AOPAAOPA WHERE TO FLY GUIDE & CORPORATE MEMBER LISTING The Pilot Centre Cambridge Flying Group Lands End Aero Club Denham Aerodrome Cambridge (Westward Airways) Denham Marshall’s Airport Lands End Aerodrome Uxbridge Newmarket Road St Just Middlesex UB9 5DF Cambridge CB5 8RX Penzance Tel: 01895 833838 Tel: 01223 293343 Cornwall TR19 7RL Fax: 01895 832267 Fax: 01223 294147 Tel: 01736 788771 Email: [email protected] Email: Fax: 01747 787651 BEDFORDSHIRE Website: www.egld.com/tpc [email protected] Email: flyingclub@islesofscilly- Bedfordshire School of Flying Website: travel.co.uk Piper Warrior 3 [email protected] Web:www.landsendairportco.uk Cranfield Airfield Cessna 152 5 Cranfield Cessna 172 1 Tiger Moth 2 Cessna 152 1 Bedfordshire MK43 0AL Cessna 182 1 Fuji RA200-180 1 Tel: 01234 752817 Cessna 152 Aerobat 1 Bellanca Citabria 1 Cessna 172 1 Fax: 01234 752809 NSF Sibson Email: [email protected] Wycombe Air Centre Ltd Sibson Aerodrome Website: www.cabairflyingschools.com Wycombe Air Park Wansford CUMBRIA Booker Peterborough Carlisle Flight Training Limited Grumman Cheetah 4 Marlow PE8 6NE Carlisle Airport Grumman Tiger 3 Buckinghamshire SL7 3DR Tel: 01832 280289 Grumman Cougar 1 Carlisle Tel: 01494 443737 Fax: 01832 280675 Cumbria CA6 4NW Piper Arrow 1 Fax: 01494 465456 Email: [email protected] Robinson R22 2 Tel: 01228 573344 / 07834 559560 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nsof.co.uk Email:[email protected] Website: wycombeaircentre.co.uk Cabair College of Training Robin HR200 2 Cranfield Airport Cessna 152 6 Cessna 152/152a 2 DEVON Cranfield Cessna 172 1 Piper PA28-161 2 Devon Airsports/ Bedfordshire MK43 OJR Cessna 172S 3 Piper PA28-201R 1 Eaglescott School of Flying Tel: 01234 751243 Cessna 182 1 Piper PA18-95 1 Email: [email protected] Cessna 182 RG 1 Pitts S2A 1 Eaglescott Airfield Website:www.cabair.com T Beech 76 2 Tiger Moth DH82a 1 Burrington, Frasca FNPT1 Umberleigh Diamond DA 40Tdi 13 RAF Wyton North Devon EX37 9LH AA5B Grumman Tiger 2 CAMBRIDGESHIRE Pathfinder Flying Club Tel: 01769 520404 GA7 Grumman Cougar 4 Huntingdon Website: www.eaglescott-airfield.com PA28 Warrior 2 Flying Club Conington Cambridge PA44 Piper Seminole 2 Peterborough PE17 2EA Piper PA28-161 1 Robinson R22 2 Peterborough Business Airfield Tel: 01480 52451 Piper PA38-112 1 PA28R Piper Arrow 2 Holme *Piper PA12 Super Cruiser 1 Peterborough PE7 3PX Rural Flying Corps Pegasus Quantum 1 Tel: 01487 834161 Bourn Airfield Blanik Glider 1 BERKSHIRE Fax: 01487 834246 Bourn *Bellanca Citabria 1 West London Aero Club Email: [email protected] Cambridge CB3 7TQ Bergfalke Glider 1 White Waltham Airfield Website: www.flying-club-conington.co.uk Tel: 01954 719602 *DHC1 Chipmunk 1 Maidenhead www.aerolease.co.uk Email: [email protected] EV97 Eurostar 3 axis microlight 1 Website: rfcbourn.flyer.co.uk ASK8 single seat glider 1 Berkshire SL6 3NJ Cessna 152 4 Tel: 01628 823272 Cessna 152 Aerobat 1 Devon and Somerset Email: [email protected] Cessna 152 2 Piper PA28-161 1 Flight Training Ltd Website: www.wlac.co.uk Cessna 182 1 Piper PA28-201 1 Dunkeswell Aerodrome Beech 76 Duchess 1 Dunkeswell Piper PA28-161 10 Piper Seneca II 1 CORNWALL Piper PA28-111 1 Honiton Cornwall Flying Club Ltd Devon EX14 4LG Piper PA32 1 Cambridge Aero Club Bodmin Airfield Tel: 01404 891643 Cessna 172 2 Cambridge Cardinham Fax: 01404 891465 Cessna 182 1 Cambridge City Airport Bodmin Email: [email protected] Pitts 1 Newmarket Road Cornwall PL30 4BY Website: www.dsft.co.uk Extra 1 Cambridge CB5 8RX Tel: 01208 821419/463 Extra 300 1 Tel: 01223 373717 Fax: 01208 821711 Cessna 152 3 6 Instructors, 10 part time instructors Fax: 01223 373833 Email: [email protected] Cessna 172 2 and 1 ground school instructor Email: Website: www.cornwallflyingclub.com Piper PA28 Warrior 1 [email protected] Piper PA28 Archer 1 Website: www.cambridgeaeroclub.com BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Cessna 152 2 RT tuition, ground school, full tuition to Airways Aero Association Cessna 172 SP 4 Cessna 172 1 PPL licence and beyond. IMC ratings, British Airways Flying Club Slingsby T67260M Firefly 1 Robin 2160 1 night ratings, RT, trial lessons. Wycombe Air Park Piper Axtec 1 Exeter Flying Club Booker, Marlow Buckinghamshire SL7 3DP The Airport Tel: 01494 529262 Exeter Fax: 01494 461237 Devon EX5 2BA Email: [email protected] Tel: 01392 367653 Website: www.bafc.co.uk Fax: 01392 447847 E-mail: [email protected] Piper Dakota 1 Web: www.flying-club.com Piper Warrior 7 Devon & Somerset Flight Training Ltd DHC1 Chipmunk 1 Cessna 172 3 PPL, NPPL, Radio Nav, IMC, Night, Dunkeswell Piper PA28 2 Aerobatics, Tailwheel, Instructor, Multi Flight Pass Aviation Training (on request) Solo Hire Northside Denham School of Flying PPL(A), NPPL, RT, IMC, Night, AOPA Radio Nav, AOPA Exeter International Airport Denham Aerodrome Devon EX5 2BD Denham Flying Companions Course, Tailwheel on own a/c. Tel: 01392 444740 Uxbridge UB9 5DE All ground subjects on one to one tuition Fax: 0870 7053205 Tel: 01895 833327 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 01895 835048 Friendly professional training set in picturesque countryside Web: www.flightpass.co.uk Email: [email protected] Courses: NPPL, PPL, Night, IMC, CPL, Website: www.cabairflyingschools.com on our own airfield, NO base landing fees. Club-fly-outs, Multi, IR, Flight Instructor, Aerobatics, social activities, good food, good flying, good fun! Second Pilots, Formation Flying Piper Cadet 2 Come and see for yourself! Piper Warrior 4 Piper Warrior II 2 Piper Arrow 1 Annual membership: £100. Month/temp: £15. Piper Arrow 1 Diamond Katana 3 Piper Seneca III 1 Grumman Cougar 1 Dunkeswell Aerodrome Honiton Devon EX14 4LG Fuji FA200-160 1 Tel: 01464 891643 Fax: 01464 891465 Elite FNPT II 1 Other aircraft as required E-mail: [email protected] www.dsft.co.uk General Aviation April 2006 47 Aviation South West Limited Seawing Flying Club Aileron House, Building 26 Eastern Perimeter Road Exeter International Airport Southend Airport Clyst Honiton Southend +EEPING¬THE¬COST¬OF¬m¬YING¬DOWN Exeter EX5 2BD Essex SS2 6YF Tel: 01392 447887 Tel: 01702 545420 Fax: 01392 447886 Fax: 01702 543343 Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.egte.com Web: www.seawing.uk.com Cessna 152 4 Cessna 150 Aerobat 1 Cessna 150 1 Cessna 150 1 Piper Arrow 1 Cessna 152 3 Piper Warrior 3 Cessna 172 1 Beech Duchess 1 Piper Cherokee 180 1 Simulator 1 Southend Flying Club Southend Airport DORSET Southend-on-Sea Bournemouth Flying Club Ltd Essex SS2 6XU )F¬YOU¬ARE¬PURCHASING¬AN¬AIRCRAFT¬IN¬A¬FOREIGN¬CURRENCY¬OR¬SIMPLY¬ Aviation Park Estate Tel: 01702 545198 HAVE¬!.9¬REQUIREMENT¬FOR¬MAKING¬A¬&OREIGN¬%XCHANGE¬PAYMENT¬ off Matchams Lane E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.southendflyingclub.co.uk THEN¬!/0!¬ARE¬HAPPY¬TO¬RECOMMEND¬THAT¬MEMBERS¬USE¬!&%8¬FOR¬ Bournemouth International Airport THEIR¬CURRENCY¬PURCHASE¬AND¬TRANSACTIONS Christchurch PA28 Cherokee 140 3 Dorset BH23 6NE PA28 Warrior 151 1 2ATHER¬ THAN¬ TRANSFERRING¬ PAYMENTS¬ OR¬ BUYING¬ CURRENCY¬ THROUGH¬ Tel: 01202 578558 PA28 Arrow II 200R 1 YOUR¬BANK ¬!&%8¬!VIATION¬HAS¬INTRODUCED¬A¬MORE¬COST¬EFFECTIVE¬AND¬ Fax: 01202 599119 PA34 Seneca I 200R 1 EFl¬CIENT¬WAY¬OF¬MAKING¬INTERNATIONAL¬PAYMENTS Email: Cessna 152 Aerobat 1 [email protected] Web: www.bournemouthflyingclub.co.uk Stapleford Flying Club 7HYåUSEå!&%8å&OREIGNå%XCHANGEå3ERVICES Stapleford Aerodrome så å!åVERYåGOODåKNOWLEDGEåOFåTHEå!VIATIONå Cessna 172 1 Stapleford Tawney Piper PA-28 4 Near Romford ANDå&OREIGNå%XCHANGEåMARKETS Piper PA-28R 2 Essex RM4 1SJ så (IGHLYåCOMPETITIVEå2ATESåOFåEXCHANGE Beech Duchess 3 Tel: 01708 688380 Fax: 01708 688421 så $EDICATEDåAVIATIONåDEALERS DURHAM Email: [email protected] STAND NO. J114 så .EXTåDAYåDELIVERYåONåALLåMAJORåCURRENCIES Website: www.flysfc.com St George Flight Training Cessna 152 18 DurhamTees Valley Airport Cessna 172 1 Darlington Piper Warrior 5 County Durham DL2 1NL Piper Arrow 3 Tel: 01325 333431/335806 Piper Seneca 3 Fax: 01325 333431 Piper Super Cub 1 Email: [email protected] T67 Firefly 1 Web: www.stgeorgeflighttraining.co.uk &ORåANYåREQUIREMENTåFORåFOREIGNåEXCHANGEåPLEASEåCONTACT DA40D 1 DA42D 2 4EL¬ ¬ ¬¬¬¬¬&AX¬ ¬ ¬¬¬å Piper PA28 2 FNPT2 2 AVIATION AFEXCOM¬¬WWWAFEXCOM Piper PA38 3 Cessna Cardinal 177 RG 1 GLOUCESTERSHIRE Cleveland Flying School The Cotswold Aero Club Teesside Aviation House Durham Tees Valley Airport Gloucestershire Airport Darlington Staverton County Durham DL2 1NW Glos GL51 6SP Tel: 01325 337572 Tel: 01452 713924 Email: [email protected] Fax: 01452 855223 Web: www.clevelandflyingschool.co.uk E-mail: [email protected] web: www.cotswoldaeroclub.com Bulldog 2 Cessna 152 4 PA28R - 200 Arrow 1 Cessna 172 2 Robin HR200 1 Cessna 421 1 PA34 1 Tiger Airways PA28 1 Gloucestershire Airport Beech King Air 1 Hangar SE38 Bulldog 2 Staverton Cheltenham Northern Aviation Limited Gloucester GL51 6SR The Lizards Tel: 01452 854141 Sedgefield Fax: 01452 533181 Fly yourself to the Co Durham Email: [email protected] TS21 3DT Tel: 01740 620743 / 0991 280 1233 Stampe SV4C 2 Fax: 01740 623850 / 0191 280 1771 Stampe SV4A 1 hospitable Firefly T67 1 Email: [email protected] Patriot Aviation ESSEX Gloucestershire Airport (Staverton) Island of Andrewsfield Aviation Ltd Cheltenham Saling Airfield Glos GL51 6ST Stebbing, Dunmow Tel: 01452 712388 Essex CM6 3TH Fax: 01452 713565 Tel: 01371 856744 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.patriot.uk.com So close. So different. Fax: 01371 856500 E-mail:
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