TWICE TUESDAY A WEEK ©ItT ÎCtUÎtTlt (§lï#tt\VÏT FRIDAY Established 1920 LINDEN, NEW JERSEY, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1930 Price Three/Cents DEAL IS CLOSED WEBER, ASKED TO RUN AS MATE TO McGILLYRAY, WANTS TIME TO CHAMBER ASKS David Considers Remaining FOR VALUABLE CONSIDER MANY PROS AND CONS ABOUT FEDERAL PROPERTY HERE Three Candidacies Announced or Indicated at Meeting BUILDING FUND Charges Against Silhetstein of Executive Committee of “ Parent” Republican § Lambert, Winans Buy Se\- Organization.—-Political Gossip of the Week-End. Wants to Know if Linden Murmurs of Dissatisfaction Are Heardlas Result of Out­ en-Acre Tract in Is in Line for a George McGillvray, mayor of Linden, will be a candidate for the Re­ MILK SURVEY IS come in Trial of Linden Man C h afed With Lar­ Heart of City. publican nomination for another term in that office. New Postoffiee. ceny in Connection With Firjmouse Job. Henry B. Hardenburg, Sr., former mayor of the borough, will not be a PLAN OF BOARD One of the most important real es­ candidate, for his party’s nomination for councilman-at-large. Neither will Whether Linden has a chance to tate deals of recent months was that (won A. Watson, brother-in-law of share in tiie next appropriations for ARCHITECT SET FREE BW COURT ORDER closed by the signing of a deed yes­ Mayor McGillvray and spokesman in government buildings is a Question To Be Conducted by Com­ terday by Fred M. Wood, owner of council for the administration. But that will he put up to Ernest R. mittee of Health Body. the seven-tore tract of land lyii g “Under consideration.” £ Albert F. Weber, another former Ackerman, member of congress from between Elizabeth avenue and the IMPROVE RIVER, 1'lii.s was the answer of County ProseciJyir Abe J. David last night to mayor, probably will. this district, in a letter from AVil­ Members of the board of health the Question whether any immediate acti#i would be taken toward the Pennsylvania railroad and extending Also A. G. Warren, president of liam G. Palermo, secretary of the want to know what kind of milk is trial of the indictments remaining againstinbe J. Siiberstein, architect on eastward from the lot formerly mv 1- the First Ward Republican Club, is CHAMBER ASKS --------- -----------------------------------------------| the Elizabeth avenue firehouse job, ,.<i by Mr. Wood at Wood, and Eliz­ Chamber of Commerce. being served to the people of Linden 7 expected to be a candidate for nom­ and whether it is necessary to bring SiUberslei n, against whom evi- abeth avenue. ination in the June Primaries as Current for Lights in Mr. Palermo has been instructed about a more stringent enforcement deiA* xxas heard on an indictment The purchasers of the tmet are P. member of the common council from by the chamber t<* communicate! of present restrictions. ehJFging larceny of $750 from the his ward. The same is true of Mi­ CHAMBER TO BEAR \V, Lambert and Raymond W. W i i- Spans Also Wanted. with Mr. Ackerman and learn the Commissioner Joseph Shur, at the (■ill of Linden, xvent free under a chael J. Vena, in the Eighth. ans. Tilt consideration has not been facts about a recently published re-' recent meeting of the board, xvas j dii>(*ted verdict in special sessions Such are the net results of the announced but i! is known to have Among the matters of civic in- port that President Herbert Hoover I made chairman of a committee j awHlizabeth Tuesday, iii.s counsel, meeting of the executive committee COST OF LIGHTING run into a very large sum. as the 1 teres t before the Linden Chamber had recommended that postoffiee1 charged with a general survey of the rritt Lane, moved for acQuittal property is among the most valu­ of the Linden Republican Chib. In­ of Commerce at its latest meeting buildings costing up to 81110,000 he j milk situation throughout the city, cii the ground that the state had not able, if not indeed, the most valu­ corporated. which designates itself i were those of the improvement of and will make a report to a future But Action Depends on ade out a prima facie case. He the parent organization of the city, erected in cities in which postal rev­ able. vacant land in the entire city. : the Railway river, the naming of the meet i ng. More Memberships ised his argument on the conten- U#hat disposition or use will ie with delegates from the ward clubs enues amount to $20,000 or mere at inn that the city of Linden had nev- new 1 *n111ii* School 8. and the liglit- made of lie property is as yet unan­ Friday night. yea r. j The matter was brought to the at­ r had the money which Siiberstein tention of the hoard by Mr. Shur, Linden’s Christinas lighting in the nounced. it is understood, however, An Item, But Not News. : ing ot bridges recently creeled by Linden is one of 3(5 New Jersey was charged with having received, I the Board of chosen freeholders. who expressed tiie opinion that there main shopping district xvill be of an­ that the purchasers will first offer Tlu a ino-.inoeinenl of .Mayor Alc- cities included in a list published nid that an indietemnt for larceny was need at this time for detailed nual occurrence. the tract, or parts of it, for sac. Gillvray's candidacy is not news. Secretary William G. Palermo was in a news stary appearing under a ¡eonId not properly lie against the Neither is that of the probability of information regarding the local sit­ This was practically decided ;it the Then, unless a sale or sales are ma le authorized to communicate with Washington date line in December irehitect. Mr. W arren’s running in the First uation. so that the hoard might act recent meeting of the local chamber The jury returned the verdict within a reasonable time, they w 11 ! Senator Hamilton F. Kean and ask and in which it was said that these intelligently in safeguarding the bike steps toward its development ward. Neither, in truth, is the men­ of commerce. freeing Siiberstein after it had been that he push the matter of improv- cities were in line to benefit by the public health. on their own account. tion of Mr. Weber's name in con­ It was decided, also, that th e U 'rl'eted by Judge Stein, who. after i ing the river. president’s recommendation. nection with the office of council­ chamber xvill pay all tiie expense of|{hearing Lane’s argument for dismis­ The Elizabeth avenue tract for Members of the chamber received many years was part of the estate man-at-large. The publication of this report, in! the lighting this year, provided an sal, called counsel for the state and | and discussed a commimie dion he defense to a conference in cham­ left by the late Meeker Wood, fath­ McGillvray has always been re- New York and locally, gave consid­ increased number of merchants take from another locai organization ask- First Ward Club bers. er of the vendor in yesterday’s deal. garded as a eandidate to succeed erable impetus to the effort to pro- out memberships. himself. So ar as the memory of i ing that the chamber give its of­ ' ide for I .inden a postoffiee building I Steel Contractor Testifies. The elder Wood and Ferdinand Linden is one of the many cities The state produced as a xx it ness man runneth into the past, there ficial sanction to the movement to and facilities in keeping with the Blancke owned adjoining farms in To Hear Aspirants and towns in this district in which tfarold Cohen, president of the Har- never has been a time when the name the new school in honor ol what is now the W ood avenue d s- importance of the community. tlie shopping center is appropiately i o Steel Co., of Elizabeth, sub-con­ trict and much of the most valual le present mayor, other things being Henry B. Hardenburg, Sr., former eQual, was not ready to vote “Aye” I he city's postoffiee receipts are For CitvmJ Offices lighted during the Christmas season. tactor on the firehouse job. business property it; the city has mayor of the city. The Question of increasing from year to year, and J Cohen said tha t Siiberstein had been cut from time to time from when asked to sacrifice himself for It is the sense of members of the the good of the party. So it was so designating the school will come the demands of the public arc now chamber that last year’s beginning received from him $1,500, said to tiiese estates. before the hoard of education at its The First Ward Republican Club represent the saving to the city of not expected that he would respond such as to tax the facilities of the is prolific of candidates. was so good that there should be no Real estate men. commenting on with a negative to such a suggestion next meeting or immediately after office. L-nden effected by the difference be­ this latest of big deals, said that it Mayor George McGillvrav has an­ interruption from vear to year. tween two sets of plans; that the this year. the board’s reorganization. It xvas made plain at Thursday could be regarded as an epochal Something happened, ¡hough, af­ The movement for a federal build­ nounced that he will he a candidate ha* given the money to him in cash, event in the development of the A letter has been dispatched to the ing is not new.
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