THE MEANING OF SAM‘, BAṢAR AND FU’ĀD IN THE QUR’AN (Semantic Approach) THESIS Submitted to Ushuluddin Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of S-1 of Islamic Theology on Tafsīr Ḥadīth By: IKFINA BIHA RIDA NIM: 104211024 SPECIAL PROGRAM OF USHULUDDIN FACULTY ISLAMIC STATE UNIVERSITY (UIN) WALISONGO 2015 A THESIS STATEMENT I certify that this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for content of this thesis. Other writer‟s opinions or findings included in the thesis are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards. Semarang, January 9, 2015 The Writer, Ikfina Biha Rida NIM. 104211024 ii ADVISOR APPROVAL Dear Sir, Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin Assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb After Correcting it to whateverState extent Islamic necessary, University we state that this final project belongs to a student as below: (UIN) Walisongo Semarang Name : Ikfina Biha Rida NIM : 104211024 Department : Tafsīr Ḥadīth (TH)/Qur‟ān and Ḥadīth Studies Title : The Meaning of Sam„, Baṣar and Fu‟ād Is ready to be submitted in joining the last examination. Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb. Semarang, January 9, 2015 Advisor I Advisor II Dr. H. Abdul Muhayya, MA Dr. H. Hasyim Muhammad, NIP. 19621018 199101 1 001 M.Ag NIP. 19621018 199703 1 002 iii RATIFICATION This paper was examined by two experts and passed on January 23, 2015. Therefore, this paper is accepted as one of requirements for fulfilling Undergraduate Degree of Islamic Theology. Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin Chairman of Meeting Dr. M. Muhsin Jamil, M.Ag NIP. 197002151997031003 Academic Advisor I Examiner I Dr. H. Abdul Muhayya, M, Dr. Zainul Adfar, M.Ag. Ag NIP. 19730826200212 1 002 NIP. 19621018 199101 1 001 Academic Advisor II Examiner II Dr. H. Hasyim Muhammad, Dr. Muhyar Fanani, M. Ag M.Ag NIP. 19730314200112 1 001 NIP. 19621018 199703 1 002 Secretary of Meetting Dr. H. Muh. In’amuzzahidin, M.Ag NIP. 19771020 200312 1 002 iv MOTTO “it is He who brought you forth from the wombs of your when ye knew nothing; and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and that ye may give thanks to Allah” (Q.S. An-Nahl, 78) v DEDICATION The thesis is dedicated to My Mom and Dad My Sister and Brother And everyone who always Thankful to God vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT بســــــــم اهلل الرحــــــــــمن الرحــــــــيم Praises and thanks to Allāh, Who had guided me to finish this thesis. May Sholawat and salam to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) messenger of Allāh, with all respect. I gave title on this thesis: “The Meaning of Sam„, Baṣar and Fu‟ād in the Qur‟an (Semantic Approach)”, for submitted to the Faculty of Ushūluddin in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Undergraduate degree in Islamic Theology ((Tafsīr Hadīth) I would like to extend my deep appreciation to all those who have assisted me during my graduate studies at State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo Semarang. Best regard to Dr. Abdul Muhayya as caretaker of Ma‟had Ulil Albab for Special Program Of Ushuluddin Faculty, thanks for give me inspiration and motivation as well as my father. Furthermore, My special thanks go to Dr. H. Abdul Muhayya, MA, and Dr. H. Hasyim Muhammad, M.Ag as my academic advisors, who have given me guidance and encouragement. I get benefit greatly from their constructive criticism. Additionally, many sincere thanks go to all my lectures that taught and educated me during my studies. And all officials of Ushuluddin Faculty UIN Walisongo Semarang. Certainly, I also ould like to express my special gratitude to my my parents Imam Sughrowardi and Rizkiyah who continuously encourage and motivate me through their du‟a and advices, and to my extended family, especially M. labibul Azza, Ayyana Shofa and my little brother Marwan who support my academic ambitions. This simple expression really cannot describe the depth of my feeling. Thanks to you, who is in a secret name, Thanks full for the time to teach me every things about life. Last but not least, I would like to thank to my friends from 6th FUPK “Tambah Sayang”, all member of “Tambah Sayang” girl boarding house (Hanik, Anik, Daris I‟ah, Yulaily, Faiq, Islah, Dewi, I‟im, Arum, Atiqoh, Tari, Elvin, Maulida, Maida, Atik, Emi, Lu‟lu‟) vii and the big family of FUPK who supported me to keep my spirit in finishing this thesis and always inspire me to do better. Furthermore, I hoped to Allāh gave reward in return for a helping hand from any parties which could not mention one by one. Jazākumullāh Khairal Jazā‟. Amīn. Finally, I was conscious of short of this thesis. I beg of the constructive criticism for repairing later and i hope this paper could benefit especially for me and generally to another person. Semarang, 9 January 2015 The Writer Ikfina Biha Rida viii TRANSLITERATION1 Table 1: Transliteration Table: Consonants Arabic Roman Arabic Roman b ṭ t ẓ th ʿ j gh ḥ f kh q d k dh l r m z n s h sh w ṣ ʾ ḍ y 1 Retrieved on 9 January 205from http://rotas.iium.edu.my/?Table_of_Transliteration ix Table 2: Transliteration Table: Vowels and Diphthongs Arabic Roman Arabic Roman an َ ا، َ ى a َ un َ و u َ in َ ي i َ aw َ وْ ā َ ا، َ ، َ ى، ay َ يْ ū َ و uww, ū in final) َ وّ ī َ ي position) iyy, ī in final) َ يّ position) x TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE OF TITTLE . ............................................................... i A THESIS STATEMENT ..................................................... ii ADVISOR APPROVAL ...................................................... iii RATIFICATION .................................................................... iv MOTTO.. ............................................................................... v DEDICATION ....................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT ... .................................................. vii TRANSLITERATION ........................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................... xi ABSTRACT ........................................................................... xiii CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background .......................................... 1 B. Research Question ................................ 10 C. Aim and Significance of Research ....... 11 D. Prior Research ..................................... 11 E. Research Methods ................................ 11 F. System of Writing ................................ 15 CHAPTER II: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SEMANTIC A. The Definition of Semantic .................. 19 B. Semantic as approach in Qur‟anic interpretation ........................................ 26 C. The Urgent of Semantic Approach in Qur‟anic ............................................... 35 CHAPTER III: THE VERSES OF SAM„, BAṢAR AND FU‟ĀD IN THE QUR‟AN A. Verses of Sam„, Baṣar and Fu‟ād....... 38 B. Asbāb al-nuzūl of Verses Sam„, Baṣar and Fu‟ād ........................................... 41 C. Sam„, Baṣar and Fu‟ād in a Series and Explanation of Mufassir ...................... 82 xi CHAPTER IV: SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF SAM„, BAṢAR AND FU‟ĀD IN AL-QUR‟AN A. The Meaning of As- Sam„. .................. 100 1. Basic Meaning of Sam„ .............. 100 2. Relational Meaning of Sam„. ....... 101 a. Sam„ Shows the Characteristic of Allah ......................................... 101 b. Sam„ related with human sense. 103 B. The Meaning of Baṣar ......................... 106 1. Basic Meaning of Baṣa .................. 106 2. Relational Meaning of Baṣar. ........ 107 a. Baṣar indicates the Characteristic of Allah ................................... 107 b. Baṣar that rely on the Humankind.. ............................ 109 C. The Meaning of Fu‟ād.......................... 113 1. Basic Meaning of Fu‟ād. ............... 113 2. Relational Meaning of Fu‟ād. ........ 114 D. Weltanschauung or Worldview ........... 122 E. Relationsh of Three term in a Series. .... 123 1. Sam„, Baṣar and Fu‟ād Grateful. 124 2. Sam„, Baṣar and Fu‟ād Responsibility.. .............................. 128 CHAPTER V: EPILOGUE A. Conclusion ........................................... 134 B. Suggestions .......................................... 136 APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY xii ABSTRACT Keywords: Sam„,baṣar and fu‟ād , Semantic Al-Qur‟an Sam„, baṣar and fu‟ād in the Qur‟an are the unique word. Sometime, these three words are mentioned stand alone in verse, sometime in a series. They mentioned in a series in six verses, there are An-Nahl: 78; al- isro‟:36; sajdah: 9; mu‟minun:78; al-ahqaf: 26; al-mulk: 23. In this case, the writer try to analysis the meaning of Sam„,baṣar and fu‟ād by applying semantic approach. According to this approach, there are two kinds of meaning; basic meaning and relational meaning. The basic meaning of sam„ is hearing. While the relational meaning of sam„ is divided in two categories. First, sam„ shows the characteristic of Allah. Second, sam„ relates to human sense. It has some meanings, There are: 1) Sam„ means hearing; 2) Sam„ shows the activity of hearing; 3) Sam„ means understanding. The basic meaning of baṣar means vision. And the rational meaning is divided in two categories. First, baṣar indicates the Characteristic of Allah. Second, baṣar that rely on the Humankind. It has some meanings, there are: 1) Baṣar means “the body part that use to see (eye) and its power”; 2) Baṣar means “the power of heart to reach something; 3) Baṣar means “ma‟rifah and tahaqquq”;4) Baṣar means “teaching” (ibrah) ;5) Baṣar means “witness” ;6) Baṣar means “clear”; 7) Baṣar means “luminous”. Also fu‟ād has basic meaning, the flame heart. While
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