Oct. 14, 1968:Our 38th Year:50c THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO New major merger- Metromedia -Transamerica. p23 Big year forecast for spot radio in '69. p26 Media -buying concern at ANA -TVB workshop. p36 Networks concerned over independents' gains. p42 tyá4rP` ti.0 Now the MGM /7 feature film list sets a brand new standard in local station programming. This one remarkable group of films can in- sure continued dominance for a feature station -or can be the basis for establishing a station as the market's best feature programmer. "The big view is the long view" because this list, with its great breadth and depth of titles, can do more for setting the local image than any other single buy. Not just for 26 weeks or for one season, but for a predictable period of years. And at a project - able cost with long -range stability in sales and audience planning. Movies are stronger than ever on television. CMGM/7 New York, Chicago, Culver City. Atlanta. Dallas. Toron) SPOTLIGHT ON STARS ... ROBERT GOULET TRINI LOPEZ ABBE LANE JACK CARTER -SHELLEY BERMAN LANA CANTRELL GEORGIA BROWN TOM JONES CONNIE STEVENS ROY CASTLE VIKKI CARR BILL DANA BARBARA McNAIR FRAN JEFFRIES PHIL SILVERS NOEL HARRISON SHANI WALLIS LAINIE KAZAN EDDIE FISHER ,TV's fastest selling musical- variety specials! NINE ONE -HOUR SUPER SPECTACULARS IN COLOR' STARRING THE GREATEST NAMES IN SHOW BUSINESS ROBERT GOULET TOM JONES TRINI LOPEZ LAINIE KAZAN JACK CARTER GEORGIA BROWN TOMMY COOPER FRAN JEFFRIES FRANK GORSHIN PHIL SILVERS ABBE LANE SHELLEY BERMAN BARBARA McNAIR NOEL HARRISON SHANI WALLIS JON WEAVING BENNY HILL ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK PAUL ANKA BILL DANA EDDIE FISHER LANA CANTRELL VIKKI CARR CONNIE STEVENS BENNY HILL FRANKIE VAUGHAN ROY CASTLE already sold in 1st four weeks. .. ADVERTISERS RCA AMERICAN CAN ARMOUR DASH CHICAGO WGN-TV KROGER CO. 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Ambassador 8040 INDEPENDENT TELEVISION CORPORATION 100 University Ave.. Toronto 1, Ontario, EMpire 21166 Mexico City. Paris. Rome. Buenos Aires. Sydney, and offices in principal cities in 79 countries around the world. More TV reach More TV penetration. The combination of the new WTEV 1,049 -foot tower and programming specifically planned to increase listenership among all age groups is sharply increasing the station's ratings and audience share of the greater Providence market. Continuing significant leadership in young -adult TV audiences." 'UP 102% in total homes Monday through Friday 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.* With WTEV, your sales move up in the greater Providence area. 'Based on Feb. -March IDDS ARB and :or Nielsen estimates al compared with Feb. -.March 1967 estimates: subject to inherent limitations of semolina techniques and other Qualifications issued by ,IRB and Nielsen, available upon request. ..... w... Bdl-e .., . xGBOSTON ,br., __ : rr rrá,w Lvdlxf ,.r Men- }.. -Mrm F1 Springfield r LwPa-rr r xu.sr..r ,, xr PROVIDÉNCE ; ,^; ^: .. - ^...' 1: ;: C.... ., rxr k r,INBl,rxr ,: 'r .... .. ..":: .r_.:;,.r m .....7-0 hk`a, ....a,drrd'..r.r ...r. % l : vxnu<.r.,_ Channel wTEv GRADE A Providence -New Bedford -Fall River Rhode Island- Massachusetts Vance L. Eckersley, Sta. Mgr. Saving tñe quota cPAOVideneeLAAea STEINMAN TELEVISION STATIONS Clair MeCollough, Pres. WTEV Providence, R.1. /New Bedford -Fall River, Mass. WBAL -TV Lancaster -Harrisburg -York- Lebanon, Pa. KOAT -TV Albuquerque, N.M. 4 BROADCASTING, Oct. 14, 1968 LTIoseilLYivuit Judge and prosecutor 200 for use by CBS personnel on -cam- Radio Music License Committee since era and off. Meanwhile, unruffled NBC talks broke down almost month ago at which lost in court FCC, has both times will look little different from way it did first full -fledged meeting on BMI re- that licensees that were fined forced in 1966 election broadcasts except for quest for increase in radio music rates government to sue to collect, is said some improvement in visual display of (BROADCASTING, Sept. 23) . It's under- to to take new tack in be preparing computer information which it pio- stood there's one bit of collateral activ- forfeiture cases. When government neered in 1964 and perfected two years ity. however: Committee, which is said sues, trial is held in federal court on ago. Said one NBC election unit execu- to represent upwards of 1,000 radio facts. procedure. Under new it's under- tive: "We've got a successful format stations, reportedly is in process of ex- stood. if licensee wants hearing, he will and we're not going to tinker with it." panding membership. David H. Morris get it in agency proceeding conducted of KNUZ Houston is said to have been by examiner. Judicial review, which is added. That makes seven, and at least what stations now get when govern- Another eyeing entry two others, maybe more, are expected ment takes them to court, would be National General Corp., which has been to be named later. Committee is headed available only through appeal to U. S. putting together entertainment- commu- by Elliott M. Sanger, retired WQXR New Court of Appeals. nications -complex, plans to add one York executive. This procedure. which commission's major element now missing- broadcast general counsel is said to feel can be properties. TV ownership and operation No panic employed under existing law. presum- are likely to be first stage of this move. ably would give agency better chance properties would be run with National Association of Broadcasters' Station hunt for than it has now of making fines stick programing concept far kept under research group to conduct -so basic study of multiple-ownership re- in cases where it is challenged. Some tight wraps would tie in with -that strictions proposed by FCC rulemaking commission officials are said to feel other divisions of company, which in- is still in tentative stage, despite ap- that neither U. S. attorneys, who are clude motion -picture theaters, book proach of Jan. 28, 1969, which com- responsible for prosecuting suits, nor publishing, and movie and TV produc- mission has set as absolute deadline federal district judges who hear cases. tion. Veteran broadcaster, Malcolm C. when comments can be filed in proced- have same grasp of issues involved as Klein, formerly VP and general man- ing. Question now is whether research do commission attorneys and examin- ager of KFIJA -TV Los Angeles, is acting needs to be conducted at all. NAB ers. as "cross- of leisure -time pollinator," wants to find out, so it's submitted activities with title of VP, creative serv- guidelines for research project to out- Counterprograming ice and marketing. Broadcast move is side source for comment on feasibility primary objective for Mr. Klein who of undertaking. Guidelines, which were Metrodmedia- stations' news operation joined Los Angeles -based National Gen- continues to invent new ways to make hammered out by NAB executive corn - eral last March. mittee and group law- national splash. Now it's learned Metro- of Washington yers last week, are said to include meas- media is negotiating to hire, as com- urement of diversity factor inherent in mentator Nov. 5 election coverage, Other cheek for multiple ownerships. figure who is certain to command at- One bit of behind -scenes by -play in Outside source is Dr. Robert Jones, tention. It's Senator Eugene McCarthy. Thomas P. F. Hoving's potshooting at of University of Minnesota. But NAB He'd appear in addition to company's commercial broadcasters that hasn't has set no deadline when it expects to own national news editor, Jack Cole, come to light till now is that day after receive his report. In meantime it's and syndicated columnists, Rowland he charged commercial TV networks said no projections as to what study Evans and Robert Novak. and AT &T with "collusion" to debase will cost can be made until appropriate programs (BROADCASTING, Oct. 7) he research firm (if there's to be one at sent personal letter to Frank Stanton, all) is approached. Price of competing president of CBS. And what he wanted its drive to - In catch NBC in election was-of all things -a favor. Scrambled calls night ratings, CBS is investing heavily to Mr. Hoving wrote not as chairman glamourize look of its election coverage. of National Citizens Committee for Los Angeles police department (and CBS's futuristic "elections-in- the -round" Public Broadcasting, springboard for reportedly police in other communities set for anchorman Walter Cronkite and his headline -grabbing charges (see page around country) is studying electronic fellow correspondents will be most elab- 9), but as director of New York's techniques for scrambling its radio orate and expensive yet. Two -story -high Metropolitan Museum of Art. Museum, transmissions. Primary purpose of move complex of concentric wells will include he noted.
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