Sri Krishna Kathamrita Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa( tava kathämåtaà tapta-jévanam Bindu Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications Issue No. 229 Çré Päëòavä Nirjala Ekädaçé 22 Jun 2010 Circulation 3,300 • Divine GuiDance His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada • The PurPose of TakinG sannyasa Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja • The Glories of srila ray ramananDa, ParT III Highlights • only krishna is omniscienT Jiva Goswami's Paramätma Sandarbha 1 text 38 DIVINE GUIDANCE His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada My sincere blessings are for you for your nice prosecution of Krishna Consciousness. What- ever you are doing at the present moment is approved by me and I think on account of your becoming a sincere soul, Krishna is dictating from within and you are doing things so nicely. There are two gurus — one internal and the other external. The internal guru is Krishna Unknown photographer. Vrindavan. Oct. 1972 himself seated in everyone’s heart, and the ex- His Divine Grace ternal guru is the spiritual master. In this way a A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada sincere devotee is helped both externally and internally. To the sincere devotee, the internal THE PURPOSE guru Krishna dictates, but that inspiration has OF TAKING SANNYASA to be confirmed by the external guru. Then it is all right. I am very glad that you don’t go out Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja but keep indoors engaging yourself in Krishna Devotee 1: Sometimes devotees have taken san- Consciousness activities. nyäsa in our movement because they have been Regarding love affairs in the material world, frustrated in family life. Family life is troublesome. they are only shadows or reflections of the real They don’t want that trouble anymore, so they reject love with Krishna. If you love Krishna in any it and take sannyasa. capacity you shall never be frustrated because Gour Govinda Swami: There is no such san- everything in Krishna is perfect, eternal, blissful, nyäsa in our line. That is karma-sannyäsa, jïäna- and full of knowledge. So continue your present sannyäsa, and it is in the mäyävädé line. activities and chant on your beads. Whenever Devotee 1: But devotees in ISKCON have taken there is some difficulty, consult Brahmananda or write to me, and Krishna will help you more sannyäsa for that reason. and more on the path of perfection. · Gour Govinda Swami: But in our vaiñëava line, no such sannyäsa is there. There is only — Letter to Kancanbala. 14 January 1968. one sannyäsa, complete surrender unto the next column Issue Two Hundred Twenty-nine, Page — 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu top left 2 Top right 2 lotus feet of Krishna. Therefore you take up this this song identifies himself as déna-dvija, meaning tri-daëòa — käya-daëòa, väk-daëòa, mano- “fallen brahmin”. But we don’t find any histori- daëòa — three staffs, indicating surrender of cal mention of a poet named Dina Dwija. So the the body, the words, and the mind. authorship of this song is uncertain. Devotee 1: For instance, previously many äjïä diyä äni täre néläcale corä ghare people took sannyäsa mainly because they were antaraìga rasa äsvädane frustrated with family life. They weren’t neces- prema vaicitra lélä milane milä amilä sarily willing to serve Krishna. bhävocchäse niçi jägaraëe Gour Govinda Swami: That is all cheating. That Giving the order [through Maharaja Pratapraru- is not sannyäsa. dra], Mahaprabhu had Ramananda come to that Devotee 1: Can they make any advancement in confidential room [the Gambhira] in Nilachal, that äçrama? Jagannath Puri. There, throughout the night, they Gour Govinda Swami: What has Prabhupada would meet and relish the rasa of various divine said? If you are not completely free from sex loving pastimes. desire, don’t take sannyäsa. What is this? It is bale sakhé o viçäkhä kothä se tribhaìga bäìkä only a farce. ene dekhä nahe präna yäya In your family life, if you find it difficult to ren- räya kahe vinodiné kena ha-ila unmädiné ei bäje madhura väàçaré der pleasing service to Krishna, then it is better dhairya dharaha räi cala våndävane yäi to leave. If it is favorable, why should you leave? miläiba çyäma vaàçédhäré If the wife is devoted and all of the children are devoted, then why should you leave? If you find it not to be favorable, if you tried your best but you failed, then better to leave. Ramanujacharya Näma-tattva did that. He played a trick on his wife and left. He tried his best. It is your duty; you should try even for half a momenT your best to bring your wife on this path. But, if The Dhvajäropana-mähätmya you tried your best but failed, then make some of the Båhan Näradéya Puräëa trick and leave. utkränti-käle yan-näma çrutavanto ‘pi vai sakåt Devotee 2: What if a sannyäsi is not Krishna- labhante paramaà sthänaà kim u çuçrüñaëe rataù conscious? Those who at the time of death hear a single ut- Gour Govinda Swami: Then they will fall terance of the Lord’s holy name go to the supreme down. They cannot keep up sannyäsa if they are spiritual abode. What need be said, then, of they not Krishna-conscious. No. This is not a joke. It is very serious. It is the highest, topmost äçrama. Is it who serve the Lord with faith? child’s play? Today you play with this thing and then, muhürtaà vä muhürtärdhaà yas tiñöhed dhari-mandire throwing it away, you take another toy and play sa yäti paramaà sthänaà kim u çuçrüñaëe rataù with it? Is it child’s play to carry a tri-daëòa? Today A person who for a moment or even half a mo- you hold the daëòa and tomorrow you throw it and ment visits a temple of Lord Krishna, goes to the catch another woman? What is this nonsense? · supreme spiritual abode. What need be said, then, — Darshan, New Mayapur, France, 29 July 1991. of they who serve the Lord with faith? · — Quoted in Hari-bhakti-viläsa 11. 232-233 The Glories of srila Bibliography — Sanatan Goswami. Çré Hari-bhakti-viläsa. Sanskrit with Bengali ray ramananDa, ParT III translation by Kanailal Adhikari. Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math. Mayapur. 2000. Traditionally, Gauòéya poets often weave their — Sanatan Goswami. Çré Çré Hari-bhakti-viläsa. English translation name into the last verse of their compositions as a by Sri Kusakratha Das. Krishna Library. Culver City, California. 1992. kind of signature. However, it is also not uncom- mon for Gauòéya poets to write anonymously, sign- ing off their songs with a general appellation such as kåñëa-däsa, “servant of Krishna”. The author of Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu top rightIssue 3 Two Hundred Twenty-nine, Page — 3 Top left 3 Unknown artist Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu with Ramananda Ray in Gambhira In the mood of Radha, the Lord would say to Krishna. Beholding Gopinath, Gauranga felt, Vishakha, “O my dear sakhé, where is tribhaìga “Now I have obtained my beloved, my life and bäìkä, three-fold bending Krishna? If I don’t soul.” In this mood, Mahaprabhu stood on the see him now I will be unable to maintain my left side of Gopinath. life.” Ray would answer, “O Vinodini, pleasing bhäva nidhi gaura hari räya bhäva puñöikäré Radha, why are you becoming so bewildered? bhäva bujhi karaye sevana Can’t you hear the charming song of that flute- äpana näöaka géta çunäya satata niti player? O Radha, be patient. Let us go to Vrin- sukhe gorä kare äsvädana davan. There I will arrange your meeting with Lord Gaurahari is like an unlimited ocean of bhä- the flute-holder Shyama.” va, which Ray nourished as an expert servant who äveçete gaura hari räya svarüpera kare dhari understood exactly the appropriate moods. Ray cala sakhé vilamba nä saya sang his own näöaka and songs and Sri Chaitanya cala tvarä våndävane paräëa vaìdhuyä bine Mahaprabhu relished their incomparable taste. dehe mora präëa nähi raya [Näöaka (drama) may indicate Ramananda Ray’s Gaurahari, absorbed in the mood of Radha, poem Jagannätha-vallabha-näöakam, which he caught Ray’s hands and said – “Yes, my dear sakhé, wrote prior to Mahaprabhu’s arrival in Orissa.] let us go there without delay. We must go to Vrin- gauräìga paräëa bandhu räma-räya guëa sindhu davan now! O dear Vishakha, it’s impossible for me eka bindu jagata òubäya to survive without my beloved.” arjuna arjunä yäya kari nitya samäçraya gaura lélämåta äsvädaya räya svarüpa sahacaré laye gorä räseçvaré gopénätha samépete jäya Ramananda Ray is an ocean of good qualities heri gorä gopénätha mäne päinu präëa-nätha and the dear-most companion of Sri Gauranga. bhävolläse bämete däëòäya One drop of that ocean is enough to flood the As an eternal companion, Ray brought Lord whole world. Arjuna and Arjunä have taken Gaura, who was in the mood of Raseswari, shelter in Ramananda Ray and taste the nectar of the queen of the räsa-lélä, to meet Gopinatha, gaura-lélä. [Srila Kavi Karnapur in texts 120-124 IssueTop left Two 4 Hundred Twenty-nine, Page — 4 Top right 4 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNd of his Gaura-gaëoddeça-dépikä explains the only krishna is omniscienT identity of Ramananda Ray as being a combined manifestation of the Pandava Arjuna, the cow- Jiva Goswami’s herd boy Arjuna, and the gopé Arjuniya (who is Paramätma Sandarbha 1 text 38 described in Padma Puräëa as a manifestation kñetrajïaà cäpi mäà viddhéty atra mäà svayaà of the Pandava Arjuna).] bhagavantam eva sarveñv api samañöi-vyañöi-rüpeñu pradyumna miçrera dväre jänäilä jagatere kñetreñu.
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