COUNTY OF CARTERET BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR SESSION — 6: 00 P. M. COMMISSIONERS' BOARDROOM MAY 21, 2018 The Honorable Carteret County Board of Commissioners sat in regular session on Monday, May 21, 2018, at 6: 00 p. m. Present were: Chairman Mark Mansfield, Commissioners Robin Comer, Jimmy Farrington, Jonathan Robinson, Bill Smith, and Ed Wheatly. Commissioner Cavanaugh was absent. I. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Chairman Mansfield called the meeting to order. All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Pastor Brian Recker of One Harbor Church in Beaufort provided the invocation. II. CONFLICT OF INTEREST/CELL PHONE STATEMENT Chairman Mansfield called for any conflicts of interest by the Board and asked that all cell phones be turned off. There were no conflicts of interest. III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Motion: Commissioner Comer made a motion to add an item to the agenda, " Request for Additional Funding for the Western Carteret Library as Item Villa-,"Susan Simpson will be presenting; seconded by Commissioner Smith. Motion carried unanimously. Motion: Commissioner Smith made a motion to adopt the amended agenda; seconded by Commissioner Comer. Motion carried unanimously. The agenda was as follows: CARTERET COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR SESSION COMMISSIONERS' BOARDROOM MAY 21, 2018 6: 00 P. M. Meeting Called to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/ Invocation Chairman Mansfield II. Conflict of Interest/ Cell Phone Statement Chairman Mansfield III. Adoption of Agenda Board IV. Consent Agenda Board 1. Approval of Minutes March 19, 2018 April 16, 2018 2. Tax Releases and Refunds a. Tax Releases Under $ 100 b. Tax Releases Over $ 100 C. Tax Refunds Under $ 100 d. Tax Refunds Over $ 100 e. Tax Collector' s Monthly Report f. NCVTS Motor Vehicle Refund Report 3. Approval of Proclamation Declaring May 2018 as Older Americans Month 4. Approval of Occupancy Tax Penalty Waiver 5. Approval of the Amended & Restated Bylaws for the Carteret County Transportation Committee 6. Approval of Audit Contract with RSM for the County' s Annual Audit 7. Approval of Appropriation of Drug Revenue for Narcotics Operations and Approval of Budget Amendment: $ 25, 298 8. Approval of Award for DSS Window Renovation Project, and Approval for County Manager to Sign the Contract 9. Approval of Employee Health Plan Renewal 10. Approval of Resolution and No Conflict of Interest Certification, Shallow Draft Navigation Channel Dredging and Aquatic Weed Fund; Atlantic Harbor Emergency Dredging 11. Approval of Resolution in Support of the Merger/ Regionalization Feasibility Grant V. Public Comment VI. Public Hearing: Public Comment on Proposed Sale of 1. 846 -Acre Tract, 203 Islander Drive, Emerald Isle VII. Approval of Resolution Authorizing Sale of 203 Islander Drive, Emerald Isle, NC Pursuant to NCGS 158- 7. 1( d) Tommy Burns VIII. Public Hearing: Request to Abandon and Close an Undeveloped Portion of Holly Lane in Morehead TWP, Newport Eugene Foxworth Vllla. Request for Additional Funding for the Western Carteret Library ( item added as amended) Susan Simpson 00 IX. Overview of Departmental Budgets: Sheriff' s Department Sheriff Buck Rape Crisis Gwen Roberts Board of Elections Sharon Lewis Veteran Affairs Hank Gotard Parks & Recreation Tina Purifoy Civic Center Tina Purifoy Tax Department Alfred Gillikin Public Works Steve Edwards Human Resources Jaime Long Economic Development Don Kirkman Other Budgets Tommy Burns & Dee Meshaw X. Presentation of Recommended 2019 Budget Tommy Burns & Dee Meshaw XI. Approval of Contract for the Indian Beach/ Salter Path Fire and EMS Stephen Rea XII. Manager' s Report Tommy Burns XIII. Appointments Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board Newport Board of Adjustment ( County " ETY) Newport Library Rural Transportation Advisory Committee (" RTAC") Waterways Management Committee XIV. Commissioners' Comments Board XV. Adjournment Board IV. CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Commissioner Comer made a motion to adopt the consent agenda; seconded by Commissioner Smith. Motion carried unanimously. The consent agenda was as follows.-ollows: 1.1. Approval of Minutes a. March 9, 2018 b. April 16, 2018 2. Tax Releases and Refunds a. Tax Releases Under $ 100 PAGE 1 04/ 25/ 18 08. 45: 02 RELEASE LESS THAN 100. 00 Total Adjustment P8r. Rol Taxbill Roll Name Id Year Typ Number Number Name 52. 06 2014 P 96203 P 56455 CEDAR POINT TIRE INC 96. 99 2011 P S5259 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 49. 31 2011 P 55259 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 18. 07 2011 P 55259 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 2012 P 93733 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 5. 05 22. 27 93733 PP 52658JERRY52658JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 48. 60 2012 P 5. 06 2012 P 93733 P 52658JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 2. 28 2012 P 93733 P 52658JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 99 2012 P 93733 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 22. 27 2012 P 93733 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 2012 P 93733 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 33- 21 2. 39 2012 P 93733 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 62. 65 2012 P 93733 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 42. 53 P 9373393733 PP 52658 JERRYJERRY DAVISDAVIS CONSTRUCTION INCINC 93. 01 20122012 82. 38 2012 P 93733 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 29. 53 2012 P 93733 P 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 00 2014 P 97715 P 482739 WIZLARD ANDREWS JR. 12. 05 2014 P 97715 P 482739 WILLARD ANDREWS JR. 0 2013 P 88379 P 482739 WILLARD ANDREWS JR. 11. 8837989068 P 482739482739 WILLARD ANDREWS JR. 00 20132012 PP 13. 08 2012 P 89068 P 482739 WILLARD ANDREWS JR. 15. 00 2014 P 97715 P 452739 WILLARD ANDREWS JR. 15. 00 2013 P 88379 P 482739 WILLARD ANDREWS JR. 29. 01 2014 R 640509 P 33427 STEPHEN E ETUX MARY MELTON NEWPORT 00 20142014 PR 64050997242 PP 46879833427 WILLIAMSTEPHEN CE WEAVERETUX MARY MELTON NEWPORT 15. 00 00 2013 P 87840 P 468798 WILLIAM C WEAVER 15. 00 2013 R 582399 P 33427 STEPHEN E ETUX . MARY MELTON NEWPORT 00 2012 P 88470 P 46879S WILLIAM C WEAVER NEWPORT 10. 00 2012 R 478985 P 33427 STEPHEN E ETUX MARY M13LTON I.S. 2014 P 97242 P 468798 WILLIAM C WEAVER 15. 00 2013 P 87840 P 468798 WILLIAM C WEAVER 33427 STEPHEN E ETUX MARY MELTON 25. 78 478985582399 PP33427 STEPHEN E ETUX MARY MELTON NEWPORTNEWPORT 26. 43 20132012 RR 31. 79 2014 P 101492 P 262850 VIOLA I. T SANDERS 15. 00 2014 P 101492 P 262850 VIOLA L/ T SANDERS FINAL TOTALS TOTAL 928. 66 E N D O F R RP O R T • b. Tax Releases Over $ 100 04/ 25/ 18 08: 41: 24 RELEASE OVER 100. 00 PAGE 1 Total Adjustment CommentComment Name Id Number Name 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 189.189. 2424 AUDITAUDIT FINDINGFINDING 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 243. 24 AUDITAUDIT FINDINGSFINDINGS 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 439.439. 7474 AUDITAUDIT FINDINGFINDING 52656JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 142. 23 AUDIT FINDING 5265852658 JERRYJERRY DAVISDAVIS CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION INCINC 218. 56 AUDIT FINDING 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 167. 18 AUDIT 5265852658 JERRYJERRY DAVISDAVIS CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION INCINC 287. 88 AUDIT 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 449. 06 AUDIT 52658 JERRY DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 12, 764. 79 AUDIT 509100 ALPHA OMEGA CONCESSIONS INC 424. 58 KEYINGKEYING ERRORERROR 468798 WILLIAM C WEAVER 197. 06 DOUBLE BILLED 468798 WILLIAM C WEAVER 198.198. 4040 DOUBLE BILLED 468798 WILLIAM C WEAVER 221. 12 DOUBLE BILLED FINALFINAL TOTALSTOTALS TOTAL 15, 943. 08 EE NN DD OO FRFR EPEP OO RR T T+++ +++ c. 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