STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF ANDHRA PRADESH 1959 M ISSUED BY BUREAU OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH HYDERABAD PRINTED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PRINTING. GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH. AT THE GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS. HYDERABAD 1902 PREFACE The Statistical Abstract of Andhra Pradesh 1959 is the fourth issue in this series and is designed to serve as a reference book. It presents various types of quantitative data relating to the economic and social aspects of the State. Every effort has been made to include statistics according to the recommenda­ tions of the Eighth Joint Conference of the Central and State Statisticians. As usual, some All India Statistics have also been included at the end of the publication, to facilitiate comparison of data for the State with data for the country as a whole. It is hoped that the Abstract will prove useful not »nly to officials and scholars, but also to the public. Suggestk>ns for any improvement of the publi cation are most welcome. Bureau of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad, D. RANGA RAMANUJAM, 3rd May 1961. Director. CONTENTS T a b l e N o . S u b j e c t a n d L i s t o f T a b l e s P a g e I. Population 1. Variation in Population of Andhra Pradesh, 1901-1951 . , , . 1­ 2. Area, Population and Density of Population: By Districts, 1951 .. ■ 2 8. Area and Population of Tahsils, 1951 . .. 3-^ 1 Rural and Urban Population: By Districts, 1951 , . .. .. 6 5. Villages and Towns classified according to size of Populatin: By Districts, 1951 ., 7 6. Population of cities and principal towns, 1941 and 1951 .. .. 8-9 7. Male and Female Population: By Districts, 1951 .. .. 10 8. Estimated Population by age groups according to rural and urban areas, 1951 .. 11 9. Estimated Population classified by age and civil condition, 1951 .. .. 12 10. Population dependent for livelihood on agricultural and non-agrieultural sources: By Distiricts, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 13 11. Poj>ulation dependent for livelihood on agricultural sources: By Sources and 3y Districts, 1951. 14 12. Population dependent for livelihood on non-agricultural sources: By Sources and by Districts, 1951 .. .. .. .. 15 13. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes: By Districts, 1951 . - .. .. 16 14. Literate Population: By age groups, 1951 .. .. .. .. 17 15. Literate Population: By Districts, 1951 .. .. .. 18 1€. Population classified according to mother-tongue, 1951 .. .. .. 19 II. Climate 17. Seasonwise Rainfall 19.53-54 to 1958-59 .. .. .. 19 . I 18. Seasonwise Rainfall; By Districts, 1957-58 . .. .. 20 19. Average Annual Rainfall: By Districts, 1953-54 to 1958-59 . .. .. 21 20. Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperature for the period January to December 1958 22 III. Public Health and Vital Statistics 21. Government Medical Facilities (Allopathic), 1954-55 to 1958-59 . .. 28 2!. Government Medical Facilities (Allopathic): in 1958-59: By Districts ., ' .. 24-25 VI T a b l e N o . S u b j e c t a x d L i s t o f T a b l e s P a g e , 23. Distribution of Government Hospitals and dispensaries (Allopathic), 1958-59 .. 26-27 24. Distribution of Government Doctors. (Allopathic) by categories and by districts, 1958-59 28 25. Births and j^eaths, 19.57, 1958 and 1959 .. .. , , .. 29 26. Infant Mortality, 1957, 1958 and 1959. .. .. 80 27. Deaths according to causes, 1959 .. .. ., 31 28. Births and Deaths; By Districts, 1959 . .. .. .. ., 32-8;} ,. IV. Agriculture 29. Land Utilisation, 1954-55 to 1958-50 . 34-35 80. Land Utilisation: By Districts for the year, 1958-59 .. 36-37 31. Area under Food and Non-I'ood crops 1954-55 to 1958-59 . 88 32. Area under Food and Non-food crops: By Districts, 1958-59 39 38. Cereals— Area and Out-turn, 1954-55 to 1958-59 .. 40 41 34. Fulses^Area and Out-turn, 1954-55 to 1958-59 . 42-43 35. Oil seeds— Area and Ovit-turn, 1954-55 to 1958-59 . 42-43 36. Other principal crops—Area and out-turn, 1954-55 to 1958-59 44-45 37. Cereals—Area and Out-turn: By Districts, 1958-59 .. 40-47 38. Pulses—Area and Out-turn: By Districts, 1958-59 .. 48-49 39. Oil seeds— Area and Out-turn: By Districts, 1958-59 .. 50-51 40. Other— crops Area and out-turn: By Districts, 1958-59 .. 52-57 41. Index Number of Agricultural Production in Andhra Pradesh 58 42. Yield per acre of principal crops, 1954-55 to 1958-59 .. 59 43. Yield per acre of principal crops: By Districts, 1958-59 .. 60-61 44. Average yield per acre. Standard Error and Out-turn of principal crops for 1958-59 . 62 45. Farm Harvest prices of Principal crops, 1954-55 to 1958-59 63 46. Farm Harvest prices of Principal crops: By Districts, 1958-59 64-65 47. Agricultural machinery and implements in Andhra Pradesh, 1951 and 1956 66 48. Agricultural machinery and implements: By Districts, 1956 67 49. Ownership holdings completely self cultivated, completely leased out and partly sclf-ci'ltivated and partly leased out: By Districts in Telangana Region 68-69 Til P a g e T a b l e N o . S u b j e c t a n d L i s t o f T a b l e s 50. Cultivator’s holdings Completely self cultivated, completely leased out and partly self cultivated and partly leased out: By Districts .. .. .. 68-69 51. Holdings classified according to area owned— In standard acres— Andhra Region .. 70 52. Holding classified according to area under pe'-sonal oultivatioti in ordinary and standard acres Andhra Region .. .. .. 71 53. Ownership holdings classified according to size groups of area in converted dry acres— Telengana Region .. .. .. • . .. 72 V. Livestock 54-. Livestock Population, Andhra Pradesh, 1951 and 1956 .. • • .. 73 55. Livestock Population by districts, 1956 . .. .. • • .. 75-79 VI. Veterinary 56. Government Veterinary Services in Andhra Pradesh, 1954-55 to 1958-59 • • . 80 57. Government Veterinary Services in Andhra Pradesh: By Districts, 1958-59 • • .. 81 58. Livestock Mortality due to contagious and other diseases in Andhra Pradesh, 1954-55 to 1958-59. .. .. .. .. • • . 82-83 59. Livestock Mortality due to contagious and other diseases in Andhra Pradesh: By Districts, 1958-59 .. .. , .. 84-91 VII. Forests 60. Area of Reserved Forests and Reserved Lands in Andhra PradesH for 1958-59 92 61. Out-turn of Timber and Fuel in Andhra Pradesh, 1958-59 .. 92 62. Out-tuni of Minor Forest Produce in Andhra Pradesh, 1958-59 .. 92 V III. Industries 63. Productive Capital Employed, 1957-58 .. .. .. 93 64. Input and Output of Industries and Value added by manufacture, 1957-58 94-95 65. Production of Selected Industries in Andhra Pradesh, 1955 to 1959 96-99 66. Production o f Other Industries, 1958 and 1959 .. .. 100 67. Production o f Liquors for the year, 1955 to 1959 .. .. 101 68. Distribution o f Factories according to working strength: By Industries, 1959 102-103 IX . Mining 69. Production oif Minerals, 1954 to 1958 .. .. .. .. 104-105 70. Production o f Minerals: By Districts, 1958 .. .. .. 106-111 Via T a b l e N o . S u b j e c t a n d I j s t o f T a b l e s Pa g e 71. Opening stock, Production, Consumption of Indcgenous Coal and Closing stock of Coal in Andhra Pradesh for 1955 to 1959 .. .. .. .. .. 112 X. Fuel and Power 72. Generation and Coubuniptiou of Elwliicits in Aiul'ma Piadcsh. 1959 .. .. n s X I. Irrigation 78. Land Irrigated : By source of Irrigation, 1954-55 to 1958-50 .. .. 114 74. Land Irrigated bj- Source of Irrigation; By Districts, 1958-59 ,. , . 115 75. Area of Crops Irrigated for the years, 1954-55 to 1958-59 .. .. 116-117 76. Area of Crops Irrigted; By Districts, 1958-59 .. .. ., 118-121 A ll. Labour and Employment 77. Number of persons employed and salaries, wages and other benefits paid to them in 1957 and 1958 . .. .. .. .. 78. Daily average number of workers Employed in Coal Mines: By Categories of emi)loyment during 1959 .. .. " . , .. j23 79. Occupational distribution of Applicants on the Live Register with the Employment Exchanges, 1955 to 1959 .. .. .. X23 80. Registrations and Placements by the Employment Exchanges, 1955 to 1959 .. 124 81. Annual Registration and Placements effected by the Exchanges in Andhra Pradesh in respect of Educated Applicants during the year 1955 to 1959 and the number of such applicants on the I^ive Register at the end of each j^ear .. , 125 82. Monthly average number of employers using Exchanges and vacancies notified each year, 1955 to 1959 .. .. .. .. .. i26 83. Annual Registrations and Placements effected by Employment Exchanges during 1955-56 to 1959-60 in respect of special categories of applicants .. .. 127 84. Average number of workers employed daily in establishments under the operation of the factories Act 1948 : By Districts and by industries, 1959 . .. .. 128-135 85. Industrial disputes and man days lost by ma/or industries, 1954 to 1958 136-137 86. Number of industrial disputes and man days lost, 1955 to 1959 . .. 138 87. Number of disputes by duration workers involved and man days lost, 1956-59 .. 139 XIII. Transport and Communications 88. Working of the Indian Air Lines Corporation in Andhra Pradesh, Begnmpet and Visakha- patnam Aerodromes, 1955 to 1959 .. .. .. .. .. 140-141 89. Route Mileage of Railways as on 31st March 1959 in Andhra Pradesh .. ,, 140-141 90. Worl ing of the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation, 1954-55 to 1958-59 142 IX 'JTa b l i N o . Su b jec t an d L ist of T a b le P a g e 91. Motor vehicles registered and on road as on 31st March 1959: By Districts .
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