' rounrgsxtll KBRALA l,iletsnrryE ASSEUBLY .l I :. RESUII3 - OF . a$uwss TRANSASTBD DUB$*G Kcratr l*gislatute Sccretariat 2019 .a Kfn CLt' MY,aMASAfitA fRSfr|}{G PRESS' Eq{F,rr."riti$ *, ;,dtiri{4{f*!t5ffii{rE!*'' FOURTEENTH KERALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY RESUME OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED DURING THE FOLTRTEENTH SESSION 651t2019 FOURTEtsNTH SESSION FOURTEENTH KERALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Fourtcenth Session Date of Commencement January 25,2019 Date of Adjournment February 12,2Ol9 Date of Prorogation February 12, 2019 (At the conclusion of its sitting) Number of sittings l0 (Ten) Panrv poslrtoN oR FounreEnrH KennI-a Leclsuettve AsspNasuv (As ox JeNuenY 25,2019) Ruling Communist Party of India (Marxist) 58 Communist Party of India .. l9 Janata Dal (Secular) 03 Nationalist Congress Party 02 Congress (Secular) 0t Kerala Congress (B) 0l Communist Marxist Party Kerala State Committee 0l National Secular Conference 0l Independents 05 Opposition Indian National Congress 22 Indian Union Muslim lrage l7 Kerala Congress (M) 06 Ke.rala Congress (Jacob) 0l Bharatiya Janata Party 0l Independents 0l Total .. 139 Speaker o .. 0l Grand Total ..140 Speaker SHnr P. Sneeneuexntsxxer.t Deputy Speaker Sunl V. Snsr Council of Membert l. Shri Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Minister 2. Shri A. K. Balan, Minister for welfare of Scheduled castes, scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Law, Culture and Parliamentary Affairs 3. Shri E. Chandrasekharan, Minister for Revenue & Housing 4. Dr. K. T. Jaleel, Minister for Higher Education, Welfare of Minorities' Wakf & Haji Pilgrimage 5. Shri E. P. Jayarajan, Minister for Industries, Sports & Youth Affain 6. Shri M. M. Mani, Minister for Electricity 7, Shd'K. Krishnankutty, Ministei for Wtter Resources' 8. Smt. J. Mercykutty Amma, Minister for Fisheries, Harbour Engineering & Cashew Industry g. Shri A. C. Moid'een, Minister for Local Self Governments 10, Shri K. Raju, Minister for Forests, Animal Husbandry and Zoos 11. Shri Ramachandran Kadannappalli, Minister for Ports, Museums and Archaeology 12. Shri T. P. Ramakrishnan, Minister for Labour & Excise 13. Prof. C. Raveendranath, Minister for General Education * shri K. Krishnankutty swom in as Minister for water Resources on 27-11-2018. 14. Shri A. K. Saseendrap, Minister for Transpert 15' smt. K. K. shailaja Teacher, Minister for Health, Family welfare and Woman and Child Development 16. shri G. Sudhakaran, Minister for pubric works & Registration 17. Shri V. S. Sunil Kumar, Minister for Agriculture 18. Shti Kadakampally Surendran, Minister for co-operation, Tourism & Devaswom lg. Shri P. Thilothaman, Minister for Food & Civil Supplies 20. Dn. T. M. Thomas Isaac, Minister for Finance & Coir. Leader of the House Srru PrNaneyr Vueyen Leader of Opposition Ssnr Rauesx CHrNNrrxer-q Secretary SHnr V. K. Basu Pneresn ..NTENTS FounreBNrH sessroN Page l. Governor's Address I 2. Message from the Governor I 3. Obituary Reference I 4. Observance of Silence I 5. Panel of Chairmen , 6. Questions 2 7. Correction of answer to Staned Question 2 8. Correction of answer to lJnstarred. Questions ) 9. Adjourment Motions 3 10. Calling Attention 3 11. Matters raised by Members under Rule 304 3 12. Papers laid on the Table 3 13. Presentation of Reports 3 14. Consideration of Report 4 15. Statement under Rule 300 4 16. lvlotion for Suspension ol'Rule 4 17. Rulings by the Speaker 4 18. LegislativeBusiness 8 19. Questions of Breach of Privilege t0 20. Visitors t2 21. Termination of the Sessic'n 12 22. Appendices l3 65v20t9. RESUME OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED DURING THE FOURTEENTH SESSION OF THE FOURIEENTH KERALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY The Summons dated January 10, 2019 for the Fourteenth Session of the Fourteenth Kerala Legislative Assembly was issued to the Members on January 11, 2019. The Session commenced at 9.00 a.m. on Friday, January 25, 2019 and adjourned sinedie at 10.39 a.m. on Tbesday, February 12,2019. The House met on the following days, viz., 2019 January 25,28,30, 31 February !, 4,5, 6, 7 and 12 (10 days of siuings). The House transacted business for 57 Hours 55 Minutes' Governor's Address The Governor Justice (Rer:d.) P. Sathasivam addressed the Members pf the Legislative Assembly at 9.00 a.m. on January 25, 20L9. The discussion on the Motion of Thanks to the Governor's Address conunenced on January 28, 2019 with Shri MathewT. Thomas moving the.following motion: "2019 srpord 25-c. ofloxol oor0oggrd oaog nllon{rDGoocodilJopcd oorg kJcruocDordikD- crjlorom)rgco<ncnuE oor0egg6o- rncril o6olocsg@(m': The discussion on the Motion of Ttranks lasted for 2 days, viz., January 28 and 30. The Motion was adopted on January 30, 2019. The House devoted 7 Hours and I Minutes for the discussion on the Motion of Thanks and 34 Members participated in the discussion. I. Message from the Governor On February "1, 2019 the Speaker reportd to the Assembly the Govemor's reply to the Motion of Thanks which was adopted by the House on 30s January 2019. Obituary Reference On January 28, 2019, the Speaker made reference on the demise of former l.vlember Simon Brito Rodriguez. Observance of Silence On Jamrary y), 2019, the House observed two minute silence in connection with Martyrs Day. Panel of Chairmen The following Members were nominatecl to, the panel of chairmen for the Session. Shri B, Satyan Shri tvtullat<tara Retnakaran Shri Roshy Augustine. Questions Details regarding the number of notices of questions received and the number of questions answered on the floor of the House are given in Appendix I. Correction of answer to Starred question On February 4, 20L9, Conected Answer and Statement to Starred euestion No. 93 of the Thirteenth Session of the Fourteerrth Kerala Legislative Assembly was laid on the Table by smt. J. Mercykutty Amma, Minister for Fisheries, Harbour Engineering and Cashew Industry. Correction of answer to Unstaned Questions On February 4,20L9, Corrected Answer and Statement to Unstarred euestion No. 1L25 of the Tenth Session of the Fourteenth l(erala Legislative Assembly was laid on the Table by shri E. chandrasekharan, Minister for Revenue and Housing. On February 6, 201.9, Statement correctinE{, answer to Unstarred euestion No. 69L dated 29-1-2019 of the Fourteenth session of the Fourteenth Kerala Legislative Assembly was laid on the Thble by the Minister for co-operation, Tourism and Devaswoms. On February 12,2OIg, Statements correcting answer to Unstarred euestion Nos. 1391, 1398 of the Thirteenth Session of the Fourteenth Kerala I-egislative Assembly dated 3-12-20L8 was laid on the Tab.te by Minister for Revenue and Housing. 3 A journment Motions During the Session 8 notices of Adjournment Motions were received. None out of them was admitted. Detaili of notices of Adjournment Motions in respect of which consent was withheld, after hearing the views of Ministers concerned on the floor of the House are given in Appendix II' Calling Attention During the session 16 Statements were made by Ministers under Rule 62, details of which are gived inAppendix III. Matters raised by Members under rule 3M Durin6l the Session, 99 matters were raised in the House by Members under Rule 304, details of which are given in Appendix IV. Papers laid on the Thble The details of Papers laid on the Tbble are given inAppendix V. Fresentation of Reports The following Reports were presented on the dates noted against each: L The Fourteenth Report of the Business Advisory Committeg 28-1-2019 2 The Report of the Subject Committee XI on the Kerala 6-2-2019 Co-operative Societies (Amendment ) Bill, 2019 3 The 81" to 86s Reports of the Committee on Public 6-2-20L9 Undertakings 4 The Fourth Report of the Committee of Privileges and Ethics 7-2-20L9 5 The Forty Second to Forty Fifth Reports of the Committee on 7-2-2019 Public Accounts 6 The Thirty Third to Thirty Sixth Reports of the Committee on 7-2-20L9 Local Fund Accounts 4 Consideration of Report The following Report was adopted by the House on the date noted againsr each: The Fourteenth Report of the Business Advisory Committee 2B-1-2019 Statement under Rule 3fi) on February 4,2olg, Shri v. s. sunil Kumar, Minister for Agriculture made a statement regarding the ban of lethel pesticides and weedicides in the State. Motion for Suspension of Rule On February 6, 2019, the following rnotion moved by Shri A. K. Balan, Minister for Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Ttibes, Backward Classes, Law, Culture and ParliamentaryAffairs was adopted by the House. '2019-2020 m.rcrru<uoila cud.oc<ulurqgg qgdlol a.ucnglcoap 'orncntrdroornagilccn<d cruGryd! adlglacrE fi)soorocrE ..ro1laoc<ocn rrflddlq rnroor.,.rolqjl€gdd ojdorutlcqrcac(6 cruccrlloflc<oru, m)cooal(oJo arolcoerrll{ mqud} adlflauBo' aJero 6ro9 crflricg.dlarmorlrogg cruo*(olo er3lacmoJlmcoll caoB nllonrnrreqos rnsodlqgoqp acogcrflr6qrndrD.uo rruoorumrll4 organrgfoer 236-c. ogrutofloc$ (2)- g" poJoJS" Gogorocrua@gmortocfi @pooco oJoG mlocrgs oolgcm<o1nl eqr' m)c ofkooccrllana " Rulings by the Speaker (1) on 7h February 201g the speaker gave the following ruling regarding the points of order, in the presentatioir of the Budget for the financial year 2019-2020 the inegularity and the violation of rules of the Kerala Fiscal R.esponsibility Act, 2005 raised, by Shri M. Ummer and Shri V. D. Satheesan respectively. -5 "speaker gave the following Rulings Ruling 1: 2019-clcnool 31- co orloxo',l 2019-2020 oltdrso<uror enr<ulcrg-coore,<rE mao1r6 (r)mmo6ru(nac(a) cruo6.g[eiog5cgcc6 AuoBoJl4 GnoJsO,cD rn'la1<ooro 2003-oet cd,og g<oroloocolcoor nilorororot'lop-t .em3o oe,'glloo olJol(run&qlo 2005-oet oeog eboejldootil€a', u)ocruo5ruc\Doc@
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