What’s happening in the NORTH2007 WEST? Sport, recreation and physical activity opportunities for older adults. Message from the Minister Being active is important at every stage of life and age is certainly no barrier to staying active. An active community enjoys many physical, economic and VRFLDOEHQH¿WV$PRQJWKHVHEHQH¿WVDUHDQLPSURYHG quality of life, reduced risk of health problems and more community involvement. The Department of Economic Development, through Sport and Recreation Tasmania, aims to create opportunities for all 7DVPDQLDQVWRHQMR\WKHEHQH¿WVRIDQDFWLYHOLIHVW\OH The What’s Happening in the North West? booklet provides many ideas for older adults to be active and social in their local area, whether it be gardening, playing golf or tennis, joining in aqua aerobics or playing scrabble. This book has something to suit a wide range of interests and abilities. I encourage you to take advantage of this great resource and join the growing number of Tasmanians taking up the challenge to ‘Get Moving’. Michelle O’Byrne, MHA Minister for Community Development Table of contents 1 AEROMODELLERS ...................... 3 KITE FLYING ............................... 55 AQUA AEROBICS ......................... 3 ARCHERY ..................................... 4 LANDCARE ................................ 56 LAPIDARY CLUBS ...................... 57 BADMINTON ................................. 5 BOWLS - INDOOR BIAS ............... 6 MACHINE KNITTING .................. 58 BOWLS- LAWN ............................. 8 MINERAL CLUB .......................... 59 BRIDGE ....................................... 10 MUSIC - BANDS ......................... 60 BUSH WALKING ..........................11 MUSIC - ORCHESTRA ............... 62 CAMERA CLUBS ........................ 12 ORGANIC FARMING .................. 63 CAM RETIREES .......................... 12 ORIENTEERING ......................... 63 CHAT ‘N’ CHOOSE ..................... 14 CHESS ........................................ 15 PAINTING .................................... 64 CHOIRS ....................................... 16 PENSIONERS UNION ................ 65 CLAY TARGET SHOOTING ........ 16 PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITY .... 65 COMMUNITY HOUSE/CENTRE . 17 PREMIER’S PHYSICAL ACTIVITY COMPUTERS .............................. 18 COUNCIL .................................... 67 COUNCIL ON THE AGEING TAS.22 PROBUS CLUBS ........................ 67 COUNTRY WOMEN’S ASSOC ... 22 CROQUET ................................... 23 RADIO YACHTS .......................... 68 CYCLING..................................... 24 RUNNING .................................... 69 DANCING .................................... 25 SAILING ...................................... 70 SCHOOL FOR SENIORS ............ 71 EMBROIDERY............................. 30 SCRABBLE ................................. 73 EXERCISE GROUPS .................. 32 SENIOR CITIZENS ..................... 74 SENIORS WEEK 2007 ................ 76 FAMILY HISTORY ....................... 34 SINGING ..................................... 77 FIELD NATURALISTS ................. 35 SPINNERS AND WEAVERS ....... 78 FISHING ...................................... 36 SPORTSMANS’ ASSOCIATION .. 78 FLY TYING .................................. 38 SWIMMING ................................. 79 FRIENDSHIP GROUPS .............. 39 TABLE TENNIS ........................... 80 GARDEN CLUBS ........................ 43 TAI CHI ........................................ 80 GARDENING ............................... 40 TENNIS ....................................... 82 GLEE CLUB ................................ 46 GOLF ........................................... 46 VETERANS AFFAIRS ................. 83 VOLUNTEERING TASMANIA ..... 83 HEARTBEAT TASMANIA ............ 50 HEART FOUNDATION ................ 51 WALKING .................................... 84 HISTORIC MACHINERY ............. 52 WORD WIZARDS ........................ 88 HISTORY ..................................... 52 HOME LEAGUE .......................... 54 2 a 3 AEROMODELLERS The North West Aeromodellers Inc. is a club for all ages that SURPRWHVWKHHQMR\PHQWRIEXLOGLQJDQGÀ\LQJUDGLRFRQWUROOHG model-aircraft. Time: General flying every weekend with various monthly competitions Cost: Yearly subscription – Adult, Pensioner and Junior available – phone for details Contact: Garry Anderson on 6424 6353 Website: www.nwaeromodellers.com AQUA AEROBICS Exercise in warm water. Numbers are limited, so ring to book. Bring swimmers or shorts and a t-shirt, drink of water and any required medication. Time: Tuesday 2.00pm Venue: 3 Croft Avenue, Devonport Cost: $7.50 per session Contact: Tricia Nancarrow on 6427 9037 or 0409 502 120 Email: [email protected] ARCHERY Archery is the practice of using a bow to shoot arrows. Archery 4 has historically been used in hunting and combat, and has become a precision sport. The Burnie Bowmen The Burnie Bowmen invite new archers to their sport. Time: Sunday (club day) 1.00pm – 4.30pm Venue: Target archery at Fern Park Pony and Riding Club, Burnie. Field archery at Blythe Park Scout Camp, Burnie Cost: $2.00 target fee + $3.00 equipment hire. Temporary insurance of $2.00 for public liability Contact: Bruce McCaskill on 6431 4351 b 5 BADMINTON Burnie Women’s Badminton Club Feel free to join this club for social badminton, a fun time and exercise. Casual clothing, non-marking sandshoes and a racquet are required, although racquets are supplied for non- owners. Time: Tuesdays (except school holidays) 9.30am – 12.30pm Venue: Burnie Sports Centre, Southwell Street, Burnie Cost: $15.00 annually + $3.00 per session Contact: Helen Moles on 6431 3376 Wynyard Social Badminton is offered for people who enjoy the sport without having to commit themselves to competition. All ages welcome. Wear casual clothing and bring a badminton racquet plus clean, non-marking sandshoes. Time: Friday 7.30pm – 9.30pm Venue: Wynyard Sports Centre, Austin Street, Wynyard Cost: $4.00 per session Contact: Cynthia Sushames on 6442 3747 BOWLS - INDOOR BIAS 6 East Devonport The Eastern Shore Community House offers a friendly atmosphere for bowls. Casual clothing plus bowls shoes or ÀDWVROHGVKRHVPXVWEHZRUQ Time: Monday 1.00pm – 3.00pm Venue: East Devonport Recreation Centre, Caroline Street, East Devonport Cost: $2.00 Contact: Eastern Shore Community House on 6427 9985 Emu Bay Indoor Bias Bowls Assoc. This association has 12 clubs playing pennant bowls through the winter months. It also has association games which, if successful, will take you onto state, and even national, competition. Good social outlet where you will meet lots of people. Smooth-soled shoes are required for playing. Time: Tuesday practice, Thursday pennant 7.30pm – 10.30pm. Weekends monthly for association games Venue: Clubs from Penguin, West Ridgley and Burnie Cost: Registration varies from $35.00 - $45.00 + $3.00 a week Contact: Robyn Lenarcic on 6435 0229 or 0427 791 204 Email: DO¿H#NH\SRLQWFRPDX Riana You are welcome to visit this club during the indoor bowls 7 season and enjoy a social game on Tuesday nights or pennant games on Thursday nights. Time: Tuesday nights March – August 7.30pm, Thursday – phone for details Venue: Riana Community Centre, Main Road, Riana Cost: $2.00 per night Contact: Rene King on 6437 2882 Smithton Time: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1.00pm Venue: Senior Citizens Centre, Seniors Drive, Smithton Cost: $1.00 per session Contact: Peter Moore at Emmerton Park Inc. on 6452 4580 Sulphur Creek Bowling on Tuesday nights, including supper. Carnivals conducted during the year, plus visits to other clubs on roster nights. Smooth-soled shoes to be worn. Time: Tuesday night (closed December – February) 7.15pm Venue: Sulphur Creek Memorial Hall, Sulphur Creek Cost: $5.00 joining fee, $2.50 per night Contact: Kevin Ward on 6424 8651 or Maureen Jones on 6442 4482 BOWLS- LAWN Bowls is a wonderful opportunity to participate in an enjoyable, 8 outdoor activity in congenial company. Because lawn bowls is a game of skill, not extreme physical exertion, it is possible to be a champion at any age. All clubs have regular practice, pennant and social days and would be very glad to have newcomers try their hand. Flat-soled shoes are worn and it is advisable to wear a sun-hat. Burnie Bowls Club Time: Wednesday to Friday 4.00pm – 7.00pm. Plus Tuesdays and Saturdays during summer. Venue: West Park, Burnie Contact: David Gewin on 6431 3899 North Western Tasmanian Women’s Bowling Assoc. The North Western Tasmanian Women’s Bowling Assoc. has 15 mixed clubs and one women’s club covering the coast from Port Sorell to Smithton. Activities range from purely social events through to pennant competition, club and state championships and masters events. Contact: Jill Almond on 6423 6259 or Lyn Baulch on 6427 3174 Spreyton Bowls Club Time: Phone for details 9 Venue: Main Road, Spreyton Cost: $55.00 Contact: Jim Richie on 6423 1265 Turners Beach Bowls Club This club caters for female and male bowlers. We conduct and participate in a wide variety of activities for 12 months of the year. Time: Most days, 1.00pm onwards Venue: 5 Henry Street, Turners Beach Cost: $65.00 annual membership Contact: Warren Morris on 6428 2806 Email: [email protected] Ulverstone Bowls Club This club conducts pennant, winter, social and indoor bowls as well as bingo and crib. Time: Vary - phone club for details Venue: 41 Water Street, Ulverstone Cost: Phone for details Contact: The club on 6425 1071 BRIDGE Bridge is a card game played for relaxation and recreation. 10 For some players
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