Map 86 Paphlagonia Compiled by C

Map 86 Paphlagonia Compiled by C

Map 86 Paphlagonia Compiled by C. Foss, 1995 Introduction The map comprises ancient Paphlagonia, and extends into eastern Bithynia and the northernmost part of Galatia. Evidence for the ancient topography is most abundant on the coast, along the Roman roads, and in Galatia. Arrian’s Periplus Ponti Euxini (written c. A.D. 132), together with an earlier text by Menippus (c. 20 B.C.) and a related Late Antique anonymous work, describe the coast in great detail. Most of the sites named in these works can be located at least approximately, although a few resist identification; Müller’s commentary in GGM I remains valuable. For the Roman roads, ItMiller is uncritical; French (1981) is far more useful, but treats only one major road. The roads of Paphlagonia are presented in admirable detail by TIB Paphlagonien, those of northern Galatia likewise by TIB Galatien. The interior of Paphlagonia is a remote, mountainous country, cut off from the regions to the south by long, parallel ranges. Communication east and west is relatively easy; north and south, it is much more difficult. The country contains a few long, wide plains and river valleys, some of considerable fertility. In antiquity, the mountains were heavily forested. For the most part, the region was never densely populated. For a general description, see Leonhard (1915); and for an excellent account of some areas (including eastern Bithynia), with discussion of specific problems, note Robert (1980). RE Paphlagonia gives a full list of all named sites (cols. 2537-50) and of physical remains (2498-2510, 2515). Some features listed there do not appear on the map because of limited significance or uncertainty of dating. TIB Paphlagonien documents many minor sites such as unidentified villages, unlocated villages mentioned in inscriptions, and places attested only by Stephanus of Byzantium. Directory All place names are in Turkey Abbreviations IK 31 F. Becker-Bertau, Die Inschriften von Klaudiupolis, Bonn, 1986 INik S. Şahin (ed.), Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von Iznik (Nikaia), 4 vols., Bonn, 1979-87 TIB Galatien K. Belke, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 4, Galatien und Lykaonien, DenkWien 172, 1984 TIB Paphlagonien K. Belke, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 9, Paphlagonien und Honorias, DenkWien 249, 1996 Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference D2 Abonouteichos/ RL Inebolu TIB Paphlagonien 219-21; Ionopolis NPauly Abonuteichos B2 Acheron/ CH/ Limanbaşı Deresi RE Sonautes; Asheri 1972, 40-42; Soonautes fl. HR TIB Paphlagonien 208 B2 Acherousias Pr. CH Baba Burun RE Acherusia 2; TIB Paphlagonien 208 D2 Aday R?L? TIB Paphlagonien 155 *Agrippeia? = Krateia C2 Aigialos AHRL Karaağaç Limanı TIB Galatien 117-18; TIB Paphlagonien 158 E2 Aiginetes L Hacıveli TIB Paphlagonien 158-59 1218 MAP 86 PAPHLAGONIA Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference D2 Aiginetes fl. L Abana Deresi TIB Paphlagonien 158-59 E2 Akçasu R TIB Paphlagonien 159 C2 Amastris/ HRL/ Amasra RE 1; TIB Paphlagonien 161-70; NPauly 4 Sesamos AC D2 Amnias fl. HR Göksu RE; NPauly D3 Anadynata L near Kurşunlu TIB Paphlagonien 171-72 C4 Ancyra See Map 63 E2 Antikinolis RL opposite Kinolis TIB Paphlagonien 232-33 C3 Antoniopolis RL Çerkes TIB Paphlagonien 172 Apollonia Ins. = Thynias Ins. A3 Apsoda L S Çatak INik 2.1.17 B3 Araunia L SE Sykeon TIB Galatien 132 F1 Armene CRL Akliman RE A3 Artemis See Map 52 C3 *Artiknos R Yağmurdede Mitchell 1982, 146 C2 Asağı Güney H rock tomb Gall 1966, 103-104 E2 Assyria CH SW Sinope RE Leukosyroi Aulia=Metroon B3 Ayman Yaylası RL TIB Paphlagonien 175-76 B3 Balgatia L between Iuliopolis / TIB Galatien 137-38 Sykeon Bathys fl. = Hermos fl. A3 Bebrykes See Map 52 E3 Beşdut H rock tomb Gall 1966, 101-102 C2 Billaios fl. HRL Filyos Çay / Gerede Çayı / RE; Robert 1980, 176-81; Yenice Irmağı TIB Paphlagonien 178 A3 Bithynia See Map 52 B3 Bithynion/ HR/ Bolu RE; RE Claudiopolis 3; Claudiopolis/ RL/ TIB Paphlagonien 235-37 Hadriana R D2 Blaene R Kastamonu region TIB Paphlagonien 171 C3 Bloukion HR Karalar Lasserre 1981, 191; NPauly Blukion A3 Boane/ See Map 52 Sunonensis L. D4 Bolecasgus See Map 63 D2 *Bonita R Meğre TIB Paphlagonien 178-79 C3 Carus Vicus R Çukurören FOA VIII, 13; TIB Paphlagonien 121 (n. 22) A3 Çamdağ H Robert 1980, 5-10 E4 Cappadox? fl. R perhaps Delice Irmak RE Kappadox C2 Çavuşlar HR? settlement with tombs Leonhard 1915, 143-44; TIB Paphlagonien 182 C4 Cenaxis Palus See Map 63 A3 ‘Cenon Gallicanon’? R Göynük INik 2.1.19 A3 Ceratae L mansio at Beydili INik 2.1.19 (n. 66) B3 Çetikören RL TIB Paphlagonien 183-84 C2 Chele Pr. L Delikşile Burnu Belke 1992, 147 Claudiopolis = Bithynion B2 Çömlekçi R fortified settlement TIB Paphlagonien 204 E4 Corniaspa See Map 63 C2 Cytorus M. HR Kidros Dağ Robert 1980, 148-50; TIB Paphlagonien 140 (n. 12) A3 Dableis RL near Çayköy INik 2.1.17-19 B3 Dadastana L near Karahisar TIB Galatien 154; NPauly B3 Dadokome R near Köroğluderbend IK 31.104-105; TIB Paphlagonien 186 B2 Dadybra L Devrek Wittek 1935, 40; TIB Paphlagonien 186-87 Daphnousia Ins. = Thynias Ins. C3 Demirciler R TIB Paphlagonien 188 MAP 86 PAPHLAGONIA 1219 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference B3 Dereköy L TIB Paphlagonien 189 B2 Dia/ RL/ Akçakoca TIB Paphlagonien 189-90 Diospolis R NPauly 6 E2 Domanitis R lower Amnias valley TIB Paphlagonien 44, 171, 256 A3 Doris L Çayköy region INik 2.1.19 A4 Dorylaion See Map 62 D4 Ecobrogis/ See Map 63 Eccobriga B2 Elaios RL at mouth of Elaios fl. RE; TIB Paphlagonien 193 B2 Elaios fl. RL Kocaman Dere RE; TIB Paphlagonien 193 B3 Embolos R Beyköy Robert 1980, 107-15; TIB Paphlagonien 193-94 C3 *Endeira R Emrodere TIB Paphlagonien 194 C3 *Ergobrotis L Tiske TIB Galatien 235 C2 Eryth(r)inoi AHRL Çakraz RE; TIB Paphlagonien 194-95 E2 Euarchos/ RL/ Kabalı Çay RE 1; TIB Paphlagonien 43 Euechos fl. L B3 Fines L near Ericek TIB Galatien 164-65 Flaviopolis = Krateia B3 Galatia See Map 63 A3 Gallos fl. RL Mudurnu Çayı Şahin 1986, 125-29; TIB Paphlagonien 244, 271 D3 Gangra/ HRL/ Çankırı RE; RE Germanikopolis 2; Germanicopolis R Robert 1980, 203-19 D2 Garios RL Katırga TIB Paphlagonien 199-200 C3 Gebeler R? TIB Paphlagonien 201 Germanicopolis = Gangra C3 Gezatorigis R near Yeniçağa / Gerede Strobel 1994, 43 C4 Girmeç See Map 63 E2 Gökçeağaç RL TIB Paphlagonien 202-203 B3 Gökçesu R TIB Paphlagonien 203 C3 Gordiane L Krateia region Mitchell 1993 II, 135, 139; TIB Paphlagonien 204 B3 Gordioukome/ H/ Sarılar TIB Galatien 181-82 Iuliopolis RL Hadriana = Bithynion Hadrianopolis = Kaisareia D3 Halmyros fl. L Acı Çay TIB Paphlagonien 206 D4 Halys fl. See Map 87 F3 Hamamözü R Jerphanion 1914, 17-21 E2 Hambarkaya C rock tomb Gall 1966, 88-90 F2 Hambarkaya H rock tomb Gall 1966, 104-106 B2 Heraclea CHRL Ereğli PECS; TIB Paphlagonien 208-16 A4 Hermos/ See Map 62 Bathys fl. B3 *Hieronpotamon L below Tahir TIB Galatien 224 Siberis, 228 B3 Hieros/ R/ Girmir Çay RE; TIB Galatien 244 Siberis fl. L D2 Horma RL TIB Paphlagonien 216-17 A3 Hypios? M. R Kardüz Dağı Robert 1980, 64-65; TIB Paphlagonien 217-18 A3 Hypios fl. HRL Büyük Melen Su / Akarsu RE; Robert 1980, 63-64; TIB Paphlagonien 217-18 D3 Ikotarion? R Elecik TIB Galatien 178-79 C2 İlbarut RL site with graves TIB Paphlagonien 218 Ionopolis = Abonouteichos E3 İskilip C rock tomb Gall 1966, 91-97; TIB Paphlagonien 221-22 1220 MAP 86 PAPHLAGONIA Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference Iuliopolis = Gordioukome A3 Iustiniani Pons L Whitby 1985 C3 Kaisareia/ RL/ Çayırlı Mendel 1901, 6-13; RE Hadrianopolis 4; Hadrianopolis/ RL/ RE Proseilemmenitai 1; Proseilemmene R TIB Paphlagonien 63 E2 Kalekapı CHRL settlement and rock tomb Gall 1966, 13-57; TIB Paphlagonien 222-23 B2 Kales CRL Alaplı TIB Paphlagonien 223 B2 Kales fl. RL Alaplı Su TIB Paphlagonien 223 Kallichoros? fl.= Oxinas fl. Kallistratia? = Marsylla D3 Kalmizene R Malos region TIB Galatien 201 A2 Kalpe See Map 52 B3 Kandamış L TIB Paphlagonien 224 D3 Kandara? CHR Cendere TIB Paphlagonien 224 C2 Karakoyunlu HRL settlement with tombs TIB Paphlagonien 226 D1 Karambis HR Fakas? RE; TIB Paphlagonien 226-27 D1 Karambis Pr. HRL Kerembe burnu RE Karambis; TIB Paphlagonien 226-27 F2 Karousa/ See Map 87 Polichnion C3 *Karza R Köyceğiz TIB Paphlagonien 227 D2 Kastamonu C rock tomb Gall 1966, 65-68 A3 Katapaspanas R Yukari Kınık INik 2.1.18 C2 Kaukones AC between Tieion / RE Parthenios fll. C3 Kavacik R? Dörner 1952, 37, 57 B2 *Kelesa R Akkaya BE 1963.264 Kieros = Prusias ad Hypium B3 Kieros fl. H Küçük Melen Su Robert 1980, 63-64; TIB Paphlagonien 264 B2 Kilisecik RL 2.5 miles S Heraclea Asheri 1972, 50-59; TIB Paphlagonien 231 D3 Kimiata H Kurmalar, Ilgaz Kaygusuz 1983; TIB Paphlagonien 231-32 C3 *Kimista R Deresamail Kaygusuz 1982, 179; TIB Paphlagonien 232 E2 Kinolis RL Ginoğlu RE Kimolis; TIB Paphlagonien 232-33 E2 Kırktepeler AH 10 tumuli W RE Paphlagonia, col. 2504; Pompeiopolis TIB Paphlagonien 184 D2 Klimax RL Kazallı Belke 1992, 149; TIB Paphlagonien 237 D3 *Klossama R near Akçataş Mitchell 1982, 169-70 D3 *Kobara L Doğantepe TIB Paphlagonien 238 E2 Koloussa C Güllüsu TIB Paphlagonien 238 D3 *Konkarztiakon L Çiftlik Mitchell 1982, 173-76; BE 1987.487 C3 Krateia/ RL/ Gerede RE Flaviopolis 1; IK 31.73; Flaviopolis/ R/ TIB Paphlagonien 239-40 *Agrippeia? R § Kreteia B2 Krenides HRL Kilimli RE; TIB Paphlagonien 240-41 C3 Krentios RL near Girindos TIB Galatien 195 C2 Kromna ACHRL Tekeönü RE; TIB Paphlagonien 241-42 C2 Kurtoğlu R? TIB Paphlagonien 243 F2 Kyptasia RL near Eren Boğazı RE Paphlagonia, col.

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