www.ukrweekly.com CAPTIVE NATIONS WEEK CEREMONIES IN U.S. UNA PRESIDENT VISITS UKRAINIAN CENTERS IN EUROPE MEETS WITH CIVIC, RELIGIONS LEADERS, OBSERVES COMMUNITY LIFE IN SEVEN COUNTRIES EUROPE. - In an effort with the Ukrainian clergy New York, N.Y. CAPTIVE NATIONS WEEK, 1967 to lend a helping hand to U- and civic leaders. кгаіпіапв'– currently living in While in Austria, the UNA Mayor John Lindsay issued O. Rak, Mrs. Rosalie Polchy BV THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES European countries, the U- president spent a great deal a Captive Nations Week proc­ and Mrs. Chomanchuk, from OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION. lamation for greater New the UNWLA; Mr. Valentine krainian National Associa­ of time discussing local con­ WHEREAS the joint resolution approved July Щ York in the presence of num­ Koval, from the Committee tion the largest and тозі ditions With Ukrainian civic 1959 (73 Stat. 212), authorises and requests the President' influential Ukrainian organi erous delegations from differ­ for the Freedom of the Cap­ leaders in Vienna, met with of the United States of America to issue a proclamation zation in the free world, has ent ethnic groups, in City tive Nations; Mr. K. Wasy- cultural leaders, educators each year designating the4bird week in July as "Cap-. nt its Supreme President Hall on Wednesday, July 19. lyk, from SUMA; Dr. Alexan­ se and clergy and visited local tive Nations Week" until such, time as freedom and UH Joseph Lesawyer on a fact- der Sokolyshyn and Mr. M. community homes. The Ukrainian group was dependence shall have been act^eved for all the captive finding trip to "assess the Shpontak. well-represented with girls in nations of the world; and \ needs and possibilities of a.s- Cemetery In Anstria national costumes and SUMA Two Viet Nam veterans uniforms. Present at the cere­ WHEREAS freedom`^ind Justi ce- are basic human?jgigtance" in the immediate He saw the Ukrainian ceme­ read the Captive Nations rights to which all men are entitled; and , future. tery in Gmuend where close mony were: Mr. .1 Bazarko Week proclamations issued by and Dr. Walter Dushnyck, WHEREAS the independence of peoples requires: ' Mr. Lesawyer, accompanied to 30,000 Ukrainians are buri­ from the UCCA; Mrs. Mary President Johnson and Gov­ their exercise of the elemental right of free choice; and-Dy his wife, left for Europe ed, mostly victims of war Dushnyck and..Be. Jwroshrw ernor Rockefeller at a public WHEREAS these.-ЩаіепаЬІе rights have been cir- on Wednesday, June 28, and hostilities in Europe. A mem­ Padoch, from th^ UNA; Mrs. gathering on Friday, July 21; cumscribed or denied in htahy areas of the world; and was last reported while in orial by the Ukrainian sculp­ . WHEREAS the United States of America, from its Munich before going on to tor A. Kruk has been erected founding as a nation^has had an abiding commitment tg France and EEngland on the at the cemetery. In Warsaw: Mr. and Mrs. josepli Lesawyer flanking U.S. Che principles of national independence and human free-` last leg of his journe^' Chicago, III. Mr. Lesawyer's next stop Ambassador John Gronouski in front of the U.S. Embassy dom: j was in Poland where he trav­ Meets with Ukrainians building. NOW, THEREFORE, I, LYNDON B. JOHNSON, eled extensively after meet­ A crowd, estimated by po- Poland, Croatia, Bielorus, Al­ President of the United States of America, do hereby ike at 50,000 persons watched bania, Latvia, Cossackia, Slo- In a vast, continent-span- ing with the U.S. Ambassa­ designate the week beginning July 16, 1967 as Captive,ning trip, the UNA Supreme the Captive - Nations parade venia, Armenia, Georgia, East dor John Gronouski in War­ Nations. Week. j President' has visited major on State St. in Chicago, on Germany, Czechoslovakia and saw. He visited Ukrainian set­ I invite the people Of the United States of America'centers of Ukrainian organiz- Saturday, July 115. China tlements in the Gdansk and to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies and ed life in Europe, meeting Wroclaw areas. і Participants in the parade Rep. Roman C. Pucinski activities and I urge them to give renewed devotion to with leading figures of U- were estimated at more than (D., 111.), told more than 200 From Poland, Mr. Lesawyer the just aspirations of all peoples for national indepen­ krainian religious and com­ traveled to West Germany dence and human liberty. munity life. where he made a longer stop­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my, The President's tour took over. He met with representa­ hand this twelfth day of July in the year of our Lord him to Yugoslavia and Po­ tives of the Ukrainian Nation­ nineteen hundred and sixty-seven, and the Independence land two of the satellite al Government-in-exi`e, lead­ of the United States of America the one hundred and countries where many U- ing scholars and members of ninety-second. krainians have made their the European branch of the . LYNDON B. JOHNSONj domicile in the aftermath of United Ukrainian American the two world wars in this Relief Committee. He also - century. had an audience with the Ukrainian Canadian Veterans The UNA chief executive's Most Rev. Platon KornyHak, Philadelphia, Pa, journey was recommended by Ukrainian Catholic Bishop in MONTREAL, Que. лл - ijuuruey was recu , ОУЄГД.ООО Captive Nations different Captive Nations 8 Supreme Germany, as well as high- Ukrainian Canadian VetThe­ gafe, National Commander of the Association demonstrators held a manh were dressed in their national Assembly at its annual meet­ ranking clergy of the Ukrain­ erans gave their salute to the? Ukrainian American Vet­ In Munich: Mr. Lesawyer, third from left, meeting with festation in front of Philadel­ costumes. A wreath, with the ing last May, when the deci­ ian Orthodox Church. Canada in the celebration of erans also participated in the representatives of the Ukrainian National Rada. phia's Independence HaU o11, inscription "For The Freedom sion was adopted to examine Canada's centennial Anniver­ Ceremonies. To Paris Sunday, July 16'. and Sdverignty of all Captive Lattr in the evening all vet on-the-spot conditions of U- Nations" was -placed near the sary, which took plape at krainian life in Europe and From Munich, the UNA Ukrainian Youth Day to be Held Dignitaries present at the Expo' 67 on July `l, in erans met for a reunion at the Liberty Bell. auditorium 'of St. Sophia's "to investigate the possibili- President will go to Paris, ташіеаШзоп were Philadek Montreal, Canada.. 20^йтіс At Expo '67 This Weekend UTflrkinian Orthodox Church.., es of assisting our needy where he plans to stay Дог sev groups parilcipatedr . Edward B. Blester, state rep­ festation was directea 8y Mr. Commatfder Sagasz exprease^lnstnenr subsequently, Mr. eral days before `gbihg on to MONTREAL,'Que. -- Ovef of the Ukrainian `revolutibri The Ukrainian Canadian resentative, and Cardinal Ignatius Billinsky, executive his heartfelt thanks to the U- Lesawyer, having mapped out London, England, which is 2,000 Ukrainians youths are and the 25th anniversary of Veterans, under the direction John Krol. secretary of the UCCA and krainian Canadian Veterans his itinerary, flew to Rome the last leg of his fact-finding expected to participate in the the Ukrainian Insurgent'Ar­ of Bohdan Panchuk, were The representatives of the vice chairman of the NCNC. for the invitation and extend­ on the first leg of his journey. trip. "Ukrainian Youth Day" at my. well organized, taking part in ed warm greetings from the Last week, he was in Ger­ Expo '67 in Montreal on Sat­ The program of the "U- this affair with other Сапа– The President reports that Ukrainian American Veter- many before going on to urday. July 29. Taking part krainian Youth Day" is to in­ dian Legionares. Eugene Sa- ans. virtually all Ukrainians in Eu­ Washington, D.C. to France and England and rope are greatly enthused! in the festivities will be U- clude: marching past a re­ viewing stand, the official A Captive Nations Confer-1 ganizations, which numbered then returning `.ome. over the forthcoming World kramian youth organizations Congress of Free Ukrainians, |'гот ^^П^І^\ a"d opening, greetings, sports and ence was held in the May-jover 100 guests, Go West, Young Ukrainian Visits Cardinal Slipij cultural exhibitions. Speaking at the conference The highlight of Mr. Lesa- scheduled to take place in`)gnato.: Plast, SUMA the U- flower Hotel in Washington j kraiman Nata ona3 Youth On Sunday, July 30 the were Dr. Lev Dobriansky, By MRS. MARY DUSHNYCK wyer's sojourn in Rome was New York in November. A ^- on Saturday, June 15. Attend­ I eration the Association of U- celebrations will be continued Congressman Edward J. Der- (This is the second part of atmosphere many UNA and his audience with Josyf Cardi­ at the SUMA camp "Vercho- ing the conference were rep­ Mr. Lesawyer writes that krainian Democratic Youth, winski, (R., 111.), Mr. D. Da- Mrs. Dushnyck's story about community matters were dis- nal Slipyj, Archbishop-Major vyna," in St. Theodor, and resentatives of Captive Na­ nielopol, Dr. P. Lijens, Mr. of the Ukrainian Catholic both the leaders and members j and tne Ukrainian Catholic her Western trip.) ) cussed following my report on of various organizations are Youth. Delegations of U- at the Plast camp "Baturyn," tions committees from Wash­ Donald L. Miller and Dr. R On the non-stop flight to the recent UNA annual meet- Church. He also visited hoping that the Congress will krainian youth from England in South Bolton. ington. Baltimore. Philadel­ Smal-Stocky. San Francisco we were fortu-iing. Although San Francisco with Archbishop Ivan Buchko be a success and that it will and France are also expected The ceremonies will be con­ phia, New York and Detroit, A banquet, which was held nate to have clear, sunny does not have a large Цкгаіп– and the Very Rev.
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