CHURCH OF ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION CLEVELAND, OH TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY Last Sunday’s Offering: $4,462.00 Church Needs: $100 in memory of Christian Chermely from IN ORDINARY TIME Josephine Chermely The Following in Memory of Paul Borstnik: $150 from Frank & October 18, 2020 Christine Vidmar, $100 from Frank Vidmar, $100 from Tom & Julie Perovsek, $100 from Paul & Cecelia Kosir, $30 from FAMILY PERSPECTIVE. Differences are inevitable in Edward Veider, $30 from Zdravko & Andrea Novak, $25 from family life. But don’t be like the Pharisees in today’s John & Mary Zupancic, $25 from Anne Nemec, $25 from Mark Gospel; who were trying to trap Jesus. They did not care & Martina Jakomin, $40 from Dusan Marsic, $50 from Edward about the truth. They just wanted to win! To be right! Peace & Sonja Mejac, $50 from Veronica Petric, $50 from Emily Slemc, $30 from Anthony & Theresa Rus, $50 from John & Toni can exist only when we pursue the truth with love and Srsen, $50 from Mark & Joanne Celestina, $50 from Stephen & without ulterior motives. This is something for us to ponder Marie Engstrom, $50 from Mari Celestina, $50 from Anton & as a nation as we draw near to our national election. Marija Adamic, $50 from Joseph Kosir, $50 from Sophie Kosem, $50 from Matija & Breda Loncar, $50 from Marie Lah, $80 cash WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. Today, October 18th, from friends, $30 from Calvin & Camille Schroeck, $250 from Catholics throughout the world unite in prayer and sacrifice Aura Oslapas & Bob Arko, $20 from Joanna Pope & Millie in support of our missionaries who proclaim the Gospel of Zupancic, $25 from Eric & Antonia Snyder Jesus Christ. This year’s theme is “Here I am. Send me!” Your generosity to the Parish is appreciated! Through our Baptism into Christ Jesus, we are all called to share in the Church’s great work in the missions of Africa, POPPY SALE. Members of St. Vitus Catholic War Asia, Latin America and even here in North America. Veterans Post 1655 will be at our parish next weekend, Please be very generous in the support of the missions, both October 24th & 25th, to sell poppies to provide funds for with your prayers and your financial offerings. activities and Christmas gifts for homeless veterans at the Cleveland Veterans Hospital complex. 100 percent of DON’T FORGET THAT OCTOBER IS THE MONTH donations are used to help the veterans. Your support and OF THE HOLY ROSARY AND RESPECT LIFE. Pray donations are a reminder that our veterans in need are not the Rosary daily, meditating on the Joyful, Luminous, forgotten. Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries of this most powerful prayer as we beseech our Lord Jesus through the prayers of THIS WEEK’S SAINTS. Isaac Jogues, born in 1607 to a his most holy Mother Mary in bringing the people of our well to do French family in Orleans, joined the Jesuits and country, especially our leaders, to a greater awareness of was sent as a missionary to Quebec to work with the Huron the precious and yet, fragile gift of human life from Indians. He was captured by the Iroquois, the traditional conception to natural death. Pray fervently for the enemies of the Hurons, along with a group of other Jesuits. strengthening of a culture of life in our society. He endured a year of terrible torture and mutilation, including losing several fingers that had been cut, chewed PATRIOTIC ROSARY. We will gather to pray the off, and burnt. Pope Urban give him permission to offer Rosary on Wednesday, October 21st at 6:30 p.m. in the Mass with his mutilated hands saying, “It would be church for the welfare of our nation. Considering the shameful that a martyr for Christ be not allowed to drink turmoil and division brought on by so much dishonesty and the blood of Christ.” With the aid of the Dutch near vitriol, it is good to pray together in peace for he good of Albany, New York, he managed to escape, but 2 years later our country, especially before our upcoming election. he returned to work among the Iroquois. He and Jean de Lalande were captured by a Mohawk war party who BLANKET SUNDAY. During October we will be tomahawked and beheaded Isaac Jogues on October 18, collecting cash donations to help the Diocesan St. Vincent 1646. Lalande was killed the next day at Ossernenon, a de Paul Society to provide blankets, bedding and other village near Albany New York. John de Beubref also necessary supplies for the homeless during the cold winter worked tirelessly among the Indians of Canada. He saw months. Your donation will be used to make bulk 7,000 people converted to Christ before his death at the purchases. Please place your donation in a plain envelope hands of the Iroquois in 1649 at Sainte Marie, near marked “Blanket Sunday.” This year, because of Covid-19, Georgian Bay, Canada. Through the faith and heroism of donations can also be made securely online at https:// these North American Martyrs, the Catholic faith was www.svdpcle.org/donate-today/blanket-sunday/. firmly planted among the Native Americans. 8 North Your generosity will bring warmth to many needy people American Jesuit martyrs (Isaac Jogues, Jean de Lalande, this winter. Rene Goupil, John de Breubeuf, Anthony Daniel, Gabriel TODAY’S PSALM RESPONSE: Lalemant, Charles Garnier and Noel Chabanel) were canonized in 1930 by Pope Pius XI. “Give the Lord glory and honor.” TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 18, 2020 DANES JE 29. NAVADNA NEDELJA. Masses for the Week of October 19-25, 2020 DRUŽINSKA PERSPEKTIVA. V družinskem življenju so Monday: (10/19) STS. JOHN DE BREBEUF razlike neizogibne. Toda ne bodite podobni farizejem v AND ISAAC JOGUES (Priests and današnjem evangeliju, ki so poskušali ujeti Jezusa v past. Ni jim Companions, Martyrs) bilo mar za resnico. Želeli so samo zmagati! Da bi imeli prav! Mir lahko obstaja le če resnico iš čemo z ljubeznijo in brez 7:45 a.m. Ani Zajec (30 Day) skrivnih motivov. O tem moramo razmišljati kot narod, ko se Tuesday: (10/20) ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS približujemo nacionalnim volitvam. (Priest) NEDELJA ODEJ. Oktobra bomo nabirali denarne prispevke za pomo č 7:45 a.m. Danica Ujcic-Mitevski (Sandy Zrelc) škofijskemu društvu sv. Vincencija de Pavla da lahko poskrbijo za odeje, Wednesday: (10/21) WEEKDAY posteljnine in druge potrebš čine za brezdomce v hladnih zimskih 7:45 a.m. Anne Konte and Family mesecih. Z vašim prispevkom bodo lahko kupovali v ve čjih koli činah. Prosimo, da svoje prispevke položite v navadno kuverto z napisom (Annemarie Konte) "Blanket Sunday". Letos lahko zaradi Covid-19 donacije varno dajemo Thursday: (10/22) ST. JOHN PAUL II (Pope) tudi na spletu na https://www.svdpcle.org/donate-today/blanket-sunday/. 7:45 a.m. Ivan Kavaš, Jr. (Elizabeth Zalik & Vaša velikodušnost bo to zimo prinesla toploto mnogim ljudem v stiski. Family) NEDELJA SVETOVNIH MISIJONOV . Danes, 18. oktobra, se Friday: (10/23) ST. JOHN OF CAPISTRANO katoli čani po vsem svetu združujemo v molitvi in žrtvovanju v (Priest) podporo našim misijonarjem, ki oznanjujejo evangelij Jezusa Kristusa. Letošnja tema je "Tukaj sem. Pošlji me!" Skozi krst v 7:45 a.m. Luka & Ivana Burjek (Ani & Tone Kristusa Jezusa smo vsi poklicani, da sodelujemo pri velikem Medved) delu Cerkve v misijonih Afrike, Azije, Latinske Amerike in celo Saturday: (10/24) ST. ANTHONY MARY tu v Severni Ameriki. Bodite zelo radodarni pri podpori CLARET (Bishop) misijonov, tako s svojimi molitvami kot s finan čnimi ponudbami. 7:45 a.m. Mary Zagar (Ron & Alice Zagar) NE POZABITE, OKTOBER JE MESEC ROŽNEGA VENCA IN 12:00 noon Wedding/Zudic & Clutter SPOŠTOVANJA ŽIVLJENJA. Molite rožni venec dnevno in 5:00 p.m. Deceased Members of Kretic & Marino premišljujte o veselih, svetlih, žalostnih in častitljivih skrivnostih te posebno mo čne molitve, ko prosimo našega Gospoda Jezusa z molitvami Families (Karen & Joe Marino) njegove presvete Matere Marije, da ljudi naše države, zlasti naše Sunday: (10/25) THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN voditelje, pripelje do ve čje zavedanje dragocenega in hkrati krhkega daru ORDINARY TIME človeškega življenja od spo četja do naravne smrti. Gore če molite za 8:00 a.m. Parishioners krepitev kulture življenja v naši družbi. SVETNIKI TEGA TEDNA. Izak Jogues, rojen leta 1607 v premožni 10:00 a.m. Deceased Members of Kosem Family francoski družini v Orleansu, se je pridružil jezuitom in bil poslan kot (Daughter, Sophie Kosem) misijonar v Quebec, da bi delal z indijani Huroni. Ujeli so ga Irokezi, 12:00 noon Peggy Mochan (Jo Ann Shenkel) tradicionalni sovražniki Huronov, skupaj s skupino drugih jezuitov. Preživel je leto strašnega mu čenja in pohabljanja, vklju čno z izgubo ve č Please Pray for Our Sick: Rev. William Jerse, prstov, ki so bili odrezani, odgriznjeni in ope čeni. Papež Urban mu je dal Brenda Prebevsek, Tom McNulty, George Rozman, dovoljenje za maševanje s svojimi pohabljenimi rokami, reko č: "Bilo bi Tim Petric, Zdravko Novak, Rita Morel sramotno, če Kristusov mu čenik ne bi smel piti Kristusove krvi." S pomo čjo Nizozemcev blizu Albanyja v New Yorku mu je uspelo DEDICATED SENIOR MEDICAL CENTER, located at pobegniti, a dve leti kasneje se je vrnil na delo med Irokeze. Njega in Jeana de Lalandeja je ujela vojaška stranka Mohawk, ki je 18. oktobra 15105 St. Clair Ave., Collinwood, offers VIP care to seniors. 1646 "tomahavkala" in odsekala glavo Izak Joguesu. Lalande je bil This past week I, along with Fr. Marty of Holy Redeemer and naslednji dan ubit v Ossernenonu, vasi blizu Albanyja. John de Brebeuf Councilman Mike Polensek, had a tour of the facility and we je tudi neutrudno delal med kanadskimi Indijanci.
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