~[El~A NEWSLETTER News of the Language Problem and Esperanto as a Solution May-Jun 1988 Du Virinoj Elstaras IMaklng News This Issue Virinoj Jubileas ELNAConvention Report 1987 Virginia Stewart, ELNA Secretary, pro- vides us with an insightful look at ELNA's and Esperanto's advances dur- De Ellie Stein ingthe last yearin herofficialreport from last year's Convention in oor nation's capital. Membership ison therise and the Se vi bonŝance vizitis San Diego-n fanoj en ĉiu parto de la mondo. En League has never been in better health. dum la pasinta Jubilea Jaro, vi sendube Usono, S-ino Kohrs starigis kurson por Don't miss reading about the details! renkontis du virinojn, kiuj multe..If!9.P9.::::::::: :::::~~()j en la lernejoj, en la unua ĝis la SeePage 7 ~~:~Ŭ;~~a=E Letters to the Editor prezentu al vi la'y:~jj(kiuj ja servas la akceptita, kaj lif:::~tif.1Wojnun povas A new and exciting addition to theNews- movadon en <ij:j@($finanieroj. paroli kaj skribi siffip.ltj~t,Esperantajn letter is a Letters section. It gives oor Unue, n:l,@'}}f9IilS priskribi S-inon frazojn. Fakte, kelkaltmĝntoj faris readers a chance to voice their concerns, Beatrice P41=l.i.fkiuantaŭ nelonge lernis pentraĵojnpri siaj klaso-spf.m>-j. ideas, complaints, and even their praises la lingvQl:kPj kiu, post tiu lernado, ne S-ino Kohrs nun finis te!itj{l7bendon to otherELNA members andELNA offi- nur sidi#&lJdubkunvenoj, sed iĝis tute pri siaj klasoj, en kiu oni pQfii::~ŭdila cers. Read-and most of an contribute! aktiva '-tiP. laboro dum la Jubilea Jaro. studantojn paroli pri kaj en·:'I~mranto. See Page 8 La celgJMtS-inoAcers estas la disvasti- Oni ankaŭ aŭdas bonhumotWI:}prigi- gadod.!1M>erantoal ĉiucivitanoenĉitiu nalajn kantojn komponitajn '=tfJtl en- urbo.I.rm:poŝimempreparisekspozicion tuziasma kaj afabla Charlotte JiiNjS. Duden Is Here! pri E~to nun troveblan en multaj Antaŭ nelonge ŝi instigis $.ji} Die- David Jordan, one of Esperanto's best bibliotti.gJ de San Diego. ganojn, Janicon kaj Johanon 4.son, and most exciting reviewers, takes a de- La mW':lVaĵotre bone allogas preter- fari sonbendon, "Kantu kun 19b kaj tailed look at a long-awaited publica- pasant(iiWl.ajinstigas multe da intereso Johano," porlaĝuo de geinfan,ĝjmfkaŭla tion-the Duden Esperanto dictionary- pri la lij:mfflaciaLingvo. S-ino Acers mondo. Kohrs ofertas ĝin ~#MlIuistoj a picture lexicon of the obscore and the preparis::t.jnm.traĵ-tablonkaj, sur tiu, oni kiuj interesiĝas. Bonvoh,J.@}ltibial: technical from Canada's Esperanto trovas lib~Wj~ gazetojn, kaj bildojn pri Kohrs, c/o Infanoj Cir~f.[:]j:::-Mondo, Press. A fascinating review. UEA-kongt§§iJalj pri la aktivoj de la 3876 Belmont Ave., ~:}'iego, CA See Page 9 ~=~~~~:k:::~~;j~~-~ti~~ ln This Issue Book Survey-part 2 6 ::~3~:.;,:::~~t:~!!JI~ii!I·:::::::·:iil':I~!~!~~:!~:~~~ mulojn, "sed faru unu paŝon pli-Iem~:: ::Vencionde la Eduka FondaĵoCarson, en Esperanto Online Esperanton! Kaj lernu ĝin ĉitie, en SaQi ::::1}algario,Kanado, por la daŭrigadode ĉi 6 Diego!" ·······),1unova ideo. ******** i:~~~M~ por la organizoĵusformiĝis, Se usonano S-ino Charlotte:i.l;~ijK91#j~n la rolo de prezidanto. Sia Expanded Calendar 12 tas ne nun konata, tiu fakiO:bIDifutigravaCelonun estas trovi sufiĉanmonon ŝanĝiĝos.!por ke ĉitiu "nova bebo" travivu. Kohrs fondis novan organizon dum la:?/ Vere, S-ino Kohrs estas rimarkinda And Much, Much More to pasinta jaro, nomita INF ANOJ/Mirino. Vere,ŝikaj S-inoAcersplidisvas- CIRKA 0 LA MONDO. Per tiuŝiinten~Yigas rekonon kaj honoron por Esperanto Delight and Inform You! cas disvastigadi Esperanton inter gein- dum sia Jubilea Jaro. The ELNA Newsletter 1 E o I T 0 R IAL The question of what should be in- "Loke-Fake-Persone" column in the I minority of our memhers, I will publish cluded in the Newsletter, and what magazine Esperanto. I feel that a column it, with my own apology or refutation should he excluded, is a difficult one. devoted to UEA is necessary since, al- appended. In any case, I will respond to it Perhaps I should ask the opinion of you, though perhaps some of our memhers by letter. the readers. don't know it, each and every one is What to include is really not such a through his/her memhership in ELNA an A few words on another topic. It is a difficult problemo There are some tradi- associate memher of the international regrettabIe (and, to me, incomprehen- tional items that defmitely deserve alI the organization. sible) fact that Esperanto is currently space we can give them. As you have I also have an unbridled desire to have making its greatest strides in those coun- seen, I've continued the "Newsbriefs" in this magazine a regular letter column. tries whose citizens can participate in the column. This month's, I fear, is rather That will depend largely on you. international Esperanto movement only meager. I suspect that more letters and The question "what shouId he ex- with the greatest difficulty. The problems articles about Esperanto than this have cluded?" has raised its ugly head several involved are occasionally political but, appeared, and I have simply failed to times recently. I have been advised in the more often today, economic: the Iocal receive them from you. ELNA does not, past that a large numher of correspon- Esperanto-speakers cannot afford to pay unfortunately, use a clipping service to dence requests from Iron Curtain coun- dues, buy books, subscrihe to magazines recover every article that mentions Espe- tries, only slightly leavened by similar ... and even if they could, nationallaws ranto; we depend almost completely requests from the West, might alienate make it impossible for them to send the upon you, our readers. some potential Esperantists by giving money abroad. This is the case not only (That some readers are indeed looking them the impression that the whole thing for Iron Curtain countries but also for out for such material is demonstrated by is a Communist pIot. On the other hand I many Third World countries of alI politi- the numher of copies of the article in The recently received an encomium to Espe- cal and socioeconomic persuasions. So Plain Truth that I have received.) ranto which included a numher of reli- we find, forexample, theanomalous situ- The "Volas Korespondi" column will gious overtones; my immediate thought ation in China which, with haIf a million defmitely continue, for reasons outlined was, how wouId those of our memhers speakers of Esperanto, has 97 individual in the last issue' s editorial. The "Re- who are atheists and free-thinkers react to memhers of UEA. gional Report" deserves more space than thi?s. There are ways in which we can helpo we have been giving it, and once again I The answer, of course, is that ELNA is Those of us who have friends in such depend upon those of you working for a neutral organization and its Newsletter places can contribute their annual mem- Esperanto locally to keep me advised of is a neutral organo But neutrality does not herships in UEA; this is not as expensive what's going on. That there are activities mean that we must avoid any subject that as it Iooks at first sight, since for many occurring can he seen from, for example, may prove controversial; quite the con- such countries UEA charges only about Sherry Wells' letter in this issue. Re- trary, itmeans that, so long as thatsubject half the price of a memhership for an memher: unless you let me know what' s is raised in the context of the language American. Ifwe don't have such friends happening, Northern California will problem and Esperanto as a solution, ourselves, a small donation to one of continue to get the most space, since I we must not avoid it. I can and will UEA' s funds established for the purpose have a local informant-namely my- exclude would-he pen pals who write in would helpo We may also arrange, either self!- who always keeps me advised of English and want to correspond exclu- individually or as groups, for local Esper- local affairs. sively in English; but I will not exclude antists to he provided with worthwhile A new column, "From the Central anyone who wants to correspond in Espe- reading materials; I recently found in Office," will also continue. Its purpose is ranto (or Esperanto and English), no Saluton! the monthly newsletter of the to keep the membership advised of the matter where he/she comes from. I will Chicago Esperanto-Society, a notice activities of the ELN A C.O. If you have exclude articles whose only purpose is to about a potluck heing held to raise money feedback for this column, please send it promote Catholicism or atheism; but I for just this purpose, and the ELNA C.O. directly to Mark Stephens at the C.O. will not exclude articles written about, is now working on a pIan to make pack- Additional columns that will definitely for instance, the value of Esperanto for ages of reading materials available to have a place in the Newsletter are "News Catholicism or atheism. third-world Esperanto groups at the re- from Abroad," "UEA," and the travel If you a<; a member take issue with questoflocal U.S. grOUPSwho would pay column on the back page. The travel anything published in this Newsletter for them. column is provided regularly by the you have, of course, a perfect right to Esperanto Vojaĝ-Servo; material from complain, preferably by letter. If I think Please give this matter some thought "News from Abroad" comes from a your complaint is valid or, even if invalid, and Iet me or Mark Stephens at the Cen- number of sources, most notably the reflects the opinion of at least a small tral Office know what you think about it.
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