WOMAN’S DAY AINARA ALONSO DÍAZ – 1º BACH. B SAFO DE MITILENE – GREEK TIME • THIS CHARACTER WAS BORN IN 650 BC. AND DIED IN 610 B.C. HE SPOKE ANCIENT GREEK, LIVED IN MYTILENE AND LABOS, HAD AN ONLY DAUGHTER NAMED CLEIS WITH ALCEO MYTILENE, CAME FROM A FAMILY OF THREE BROTHERS AND DEDICATED HIMSELF TO POETRY. HER FATHER WAS SCAMANDRÓNIMO AND HER MOTHER CLEIS HERS, JUST THE SAME NAME AS THE DAUGHTER SHE HAD FROM HER. • SHE IS RECOGNIZED FOR HAVING BEEN ONE OF THE NINE LYRICAL POETS OF ANCIENT GREECE, IN ADDITION, IF ACADEMICS, EXPERTS AND ANCIENTS HAD ADMIRATION FOR HER, THEY CONSIDERED HER GOOD IN CRITICAL STUDY. LUCRECIA OF BORGIA – ROMAN AGE • LucrEcia was onE of thE many womEn who wErE harassEd and rapEd by Sixth Tarquinius, this was dEdiCatEd to bEing a Roman aristocrat, in addition, shE had fivE brothErs, two on thE part whErE shE had a rElationship with onE of hEr brothers, CaEsar. She was born on April 18, 1480 in the Papal StatEs and diEd on JunE 24, 1519 at thE agE of 39 in thE samE plaCE, in addition, shE marriEd Giovanni Sforza, Alfonso sE Aragón and Alfonso d'EstE thrEE timEs. • ShE bECamE a hEroinE of punishmEnt and justiCE bECausE shE suffErEd harassmEnt and rape by Sexto Tarquinio. She wantEd rEvEngE so with the help of her father and her husband they made no other Tarquino king, bEComing thE first republiCan aftEr thE pEoplE did not allow thE authority of a king. JOAN OF ARC – MEDIEVAL • This woman namEd Joan of ArC helped libEratE FranCE from thE domination of thE English in thE Hundred Years War thanks to thE fact that ArchangEl MichaEl, Saint MargarEt and CathErinE of AlExandria warnEd her to hElp CharlEs VII in said war. Another reason for which shE is reCognizEd is having beEn a membEr of thE aid army and, latEr, having liftEd thE siEgE. • HE was born around thE yEar 1412 in thE Duchy of Bar, FranCE, and diEd on May 30, 1431 at thE agE of 19 Normandy, FranCE, which at thE timE was ControllEd by thE English. HE diEd from burns and choking, his nationality was FrEnch, hE was dEdiCatEd to bEing in thE military and had parEnts namEd JacquEs d'Arc and IsabEllE RomEé. CATHERINE OF MÉDICIS – RENAISSANCE CathErinE dE MEdici was thE QuEEn of FranCE, shE was born on April 13, 1519 in FlorEnCE and diEd in thE ChâtEau de Blois on January 5, 1589 at the agE of 69. ShE livEd in thE housE of Valois MEdici with hEr parEnts Lorenzo II de MédEci (fathEr) and MagdalEna de la Tour de AuvergnE (mothEr). Lastly, she was marriEd to HEnry II of FranCE. ShE is remEmbEred as onE of thE queEns who had thE most powEr in Europe in the 16th CEntury sinCE without her help her childrEn would not havE maintainEd thEir plaCE on thE thronE. ShE highlights this fact as thE “Era of CathErinE MEdici”. ANNE OF BRITTANY – 17TH CENTURY • Anne of Brittany was born on January 16, 1477 in thE castlE of thE DukEs of Brittany and diEd on DECEmbEr 30, 1513 in Blois, shE marriEd Louis XII, CharlEs VIII of FranCE and Maximilian I of Habsburg thrEE timEs. ShE too, shE had 5 childrEn namEd CharlEs Orlando, Claudia from FranCE, REnata, CharlEs and François from FranCE, finally, her parEnts arE Margarita dE Foix and FrancisCo II of Brittany. • Anne twiCE managEd to bE queEn consort of FranCE (that many womEn could not say that back thEn), latEr queEn consort of Naples and duchEss consort of Milan. ISABELLA OF GODIN - 18TH CENTURY • This charactEr CallEd IsabElla of Godin was a rEnownEd sCout in Ecuador by makE trips to Amazonia and writE about thosE ExpEriEnCEs in her books. • Born thE January 16th of 1728 in thE VirrEinato of PErusE and diEd in thE year 1792 in FranCE, his religion was catholiC, had somE parEnts callEd Pedro ManuEl GramEson Bruno and JosEfa Pardo and Figueroa in addition of a husband (JEan Godin dEs Odonais). NELLIE BLY – 19TH CENTURY • NelliE Bly was a AmeriCan journalist who it was the first person to bE rEportEr of thE invEstigativE journalism and advanCEd of thE underCovEr journalism. Also is writEr and businesswoman and evEn got bEat thE rECord in Eight days of givE thE return thE world. • Her born in Pennsylvania, U.S.A, the May 5th 1884 and died to causE of a pnEumonia to thE 67 years old thE January 27th 1922 in New York, United States. She was of nationality AmeriCan, nevErthelEss, livEd in Spain y was marriEd with Robert SEaman. VIRGINIA WOOLF – 20TH CENTURY • Thanks to thEir novEls and books shE it was a big rEfErrEr fEminist and modErnist of thE 20th CEntury bECausE many woman suffErEd many sexual abuses and shE it was hEr salvation. ShE suffErEd sEvEral dEprEssions and onE of thEy it was for thE death of his mother and the other rEason for the sExual abusEs to the throughout his lifE though got ovEr it having a mind hard y strong. • Born in thE yEar 1882 thE day January 25th in London, U.S.A and doEs thE day March 28th of 1941 to thEir 59 yEar old for Committing suicidE by drowning, livEd in thE Monk‘s HousE, had a nationality britannic, a AmEriCan languagE, a parEnts callEd LEsliE StEphEn and Julia PrinsEp StEphEn, a husband and a rElationship with LEonard Woolf and Vita SackvillE – West. Finally, studiEd at King’s CollEgE London. VERY THANKS VERY MUCH FOR PAYING ATTENTION TO ME.
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