Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87043-6 - Capital Cities at War: Paris, London, Berlin 1914-1919, Volume 2 Edited by Jay Winter and Jean-Louis Robert Index More information Index Aberystwyth, 171 anti-war movements, 294, 295, 296, 415 absenteeism, from schools, 199, 200, 222 anti-war rally, 2 August 1914, 286 Acade´mie des sciences, 272 Anzac Coves, 123 Acade´mie franc¸aise, 253 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 16, 335, 465, 466 Academy of Medicine, Paris, 2 Archbishop of Canterbury, 387 Action franc¸aise, 287 Archbishop of Paris, death of in Paris Adrian, Edgar, 372 Commune, 387 advertising, 71 Arkwright, John S., 467 Agathon, 426 Armistice Day, 293, 302, 307, 308, 429 Aitken, Sir Max (Lord Beaverbrook), 175, Army and Religion Survey, 403 176, 294 Army Statistical Office, French, 368 Ajalbert, Jean, 432, 434, 443, 452 Asquith, H. H., 285, 286 Alacoque, Ste Margarite-Marie, 423 Association Re´publicaine des anciens Alain (Chartier, Emile Auguste), 418 combattants, 305 Albert (Somme), 373 atrocities, war, 29 Alexandra, Queen, 227 stories, 32 Alexandre, Michel, 418 aerial bombardment as, 77 Aliens Restriction Order (1914), 206 Atwell, Charles, 416 All Saints’ Day, 429, 431, 434, 446, 447, deacon of London Tabernacle 453, 457 Congregation, 416 Allgemeiner Studentenausschuss, 260 Audoin-Rouzeau, Ste´phane, 233, 443, Alsace-Lorraine, 302 473, 474 Althaus, Paul, 395 Aulard, Alphonse, 261 Althoff, Friedrich, 238 Austerity, moral, in wartime, 57, 58, 62 American Independence Day, 292 avant-garde, 15 Americans, arrival of in Paris, 93 avenue Richard Wagner, name removed, 72 shock of, at seeing interracial couples in Paris, 94 Babelsberg film studios, 478 racial prejudice among, 95 Baden, 381 Amette, Cardinal, Le´on Adolphe, 419, Baden Wu¨rttemberg, 380 421, 424 Baeck, Rabbi Leo, 407 Andler, Charles, 276 Balfour Declaration, 411 Annamites, 95 Ball, Hugo, 17 anti-alien sentiment, in Berlin Ballet Russe, 16 classrooms, 208 banlieu rouge, 470, 479 in England, riots, 294, 297, 297, 309, 410 Banqueting House, London, 168 anti-clericalism, 389 baptized, proportion of population, in Anti-German Union, 294 London, 384, 388 anti-Semitism, 412 Barker, Ernest, 134, 140 in London, 82, 175, 254, 410 Barnes, George, 149 in Berlin, 82, 96, 126, 249, 408 Barre`s, Maurice, 275, 413 in Paris, 102, 414 Bastien-Lepage, Jules, 86 528 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87043-6 - Capital Cities at War: Paris, London, Berlin 1914-1919, Volume 2 Edited by Jay Winter and Jean-Louis Robert Index More information Index 529 Bastille Day, 291, 292, 299, 382 Tiergarten, 3, 301, 341 Battle of the Somme, 128, 129, 136 Unter den Linden, 4, 15, 28, 59, 237, Baudelaire, Charles, 479 280, 452 Baudrillart, Alfred, 398, 420 Zoologischer Garten, 145 Bavaria, 380 Berlin, U-Bahn, 26, 27 Bazhor, Charles, 118 Berliner Lokal-Anzieger, 147 Beauchamp, Lord, 372 Berliner Morgenpost, 29 Becker, Annette, 473, 474 Berliner Zeitung, 315, 316 Becker, Jean-Jacques, 287 Bermondsey Borough Council, 197 Bedford College, London, 270 Bernhardi, Friedrich von, 202 Behne, Adolf, 179 Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von 288 Behrens, Peter, 156 Beveridge, William, 257 Bei Unseren Helden an der Somme, 128 Bibliothek fu¨r Zeitgeschichte, 163 Belfort lion, 72 Bibliothe`que de documentation internationale Belgian and Serbian Children’s Clothing contemporaine, 163, 470 Fund, 213 Bieder, Margaret, 260 Benedict XV, 391 ‘Big Bertha’, 78 Benjamin, Walter, 164, 479 Birmingham, 159 Bennett, Edith, 46, 321, 327, 329, 342, Birrell, August, 295 345, 346, 401 births, outside marriage, 322 Bergson, Henri, 269 rate, 326 Berlin, districts and suburbs of, total, 323 Blankenfelde, 221 Bismarck, Otto von, 127, 154, 281, 390, 407 Charlottenburg, 156, 190, 191 Princess Bismarck, 157 Friedrichshagen, 157 Bixschoote, 351, 352 Lichtenberg, 101, 156 black market, 100 Neuko¨lln, 157 in coal, 100 Prenzlauer Berg, 209 blackout, in Paris, 69 Scho¨neberg, 54, 156, 222 in London, lifting of, 307 Steglitz, 454 Blanche, J.-E., 432, 449 Tempelhof, 454 Blatchford, Robert, 385 Weißensee, 326, 338, 341 Bloch, Marc, 475 Wilmersdorf, 156, 190, 191 Blockade, Allied, 415 Berlin Oriental Institute, 270 Blue Cross, 32 Berlin power company, 69 Board of Education (English), 190, 197, Berlin Secession, 163, 179, 180, 181 199, 203, 221, 224 Free Secession, 179, 181, 184 Board of Trade (British), 247 Berlin, palaces, royal, 145 boat-omnibus, in Paris, 62 Kronprinzenpalais, 145 Bode, Wilhelm von, 182 Berlin, S-Bahn, 26 bodies, absence of, 428, 431 Berlin, streets, avenues, and public places, Boer war (1899–1902), 286 Alexanderplatz, 290, 389 bombardment of cities, 7, 65, 69, 70, 75, Friedrichstraße, 69, 93, 117, 123 78, 79, 101, 102, 104, 222, 224, 225, Invalidenstraße, 246 226, 290, 312, 346, 420, 473 Ko¨nigsplatz, 154, 155, 161, 166, Blitz, 223, 225 186, 390 number of victims of, 77 Kopenhagener Straße, 209 war memorials to victims of, 445 Kurfu¨rstendamm, 163, 181, 184 at Belleville, 450 Lustgarten, 301 Boulevard Ney, 453 Pariser Platz, 180, 181 church of St Gervais, 453 Parochialstraße, 165 Port-Royal maternity hospital, 453 Platz der Republik, 162 Pe`re Lachaise cemetery, 453 Potsdamer Platz, 3, 60, 69 rue des Marais, 453 Potsdamer Straße, 164, 203 rue Pelleport, 453 Siegesallee, 145, 166, 168 quai de Se`vres, 453 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87043-6 - Capital Cities at War: Paris, London, Berlin 1914-1919, Volume 2 Edited by Jay Winter and Jean-Louis Robert Index More information 530 Index Bonar Law, Andrew, 159 Castelnau, General Noe¨l de, 435, 436 Borchard Gallery, Berlin, 18 Catholic Women’s League, 33 Bordeaux, 30, 59, 349 Catulle-Mende`s, Jane, 460 Bordes, M., of hygiene council, 40 Catulle-Mende`s, Primice, 443 Bo¨rsenverein, 477 Cauer, Emil, 439 Bourdieu, Pierre, 476 Cavell, Edith, 151, 169, 473 Bourse de travail, 291, 302 Ce´line, Louis Ferdinand, 366 Boussac, Elizabeth, 80 cemeteries, 7, 9, 13 Boussac, Marie-Joseph, 41, 74, 79 adopted by civilians, 433 Bowley, Arthur, 256 funerary chapel, 434 Boy Scouts, 220 military sections, 434 Boym, Svetlana, 11, 12, 13 Mourmelon, 444 Brandenburg, 100 symbolic, 429 Brest, 302 in Berlin, Friedrichsfelde, 278, 430 Briand, Marcel, 368, 378 Garnisonsfriedhof, 430, 451 Brighton, 34 Hasenheide, 447 Briot, Maurice, 437 Invalidenfriedhof, 439 British Empire Union, 296, 297, 298 Neuer Friedhof, Wannsee, 440 British Expeditionary Force, 34, 36 Nikolassee, 441 British Legion, 227 Stahnsdorf, 438 poppy factory, 464 in London, Brompton, 440 British War Memorials Committee, 54, 176 Manor Park, 228 British Workers League (BWL), 298, 299 Richmond, 445 Brittain, Edward, 344 in Paris, Auteuil, 442 Brittain, Vera, 46, 344, 345 Bagneux, 430, 434, 446, 447 Brussels, 31 Grenelle, 440, 443 Brutalization, of civilians and soldiers in Ivry, 447 wartime, 138, 139 Montparnasse, 441, 444 Buber, Martin, 408, 414 Pantin, 430, 447 Bumm, Ernst, 260 Passy, 440, 441, 443 Burgfrieden, 284, 288, 290 Pe`re Lachaise, 441, 442, 447, 449, 450, burial, Christian, proportion of population 451, 465 given, in London, 384 Saint-Ouen, 430 Burkhardt-Oldenburg, Professor, 55 Vaugirard, 430, 438 Burlington House, 167, 175 Mont-Vale´rian, 430 Burrows, Ronald, 248, 251, 252, 254, 266, Cendrars, Blaise, 465 267, 276 Cenotaph, 169, 429, 452, 455, 460, 461, Buxton, Dorothy, 415 462, 464, 476, 477, 480 Notes from the Foreign Press, 415 censorship, 127, 328, 343 Central Institute for Education and Cabaret Voltaire, 17 Teaching (Berlin), 230 Cachin, Marcel, 89 Central School of Art, London, 53 Cafe´Barbotte, 47 Centre for Islamic Friendship, 94 cafe´-concert, 106, 113, 118, 140 Certeau, Michel de, 6, 7, 14, 58 Calvino, Italo, 480 Chamber of Deputies, French, 30 Cambrai, Battle of (1917), 419 Chamberlain, Austin, 414 camouflage, 103 Chancerel, Le´on, 119 Campbell, Col. J.V., 168 Chanson des dix jours, 119 Camus, Albert, 347 Chaplin, Charlie, 2, 119, 134, 473 Canadian War Records Office, 176 in Shoulder Arms, 473 Cantine des deux drapeaux, 40 Charenton, asylum at, where the Marquis Carion, Christian, 480 de Sade had been held, 366 Carrier-Belleuse, Pierre, 151 Charlet-Rejhal, Maurice, 442 Carroll, Lewis, 15 Charpentier, Gustave, 151 Cassirer, Paul, 181 Chaˆteau-Thierry, Battle of, 441 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87043-6 - Capital Cities at War: Paris, London, Berlin 1914-1919, Volume 2 Edited by Jay Winter and Jean-Louis Robert Index More information Index 531 children, malnutrition of in Berlin, 345 coal, shortage of, in Berlin, 69 Christadelphians, 416 in Paris, 62, 101 Christian socialism, 389, 424 in London, 64 Christie’s, 174 Cockneys, 3 Christmas, 326 Cocteau, Jean, 16 wartime celebrations of, 326, 327, 345 Colle`ge de France, 236, 272 Christophe, Victor, 37, 324 Collie, John, 377 church attendance, in Berlin, 390 Coltman (ne´e Todd), Constance Mary, 425 London, 383 Columbia Record Company, 132, 133 decoupling from middle-class Comite´du Nord, 47 respectability, 389 Communist party, German, 300, 475 church bells, 419 commuters, 24 celebrate victory at Cambray, 419 Compie`gne, Chateau de, 148 melted down in Berlin, 419, 426 Confe´de´ration du Travail (CGT), 304, 305, sound all clear in Paris, 419 306, 312 Church of England, 464 Connelly, Mark, 455 churches, 5, 7 Conrad, M. G., 138 in Berlin, Berlin Cathedral (Dom), Conscientious Objection, 416 387, 436 conscription, in Britain, 317, 319, 416 Sankt-Annen-Kirchhof, Dahlem, 440 in France, exemption from, 320 in London, Brompton Oratory, 386 Conseil
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