurse pulls out family planning card) fin katskni? A: Talmest B: šnu hya kniytk? A: Moujan 9 B: šnu smitk? A: smiti keltoum B: šHal f 3mrk? A: ma3rftš imkn 40 3am B: (nurse puts 1955 on paper for year of birth and skips occupation) weš knti f lmdrasa? A: lla B: šnu kniyt rrajl dyalk? A: Ait Brahim B: šnu smitu? A: smitu Tahr B: šHal f 3mru? A: ma3rftš B: weš kbir 3lik b 10 sniyn? A: imkn B: (nurse puts 1945 for year of birth) weš kan f lmdrasa? A: lla maqariš B: fin xddam rajl dyalk ? A : fllaH B : imta wldti ulla ţaH lik bnadm ? A : wldt l3am lli fat walakin mat B: šHal 3ndk mn wlad? A: 3ndi 4 d lwlad u 3 d lbnat B : šHal mat lik ? A : 2 wlad B : weš 3mmru wq3 lik ši muškil mlli knti Hamla ? 10 A : lla lHamdullah B : fuqaš jak demm ? A : hadi šhrayn B : waxxa ġadi nduwz lik 3la tensio u lbul.glsi hna A : waxxa ************************* Women’s Vaccination Objective: By the end of the session, the trainees will be able to fill in cards and ask about vaccination. Cultural Points: Many people believe that shots are more important for the sick body than any other kind of medicine. Vaccination is thus very welcomed, unless in very remote areas that are not covered by health extension. Vocabulary: Vaccination: jlba Oldest child: lwld lkbir Vaccination card: lkarni dyal jlba Youngest child: lwld şġir Next month: šhr jjay First: luwl Next year: l3am jjay Second: t-tani Not yet: mazal Third: t-talt Last name: lkneya During your next pregnancy: f lwlada dyalk luwla First name: smiya 11 Verbs: To return: rj3i To need: xşş To vaccinate: jlb Dialogue: A: SbaH lxir B: SbaH lxir A: labas 3lik B: labas lHamdullah A: šnu hya kniytk? B: Raji A: šnu smitk? B: smiti Rkia A: šHal f 3mrk? B: imkn 38 3am A: šnu smit rajlk? B: Brahim A: šnu lknya dyalu? B: Botalib A: šHal f 3mr lwld lkbir 3ndk? B: 6 sniyn 12 A: šHal f 3mr lwld şġir 3ndk? B: 3 sniyn A: weš 3mrk drti jlba? B: drtha l3am lli fat A: weš nti Hamla? B: yeeh ana Hamla A: xşşk madiri jlba daba,rj3i šhr jjay 13 Diarrhea Objective: By the end of the session, the trainees will be able to ask about diarrhea and prepare a rehydration sollution. Cultural points: Talking about diarrhea is not an embarrassing topic in the moroccan culture.The word "lkrš" is the right word for diarrhea.Many people believe that there is a cure or medicine for diarrhea."lkrš" şrişra " are the euphemistic expressions that can be used in order to avoid the taboo name for stools "lxra". Vocabulary: Diarrhea: lkrš/şrişra **** ORS sachets: Biosel, dwa d lkrš Small spoon: m3lqa şġira Medicine : dwa Small cup: kas şġir Fever : sxana To throw away: luH Blood in stool : dmm f lxra To breastfeed: r 3 Dehydration: ljafaf dyal d-dat To pour: kbb Rehydration: rju3 d lma l d-dat To shake: xlţ Before 24 hours: qbl 24 sa3a To boil: ġlli/ ţiyb Liter of water: itru dyal lma To feed: wkkel Dialogue: A: sbaH lxir B: sbaH lxir A : mal wldk /šnu 3ndu? B : zad 3lih lHal,3ndu lkrš 14 A: šHal hadi 3ndu lkrš? B: 3 yam A: weš kayr 3? B: lla A: weš kayakl? B: šwiya A: weš kayšrb lma? ,walakin kayxrj lma lli kayšrb A: weš fih sxana? B: lla A: weš kayn dmm f lxruj dyalu? B: lla ? B: lla A: (the person inspects the skin of the child, the skin stands up when pinched;obviously the child is dehydrated) d-dat dyal lwlad katkun jaffa mlli katkun 3ndhum lkrš.ORS dwa mzyan l lkrš.ġlli waHd itru dyal lma,xllih Htta ibrd,diru m3a waHd lbakya dyal Biosel f qr3a u xlţhum.3tih išrb šwiya b šwiya Htta ikmml itru dyal lma.ila dazt 24 sa3a u makmlš hadak dwa xwi dakši lli bqa Hit masalHš.ila baqi fih lkrš zidi waHd lbakya xra Htta ikmm şbiţar.
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