Vol. 11, No. 12 TAKE ONE ALL THE GOOD STUFF ABOUT A TRULY GREAT PLACE August 2012 Visit our Sponsors Find the dog star in Naperville around town! Anderson’s Bookshops BBM Incorporated Cafe Buonaro’s Casey’s Foods Catch 35 CityGate Grille Colbert Custom Framing Dean’s Clothing Store Dog Patch Pet & Feed English Rows Eye Care Exterior Designers Inc. First Community Bank - Naperville Joseph A. Haselhorst, D.D.S. Janor Sports Dick Kuhn, Attorney at Law ONE Mortgage, Inc. Main Street Promenade Meson Sabika MinuteMan Press Naperville Bank & Trust North Central College Oswald’s Pharmacy Players Indoor Sports Center Quigley’s Irish Pub Roseland Draperies & Interiors Sugar Toad at Hotel Arista 4,=&>8=&7*=034<3=&8=9-*=-4*89=&3)= 8*(1:)*)= 4:9)447= 2489=2:,,>=5*7.4)=4+=8:22*7=;=&3)=.+= &7*&='*9<**3=9-*=- &11=,4*8=&((47).3,=94=8(-*):1*`=9-*>=(4:1)= 947.(=2&38.43=&3)=9-*= Upfront & Special (42*=94=&3=*3)='>=:,_=++_=.2*=<.11=9*11_ 5&;.1.43= 574;.)*8= &= 49=94=)<*11`=':9=842*=7*54798=-&;*=- 51&(*=+47=)4,=4<3*78= NMB Summer Concert Series 8(7.'*)=9-*8*=1.3,*7.3,=4557*88.;*=)&>8=4+= 94= *3/4>= ).33*7= <.9-= 7:30PM Thursdays thru Aug. 16 -*&9= &3)= -:2.).9>= &8= 8:197>`= 8<*19*7.3,= 9-*.7='*89=+7.*3)8_ Central Park – FREE &3)= 89.(0>_= 98= 349-.3,= 3*<_= = .3(*= - /S9-*=7.2*= (.*39=9.2*8`=4'8*7;*78=.3=(4:397.*8=- 4,= &184= 8-4<*)= :5= Modern Development .3,= 9-*= *).9*77&3*&3= -&;*= 7*(4,3.?*)= 94=-4:3)=+4108=94=-*15= NCTV17 Documentary / 7PM Aug. 13 )4,=)&>8=&8=*=9*3).3,=+742=,*=)&>8=- 57*;*39= (7.2*= &3)= 94= Council Chambers - FREE +47*= 94= ,*= )&>8= &+9*7= 9-*= (43/:3(9.43= 4+= ; <.9-= /S Back to School 2012-13! .7.:8=&3)=9-*=8:3_=&(0=9-*3`=.7.:8`=9-*= 43=<1):7.3,=9-*= First Day of Classes '7.,-9*89=89&7=.3=9-*=3.,-9=80>`=14(&9*)=.3= Q8*7=7.2*=- School District 203 - Aug. 15 &3.8=&/47=/<&8=9-4:,-9= 5*78= ; (&7*)= School District 204 - Aug. 23 1 /? @ *&71>= - -.8=5*7.4)=(4.3(.)*)=<.9-= 97&9.43`= ;.8.9= <<<_ Naper Nights -49=)&>8=9-&9=<*7*=51&,:*)=<.9-=)7*&)*)= crimestoppersrun- Naper Settlement ).8*&8*= &3)= ).8(42+479_= 4)&>8= - 3.3,8(&7*)_(42_==A&>= 5-10PM Aug. 24 & 25 &3(*8= 9-&9= &7*= &(*7'&9*)= '>= 9-*= -*&9= - &*39.43_=9&>=&1*79_ Images of vacationing dogs splashing through breaking waves Napersettlement.museum (1:)*=54.843=.;>=&3)=8*&843&1=5*898=8:(-= *&3<-.1*`= 8 or taking a lap on the lake in a speed boat are reminders that Naperville Wine Festival &8='**8`=49.(08=&3)=5*89=.1*=68 +7.*3)1>= 5&9.48= no creature seeks relief from the heat with greater joy than CityGate Centre 6 throughout Naper- man’s best friend. 4-10PM Aug. 24 / 3-9PM Aug. 25 3= 2*7.(&`= -&;*= '**3= ;.11*= &7*= 14(&9*)= &9= napervillewinefestival.com :8*)=&8=3&2*8=4+=.3)*5*3)*39=Q)4,= C 7.8-= A 8 5&9.48= &7*= &= +:3= - ,7442*78`= )4,= )&>(&7*= &3)= 843,8_= 4- 47.,.3&1=)4,=5&9.4`=(4251*9*== 9.43=+47=&=)4,=<&10`=*85*(.&11>=.3=9-*=*;- Jaycees Last Fling (&11>`=84+='**7=574):(*)='>=<4= <.9-=8)4,=<&9*7='4<18`=- 3.3,=<-*3=(441*7='7**?*8=&))=94=9-*=- Aug. 31-Sept. 3 749-*78=7*<*7>=(*1*'7&9*=4,=&>8_ &9*)='>=9-*=4<3*7=&3(>=C&9(-= +479=4+=)4,=)&>8=4+=8:22*7_ Jackson Ave. to Rotary Hill -/@85&9.4=4:9=*)8=- 11= 9-.3,8= (438.)*7*)`= A - \ Cheers to dog-friendly patios. 9&3&=/6*7>=82&11=&7*&=&((*88.'1*=+742= 5-*78=/:25*)=&9=9-*=(-&3(*=94=8-4<(&8*= 4=2&70=9-*=2.)<&>=54.39=4+=9-*=)4,= 9-*=?8.&3=.8974=A&9.4=&7*&= .39.2&9*`= 5*7843&1= (&3.3*= *=5*7.*3(*8`= Many Dog Photos by Jo Lundeen )&>8=4+=8:22*7`=8.==)4,8=&3)=9-*.7=- .8=4:9=&3)`=4+=(4:78*`=*843=&'.0&_= '7.3,.3,=1.,-9-*&79*)=/4>`=8*&843&1=-*&19-= Published/Edited by Stephanie Penick *78=2*9=7*(*391>=43=9-*=85&9.4= *39.;*=8*7;*78=0**5=<&9*7='4<18=Q 9.58=&3)=&=+*<=14(&1=)4,=89&78=94=4:7=5&,*8= &9=*843=&'.0&=94=(*1*'7&9*_=-*=14;*1>= +47=<8*)=5:58=43=1*&8-*8_ 9-.8=2439-_ J J J PN is one of many voices in the community. -.8= 2439-`= <*7*= 5:.3,= 842*= *=97&= '&70= PN .394=4:7='.9*`=*&,*7=94=(*1*'7&9*=9-*=5&88.3,=4+= 9-*=)4,=)4,8=4+=8:22*7`=&=8 (-&3,*=4+=8*&8438=9-&9=2489=4+=:8=<-4=(-448*= CONNECT DAILY 94=1.;*=.3=9-*=.)<*89=<*1(42*_ =5*=-45*=>4:11=Q842*=(42.(=7*1.*+=.3=9-*=.2&,*8=4+=842*=4+= 4:7=14(&1=(.9.?*38='*89=+7.*3)8`=854*)=&74:3)=94<3=&3)=43=;8 9.43=*3/4>.3,=9-*=,7*&9=4:9)4478_ positivelynaperville.com =8=<*=5:9=9-.8=.88:*=94,*9-*7=;=9-*=+,9-=.88:*=4+=4:7=++9-=>*&7= &8=&=(422:3.9>=3*<8=84:7(*=;=<*)=1.0*=94=)7&<=&*39.43=&184= 94=4:7=(4397.':9.3,=(41:23.898_=:7.3,=4:7=Q++=>*&78`=247*= 9-&3=.S(41:23.898=-&;*=574;.)*)=.38.,-98`=5*785*(9.;*8= &3)=45.3.438=+47=4:7=5&,*8_ =A&184=.8=,7&9*+:1=+47=8&251*8=+742=<7.9*78=<-4=-&;*=5.9(-*)= .)*&8= +47= (41:238`= 2&3>= 4+= <-42= 8.9= 43= 4:7= <&.9.3,= 1.89_= = 5*= 2:89=&)2.9=<*=+4:3)=-:247=.3=43*=7*8.)*39=<7.9*7=<-4=&551.*)= Positively Naperville's new website +47=85&(*`=349.3,=8-*=<&8=143,9.2*=7*&)*7=<-4=/:89=14;*8=9-*= -*=8&251*=4+=-*7=<7.9.3,8=.3(1:)*)=&=8947>=&'4:9= ;*7<&10_ offers many N. 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