Artykuły Representation of Ukrainian Territories on Austrian Ethnic Maps of the 19th Century Neonila Padyuka Th e escalation of national confl icts in the mul- Th e purpose of the article is to determine tinational Austrian monarchy of the mid-nine- the scientifi c importance of the Austrian eth- teenth century, growth of national liberation nic maps of the 19th century by analyzing the movements in Europe of this period prompted representation of the Ukrainian ethnic terri- the government to pay special attention to study- tory. Th e ethnic maps of the Austrian mon- ing the ethnic composition of the state and to de- archy of 19th century which have been select- fi ning the habitation area for each ethnic group, ed for research are at the scale not less than including the Ukrainian one. Along with anthro- 1:3 000 000. pological and statistical studies of the Austrian One of the earliest maps is that of the Sec- monarchy, this period was the time when ethnic retary of the Ministry of Statistics, Austrian maps based on scientifi c data and offi cial statis- surveyor, anthropologist and historian Joseph tics appeared. In particular, these are the maps Vincenz Häufl er (1810–1852) Versuch einer of Joseph Vincenz Häufl er, Rudolph Alois Fröh- Sprachenkarte der Österreichischen Monarchie lich, Franz Raff elsperger, Karl Freiherrn von Czo- (An Attempt to Compile a Language Map of the ernig, Franz Ritter von Le Monnier, who clearly Austrian Monarchy)7. Th at scientist later helped demonstrated the variegated ethnic composition to collect and process the ethnographic and lin- of the state population. guistic materials for the Hungarian part of Aus- Much research still needs to be done on tria for the monograph of Karl Freiherrn von Austrian ethnic maps. Publications of modern Czoernig Ethnographie der Österreichischen Mon- scholars and researchers Johannes Dörfl inger1, archie (Ethnography of the Austrian Monarchy)8. Ingrid Kretschmer2, Morgane Labbé3 and Neo- Th e map was published by the publish- nila Padyuka4 are devoted to studying some in- ing house of Gustav Emich (1843–1911) in dividual maps. However, there is no scientifi c Vienna, format 37.5×48.5 cm, scale approx. work specially dedicated to these ethnic maps. 1:3 000 000. Th e colored print was made by A detailed bibliography of ethnic maps of this Ágost Frigyes Walzel in Pest. Besides the main period is provided in the works of Polish modern map there are other eight inserted maps that scholars Franciszek Paweł Faluszczak5 and An- more precisely represent settlements of ethnic drzej Gawryszewski6. Germans in various regions of the Austrian 1 J. Dörfl inger, Sprachen- und Völkerkarten des mitteleuropäischen «l’ordre des choses» (http://www.lecfc.fr/new/articles/180-article-6.pdf, Raumes vom 18. Jahrhundert bis in die zweite Hälfte des 19. Jahr- access: 27 December 2013). hunderts, in: 4. Kartographiehistorisches Colloquium Karlsruhe 4 Н. Падюка, Українці на “Етнографічній карті Австрійської монар- 1988, 17–19. März 1988. Vorträge und Berichte, Berlin 1990, pp. хії” К. Черніґа, in: Історична топографія і соціотопографія Укра- 183–195. їни. Збірник наукових праць, ред. Я. Дашкевич et al., Львів 2006, 2 I. Kretschmer, Frühe ethnographische Karten Südosteuropas aus Wien, pp. 299–315. (http://lazarus.elte.hu/hun/digkonyv/sc/sc13/32ingrid_kretsmer.pdf, 5 F.P. Faluszczak, Kartografi a Galicji Wschodniej w latach 1772–1914, access: 24 December 2013). Rzeszów 2011. 3 M. Labbé, Die “Ethnographische Karte der Österreichischen Monar- 6 A. Gawryszewski, Polskie mapy narodowościowe, wyznaniowe i języ- chie”: ein Abbild der Monarchie, in: Images en capitale: Vienne, fi n kowe. Bibliografi a (lata 1827–1967), Warszawa 1969 (Dokumentacja XVIIe–début XIXe siècles, Hrsg. Ch. Lebeau, Bochum 2011, pp. 151–166 Geografi czna, 4). (Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert und Österreich, 25) (http://www.acade- 7 J.V. Häufl er, Versuch einer Sprachenkarte der Österreichischen Monar- mia.edu/915826/Stadtraum_-_Buhnenraum._Wien_als_Kapitale_in_ chie, [scale 1:1 970 000], Pest 1845. Josef_Richters_Bildergalerien, access: 25 December 2013); idem, La 8 K.F. von Czoernig, Ethnographie der Österreichischen Monarchie, Bd. carte ethnographique de l’empire Autrichien: la multinationalité dans 1, Abt. 1, Wien 1857, p. ХІІ. Studia Geohistorica • Nr 03. 2015 175 Artykuły Neonila Padyuka monarchy. With colored backgrounds, the ar- Nadsanie, North and South Lemkivshchyna. eas and explanations of the map show the set- Regarding the settlement of ethnic minorities tlement of six ethnic groups (language groups): in the entire Ukrainian ethnic territory, the Germans, Hungarians, Armenians, Slavs, Ro- map marks only the areas densely populated manians and Albanians. Th e Slavonic lands are by Germans in Galicia and Transcarpathia as presented in green, the settlement boundaries well as Hungarians in Transcarpathia. Th e of some Slavonic ethnic groups are marked representation of the territories inhabited by with dots and additional inscriptions. all Slavonic peoples with one color did not al- Th e map has an added explanatory text and low the opportunity to outline areas densely a table with statistics, ethnological and histori- populated by each Slavonic ethnic group, in cal information on all ethnic groups that in- particular for those not living on “their own” habited the Austrian monarchy9. ethnic territory. Joseph Vincenz Häufl er believed that be- According to Stepan Rudnytsky, this map, cause ethnographic studies are based on real to some extent, saved the situation that devel- facts they have a paramount importance, and, oped due to a lack of ethnographic studies and therefore, the ethnic maps are the best way for maps of the Ukrainian Galicia12. As for the a quick and true review of interethnic relations Ukrainian borders within the Hungarian Rus, in the country. Th e map and the ethnographic according to Stepan Tomashivsky, the map of survey composed by him can serve in teaching Joseph Vincenz Häufl er was “not detailed and geography, statistics, the history of the Austrian it was wrong”13 and based on the maps of Jan Empire in self-education, schools and so on10. Čaplovič and Pavel Šafařík. To compose the map, Joseph Vincenz Häu- In Vienna in 1849 two maps by Rudolph Alois fl er used a large number of sources: results of Fröhlich and Franz Raff elsperger were published conscription of 1843, schematisms 1842–1843, which diff ered in their importance and func- ethnographic studies and maps for the Sla- tion. Neueste National und Sprachenkarte des Ös- vonic part the works and maps of Pavel Šafařík terreichischen Kaiserstaates und der angrenzenden were used11. Th e author defi nes Ukrainians as Th eile, mit genauer Angabe der einzelnen Sprach- Ruthenen, Klein-Russen, Russinen or Rusniaken familien (Latest National and Linguistic Map of who belonged to the northern Slavs and lived in the Austrian Monarchy and Adjacent Territories)14 the central and eastern Galicia, Bukovina and by the scientist and linguist of Croatian origin part of north-eastern Hungary. Joseph Vincenz Rudolf Alois Fröhlich (also known as Rudolf Häufl er divides Ruthenians into the following Veselić, 1819–1862) was published in the format ethnic groups: Red Ruthenians (on the map 53×80 cm. Th e scale was presented in German they are Rothreussen) from the plains, Pokuttians (geographical) and Italian miles and leagues, (on the map they are Pokutier) in the moun- approximately 1:1 970 000. Settlements of 10 tainous areas of Galicia, Lemkos (on the map levels were included, from capital towns to vil- they are Lemaken) in Sanok district and komi- lages with an indication of presence or absence tat of Uzhhorod, Lyshaks (on the map they are of places were post-horses (Postwechsel) were Lissaken) in Bereg and Maramureș komitats. changed; with specifi cation of locations of land Th e map within the Ukrainian ethnic ter- or provincial administrations, corps headquar- ritory represents the areas that at present are ters, district administrations, baths, spas, and beyond the political boundaries of Ukraine: residences of an archbishop or bishop. 9 J.V. Häufl er, Sprachenkarte der Österreichischen Monarchie sammt erklä- 13 С . Томашівський, Етнографічна карта Угорської Руси, С.-Петер- render Übersicht der Völker dieses Kaiserstaates, ihrer Sprachstämme бург 1910, p. 9. und Mundarten, ihrer örtlichen und numerischen Verteilung, Ofen 1845. 14 R.A. Fröhlich, Neueste National und Sprachenkarte des Österrei- 10 Ibidem, p. 3. chischen Kaiserstaates und der angrenzenden Theile, mit genauer 11 Ibidem, p. 6. Angabe der einzelnen Sprachfamilien, [scale 1:1 970 000], Wien 12 С . Рудницький, Огляд національної території України, Берлін 1849. 1923, p. 34. 176 Studia Geohistorica • Nr 03. 2015 Representation of Ukrainian Territories on Austrian Ethnic Maps of the 19th Century Artykuły Th e territorial settlements of certain ethnic and staff ; basic communications: postal roads, groups are marked with colored background, railways, shipping routes. Th e map indicated Slavs – green and blue, Ukrainians (on the map the political and administrative division of the they are Russinen) – slightly darker shade, and an Austrian monarchy. Th e background color and additional red color traced boundaries between inscriptions were used to outline settlement ethnic Slavs. Th e Ukrainian ethnic territory in- territories of seven ethnic groups of the Aus- cludes a big part of Nadsanie (without Przemyśl trian monarchy, especially Slavs – with one Land), North and South Lemkivshchyna. color, depending on the edition, either green In the entire Ukrainian ethnic territory the or yellow. Th e settlement of each Slavonic eth- map represents areas densely populated by Ger- nic group was indicated with inscriptions, in- mans: Eastern Galicia (near Lviv, Sambir, Ro- cluding the Ukrainian ethnic groups: Lemkos, zhniativ) in the Transcarpathian region (Uzh- Lyshaks, Pokuttians, Ruthenians, Red Ruthe- horod, Khust, Ruska Mokra, Dubove); Poles in nians, Sotacs. According to the map, one can the Eastern Galicia (Rymanów, Jaśliska, Sam- defi ne only the Ukrainian ethnic boundaries bir, Khyriv, Staryi Sambir).
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