INDEX Ballybogey, 73, 220 Adair, the surname, 97 Ballydivity, 99, 127, 128, 129, Aelach, 94, 95, 96 274 Agivey, 101 Ballygalley Castle, 254 Aiken, the surname, 97 Ballylinny, 43, 105, 121,134, Aird Snout, 218 223 Alba, 94 Ballylough House, 99 Ballylough, 125, 127, 128, 131, Albert, the Prince Consort, 120 132, 274 Alexander, Admiral JS, 157 Ballymagarry House, 99 Alexander, James, 220, 222, 232 Ballymena Observer, 152 Alexander, Jim and Dorothy, 16 Ballymoney-Ballycastle Railway, Alexander, Mrs of Garvagh, 204 128 Alexander, Rev Sam, 38, 42, 237 Ballytober, 220 Alexander, the surname, 97 Ballywillin, 38, 92 Anderson, Careen (Hopkins), 40, Banagher, 216 41 Bann, 101, 109, 155, 245, 248 Anderson, Colin Boal, 241 Barbarians, 56 Anderson, Gertie (Kane), 16, 18, 27, 42 Baronscourt, 119, 120 Anderson, Hugh, 112, 177 Barony of Cary, 90 Anderson, Nuala (Gordon), 40, 41 barony, 90, 91 Anderson, Sam, 16, 50 Barry‟s, 43 Bartlett, William Henry, 207, 208, Anderson, the surname, 97 214 Anderson, William, 112 Bassett, George Henry, 191 Ardihannon, 25, 35, 90, 91, 104, 105, 109, 115, 135, 170, 213, 236, Battenburg, Prince Louis of, 229 251 Battle of the Boyne, 58 Armoy, 92, 125, 223, 249, 250, Baxter, David, 153 268 Baxter, Jack, 102, 222 Atkinson, John (Lord Atkinson), Baxter, John and Astrid, 73 151, 159 Baxter, John, 102 Atlee, Clement, 54 Baxter, Noreen (Kane), 16, 236, Auld Lammas Fair, 154 271 aurora borealis, 264 Baxter, the surname, 97 baile, 90 Baynes, TM, 190 Bald, William, 110, 257, 258 Bayview Hotel, 272 Balfour, Gerald, Earl of Balfour, Beach Hotel, 272 145 Beamish, Cecil, 56 Ballintoy, 42, 65, 66, 92, 97, 99, Beamish, Charles Eric St John, 106, 110. 190, 249 55-56 Ballybogey House, 153, 156 Beamish, Francis George, 55 277 Beamish, Francis Victor, 55-57 Boyd, Hugh Alexander, 198 Beamish, Mary, 57, 58 Boyd, Knox, 220, 222 Beamish, Sir George Robert, 55-7 Boyd, the surname, 105 Beardiville, 72, 73, 99, 101, Boyd, Wilson, 219, 242 102, 143, 220, 223, 224 Bracken, Brendan (Lord Bracken Belfast Academical Institution, 63 of Christchurch), 54 Belfast Telegraph, 145 Bramwell, Sir Frederick Joseph, Bell, Artie, 237 131 Benadanir, 204 Brenther, 69, 79, 204, 205 Benandonner, 98, 155, 245 British Association, 166, 170, 174 Bengore Head, 69, 81, 193 British Lions, 56 Bennet, Ina, 256 British United Provident Association, 61 Bentfield, 274 Benvarden, 73, 99, 129, 132, 153, 156,Brontë, Charlotte, 83, 163 198 Brontë, Rev Patrick, 83 Bernhardt, Sarah, 118 Brooke, Sir Basil Stanlake (Lord Billy, 36, 90, 92, 101, 115, 116, Brookeborough), 53, 58 165, 187, 211, 220, 262, 274 Brunty, Rev Patrick, 83 Binguthar, 64, 66 Bulkeley, Sir Richard, 67 Bird, Annie, 18 Bulloch, Jack, 221 Bishops, 44 Burns, Jimmy, 40, 218, 237, 238 Bisset, Margery, 96 Burns, Rabbie, 53, 84 Black Bush, 242 Burns, the surname, 97 Black Rock House, 274 Bush, 37, 66, 103, 131, 216, 234, 249, 251, 253, 260 Blacker, Col William, 73, 104 Bushfoot Golf Club, 104, 134, 260, Blacker, Capt Henry, 72 271 Blacker, Eliza, 72, 73, 104 Bushfoot, 102, 179, 249, 260, 270 Blackrock Cottage, 209, 213, 274 Bushmills House, 72, 73, 74, 274 Blackrock Strand, 43, 91, 136, 275 Bushmills Inn, 79, 111, 112, 113 Blair, the surname, 97 Bushmills Public Elementary School, Blaquiere, Sir John, 75 43, 49 Blean, Barney, 272 Bushmills Station, 134 Bodie, Dr Flora, 28, 37, 54 Bustard, Constable Adam, 34 Boghill, 221 Cadogan, George Henry, 5th Earl Bohill, 221 Cadogan, 144, 148 Bonamargy, 99, 247, 248, 262 Cain, 108, 109 Boneyclassagh, 34 Cain, James (McCahan), 115 Bonnemaison, 18, 241 Cain, James, 109 Boswell, Sir James, 76 Camac, Pat, 221 Boyd, Col Hugh, 105, 108 Camac, the name, 221 278 Camac, Tom, 222 Chambré, John, 142 Camel‟s Rock, 205, 210 Chambré, William, 142 Campbell College, 56 Charles II, 177 Campbell, Agnes, 16 Chetwynd-Talbot, Lady, 145 Campbell, Angus junior, 16, 56, Chimney Tops, 68, 70, 148, 149, 265 188, 204 Campbell, Angus senior, 16 Christie, Col Jack CBE, 89,153, 221 Campbell, Hazel (Foreman), 16 Christie, Dan, 153, 232 Campbell, Hugh, 18 Christie, Daniel, 153 Carlyle, Thomas, 83 Christie, the surname, 97 Carnlough, 118 Churchill, Sir Winston Spencer, 54, Carnside, 25, 105, 108, 109, 205, 60, 118, App H 236 clachan, 274 Carrick-a-Rede, 196, 204 Clann Magnus na Buaise, 109, 125, Carrowreagh, 91, 236 266 Carson, TG, 153 Clayton, Charlotte, 69 Cary, barony of, 91 Clelland, Margaret, 16 Cary, Edward PC, 72 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 81 Cary, Letitia, 72 Clifden, Nellie, 117 Casement, Sir Roger, 259 Cloch na Fomoraic, 64, 66 Castle Lecky, 101 Close, SP, 45 Castlecat, 61 Coleman, William, 114, 133 Castlereagh, Viscount, 128 Coleman‟s Portrush Hotel, 133 Castlerock, 56, 57 Coleraine Academical Institution, 56 Causeway Case, 135, 141, 159, Coleraine Chronicle, 108, 142, 143, 163, 164, 166, 171, 174, 182, 144, 145, 150, 152, 154, 156, 160, 183, 184, 186, 192, 193 183, 258 Causeway Coast Walk, 261, 266 Colla Uais, 94 Causeway Coast, 249 Collonsay, 95 Causeway Fair, 154, 155, 171, Colvin, Robert, 213, 216, 264 178, 179 Colvin, the surname, 97 Causeway Hotel, 17, 18, 31, 42, Colvin, Willie, 216 44, 51, 60, 114, 122, 133, 135, Conal Caernach, 267 148, 153, 154, 169, 177, 179, Corbally, 220, 221, 223, 226, 227, 180, 190, 191, 195, 196, 197, 232 198, 199, 211, 215, 219, 233, corn crake, 32, 33 273 coupons, 15 Causeway House, 172, 173 Cramsie, Sandy, 221 Causeway School, 27, 49,140 Cramsies of O‟Harabrook, 221 Chaine, James, 129 Crookshank & Leech, 172 Chambré Hardman E, 142 Crookshank, CH, 142, 175 279 Crookshank, Leech and Davies, drontheims, 210 143 Drummond, Dr William Hamilton, Crookshank, Robert, 143, 227 190 Currie, John, 189, 192 Drummond, William Hamilton, Cushendun, 257, 258 62, 63, 64, 77, 80 Daguerre, Louis, 83 Drury, Susanna, 69, 70, 71, 79, 80, 110, 156, 165 Dalriada, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99 Dukes of Abercorn, 120 Daly, Dan, 273 Dulisk, 50 Daly, Fred, 270, 273 dulse, 155 Damhead, 220 Dundarave, 25, 61, 72, 73, 74, Davies, John M, 143 93, 103, 115, 129, 134 de Bouvet, Marie Anne, 192 Dunderawe, 99 de Cuellar, Capt Francisco, 66, Dundooan, 220, 227 254 Dungiven, 109 de Galway, Alan, 95 Dunkin, Capt Roberts, 104 de la Tocnaye, Jacques, 79 Dunkin, Col John, 104 de Leyva, Alonzo, 255 Dunkin, David, 104 de Mandeville, Hugelin, 94 Dunkin, Edmund, 104 de Mouchy, Princess, 118 Dunkin, John Henry, 104 de Valera, Eamon, 53 Dunkin, John, 102, 104 Delany, Mary, 73 Dunkin, Letitia, 72, 102, 103 Delany, Patrick, 73 Dunkin, Mr, 72, 73, 82, 102, 110, Dempsey, Charles, 183 190 Derry Sentinel, 146, 147 Dunkin, Rev Theodore Edward, 104 Derrykeighan, 61, 92, 221 Dunkin, Rev WM, 104 Dervock, 61, 106, 128, 177, 186, Dunkin, Sir William, 72, 102, 104 198 Dervock-Causeway railway line, Dunlop, the surname, 97 129 Dunluce Castle, 34, 45, 66, 94, 99, 102, 103, 148, 234, 250, 254 Desmarest, Nicolas, 71 Dunluce Presbyterian Church, 38, Diana, Princess of Wales, 132 42, 111 Dickson, Stewart, 183 Dunluce, 254 dioceses, 92 Dunmull, 218 Dobbin, Sammy, 34 Dunseverick Castle, 66, 108, 214, Donegal, 97 261 Douglas, David, 174 Dunseverick, 65, 91, 108, 193, Douglas, Doreen, 35 249 Douglas, Florence, 35 Earl Spencer, 127, 132 Douglas, Margretta, 35 Earls of Antrim, 96 Douglas, Marjory, 35 Ebric, 266, 268 280 Eccles, William, 153 gallowglasses, 35 Edward VII, 69, 117, 119, 229 Gamble, James Norris, 112 Edward VIII, 55 Gamble, Robert, 112 Elizabeth II, 116 Gamble‟s New Inn, 79, 112 emigrants, 83 Gault, James (Bobby), 213 English, Roy and Kayo, 16 Gault, Kate, 256 Eochaid Mann, 65 Gault, Sammy, 214 Evening Telegraph, 144 genealogical research, 90 Ewart, Lavens M, 159 George II, 69 Eyre-Chatterton, Hedges, 163, 169 George III, 63, 74, 93 Fair Head, 259, 260 George IV, 63, 145 Falkner, Max, 273 George V, 229 Farquharsons, 43, 44, 237 George V, 36, 44 Faull, Archibald, 183 George VI, 56 Fawcett‟s Hotel, 133 George, Mrs Rosetta, 274 Feigh Mountain, 91, 204, 253 Giant‟s Boot, 204, 246 Feigh, 91 Giant‟s Causeway Company Ferguson, Harry, 60 Limited, 142, 164 Festival of Britain, 233 Giant‟s Gateway, 169, 170 Ffrench, Louisa (Traill), 125 Giant‟s Grave, 213 Fingal‟s Cave, 81, 245 Giant's Eye Glass, 202 Finn M‟Cool, 46, 70, 82, 98, 141, Giant's Head, 246 155, 167, 169, 203, 204, 245, Gibson, Edward (Lord Ashbourne), 268 163 Fitzgerald, Mrs, 132 Gig-ma-gog's grave, 224 Florence, Hercules, 83 Gill, Ethel, 16 Forbes, Lady, 229 Girona, 66, 77, 79, 80, 148, 175, Forbes, Sir Charles, 229 178, 204, 253, 254 Forgey, the surname, 97 Glass, Johnny, 42, 213 Four Courts, 108, 163, 164 Glass, Willie, 113 Fox Talbot, William Henry, 83 Glenarm, 96 Francis Kane‟s Temperance Glenfinneaght, 95 Refreshment Rooms, 113, 120, Glens of Antrim, 257 251 Glens of Antrim, 64, 96, 101 Frederick III, 132 Glenshesk, 89, 262 French, Robert, 166 Glenvale, 220 Fullerton, Mrs, 39, 40 Glynn, 95 Gaelic, 29, 84 Gould, Anna, Princess de Sagan, Gages of Rathlin, 168 118 Gallow‟s Hill, 34 Graham, Nurse, 18 281 Grand Causeway, 59, 70, 83, 90, Hillyard, Stanley and Jessie, 16 109, 167, 171, 209, 212, 235 Hitler, Adolf, 37 Grant, Drummond, 156 Hoare, Sir Richard Colt, 79, 112 Gray, William, 180 horse car, 132 Green, William Alfred, 146, 180 House of Commons, 144 Greer and Hamilton, 153, 157, 164 Hunter, Dinky, 221 Greer, Elizabeth Jane (Traill), 131 Hunter, Frank, 221 Greville, Daisy, Countess of Hutchinson, Davy, 236, 264 Warwick, 118 Hutchinson, James, 195 Grey Man‟s Path, 259, 261 Hutchinson, Major-General CS, 131 Griffith’s Valuation, 92 Ingram, Miss, 18 guides, 35, 54, 63, 79, 110, 114, Inishtrahull, 79 142, 147, 154, 167, 169, 174, 176, 181, 182, 183, 188, 189, Irish News, 145
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