KWARTALNIK NR 4 ROK 2018 Przegląd Konstytucyjny Komitet Redakcyjny Dr hab. Jerzy Ciemniewski, INP PAN Dr hab. Monika Florczak-Wątor, UJ (sekretarz redakcji) Prof. dr hab. Leszek Garlicki, UW Prof. dr hab. Mirosław Granat, UKSW Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Szmyt, UG Prof. dr hab. Piotr Tuleja, UJ (redaktor naczelny) Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Witkowski, UMK Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Wójtowicz, UWr Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Zajadło, UG Prof. dr hab. Marek Zubik, UW Rada Programowa Prof. Rainer Arnold, Prof. Carmela Melina Decaro, Prof. Kazimierz Działocha Prof. Ewa Gdulewicz, Prof. Marian Grzybowski, Prof. Gabor Halmai Prof. Maria Kruk-Jarosz, Prof. Xavier Philippe, Prof. Krzysztof Skotnicki Prof. Janusz Trzciński, Prof. Jan Wawrzyniak, Prof. Roman Wieruszewski Redakcja Mikołaj Małecki (redaktor prowadzący) Zofia Sajdek (redaktor językowy) Marek Sławiński (asystent) Projekty Typografia i skład: Wydawnictwo Kasper, www.wydawnictwokasper.pl Okładka i strona tytułowa: Marek Kapturkiewicz Współwydawcy Uniwersytet Jagielloński 31–007 Kraków, ul. Gołębia 24, www.uj.edu.pl Krakowski Instytut Prawa Karnego Fundacja 30–103 Kraków, ul. Tatarska 9/26, www.kipk.pl Kontakt [email protected] przeglad.konstytucyjny.law.uj.edu.pl Copyright © 2018 by Uniwersytet Jagielloński Wersją podstawową (referencyjną) czasopisma jest wersja drukowana. Nakład 100 egz. ISSN: 2544–2031 Przygotowanie artykułów dotyczących Ankiety konstytucyjnej zostało sfinansowane ze środków statutowych Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UJ przyznanych w konkursie DS 2017/2018 Przegląd Konstytucyjny nr 4/2018 Spis treści Studia i artykuły Prof. PW dr hab. Piotr Radziewicz Założenia badawcze i analiza statystyczna ankiety konstytucyjnej ............................5 Prof. UG dr hab. Marcin Michał Wiszowaty Postulaty zmiany Konstytucji RP z 1997 roku w odpowiedziach na ankietę konstytucyjną z 2017 roku .......................................................................... 26 Prof. UJ dr hab. Monika Florczak-Wątor Ocena Konstytucji RP w ankiecie konstytucyjnej – zalety obowiązującej regulacji ........................................................................................ 43 Prof. dr hab. Piotr Tuleja Podział władzy a problem nadmiernej koncentracji władzy w świetle Konstytucji ....................................................................................................... 59 Dr Michał Ziółkowski Moment konstytucyjny i polski kryzys konstytucyjny 2015–2018 (uwagi krytyczne) ............................................................................................................ 76 Wystąpienia Prof. dr hab. Marek Safjan O konstytucji w ujęciu konstytucyjnie wrażliwego prawnika ................................ 107 Recenzje, noty, sprawozdania Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Ankieta o Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej” (Kraków, 16 czerwca 2018 r.) – mgr Justyna Pyłko .................................................. 124 Sądownictwo konstytucyjne. Teoria i praktyka, red. Mirosław Granat, Warszawa 2018, ss. 213 – prof. dr hab. Andrzej Szmyt ........................................... 132 Sprawozdanie z XX Kongresu Europejskiego i Porównawczego Prawa Konstytucyjnego „Development of Constitutional Law through Constitutional Justice: Decisions and Their Impact on Constitutional Culture” (Gdańsk, 20–23 września 2018 r.) – dr Agnieszka Rytel-Warzocha, prof. dr hab. Andrzej Szmyt ......................................................................................... 135 Constitutional Review vol. 4/2018 Table of Contents Studies and articles Prof. PW Dr Habil. Piotr Radziewicz Working Assumptions and Statistical Analysis of the Constitutional Survey ..........5 Prof. UG Dr Habil. Marcin Michał Wiszowaty Proposals of Amendments to the Polish Constitution of 1997 in Responses to the 2017 Constitutional Survey ........................................................ 26 Prof. UJ Dr Habil. Monika Florczak-Wątor Evaluation of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in the Constitutional Survey – Merits of the Current Basic Law ............................. 43 Prof. Dr Habil. Piotr Tuleja Division of Power and the Problem of Excessive Concentration of Power in the Light of the Polish Constitution ......................................................................... 59 Dr Michał Ziółkowski Constitutional Moment and the Polish Constitutional Crisis 2015–2018 (a few Critical Remarks) ................................................................................................. 76 Speeches Prof. Dr Habil. Marek Safjan On the Constitution as Interpreted and Applied by the “Constitutionally Sensitive” Lawyer ................................................................ 107 Revies, notes, reports Report of the Conference “Survey on the Constitution of the Republic of Poland” (Cracow, June 16, 2018) – Mag. Justyna Pyłko ......... 124 Constitutional Judiciary. Theory and Practice, ed. Mirosław Granat, Warsaw 2018, pp. 213 – Prof. Dr Habil. Andrzej Szmyt.......................................... 132 Report of the 20. Congress of European and Comparative Constitutional Law “Development of Constitutional Law through Constitutional Justice: Decisions and Their Impact on Constitutional Culture” (Gdańsk, September 20–23, 2018) – Dr Agnieszka Rytel-Warzocha, Prof. Dr Habil. Andrzej Szmyt ..................................................................................... 135 STUDIA I ARTYKUŁY Piotr Radziewicz Working Assumptions and Statistical Analysis of the Constitutional Survey 1. Introduction The Constitution is a normative act of utmost significance for the system of government; it formulates the basics for the state and law; it is a foun- dation of individual liberties and rights. Therefore, any amendments to its provisions should be subject to careful consideration; they should be introduced with restraint and prudence. In the debate on the need to change the Constitution it is worth listening also to representatives of the academic community who are involved in constitutional research and have expert knowledge in this respect. A form of statement which al- lows for gathering and systematizing doctrinal positions and favours their clear presentation is a legal survey, which has a long and well established history in the Polish academic and political tradition.1 1 A model example of this type of project is the constitutional survey concerning the Constitution of 17 March 1921 carried out at the initiative of “Czasopisma Prawnicze i Ekonomiczne,” the re- sults of which were published in the brochure entitled Ankieta o konstytucji z 17 marca 1921 r., red. W.L. Jaworski, Kraków 1924 (reprint of the 1924 edition was published by Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warsaw 2014). In the interwar period also political surveys were organized, e.g. the survey of the Non-Partisan Bloc for Cooperation with the Government (BBWR) in 1928 or the constitutional survey organized under the patronage of the Marshal of the Sejm in 1931. Under the 1997 Constitution so far two surveys have been organized. The first one, in 2011, was carried out by the Institute of Public Affairs in Warsaw, while the other was organized by the Law and Justice party in 2018. Piotr Radziewicz There were several reasons justifying the timing of the survey in 2017. Firstly, the round anniversary of the coming into force of the 1997 Consti- tution2 induced recapitulations and reflections. The celebrations of the -an niversary were accompanied by a quite unexpectedly animated discussion in the course of which doubts were raised as to the topicality and merits of some constitutional solutions, while the political parties represented in the parliament and the incumbent President of the Republic of Poland even put forward postulates of concrete legislative amendments to the ba- sic law. All that had become a background for questionnaire surveys. Sec- ondly, within their own group, the originators of the survey shared a con- viction that representatives of science should once and again, in an orderly and comprehensive manner, diagnose the condition of the constitutional law and take a stance in this respect. Therefore, it seemed desirable to have the constitutionalists comment on how they assess the current Constitu- tion and whether they perceive any need for its modification, and if so, in what direction and to what extent. Thirdly, notwithstanding the social and political condition of the latter half of 2017, when one could already have an established view as to the bases and consequences of chang- es in the organization and procedures of the Constitutional Tribunal, and the transformations of the system of common courts and the Supreme Court gained momentum, facing the challenge of preparing a constitu- tional survey was also of importance for the development of the science of Polish constitutional law. Questionnaire interviews were so conceived so as to – on one hand – meet the criteria of scientific research, i.e. provide reliable and consistent results which could be subject to subsequent stud- ies and analyses, and on the other to remain free from party affiliations and political goals. Such a methodological approach and its anticipated results were a novelty in Polish legal literature of recent years. 2. Respondent selection criteria The group of respondents included a large group of constitutional law- yers institutionally involved in their field of interest. Personal invitations 2 The Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997, Dziennik Ustaw (Official Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland) 1997, No. 78,
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