2 No.30413 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 2 NOVEMBER 2007 For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Aile Proklamasies, Goewermentskennisgewlngs, Aigemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennisgewings en Raadskennisgewings gepubliseer, word vir included in the following table of contents which thus forms a verwysingsdoeleindes in die volgende Inhoudsopgawe inge­ weekly index. Let yourself be guided by the Gazelle numbers in sluit wat dus 'n weeklikse indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die the righthand column: Koerantnommers in die regterhandse kolom lei: CONTENTS INHOUD and weekly Index en weekllkse Indeks Page Gazette B/adsy Koerent No. No. No. No. No. No. GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL NOTICES GOEWERMENTS- EN ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS Agriculture, Department of Arbeid, Departement van Government Notices Goewermentskennisgewings R. 993 Marketing of Agricultural Products Act R. 1005 Wet op Mannekragopleiding (56/1981): (47i1996): Establishment of statutory Wysiging van regulasies ................... 59 30393 measures: Records and returns by R.1010 Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995: abattoirs and exporters of live pigs . 3 30393 Intrekking van Goewermentskennis­ R. 994 do.: do.: Registration by abattoirs and gewing: Boubedingingsraad Noord- en exporters of live pigs . 11 30393 Wes-Boland.... 3 30400 R. 995 do.: do.: Determination of guideline R.1011 do.: Boubedingingsraad, Noord-enWes- price: Levies relating to pigs . 19 30393 Boland: Uitbreiding van Kollektiewe Ooreenkoms na Nie-Partye 5 30400 Health, Department of R. 1012 do.: do.: Verlenging van tydperk van Government Notices Kollektiewe Ooreenkoms 205 30400 R. 1004 Occupational Health and Safety Act Aigemene Kennisgewings (8511993): Classification and labelling of chemical substances: Regulations . 29 30393 1339 Labour Relations Act, 1995: Cancellation R. 1006 Health Professions Act (56/1974): of registration of an employers' organisa­ Regulations: Qualifications for registra- tion: United Food, Beverage and Allied tion of emergency care practitioners . 32 30393 Workers' Union of South Africa R. 1007 do.: Health Professions Council of South (UFBAWUSA).......................................... 29 30413 Africa: Regulations: Registration of stu- 1340 do.: Intention of cancellation of registra­ dent emergency care technicians and tion of an employers' organisation: student emergency care practitioners ..... 36 30393 Construction Producers & Allied R. 1008 do.: do.: do.: Qualifications for registra- Employers' Organisation (CONPAEO).... 30 30413 tion of emergency care technicians . 48 30393 R. 1009 Occuapational Diseases in Mines and Behulslng, Departement van Works Act (7811973): Increase of levies. 52 30393 A/gemene Kennisgewing R.1013 Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act (54/1972): Regulations: Foodstuffs 1252 Proposed legislation for a Housing for infants, young children and children .. 3 30402 Development Agency: Invitation to submit written comments. 3 30346 Home Affairs, Department of Blnnelandse Sake, Departement van Government Notice 1028 Births and Deaths Registration Act Goewermenmkenn~gewmg (5111992): Alteration of forenames .. 7 30413 1028 Births and Deaths Registration Act (51/1992): Alteration 01 forenames . 7 30413 Housing, Department of General Notice Gesondheid, Departement van 1252 Proposed legislation for a Housing Goewermenmkennisgewmgs Development Agency: Invitation to R. 1004 Occupational Health and Safety Act submit written comments 3 30346 (85/1993): Classification and labelling of Independent Electoral Commission chemicai substances: Regulations . 29 30393 R. 1006 Wet op Gesondheidsberoepe (56/1974): General Notice Regulasies: Kwalifikasies vir registrasie 1332 Correction notice: Notice 1204 of 2007 .. 3 30421 van noodsorgpraktisyns . 34 30393 R. 1007 do.: Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe van Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of Suid-Afrika: Regulasies: Registrasie van Govemment Notice student-noodsorgtegnici en student- noodsorgpraktisyns . 42 30393 R. 1003 Justices of the Peace and R.1008 do.: do.: do.: Kwalifikasies vir registrasie Commissioners of Oaths (16/1963): Amendment of designation of van noodsorqteqnici . 50 30393 commissioners of oaths. 54 30393 R. 1009 Occuapational Diseases in Mines and Works Act (7811973): Increase of levies. 52 30393 General Notice R.1013 Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants 1324 Publication of Explanatory Summary of Act (54/1972): Regulations: Foodstuffs Jurisdiction of Regional Courts for infants, young children and Amendment Bili, 2007............................. 2 30399 children.................. 3 30402 STAATSKOERANT, 2 NOVEMBER 2007 No. 30413 3 Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. Labour, Department 01 Grondsake, Departement van Government Notices Algemene Kennisgewings R. 1005 Manpower Training Act (56/1981): 1336 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): Amendment of regulations ...................... 56 30393 Amending Government Gazelle No. R. 1010 Labour Relations Act, 1995: Cancellation 28427 per Notice 127 of 2006 ................ 23 30413 of Government Notice: Building 1337 do.: Amending Government Gazelle No. Bargaining Council, North and West 29191 per Notice 1302 of 2006 25 30413 Boland 3 30400 1338 Verlenging van tydperk vir kommentaar R. 1011 do.: Buiiding Bargaining Council, North oar die Verslag en aanbevelings deur die and West Boland: Extension of paneel van kundiges oor die Ontwikke­ Collective Agreement to Non-Parties ...... 4 30400 ling van Beleid aangaande Grondbesit R.1012 do.: do.: Extension of period of operation deur Vreemdelinge in Suid-Afrika 27 30413 of Collective Agreement...... 205 30400 1341 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): Claim for restitution of land rights: Farm General Notices Stof Kraal No. 42 and Farm Rietpoort 1339 Labour Relations Act, 1995: Cancellation No. 43...................................................... 31 30413 of registration of an employers' organisa­ 1342 do.: do.: Erf 902, Paternoster.................. 32 30413 tion: United Food, Beverage and Allied 1347 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): Workers' Union of South Africa Claim for restitution of land rights: (UFBAWUSA).......................................... 29 30413 Portion 41, farm Woodlands 876, Lions 1340 do.: Intention of cancellation of registra­ River........................................................ 35 30413 tion of an employers' organisation: 1348 do.: do.: Sub 2 of Lot 663 and Sub A of Construction Producers & Allied Lot 569, Ladysmith.................................. 36 30413 Employers' Organisation (CONPAEO).... 30 30413 1349 do.: Amending Notice 398 of 2006 pub- lished in Government Gazelle No. 28605 Land Affairs, Department 01 of 17 March 2006.................................... 37 30413 1350 do.: Claim for restitution of land rights: General Notices Redhill/Malacca Road ............................. 38 30413 1336 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): 1351 do.: Amendment of Gazelle Notices Amending Government Gazelle No. 1721 of 2006, 230 of 2004 and 879 of 28427 per Notice 127 of 2006 23 30413 2006........................................................ 40 30413 1337 do.: Amending Government Gazelle No. 1352 do.: Claim for Restitution of land rights: 29191 per Notice 1302 of 2006 25 30413 Locatie van Knopneuzen 230 LT 43 30413 1338 Extension of period for comment on the 1353 do.: Amendment of Gazette Notices 879 Report and recommendations by the of 2006, 889 of 2006 and 1874 of 2005 . 44 30413 panel of experts on the Deveiopment of 1354 do.: Claim for Restitution of land rights: Policy regarding Land Ownership by Various farms, Vhembe District....... ........ 57 30413 Foreigners in South Africa.... 27 30413 Handel en Nywerheld, Departement van 1341 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): Claim for restitution of land rights: Farm Algemene Kennisgewings Stof Kraal No. 42 and Farm Rietpoort 1333 International Trade Administration No. 43...................................................... 31 30413 Commission of South Africa: Sunset 1342 do.: do.: Erf 902, Paternoster.................. 32 30413 Review of the anti-dumping duties on 1347 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): picks, shovels and spades, rakes and Claim for restitution of land rights: forks originating in or imported from the Portion 41, farm Woodlands 876, Lions People's Republic of China (PRC): Final River.................. 35 30413 determination 14 30413 1348 do.: do.: Sub 2 of Lot 663 and Sub A of 1355 Koopsrasiewet, 2005: Kooperasies van Lot 569, Ladysmith.................................. 36 30413 die register geskrap te word: Ilembe 1349 do.: Amending Notice 398 of 2006 pub- Security Services Co-operative Limited, lished in Government Gazette No. 28605 Ilisomo Lomzi Sewing Co-operative of 17 March 2006. 37 30413 Limited, IIingelihle Agricultural Co-opera­ 1350 do.: Claim for restitution of land rights: tive Limited, Imicabango Yesizwe Redhill/Malacca Road...... 38 30413 Agricultural Co-operative Limited, 1351 do.: Amendment of Gazelle Notices Langalibalele Tourism Co-operative 1721 of 2006, 230 of 2004 and 879 of Limited, Lebowakgomo Car Washers 2006........................................................ 40 30413 Co-operative Limited, Langalibalele 1352 do.: Claim for Restitution of land rights: Trading Co-operative Limited, Mang­ Locatie van Knopneuzen 230 LT 43 30413 cengce Youth Co-operative Limited, 1353 do.: Amendment of Gazelle Notices 879 Masangweni Sizanani Co-operative of 2006,889 of 2006 and 1874 of 2005. 44 30413 Limited, Masidonse
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