U M ANALYSIS OF U. S. PAY LAW I See Page 10 T QAAHJL S^CAAJ-ICJT NYC Sanitation, Police LEADER And Firelists to Last 2 Years America9s Largest Weekly for Public Employees See Page 3 Vol. 6—No. 44 Tuesday, July 10, 1945 Price Five Cents TRUMAN CUTS 826,000 TO A 44-HOUR WEEK Aviation Career Directory Overtime Halved Opportunities To HagertyS For 31 P.C. of All Special to The LEADER ALBANY, June 10—A ca- reer man in the New York U. S. Employees Top Job List City Civil Service, Philip E. Hagerty, personnel expert By HAL MILLER Special to The LEADER Thousands of jobs in private industry and civil service with years of experience, has been appointed to the WASHINGTON, July 10—Another pay raise battle are waiting to be filled in the metropolitan area. Many is coming if and when the U. S. Government moves to opportunities are available for unskilled workers, and important State post of Di- rector of Salary Standard- cut working time to 40 hours a week. there are plentiful opportunities for persons who want to This was indicated following the cutback this week learn a trade while being paid for their work. An espe- ization at $6,700 a year. The appointment came to him from 48 to 44 hours a week, affecting about 126,000 Gov- cially attractive opportunity for a career in aviation, with unsolicited. He was recommended ernment white-collar employees in Washington and 700,- preliminary training right in NYC, and you get paid while to the State Commission, which 000 of the 2,879,000 throughout the country, or 826,000 a trainee. was seeking the best available total on shorter hours. This is 31 per cent. Trainees Needed man in the State for the job. Mr. Mechanic learners, men and Hagerty will play an important Employee groups have indicated women who can pass a mechani- role in establishment of salary that they will again seek more cal aptitude test, will be trained scales for many State employees. pay to meet increased living costs. for maintenance and repair work A large part of his duties will u. s. Employees going on the 44-hour on airplanes for two months at consist of research for the Salary week won't lose now, as the cut LaGuardia Field and then will be Standardization Board. in pay will be offset by the Fed- transferred to Presque Isle, Me. Mr. Hagerty moves into his new Rule Stays eral Employees Act of 1945, These are civil service jobs with and bigger position from the NYC Special to The LEADER signed recently by President Tru- a base salary of $1,836 per year, Municipal Civil Service Commis- man. And, of course, those who plus $550.80 overtime for work- sion, where he was an engineering WASHINGTON, July 10. continue to work the 48 hours, ing 48 hours a week, a total of examiner. Several months ago he —Government employees, to will get the overtime and the $45.90 a week. Twenty-six days returned to the Commission after whom July 4 was just an- raise, if they are paid under the vacation leave and 15 days sick .'schedules of the Classification having been granted leave to as- other workday, can look for- ' Politics, Inc. leave are allowed yearly. Proof sist Manhattan Borough Presi- Act. of citizenship is required. Apply dent Edgar J. Nathan, Jr., on ward to a laborious Labor Six Groups Exempted OLORFUL DOINGS are ex- at the Queens Industrial Office, personnel procedures in the office. Day. Exempted from the 44-hour C pected in the NYC Mayoral- Bank of Manhattan Building, He served in an exempt position Christmas is still the only of- week order as approved by the ty campaign, especially from Queens Plaza, Long Island City, at that time. ficial holiday on the Federal work President were six departments Judge Jonah Goldstein, since or at 90-01 Sutphin Boulevard, Has Wide Experience calendar. Employees had hoped and agencies employing 126,000 Brig. Gen. William O'Dwyer fol- Jamaica. Mr. Hagerty's total experience that shortening of the work-week of the 252,000 Federal workers in lows very conservative counsel in Electricians, mechanics' help- with the City covers fifteen years. might lead to relaxation of the Washington. The staffs of the his campaigns by natural bent. ers, skilled mechanics, laborers, Before going to the Muncipal Ci- wartime holiday rules, but the War, Navy and Treasury Depart- (Continued on Page 15) (Continued on Page 15) White House said no. ments, and of the Veterans Ad- Everybody knows how colorless ministration, TV A and the Pana- a fund-raising campaign can be. ma Canal will work eight hours Judge Goldstein was the speaker overtime weekly. However, the at an event to raise money for President has asked even these agencies to adopt the 44-hour charity. He had cach person in weeks as soon as possible. the audience stand up, one by Conway Grants Increments one, give his name, and declare The President warned that re- how much he would contribute ductions in hours should "not Then he went around and got constitute a basis for requests for their signatures. To Clerical Assistants additional funds and personnel." He also explained that heads of Special to The LEADER On another occasion he made a departments and agencies affected ALBANY, July 10.—A memorandum from J. Edward Conway, president of the by the change can apply to the rousing story out of« the accident- Budget Bureau for exemption, if al recovery of a family heirloom State Civil Service Commission, to all app ointing officers, gave a nice break to former junior clerks, stenographers and typists who had been working in the higher title of they still believe they should be — a three legged beaten-copper on 48 hours. pot found in an antique shop in assistant, as substitutes, then were reclassified on April 1, 1945. NYC by a relative. The pot had Because of a technicality in the Not all employees on the 44- originated in the family in Europe law, these employees faced the similar position, to be paid the Clerk, Stenographer, or Typist is hour week will get Saturday af- y'ars and y'ars ago. As he told loss of increments, but Judge salary which he would have re- restored to his permanent status ternoon off., Several agencies are it, the story was very touching Conway's action restored them to ceived in his temporary employ- in the same or similar position still debating whether to close Really. permanent status with full incre- ment on the date of such perma- (not to a dissimilar position in the Saturday afternoon, or stay open ment rights. nent appointment. Accordingly, same salary grade) he shall re- for six full days and stagger the As recounted here recently, The notice read in part: substitute Clerks, Stenographers, tain his substitute salary and for half-day off. there's no love lost between Mayor "Under the provisions of the and Typists who received perma- the purpose of computing future More agencies than the six ex- LaOuardia and Judge Goldstein. Civil Service Law, as amended, an nent appointments, either by way increments he shall be credited empted war groups are expected The Mayor tells friends that employee who has been continu- of open competitive or promotion with number of years of service to continue on 48 hours. An ap- Judge Goldstein was for Tam- ously employed under a temporary eligible lists, to the same posi- in such position which corre- peal is likely from the Federal many whenever Tammany was military substitute appointment tions which they were filling on sponds with such rate of com- Bureau of Investigation and the for Goldstein. The Mayor cites in a Feld-Hamilton position, is a substitute basis would be en- pensation." (Continued on Page 15) the early attempt by Judge Gold- entitled, upon appointment on a titled to receive the same salaries, (Contlnued on Page 15) permanent basis, to the same or including earned increments. However, the possibility of such 'appointment' was removed for many Junior Clerks, Junior Ste- 100,000 Denied Raise nographers, and Junior Typists Truman Signs Bill serving under Rule VIII-12 as substitute Clerks, Stenographers, In Pay Still Hope and Typists by the reclassifica- tion of their positions on April 1, Special to The LEADEH For Postal Pay Raise 1945. WASHINGTON, July 10.—A hundred thousand or Special to The LEADER "This reclassification will be more of the government workers not covered by the WASHINGTON, July 10—The Postal Pay Raise Bill treated as an 'appointment' and Jackson-Downey pay raise act are expected to get basic in every case where a substitute (H.R. 3035) has been signed by President Truman, effective salary increases. as of July 1, 1945. While procedure is now being whole problem could be cleared worked out, it is not likely they Working hours, time off, night The new law was explained in if President Truman ordered a More State News will get the same raise granted to raise for those not covered in the differential, overtime, annual detail in last week's LEADER Classification Act employees. leave, and pay rates are affected. (July 3, 1945, issue). Pages 6, 7, 9. 9, 10, 14 bill similar to that granted under Employees believe that tlie the bill. 'FA' I Page Two U. S. NEWS CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Tuesday, July 10, 1945 FEPC Employees Vote Thousands to Get To Stay As Congress Squabble Snarls Pay Added Pay Raise Special to The TJ5ADER Special to The LEADER WASHINGTON, July 10—Important war agencies are WASHINGTON,-July 10.—Thousands of classified jeopardized by current Congressional quabbling over the Federal workers will get immediate "within-grade" in- Fair Employment Practices Committee.
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