Xbc Beo-reoie BaLLetirt vo[.6 NO.4 ''^";i\ e*-:* fm_- (/\-A*/,MA- \ y*.*N--fvtU#ffi it;'fu ---1- #@ww l*-""ro'7G DECEMBER 1976 BEARDED COTLIS CLUB OF AITERICA thr BETRDIE BtnLEfIil vol. 6 no. A Thr Boar{Ic BulLctin ls tho offlclal publlcation of thc Brartrd 0o11ie Club of hrrlee. thc artl.elos ln ttro Bul.latln arc printod to irforn those htarcgtcl lr Brardod Collhc. TIo ratcrial prirtcd hcroiE rcpresents thc opialon ef the author and lc not neecssarily cndorscd by cltlrer thc cdltor or thc Ecardod Colllc Club of lncriea. lhr 0fficcrs ard Board of the Bcatdcl Coll1a CIub of ,lncriea for thc Club frar arc: PRESIDENT: D. Iaa l{orrl.sorr Oak $unnit Roal Hillbrook, Hl 12545 VICE PREttIDEt{?: Tbmac K. !na}l 29 $tevar lvr. Hillgdalo, nJ 076l+2 COR8E$POI{DIHG SECI?ETABY: Erily W. Ho1drn p.0. Box 7 Llrcrick, PA L9l+68 RECORDIIIG $ECRETARY: Penny Tayl* Thorapsor Hlll RC. Portl-ard, CT 05480 ?REASURER: Rieherd Broonr 2 Great Hlll. Ra. Daricn, CT 16820 DIRECTORS: thones l{. DavLcs !f Docrfoot Drlvc Eert Lorgrcador, Hf 01028 Lhda Ftlh nD #1, Ralnbow ?ratl 01cn Fallr, f,I L2801 ill]-liar Cordag 12/+00 Skyllrc BL"l. lfoodsldc, CL 9l+62 l{iri C' Patrtek 35953'Iakcshon BIYI. Eertlakr, 0H 44091+ Julle l{eHu3h 595L S, Pcarl tittlcton, CO 80121 thr art rrork h thls Bul"lctir fu by Bccky Perseil, Subeorlptlorr: Frcc to rcnbcrr of thr BCCI. lvallabLr to non-ncrbarr by rubscrlptier. t5.00 pcr yGer (l1 lrrucs) or alnalc copLrr, $1.50 prr lrtur postpll. ldvrrttairg rates: Fu1l pagr $eo.oo Half pegc s10.00 Quartar page t l.oo !{lth photograph $ ln.OO axtra ***xrcFr+x-!r-F*!Fs**JFX-*{+*#'Ilf*l[+{. *{F*++tL*Jf{+*FfiJS*Jt l{c apprceiatc your emnestr rcgartih3 tl'rla Bullatlr. Please feel frae to vrltc-- rencrber, its your prp.r ard we rord your rupport. lny ltera for tht Bullctlr, pieturea, or aty ad.s chould bc ccnt to tho rdltor: Vlrgirla Paraort L526 ltacaeelaoctta Avcnuc Bonborough, Massachuaettc 01719 Chcckc payeblc to thr Bcar{rd Coll"l,r Cl-ub of ArerLca *+lf{***.if{**J*ffiE*-lFll**+$X-X+lt**l'1f,**t${*+{J$rFlcX*tetSJl+(**{+iJ+Xd{Jt' PLEASE IOTE: tla dradllao for tlc lderch lrsnc w"ill bc Fcbmery 15th, Plcase havc your ado ard artielrc t,o rc by thn. *ffi *lfilP*tFx+r APFLICATIOHS TOR MEI}FENSHIP Thr fol-lowing persong have apnliad to ttrc BCCrt for netlLcrthtp. Any eonneats you ray wish to rekc rcgardinj thcsa applieantc thoul.d bc seat to thc Reeontirg Seiretary, Penn;r leylor, Thonpaon Hill Rd,, Portlandr cT 05480. Paul & Shirlcy BonLfacr 5801 E. Horthcrn Ll6hts Blvt.. Arehoraqe, Alaska 99501+ Joan R. Btr:nlra 31"90 Sedeo Dr. Halton, KY 11094 tlaotas J. & Vlrginla- L. Brcyor 9?5 Crosvcnor Plaec 0aklaad, CA 9l+610 July Done.r 7520 tt. 111 St, Worth, It 50&82 JuCith & Iannrenec P. 0clCron 3333 Fiachcr RJ. Eastoa, PA L8042 Ur, & Hrs. XLehacl Oreal 31 Orraord PLacc ftyc, llY 10580 Xrs, Holly t. llartzok nD #5 Cha,nbarsburg, fA L72OL !-11.. & ilrs, Paul- W. l{cKcrly 1358 Brarblc Buah Rur BLsonflcld Hills, Xieh. 48013 l{rs. Lloyt },{ctcelf 2720 Sprhgr Crock Rd, $alt Lakc City, Uteh 84117 l{r. & Hrs. Horra,n Prlavlta 1-801 PiyaroutU Court t{iteboll"vil1c, W 207L6 Judy Rauaehcr 311 ilaaor Dr. Griffith' Ind. 46319 Velirir & Hichacl ilawttch ?103 E. Grcenway Dr' ?rrpe, Az 85282 Robccee C, $cherff 22W Taaghrood Trall VLrginl.a Bcach, VI- 231+51+ Eobcrt W. & Cernle $cdlock 4435 Kcsilrr-Frcdcrick il. West Hllton, OH l+5283 l{r. & Xrg. F*lwar{ gtrrtr 25 t{oodhllL lsnc ilarhcssot, II 1}-02q- Pctor Tetille 16 Vlotor fld. &rt'' Franingharr {4-01701' Riebar{ & Xcltrde Vortrc 324 Strerberry Hlll Avc. tlon*eLk, CT 05851 shi;i;i 662w :l;::_ _ _ _ _ _ :!*_:._'y_'i:.:*:._ _ _ 1Y:._':":'_*i:': plcage nakc tho follorrh3 charges ir your nerbcrslsip lllt (ritbcr nanGs or addressca): Sandra Scaal-a Brorn z6 Bol Alrc ClroLr thrfferr, XI 10901 Jancs B. Xloholl 326 Sararitan Avc. Ashlard, OH 4480, B.Cral3 & Glcrda L. PrLcl nn #I Plcacent DaIc, HE 681+23 thlrl-ry ?aft 1269 Ptuco Strcrt Birmhgbu, l{lol. 48009 D. Irl lbrrfuor Oak Sunnlt Roat Xillbreok, XI L25l+5 l{les K. SuzenEo lfoor}roucr nl{11lor+ncad,il, Ierlerc Ccttagc KcrowcLL Grccl, Ir. KcrPclY l{rre s. hjlenl (2) ?hr Board ef Dlrcetora hevc approvod thc follorhg appllcrntr for rcnberrhlp: Hr, & Mrs. Jcronr Bruncnt, !drr. Getl Glcntlnaln3, Kathlccr J. Hol-drcr, Jarcr HuchoJ.t, Dn. Rosrdl I. Karcin, ldr. & Xrc. Gharles L. Pttrrr, Bartera Prcseott, Fcrtinard & Wcrly Rclnllcb, Barbara F. Boark, July Rydrr, WillJ.ar R, & Patrlela 3u11ivar, Barbare WalJ<cr, Elodlc J. & Johr Warr.i.r, Jr., Barberr WL1eor. IPPLICATIOIIS POR XEI'G&SSHIP (rort. ) P"gty l{ratphel O1l Post Roal Brdfor{, Hf 10506 Wlllad bc &Phy]"lla Lac $tark 5105 lrorth Baaver Bothary. Oklahora ]JAO9 Ccrald & llaacy L. $rhrrar*z L5].2 1,{Lrgar Ct. CinolEaatl, Ohlo l+5237 **rtf IFX l*i{'rFI+aSrFX+lSFffi {{JtJ*IFFX{+l$*.lF***lf IJf *{*j1*{* CO}IGRAflIIATIOXS! ! I To Ceuldbrat Trr 0r$haltcr', CDX. onncd by Joar & Boy Bfumire for ronpleti.ng thr requl.rcnuts for Cmpalion De3 Arcrll,ort. To Caradiar Ch. Clrpcgts HiUbiIIy, CD, srnrd by Kay HoLncs on camir3 bir Conpanl,or Dog titlc. ?o Cannaroor Honcy Bosc, CD, tD, Caradlen ?D, owncd by Virglnla Partoas. for beconir3 thr firat Baardd Colllc to pals a CanadlEu lrackhg Tect. To larbera and Ian Ufv"ff sn carnl^ug thrir firut Gtranpl.onrhlp pointa at thc Obtara Kinncl Clubs ahovr Ortober 2? ani 28 en thoir leartlcs, Bin- teenir 0rBracroor, lfinncrc Bitrh for 3 poirts aad lceJl Orlrecmor, l{inncra Dr3 tor 2 pointu. To Caredlan Charpio CauldbraGtt Bridgct llur, ewncd by llanry l{f,ntcr' thc finat Ancrioan brcd Canad'laa Charpiu lcartod Colllo. BCCA UATERI'.L "?hc BcarCod Col-lit" by &. O, t{ill{acm $ 2.oo BCCA Brochun on HLrtory, CherectcrlstLca arl Onc frcc or rcquest Standar{ ef Baar''ll"ra Ia bloeks .20 oaeh BCCA $tud Eook Rcgictcr - Ooracelogilel" data or $lrec & Dars of sll llttcre regLstered ta US 6 3.50 BCOA hbL.n ear atiekrrs ,'l 5 Spccify for brlfu or outcldc rf ri:ndor or3f.r $z.oo BCCI &bLrn notepepcr (10 notcs & cnvclopcu) $ r.50 Ccranio Pinr no longcr aveLlibk I - I Haw BrbLu Glub pln availabLo to olub ncmbcru onJ-y $ t.oo I ?hrcc can bc rrdrrcl fron: I Xolre E. Horrirol BCCI Elueatioa Coml.ttec Ork Etunit Road liill.breok, Icv lork 12545 l{rko obacks payeblo t'o B.C.C.I. Board of Directore l{eeting Scptenber 2L, Ln6. A neeting ras held by nail at tbe hone of the Recordlng SecretarJr on Septenber 2L, Ln6. Tbr follouing ltens of business yer6 conducted. l{inutee of the August 2L, L976 Board of Dlnctors neetlng rore approved ar publlshcd. the appllcatlone for nembershlp of the foltorlng people rere approved: Abc Breslor, [ll]ian & Yirginia Burch, Betay cooke, fir & H.re a. D. Danielr, Gelr Drnovan, Uar5r f. 8dner, ilerryl & lllehael Ellas, Rlchard Ettlnger, Panele Gaffney, Denald S. & Edlth F. George, Pat 0ood, l,lra. Sherry Greene, Dorot\y B. C1onan, Rutb 8. Ivere, Jean Jagersme, Mrs. Charlcg l{. Jerett, Judlth $arie Johnssn, Donald 0. & Jud.itb A. Kennedy, Sharlm E. Kothnan, Lucllte X;rvallos, Slsenor & Edri.n Metelita' Deborah & Rsbert S. l{ilIer, Iriisg K. Suganne }loorhouse, Ittcrrill & il,ark Horrisoar susan l{apicr, Horard s. & sharon c. sathnan, f,olry forton, Olen<la & Crat6 Price, Catbering B. Provost, Riehard & Panela Reid., l{r. & l{rs. Jancs Rice, Carol)tn & Paul OrDonoghue, Teresa Stlnaen, Dcrek & Jean $topforth. Retpcctfully subnltted, Prn-^a Uaabu( Penny r#ro" t** Report of the Erecutlve Csunittee Tbe &ocutive Conmrttee autborizod Virglnia Paraoas to gend tbe Beardie Brrlletin uelng bulk rate postase ret tn"nnpf,ti??ilol9J*1n?$r#[ch I9?7 iggues. Board of Dlrectora ileeting 0ctober 2L, Lyl6 A neeting ras hcld by nail at tlre bonc of the Reccrding Secretary on October 2L, Ln6. The folloring itene of businesB rcre conducted. trllnuteg of tha Septeuber 2L, L976 Eoard of Directors neoting rere approved, Motlon that an Lngurance policy be taken out on prrpetual trophics ras defeated. l{otion that a rrittea agteeuent be drarn up by the BCC.0. Ln regard to pcrpetual trophica, to be slgned by future rlnncrs, guaranteelng eafe returrr onc nonth prior tr ahor date. Dtscipllnary action rould be talccn againct aqr vinner failing to do eo rith autooatlc erpulalon fros tbe BCC.[ vas dcfeated. ltotlon that tbe Club gubult the necessar1r docunentatlon to the lncrican Kenncl CIub to becone a Club of Becord ras pasled. !{otlon tbat the Standarde Connlttec prepare an ifllunlnatlon of the Standard.n ras pasled. llotion that thc ifllunlnatlon of the Standardt be sent to aII all-brecd and rorking group judges uas paaeed by a vote of the Board. Reepectftrlly subnitted,sv* Penrgr-tyy-- fafrl'sr (4) MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT The Club is now well into the current officiol yeor ond things seem io be moving well. We tronsferred the BCCA Registrotion Cerfificotes to the AKC right on schedule' Sept. l, olthough it took the concentroted effort of o number of hord worken to help check the currency ond occurocy of the files ond to moke the necessory chonges. About two hundred files hod to be brought up to dote. Our thonks fo those of you who promptly returned the certificotes we senf out for verificotion.
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